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Shadows over Rosemont

Re: Shadows over Rosemont


Edoras dreams were at first oddly mixed, her playing chess with Melana, only to have her dark knight frown at her, as Edora realized, with the sudden clarity of dreams, that she had performed an illegal move.. she was certain she hadn't but...

The absurd dream melted away, only to have her dream of being in the rain again, annoying rain.. no.. it was under a waterfall, a beautiful pond she and Melana had passed by earlier in their adventures, the water running down her naked body, wet and warm, it felt really nice, infact, she wanted to lean back and relax.

The dreams shifted again, Edora leaning back, completely naked this time, watching Melana approach her, Edora knew this was a dream because what little the moonlight showed of Melanas expression showed that she herself was most certainly asleep, smiling a calm, serene smile as compared to her normal stoic expression as she crawled up in between Edoras legs, her warm, wet tongue slipping through the nobles outer lips, resting upon her clit, before her knight slowly, warmly, sensually licked along her folds, slow, warm and sensual, dipping into her from time to time, playing over her clit, but only slowly letting her pleasure grow higher, kissing and lapping up all her desires nectar, the dream growing more fuzzy as Edoras orgasm neared, with her bodyguard dutifully lapping away at her...

And she awoke, the first mornings sunbeams warming her face, her underwear in place, Melana calmly asleep by her side (If stirring soon after her, the knight was a light sleeper). Melana had one arm half resting upon Edoras waist, in a posture that was likely accidential, but almost felt protective in a good way, moreso as Edora felt refreshed and relaxed.. a bedroll in the wildernis couldn't beat a proper, comfortable bed and this Inn was actually not too shabby for something this far out.

A glance outside hinted that at least for now there'd be no rain like yesterday, though the issue of a lack of horses remained. A coach usually traveled from one great city to another, if Edora was willing to wait, though the coach wasn't always on time as well. Of course she could ask for a horse,.. she wouldn't even need to pay, unless she wanted to remain incognito. Her name alone could easily borrow a horse for free.
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


Edora drifted along in her dreams, getting progressively more pleasant until the moment when she awoke to find her bodyguard draping an arm across her waist. She inspected Melana's face, trying to see if there were any tell-tale signs of transmutation or corruption.

Satisfied she saw neither, Edora yawned, stretched and then dressed herself in her some nice-looking noble's clothes. Then she set about talking to the innkeeper. She skipped the idea of taking a carriage. They still had her horse. All they needed was a spare steed.

"My name is Edora Rosemont. The county treasury will compensate you generously if you can lend me the use of a horse. It will be returned to you with payment after two days."

Though her name could demand a steed without payment, Edora respected the fairness of the law. Neither she or her father would stand for a deal that would weaken the economy of one of its taxpaying, business owners.
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


Melana looked wicked, battled hardened, yet not without beauty.. in other words, her usual safe.

The Innkeeper

Raised a brow then smiled. "Wait, aren't you the wit... wizard that helped drive off that.. creature in the night as well? Certainly I will provide you with a horse, out of gratitude for saving Melda and .. everyones hide...

Is what I'd normally be saying. I'm afraid that the creature, whatever it was, first attacked the horse-stable. My son Lutz is, right now following the hooftracks and hopefully, will bring them back.. but first, I have to as.. err request you be patient your highness..."
he mumbled, mixing up titles in his worry. "How about a meal on the house first then!"

If Edora asked to pursue the horses herself, she'd learn that Lutz had gone aheas almost half an hour ago, so it might end up being a wait for time.. plus, breakfast sonded tempting..

A simple soup, served by the barkeeper himself(The maid was a little shocked still, it seemed), for her and a re-armored Melana would do, an eating during which Melana remained mostly silent, only noting: "What I.. said.. yesterday, some of these things.. were uncouth. I trust you keep your secrecy about them." She nodded.

It took a bit over twenty minutes for Lutz to return, with your horse and the Innkeepers own best steed(nothing too impressive, but it would do) For Melana, and in the late morning, you were back on the street.


The road to Auralis city, centre of the Rosemond county was, for lack of a better description, beautiful. Near the capital few creatures dared to go, as Edoras father had some militia-man patroul and keep the peace in the area that was closer to his original, small barony. No rainclouds on the sky could ruin the mood as you rode all morning, closing in on Aggra-village, a small village, just before Auralis city, founded by a few people tired of the larger city and attracted by the beautifully clean, natural springwater. The street ahead was clear, except for a lone rider, carrying a banner with the arrow of Rosemond upon it behind his steed. Whilest at first he didn't slow down, in reaching you, he pulled on his horse strongly, before dismounting, almost falling in doing so and dropping deep to his knees.

"A great honor to meet you and so swiftly too!" The generic looking messenger with short brown hair and a small mustache shouted, remaining bowed low. "I am sent out to all provinces, but my first task is now fulfilled, Let it be known that, yesterday by the dawn of mirkas the seventh, fifteen years after the dark army has been defeated, the honored Count Rosemont has passed away peacefully. Hail Countess Edora Rosemont, first and named heir to the county." The messenger intonated with reverence.

"May I be so bold as to request you make haste to the counts estate, if you hadn't already, to claim your right." The man remained bowed low. Edora suspected he would, until told otherwise. Melana merely observed this, silent, but with a half raised eyebrow, a sideglance towards Edora for whom she perhaps felt a little different after last nights... adventure.
Re: Shadows over Rosemont

Without any other option, Edora waited patiently in the inn, and had breakfast as it was served to her by the innkeeper. She nodded to Melana's request for discretion about what had been said last night.

"Think nothing of it, Melana. I would prefer to keep such things private as well."

