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ShadowWolf's Streaming - Cities: Skylines Derpery (Maybe)


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
So, finally managed to get something to stream without crashing earlier, and thought I'd try it again after I've slept.

Planning on trying to play SimCity Societies: Destinations. Will be doing a Free Play map, with no Landmarks.

So, the question is (Assuming anyone gives a flying rat-fuck) what kind of city would people like to see?

Options are:









Also, I'll probably see if I can get a Skype channel tied in as well, so people can hear me make random comments, or alert when the shift from Normal to the chosen style occurs. If someone wants to hop in to help monitor the Twitch chat and relay any requests, let me know, and I'll try to work something out.

If there's a vote-lock on style, I'll just randomly select one.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - SCS:D planned

Make it haunted, it sounds interesting.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - SCS:D planned

Okay, I think it's working now. No audio from me, but...

EDIT: Down momentarily, first attempt was borked.

EDIT2: Back up, hopefully.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - SCS:D planned

Stream's over.

For those that missed it: *DELETED*

There's a bit between me and Caulder at the start, but it cuts out because I forgot to turn on Skype sourcing. Decided to end with disaster spamming to lay waste to my creepy creation.

If I do another SCS stream, I'll probably end the same way.

EDIT: After having a random thought, there's going to be a second SCS stream. I'll be building a Fun City, then using Building Options to instigate a comedic "Mimes versus Clowns" battle.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - SCS:D-Mimes vs. Clowns planned

About to start streaming the setup for the brawl.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - SCS:D-Mimes vs. Clowns planned

Game crashed out when I was starting to disaster spam, so that'll be later maybe.

Here's the video for those interested, but missed it: *DELETED*

Apparently, still can't suss out how to voice it.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Star Trek Online shenanigans with Hardware.

About to finish set up on a streaming attempt to show off Star Trek Online a little bit. Been talking about it some in the shoutbox. Hardware'll make an appearance, sort of.

for the derping. Assuming it doesn't just epic fail out.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Sleep-deprived shenanigans planned.

So, due to my body not wanting to let me sleep today... I finally managed to sort out how to be heard while streaming.

In response to the lack of sleep, I'm planning on randomly selecting one of a few games I have for streaming tonight when I'll likely be somewhat sleep-deprived. And therefore, very likely highly amusing.

Possible game options:

-Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, Revelations DLC
-Star Trek Online
-Borderlands 2
-Darksiders 2

Note that, with the exception of STO, I'll likely wind up using some manner of invulnerability cheat at the least, mostly to add extra options for random commentary from me.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Sleep-deprived shenanigans planned.

Heard LoS 2 is crap. Is that true?
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Sleep-deprived shenanigans planned.

I don't think so... But then again, I didn't go into the game expecting to pull off the stuff from the cinematic trailer, either. I also accepted that there might be a bit of de-powering from the tutorial section to the main game, especially since I knew about the post-credits bit from the first game. Admittedly, I haven't gotten to the two later stealth sequences, which I've heard were some of the points of contention on the game, so my opinion might change.

Also, I'd be playing the expansion, which plays a bit differently from the main game.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Shenanigans.

Tried LoS2 for a bit. Video for the stream locked up. So, I'll be running STO instead.

Also, managed to get a bit of sleep this evening after supper, so I'm not going to be totally sleep-deprived. I'll still try to make this somewhat amusing, though.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Shenanigans.

STO stream ended, due to server DCing me.

Here's the recorded video: (Video expired)

Think I'm done trying to stream, at least for a bit. Not having much luck tonight.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Shenanigans.

More STO stuff...

Did a bit of derping around to try to show off one of the special ships available to Romulan players: The Scimitar-class Dreadnaught.

(Video Expired.)
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Shenanigans.

More STO, with one of the Scimitar variants. Includes a couple uses of what got called the "Wing Fart Attack" in the Twitch chat: (Video Expired.)
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Shenanigans.

Only complaint I can see was maybe the need to turn down the ingame volume if you wish for mic to be heard more, but otherwise all seemed gold :D
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - More STO Shenanigans.

Whelp, planning on another pass of STO streaming, even though there may be some people getting tired of hearing about the game.

As for content plans, I'm either going to derp around with my Starfleet "torpedo boat", or I may run through some of the tutorial stuff, showing that off. As of this posting, there's three "storylines": Starfleet, the Klingon Defense Force, or the Romulan Republic (Cryptic created the Republic as a sort of seperatist faction of Romulans trying to break away from the Romulan Star Empire and the Tal Shiar.) ((Which probably means jackshit to most folks on the forum...))
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - More STO Shenanigans.

You should try out Town of Salem. I'd watch that.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - More STO Shenanigans.

Problem with that is, those kinds of games don't really interest me... Therefore, I can pretty much guarantee that it'd be more fun to watch paint dry or grass grow than watch me basically ignore the game in progress.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - More STO Shenanigans.

Whelp, won't be doing an STO stream for a while now. Sound fix causes the game to lag horrifically.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming Crap - Empty ALL the Clips!

So, may end up streaming when I'm up tonight. Due to a hardware problem, STO is either no sound or dial-up lagginess, so not doing that this time.

Considering Borderlands 2. I'll probably be playing like a boss, unless someone else hops in, but will see.