Once Lutz had returned with the horses, Edora was mildly pleased, as she had begun to fear that her horse had been killed in the ruckus last night after running out into the night.

Hours later, they were reaching the outskirts of Auralis City, to the picturesque Aggra-Village, when the mustachio'd messenger arrived and promptly knelt in front of her horse, surprising her with his quickly delivered message.

Perhaps it was the emotionless way the man had said the news or that he had no hesitance or consciousness in his mind of the effect this message might have on her that Edora sat back in her saddle and gestured to him to ride on.

"Your message... is delivered. Be on your way then." She said quietly and rode on slowly, looking down past her horse's head, staring blankly at the road in front of her. Somehow, she'd never thought that she wouldn't make it back in time to see her father again, or to find a spell to heal him. Where had the clerics been? Where were the healers? The spells to neutralize poisons? To cure diseases? How had the fools not stopped this?

Hot tears dripped down the Countess' face, and that they showed irritated and frustrated her more.

"Bloody... bloody... hells." She sniffed, and drew herself up, closing her eyes and rubbing them. Then she looked around at the village, seeing trees and flowers and pretty birds fly by.

"And now this place is ruined for me. That fucking asshole of a messenger... as if he might as well have been telling me the price of eggs has gone up in the market. Fucking fuck..."

She searched her pack for a handkerchief, but failed to find one and so covered her eyes and sobbed quietly as her horse trotted forward.

"Ah me... I'll be all right. I just had to get this out..." She said after a while. "I must look stupid and weak. I didn't think it would have hit me this hard. He is... was my father. I loved him. Ah dear... ah dear..."

The rest of the way back would be quiet, and neither in haste nor slow, but simply plodding onward to a home that would never again hold her father's understanding, sympathetic smile, or the waft of his pipesmoke, or the sound of his unique laughter at simple wordplay humor. She was struggling with loss in the typical fashion, she knew, but Edora couldn't help her grief. It was real, and she had to go through it.

She managed to get a grip within 15 minutes and wore a stoic mask for the rest of the ride, until they reached the walls of her estate, where the banner of the red arrow and rose across the single chevron displayed her family crest. Along the way, she cleared her throat and addressed the black knight.

"What would you require to remain on as my personal retainer? We should get the details of that sorted before we get home. I don't trust all within my household."
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


Melana had nodded, with just a hint of a blush, seeming to approve of Edoras secrecy.

"Of course M... Countess." He nodded, standing up and doing as ordered, riding on, whilest Melana looked over to her travel companion.. but remained silent, unless spoken to. She had the courtesy not to ask Edora foolish questions like 'Are you alright?' She also didn't say things like 'I'm sorry' .. because that would be a lie. Edoras father had paid her, little more.

Melana exhaled heavily, fishing in her own little backpack, presenting Edora with.. more of a rag than a tissue. It smelt ever so slightly of Melana and armor-oil, but was relatively clean. "I .. would not say so. It is only natural to feel miserable about losing people important to us. I.. avoid these feelings by avoiding to tie myself down like that. Do not expect gentle advice of me, but if I were to make a suggestion, I'd say try to look to the future. And think about what this means. Your father, dying so fast, despite, I am certain, the efforts of the church must mean someone wanted him dead. Only powerful poisons or curses can act this fast.. and that makes it easier to track them. Everyone can purchase a little sleeping powder at a crooked pharmacist, but things so potent could leave a trail." She suggested.

After a few more minutes Melana nodded. "Good, I can barely see how you feel about the news you recieved.. You will have to continue maintaining this apperance in public. This will be a hard day for you." It was, obviously, no problem passing through the city-gates and, although some of Auralis City recognized the newly named Countess, the ride through the streets was like a strange dream. The cityguard, also functioning as a militia at Edoras command, saluted, and Edora noticed her estates crest hanging at half mast. The messenger hadn't been lying it seemed.

"My duty to you has ended, with you returning safely to your estate and your fathers demise." Melana stated, matter of factly, then sighed. "You wish to do this now? I admit, the estates servants seem gossipey, but I didn't think any of them had what it took to be an accomplice to these things..

Alright then. While I respect you and your discretion, I serve loyally, but for coin, not fealty."
Melana mused. "You know of my competency, though.. I can also respect your abilities in combat after what I've seen... hrmnn, I kind of wanted to ask for a large payment increase, after all, I've proven myself, and now that I know your spells and combat tactics, I'd be quite valuable to whoever was your enemy and hiering. Furthermore, theres a difference between a counts daughter, and a countess, who could be the target of an assasine soon. So what is the price for the risk for my own life, in keeping you safe?" She mused, looking at Edora.

(Charisma check, could try persuasion if desired.)
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


[Persuasion Roll = 12]

Edora nodded, letting Melana's advice affect her viewpoint.

"You're right, of course. The past is in the past. The future is what is important. And I have a role in it. I will be less effective if I'm letting my emotions get the best of me."

Steeling the hurt inside of her, Edora put on a more regal face and rode through the city streets towards the palace, considering the ways she would pursue her father's killers.

"I will track down the method in which my father was killed, that is for certain. Justice will prevail. And I will solidify my grip on this land too. Whoever thought they were weakening the Rosemonts by assassinating my father has made a dire miscalculation."

The anger felt good, and it helped to temper her heart. She savored it and used it to keep herself focused.

"Yes, I will arrange a new deal now, so that you are not kept in limbo and I am not without a bodyguard. However, if what I can offer you is not to your liking I advise you not to enter the employ of my enemies. I do not intend to be merciful to them or any who take their coin. So. Without sentiment, I will offer double what the current payment is, on the assumption that your loyalty is non-negotiable and no counter offers from other parties will be considered. On top of this, rewards for excellence in service and acts of continued devotion to myself and my Household will be offered in the form of arcane augmentation. You know my work - my pursuit of magical artifacts will not be impeded by statecraft. I intend to lead through wise delegation and not slouch in increasing my personal power and spellcraft. Become my personal bodyguard, and I will see that you are equipped preferentially beyond all other servants."

She raised a hand as if to ward off an objection.

"I understand if you hesitate. Promises are the wind, in your business after all. But you have seen my capability and know my calling. This deal is mutually beneficial, and we are each of us investing in the success of the other. What better foundation to build trust upon?"

She looked to Melana and waited for a reply. She did not know if her offer was enough, but she hoped that doubling the pay was considerable enough to not be offensive.

"At the very least, you would be living in what luxury this land can afford, share my meals, be respected among the court, and have not inconsiderable influence among my guards. There are ways to benefit from this as well. And if you have a particular request or some personal interests you wish me to help you access, I am amenable to such things."
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


"Yes." Melana nodded. "Take it from one who .. as you now know, hides a lot of her.. outlooks deep down. Sometimes you need to smile with rage." She recommended. As Edora proclaimed her intent, Melanas lips shifted into a thin, not overly kind, but quite genuine looking smile. "Thats the spirit of a proper ruler. You can mourn you father after your vengeance." She encouraged.

"Arcane augmentation. You do know that some of the church frown heavily upon this, theres a thin border between augmentation and fleshcrafting after all..

I like it."
She smirked on. "Hmnn.." She grew silent, as she always did, when things were serious, considering the offer throughoutly for a long moment. "I accept. No conspiering with your enemies, services continued as is, a healthy price for a bodyguard and what will benefit both you and me.. power.
As for personal request, you spoke about being able to acess the scriptures I found in the past. It may not be that easy, the church keeps more locked up than they'll ever publically admit.. but... it would not be either of our disadvantage if I could get my hand upon the scriptures, sadly I know little more than what you already learned.
Either way, so be it. I will serve you loyally, Countess Edora Rosemont, through storm and calm, through servitude and dominion. Only if you fail yourself will I abandon my duty, beyond that I do not intend to abandon it. My word binds me.. though we can shake hands on it later if you prefer"
Melana nodded, then dismounted, for they had arrived at the mansion. Andor the Stablehand stepping out to take your horses, likely having heard their hoves on the cobblestones approaching.


"Ah, the young mistress, oh dear oh dear." He mumbled, "So sorry my dear.. its best you hurry inside, theres all kind of high up folks there, this place is packed full, any more I'll have to put the horses on the roof...

Hold on, that isn't Bertha, is it?"
He looked at Melanas horse. "It is not, I guess Lady Rosemont will have a messenger take the horseback to the Old Travelers Inn." "Aye, right, but what of me Bertha? Fine horse she was.." "We are in a hurry.. Berthas.. tale.. I shall tell you later." Melana said, with very well hidden annoyance, nodding on towards the estate.


The Rosemont Estate was far from a fortress, Edoras father wouldn't have it that way, it looked more like an overgrown family house, with a training area behind it, a stuy to the left, and a large entrance hall. It housed a standing militia of thirty(the minimum for a county, in addition to the cityguard and reserves, about a tenth of the county military might, though some of them veterans of the demon-wars and thus worth a dozen young recruits), two of which were currently standing guard at the entrance, trying and somewhat failing in looking their best and as official as possible, apparently there really were guests, little suprise there.

As soon as Edora approached, Melana a proper respectful step behind her, the Guards saluted, then one subtly glanced at the other, and tried to salute a little harder.
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


Edora did not smile, but her face masked her sorrow and her anger well enough to put an approving smile on Melana's face. She didn't feel that she required the paladin's encouragement, but she accepted in nonetheless. Her reaction had apparently put Melana in a good mood. Edora still felt like she needed to vent these emotions elsewhere. She didn't want to mourn, she wanted to kill those responsible, and if she couldn't do that, she wanted to do other things... physical things. She glanced at Melana once again, remembering the way the woman had been last night, when it might have been quite easy to take advantage of her.

Edora had never been one to see the point in ignoring beauty and attractiveness in either gender. She quite enjoyed the idea of ravishing - or being ravished by - both men and women. And right now, such pursuits would take the edge off of her pain, let it be dulled for some time. Melana's commentary on her augmentation and fleshcrafting brought her round to the present and out of her daydream.

"I'm glad you like it. I do not ask permission from the church to expand my powers of transmutation," she said, then spoke on about resigning the fighter as her bodyguard. It seemed that she had offered what Melana wanted, and so there was no haggling or hesitance. The quick affirmative response made Edora smile, for she was glad that the dark haired woman would be staying close to her for the time being.

"If the church's scriptures would be useful in our hands, then I can work towards acquiring them for you. However, that will require you telling me in more detail what it is that you'd like me to get, and what exactly was on that page you told me about."

She grinned at Melana.

"Which means that for me at least, you'll have to loosen your tongue. Don't worry, there are ways I can help you practice that.~"

The pair of them dismounted at the stables and she was approached by Andor, the old stablehand.

"I mean to hurry, Andor, but I am not a young girl anymore. I am a mage and now a Countess. It would be inappropriate for you to speak to me as if I were still a child."

She was not above talking to servants, and Andor had known her since she was an infant, but he did speak overly familiar with her, given his station. She needed to be seen as an independent and proper noble, not as some coddled girl newly thrust into a position of power.

"We were attacked, Andor. Dear Bertha did not survive the encounter. She was a good horse, a lovely one in fact. I will not have our stables be without one like her. We will arrange for payment to the Innkeeper for this horse and we shall endeavor to find a good replacement for you to care for. But at this moment, I must attend to my father and the estate."

The new countess walked onward, with Melana by her side. The guards' lack of professionalism was disconcerting. Why would father have ever let such lax men into his service? He had been a proper soldier, he knew what it took to have good men doing their duty and executing their tasks properly. If even Edora could see their poor salute, she could only imagine their combat prowess would echo such dismal output.

"This place is vulnerable, isn't it? My father left himself open. I will need someone competent to retrain my men, or find people who take pride in their work. Everywhere I look, I see the price of victory and peace. You see it too, no doubt. Things will change, Melana. I want you to help me change it."

She spoke only to the woman after they had passed by the guards and were out of earshot. True, Melana was a servant as well, but she was one that being familiar with was actually worthwhile, given how effective she was.

Once inside, she sought out the likely meeting place for her father's majordomo. That would be where the people of note would be waiting. She needed to quickly arrange for the body to be sequestered into a place where she could personally study it. She didn't want it on public display for everyone to see. In her mind, a crime had been committed - treason - and she would have little patience for people trying to fawn over the new ruler and curry her favor on trivial matters. However, it may be that there were some important visitors to deal with, so it was best to get that started.
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


Melana had hard cheekbones, accentuating her usual serious expression, but that most certainly did not mean she was without feminine beauty... beneath her quite literal hard and armored shell. Her body was athletic without being unattractively muscular, Edora had seen that. She might wonder what the dark knight could be capable off if properly.. encouraged, or invited in. One way or the other, if Edora did not establish any relationship Melana might.. even if it be as her.. servant.

"Good." Said Melana, again with that smile that wasn't filled with friendlyness, but genuine. ".. perhaps I shall tell you more, very well, but.. in privacy, with absolute certainty of no prying ears, for both our benefits." She nodded, then raised half a brow at Edoras cheeky-teasing remark, though there was at least no negative reaction to that either.

"Eh eh, I guess . what happened got you all worried up.. countess." Andor shrugged. "None of this old mans business, I figure. I ain't no powerful mage or cont, just concerned for me horseys.. Hmnn? good replacement? I guess I'll see what I can do." As they wandered on, Melana agreed.

"I agree. Your fathers army is about a third veterans that hope for no more wars to come and one third recruits, considering themselfs proud that they figured out where to stick the sharp end. Only a few go out and deal with the threats of this world, many think a demonic beast appearing or a werwolf attacking is part of the inquisitions duty." The knight pondered. "I can't train them and be by your side. The Majordomo would make for a fine trainer.. but you likely need him to handle this places worry. Perhaps we can find a suited trainer out there, but it'd be hard to find one that not loyal to one side or another.. perhaps you might have to chose. I could think of one option but it would.. change things around here..." Melana mused.

You enter the main hall, but before you can rush on, Sir Vincent Ascarten rushes up at you, putting a heavy hand on your shoulder:


"Ed.. Countess.." He withdrew his hand for a moment, clearing his throat. "Thank the angels you are here.. I.." he sighed, lowering his had. "There are three people here to see you, but! First you ought to pay respects to your father. It's your right. No objections. Those paper pushers with their annoying demands can wait." He quickly and with a determined step lead you along to a corridor going off to the right, towards.. the wine cellar, the coldest place, in the house, you quckly realized, a gesture of his easily shooing away one of the maids. Melana took post by the side of the cellars entrance, unless ordered to come along. Vincent did the same, after a concerned look, to ensure you were alright. "Take as long as you need." "Yet be wary of keeping certain people waiting."

Your father.. looked a lot like he did in life, his empty eyes looking nowhere eyes gentle.. yet tired.

He wasn't alone. There was one priestess in shiny garments, hands crossed, mumbling some sort of prayer over his body, adjusting clothing and jewelry, her expression devout, concentrated on her task.

"'Tis enough, Bishop Amelia." Said another voice. On first glance, Edora hadn't even noticed the woman. She had an.. about her, looking annoyedly at the bishop that rushed off at her command.. so what rank would that make her?

"I'm certain thee wish to be undisturbed in this moment." The dark haired beauty nodded. Her chest was almost too revealingly on display with a cut out of the holy symbol of the church.. lewder tongues would claim this was intentional. She had a calm, commanding presence about herself and wielded a large staff, that seemed more designed as walking aid than as weapon. "We were preparing the Counts body for the eternal sleep. You of course, may interrupt. Countess Rosemont.. I would bow, but it is feared, the frailty of my body would make this an ordeal.. My sincerest condolences, for your loss." The Priestess nodded, leaning on the staff with one hand, keeping a calm, powerful gaze held on Edora, not deparing yet though, despite making the lesser priestess do so.. was this a power struggle?

"As new countess, of this land, you will face many decisions. The healers have examined your father, there is suspicion of poison. If that be true, others might now come for you. You will need.. strong allies." She said that, with calm, well trained emphasis.
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


Edora was well pleased with how her personal knight bodyguard looked and had some ideas about how she might see that athletic frame once more, and perhaps get to know the dark haired woman on a more personal basis.

The promise to tell Edora more of the lore which she had been exposed to interested the Countess academically as well increasing the feeling of mystery around the dark knight and her conflict with the church.

While she was pleased that her tactical assessment of her household was on the mark, it annoyed her to realise just how much the household guard, militia, and potential levies would need to be retrained. She would need to change the culture of her desmene. There were legitimate dangers to be considered and she did not want to have to rely on the church alone to provide men at arms against the darkness. Edora desired independence and the truth of her own rule.

"You will remain my bodyguard. I can speak with the men in the guard that I trust and find worthwhile leaders who can delegate the task of restructuring. We need to have loyal and independent fighters to defend the land. You can tell me your private thoughts at a later time, when it's safe to speak openly."

She went through the doors and entered the household, walking down the familiar halls until the majordomo found her.

"Vincent. It is good to see you again. You need not coddle me, I have heard the news and I have had my moments of distress. I will say my goodbyes to father, and then I will need to speak to yourself and all members of the staff and militia, as well as the burgomeisters and local clergy. I must meet with all of them and determine policy."

As the long time, loyal man was of the same mind in this, she simply walked to where her father's body was being prepared and there encountered the Bishop Amelia and a strange, unnamed woman who it seemed had no business truly being here for the moment. Something about the way she seemed to be challenging her already annoyed her.

"If you are so certain that I wish to remain undisturbed in this moment, then allow me to mourn, rather than impose yourself and your purpose upon me without mentioning even your name. I am not ungrateful for the efforts of the church, but this can and should wait. I will attend to your business soon."

She nodded at what she thought was appropriate for someone who could order a bishop around. Her eyes went down, her head fell far enough forward that her golden locks slipped past the front of her chin.

"I am aware of the potential poisoning of my father. The speed of his illness and the inability to tend to him even in this city of learning and with access to priestesses and bishops with the power of healing leaves little doubt in my mind that there is a hidden enemy. I am not an ignorant socialite however. I have studied at the Nephalia Academy, and I intend to conduct a personal autopsy. Your healers may assist, but I shall be calling in my own team, and I would prefer my father's body to not be further touched. When the time is right, I will rely on strong allies to seek justice and what is best for my realm - and my people."

After looking at her father when alone at last, she would begin a rudimentary examination of the body, taking out her papers and her ink and normal quills and begin to take down information. She considered using the quill of answering, but it would be best to gather information first the old fashioned way before then using the quill to advance the investigation in the best way."

[Investigation check on Father's body = 17+7 = 24]
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


"Understood." Melana had simply nodded, and that was all she needed to say. She had understood and would follow as instructed.


"I wish I had seen you again under different circumstances, Countess.. Edora.." He clearly struggled with the change of titles, looking at Edora almost as if worried to offend her. "You must, but also give yourself a moment to rest. Make calm decisions, let none guide you astray, thats what your father would have wanted." Vincent nodded, trustingly.


"Ah, my apologies." The woman nodded, taking a step forward and leaning on her cane. "I figured thee one of the devote, who'd have recognized me, by word or personal sermon. At the occasion of the danger to the life of one of the rank of thine father, I followed call of his majordomo and traveled all the way from Thraben, only to find myself too late. For this failing, the church of St.Aria begs thine forgiveness, but I cannot cure death. Such magic, only angels wield and even so whatever has ailed your father before might still pursue him afterwards.
I am Vaela Cecani, Lunarch of the newly solidifed church of St.Aria."
So, basically Edora was speaking to the leader of the entire church. That explained the serious presence she had felt. "As for my staying.. excuse this too. I am not.. physically able to hastily depart, as thy see." Her eyes briefly wandered down to the staff.

"But of course, thine wishes shall be respected. The sting on his arm is from a gnat, theres no sign of ingested poisoning, none I can see from the outside and no priest under my command would seek such harm, let me assure thee." The woman remarked, then, leaning on her staff, she stepped out. Something in the way she dragged her right leg a little seemed genuine as she stepped up the stairs, leaving Edora alone. The noble could almost imagine Melana subtly tensing up with the high ranking church members stepping past her.

Alone with her father. The man she had known for, well, all her life. He had been busy, but kind, whenever he had the time. Provided more than enough books for her when he had not. Now he lay there, and with the priests, one of such high rank being with him before, how could Edora possibly find anything they had not? Or find something they had tried to hide?

He looked the same as he had when Edora departed, his body just slightly rigorous. There was indeed a small sting on his arm, reddened, and... nail polish. The thought shot through Edoras head as if it was obvious all the time. She lifted her fathers hand. Not unusual for a woman. Unusual for a man, but not extremly so for a noble. not for one like her father. Of course, only someone knowing him close would even know this.
Edora lifted the fingers of her fathers hand. Yes, almost flesh colored, nearly unnoticeable, as if to hide something? A fishing for a little bottle of solubiant, used to erase writing mistakes with expensive ink, a cloth to rub it off and.. normal fingernail.. normal fingernail... normal fingernail.. bingo!..

A slight cracking, a darkened fingernail. It looked like a nail fungus, yellowed and brittle, with a slight darkening, perhaps covered up to hide any weakness from those doubting his health? But what if it wasn't an infection? Edora cast a light cantrip, illuminating the finger up close... there. Tiny, half healed. A round hole. A poisoned needle. A slow acting poison, perhaps, applied days, if not weeks ago, at first looking like a simple, harmless fungal infection, then a heavy cold, then...
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Re: Shadows over Rosemont


That the Lunarch of the entire Church of Saint Aria should be personally walking about in her father's place of rest was surreal and frankly, disturbing. It begged many questions, and raised further suspicions in her mind.

"I am a busy woman, often involved in my research and expeditions. My devotions are observed on the rare occasions when I am at home or between myself and my private prayers to the Saint - but all too often, I perceive that salvation comes most to those who are willing and able to save themselves."

"I must apologize to you, however. That you came all the way from Thraben, only to receive curt dismissal from me upon our meeting is inexcusable. My only defense is my grief and my determination to see for myself the nature of my father's passing. I will not make your journey here unfruitful, Lunarch Cecani. Allow me time to examine my father, and I shall speak to you at length. I'm sure Vincent has seen to your comforts, and he will continue to do so while you reside here with us."


Her examination was thorough and ultimately revealing. She silently thanked the droning loremasters at the Academy for their knowledge and willingness to teach her the study of the human body. Even if she did suspect they had sought to disgust and dissuade the 'delicate noble woman playing at being a scholar' by immediately exposing her to the innards of rotting corpses; once they had discovered that she was not some feeble and sensitive girl and could in fact handle a dissection with grit, they had followed through on their obligations to teach her their considerate expertise.

So, her father had been poisoned, and the church examiners had missed it - or deliberately covered it up. Her father did not wear nail polish. It would have had to be applied after his death. How had he not noticed the erosion? Or perhaps he had but had not understood the prickling of the needlepoint. She decided that she would need to be careful about who she trusted. She would like to think that the Church itself had no reason to be killing her father - a good man who was not standing in the way of the devout. Or had he? Still too many questions that needed answering. She ensured that the room was locked from the inside and then left the chamber with her father's body, nodding to Melana to follow her. She would approach Vincent then.

"Vincent, I need the room with my father's body to be locked and closed off to all people without my personal approval. I don't want anyone without personal loyalty to this house touching him without my presence. He is a victim of murder. His body should not have been touched at all."

She looked at him meaningfully.

"I will need to speak to the Lunarch. She's come all this way, at your behest apparently, so I'm certain she has things to say to me. Best to receive her in the parlor. Have some wine and food brought. We must not appear ungrateful. I shall need to be cleaned and then dressed appropriately. Have the maids bring warm water and sponges, I don't have time for a proper bath to be drawn."

Moving with Melana up to her personal chambers, Edora stood behind a divider and stripped out of her traveling clothes. Wrapping herself in a sheer robe, she moved to a basin that had been decorated with mountain motifs and shooting stars. Then she waited for the maids to arrive with their soapy water and sponges, which they would clean and scrub her with. Normally, she would have a bath in this basin, but it would take far too long to fill, heat, and bathe, and that would only incense the Lunarch.

Edora didn't mind Melana being able to see her naked, but would not force her to watch. The basin was in a separated part of the room and her bodyguard could choose to stay by the door, out of view. If she did come to watch, Edora would offer a coy smile and a glance to her, but say nothing more about it.

She then had the maids put out a violet dress for her, nothing fancy, but appropriate for receiving guests.


"Melana, are you all right to fulfill your duties while I speak to the Lunarch? Or do you foresee potential difficulties if I have you with me?"

Depending on her answer, she would either ask Melana to be standing behind her in the parlor, or standing just outside of the parlor when she met with the Lunarch. Once she was cleaned and dressed, there was no good in delaying the meeting further, and so she descended the stairs and headed to the parlor, to have a necessary conversation with the leader of the church.
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


"Presuming one can save themselfs." The Lunarch said, polite, observing all manners, but considering when and where they were, her words had a clear hidden blade behind them. "But alas, many have doubted the ability of the divine considering our dire past, I don't blame one who has little contact. Apologize? Oh no, thine eyes have the expression of one that is suprised to see me here. Thine father was a count, and thou shall be a countess. Allthough thine holdings may pale compared to a Voldaren or even the count of Havengul, it would be unwise to stay strangers. The old council thought themself above approach and it almost split the church apart. By all means, if you wish to speak, come find me, otherwise we shall simply meet at the ceremony." She explained, before departing. Ceremony? No one had told Edora of any ceremonies. It made sense, but the whole 'Hey, heres what'll happen if I die' never came up in talks...

Melana seemed rather pleased as Edora returned from the chamber. "Not letting the church peddle their nonsense to you in a moment of weakness, good. That was the Bishop of Drunau you sent out, good to know that you're not on their side.. though the woman that came afterwards, although she wore a clerics attire and leaned heavily on her walking stick, she had a strange feeling about her. Be careful to pick your fights, she felt like someone that could take out every soldier in this mannor, including me, if she was displeased.." Melana mused, observantly.


Vincent was easy to find, currently discussing with a soldier of your guard: "... your brother, he did sign up as a reserve soldier. Well, what is he busy with?" "Ahem, well, not.. busy, but knowing him he'll have a lot to drink 'on the old Count' and tomorrow he will.." "Be miserable, and present, we need additional manpower, not just for representative purposes. The old rule says, a soldier may drink as they want, if they can fight the next day clear headedly. Off you go to tell him that...

Oh, Edo... Countess!"
Vincent cleared his throat, this time trying a quick, expertly executed salute.

"Oh.. err.. right, yes, the clergy came in and said this was proper to do to prevent.. you know.. death dabblers from getting close. I'll have one guard stationed outside the chamber and have the key on another, old trick of the guard if you don't want things stolen." He nodded and grinned.

"Lunarch Cecani.. ah yes, actually I just asked for someone higher up than our bishop to rush to your fathers aid, when his health worsened three days ago. Didn't expect the bo... the honored leader of the church of all people." Could it possibly be that Vincent didn't know that a bishop was the second highest rank for clergy of the church?

"And.. *ahem*. Actually, I'm afraid you have more to speak to than just the Lunarch, Edora." Vincent sighed, fishing in his pokets to pull out a hastily scribbled list. "Though none are quite as high ranking. Theres an envoy of the Merchants, a woman calling herself an archmage but without insignia, insisting on seeing you personally and on top of that, theres a Stormkirk noble in town one of the lads told me, though addmittedly, this one hasn't tried to contact the estate..." Every scholar of course knew WHAT the Stormkirks were. Or at least suspected it. Few mentioned it as it was deterimenial to ones research. The Stormkirks cut founding to everyone taking certain.. positions and there were rumors, all unconfirmed of course, of untimely accidents associated with such theorizing.
Edora even had had a Stormkirk mentor among the scholars teaching her, a calm, quiet man, polite, incredibly knowledgable about art, crafts and alchemy, though Edora still couldn't forget the moment she accidentially brushed his hand, how cold it had felt and how, with a dead serious but calm expression she had been told not to slip again..

"And I bet the annoying Rose Barony will come as soon as they hear there might be something for them to gain. Best to reign them in early if you ask me." Vincent sighed. "Each of them is impatiently waiting, just talk to me and I'll have whoever wants to see you first come forth. Err.. though, some might take less kindly to waiting than others. Exspecially those merchants keep going on about time being money."

When Edora ascended to her all in all quite luxurious room Melana accompanied her, including watching her in the nude, clearing her throat ever so slightly at the coy glance. "Until we know exactly why and how your father was killed, it is my duty to keep a close eye on you." Or perhaps what happened yesterday had made her a bit more.. open.

The maids, used to their duty from when Edora was a little girl were less concerned. To them, a noble was from another world, almost. After Edora was dressed up, Melana seemed to almost watch her more intently, clearly, the choice of dress impressed at least one. "Hmn? Oh. Actually, if you don't mind, I'd like to take the time to take a look at the others willing to meet you, asess their nature. That might help you and, frankly, I feel as if... " Melana shrugged, and explained in her usual flat honesty: "If that woman were planning to kill you, there'd be nothing my presence could change about that. Plus, if she really is the Lunarch any assasine trying to get to you should have an interesting time. I don't like the church, that doesn't mean I can't admit to or admire greater competency than mine.. at the time." Melana shrugged and, given her leave, would move to Vincent to get more information on who Edora was to meet.

Presuming that, considering the womans rank, Edora still decided to head to meet with her first, she'd find Vaela Cecani, sitting in a heavy chair by the window, head resting in her hand, thoughtful. She looked up at Edora as she entered.

The priestess waited for a short moment, before exclaiming: "Ah, thoust come so soon. But thine expression, so tense. Hmnn. Don't let my rank motivate thine words. I've only recently managed to assure myself of it and just like you are but a humble servant of your people, I am but a humble servant of those angels that have stood by humanity. Let us speak in private, not Countess to Lunarch, just simple Priestess to noble. I do not wish to be seen as another trial, in trying times, or someone to bow before in reverence."
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Re: Shadows over Rosemont


"One thing that you may rely upon, Melana, is that I am always on my own side. That means that I am willing to work with the church if the benefits they offer outweigh the costs. I am not a blind servant to the angels, but that does not mean that I don't respect them, or what their church is capable of. I do not intend to pick a fight with the Lunarch. Far from it, I am interested in what she has to say. She is, as you observe, a powerful woman."

Edora's words to Melana were meant to keep her at ease while alerting her to the possibility that the Countess was willing to let the church peddle its 'nonsense' in return to hard benefits. Inherently, Edora found no problem with the idea of the church itself - she only wished to prevent the Bishop of Dranau becoming the de facto ruler of the city when it should by rights belong to the secular Rosemont aristocracy.

She overheard what Vincent was saying and felt mixed feelings. She was happy that he was addressing the situation, but she wondered at how efficient he was being if this problem was only being addressed now. She needed people with foresight serving her, not reactionary men with platitudes.

"'Lady Edora' and a polite nod will do in the future, Vincent. I am no military officer to be saluted, though I would like to make some suggestions about the professionalism of my house guard at some point," Edora said, and then softened her criticism by standing in front of the older man and giving him a kiss on either cheek, followed by a hand cupping his cheekbone softly. This man had known her from the time she was in swaddling clothes, and she knew that he most likely regarded her still as that child, despite her training at the academy and personal capability.

"Thank you for securing the chamber. I have found proof that my father was poisoned and an approximate time for the poisoning. I will discuss it with you later and you can answer the questions I have. But first, I must prepare myself to meet my many guests."

She did Vincent the favor of not openly questioning his knowledge of the church, and went over the list of people who required a word with her.

Merchants were important to deal with. Edora was familiar with financial needs, and she wanted Dranau to be prosperous - as that would mean taxes, and the means with which to bolster an army. The archmage interested her on a personal level. Edora did admire those who could obtain such a lofty title. Hopefully she could sneak in a word with this woman quickly. The Stromkirk noble sent a slight tingle of concern down her spine. She could perhaps leave that one until later in the evening, once the clergy were gone. They were a concern and undoubtedly something that one had to live with, but perhaps a mutually beneficial accord could be made with them. No doubt the Lunarch would disapprove. She tried to recall the name of the Stromkirk mentor she had studied under in the Academy. It might be good to name drop him, as she was fond at least of his expertise, if not his chilling touch.

"I'll see the Lunarch first, obviously, then the merchants, then the mage, and then the Rose Barony envoy. The Stromkirk noble can be seen in the evening. Let them be told that this is in deference to their perceived preferences if they question being delayed."

She eyed Melana, wondering if there would be a reaction to that, but then carried on to her room and got ready for the afternoon's meetings. She was pleased that Melana followed her and appreciated the dress she had chosen to wear, but understood Melana's excuse to be elsewhere while Edora met with the Lunarch.

"That is sound reasoning. Besides, if the Lunarch wanted me dead, she has a good chance at arranging it, although it would not be a good look for the church. I don't see the pressing need for your presence there. Please have a good look at the other guests. Be careful around the Stromkirk noble and try not to offend the archmage. I don't suppose you have an opinion on the Stromkirks, knowing what they are."

After Melana had answered, Edora slipped her mage gloves into a hidden fold of her dress, just in case, and went downstairs to meet with Vaela first. She stood and inclined her head out of respect and deference to the Lunarch's position and rank. All things considered, this woman outranked her when comparing church and state.

"Your words are kind, Your Grace. Still formalities should be observed. Our civilization is what holds the darkness and chaos at bay, gives shape and structure to our lives, and gives us meaning to strive for. Just as the church has prayers, so too does the state have its honorifics."

She dipped slightly in a curtsy in front of the Lunarch and pressed her lips to the woman's fingers if offered them, as was custom to addressing such a lofty member of the church's upper echelon. After this, Edora took a seat opposite the Lunarch and eyed her with an expression that was not deferential, but merely observant. She had bowed before the woman because of her position in society, not out of some love of the church or personal worship. Now she would need to see what the woman really wanted.

"But if it is your wish to be honest and forthright, that I can do. I am tense because my father - a good man who fought in the Demon War at great cost to himself - has now been murdered, and the method of his poisoning was easy to spot in a matter of minutes with proper examination methods. The Lunarch of the Church of St. Aria herself awaited me in the room where I beheld his corpse for the first time, and I have barely had time to clean myself from the road when important dignitaries are all clambering for my attention, no doubt waiting to see how they can best serve their interests with this new, untested... "girl" of a Countess."

Edora emphasized so as to make it clear that she was keenly aware of the desire to manipulate and exploit her. History had shown that transitions of power were always the most volatile of times. Times for factions to push their agendas, and for rulers to either rise above those or be trampled underfoot.

"If you would be so kind, Lunarch. I am schooled in many things, but not as much in the modern dealings of the church. What troubles do you face here in Nephalia and what do you see as an ideal way for us to work together, as two women, priestess and noble, wanting to see humanity not only survive the darkness but prosper? Even on my own road coming back here I was recently attacked by a corrupted beast that had been infected by demon ichor. I will not stand by and let my citizens be at the mercy of these depraved creatures. Magic and the strength of arms were enough to defeat it, but not all my holdings are protected enough. How is your local bishop faring here in her efforts? What would you prefer to see done?"
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"Your houseguard.. I .. will comment on them in private. I wouldn't have anyone publically question their honor, of course, but.. there may be chances for improvement." Vincent admitted, roundaboutly, whilest Melana remained silent, Vincent giving a slightly less nervous chuckle at the kiss.

"It's not right that you'd have to deal with all of these guests before your grief, but its your burden right now. Stay strong E.. Lady Edora." He nodded.
Edoras teacher had went by the name or Arvon Stormkirk.

Vincent meanwhile cleared his throat. "I err.. there is no Rose Barony envoy -yet- but indubitably, they're gonna come about soon. I'll have someone try and get a hold of the Stomkirk .. envoy, no problem." Melana again remained silent, unless Edora actively asked her opinion she wasn't one to speak up out of turn. Edora had made her decision and unless Melana saw any immediate danger, she'd likely not comment further.

And indeed, she did before she departed. "It would look quite bad, and the church can't afford such a loss. Oh I plan to be cautious with the Stormkirks. I can't protect you if I'm dead and they dislike people trying to peer on their affairs. My opinion on them? Better than the Voldarens, most Markovs and certainly the Falkenraths to deal with, but thats the same as saying you'd rather meet a happy than an angry bear in the forest. The best course of action is avoiding the bear. They might consider themselfs patrons and benevolent shepherds of the people, but remember, shepherds still eat sheep." Melana cautioned, before departing.


The Lunarchs expression remained thoughtful and hard to read for a long moment,.. then she smiled softly. "Quite the shocking situation, yes. Thoust observation is pretty close, though a word of advice.. if thou are certain of thine fathers fate, it may be best not to share that with everyone. 't was not a simple poison if a bishop of the church could not cure it. Seek the perpetrator in the upper echelons of power." She explained, not offering her hand, one of hers playing along her cheek, the other holding onto and slowly circling the cane by her side.

"The church faces many troubles, after the wars, many grew distrusting, even disillusioned of us, that is bad, for if people mistrust us, we struggle to protect them. You propably heard what had happened? The Flight of Alabaster and the Flight of Goldnight, two thirds of the churches angels have been.. touched by demonic corruption. In their madness the angels attempted to deliver people with haste to the safety of their afterlife. .. or in less friendly terms, 't was a culling. Even some of the priests, of low and high rank alike had been affected, and we, those devoted more to sanity than the two flights, as well as those devoted to the Flight of Herons who stayed true to humanity, now try to rebuild the trust lost. Naturally, a failing of a priestess of mine to safe a public figure of the ranking of your father had to be investigated.

In a way, I face the same troubles as thou, Lady Rosemont. At the core of it all, I detest changes of the church for the worse and welcome changes for the better, but of course such insubstantial notions serve thee ill."
The Lunarch answered, not revealing her hand at first, her expression freezing for just a moment as she listened on, answering without pause, but a bit out of order:

"I found no fault in Draunaus bishops aid and task, simply letting her continue her duties uninhibited shall benefit us all. Though, there is a small matter to attend to. When I investigated her workings, she did not consecrate your fathers body yet. Once the.. matter of thine fathers death is closed, I recommend thou doest let her do so, a veteran of the war does not deserve to have his blessed sleep disturbed by the unhallowed." The Lunarch nodded.

"Now then, a beast of demonic ichor. Well, this saves me quite the explanation. This ichor has sofar unexplored transmutative properties. Until the matter is fully explored and possibly beyond this, I'd like any populance coming in contact with this substance to be, for their own protection, detained by the church. Think of it as a simple.. Quarantine. What were your precise experiences with the substance?" Vaela looked at Edora with a calm expression but a piercing glance. Of course, telling the whole story would mean exposing Melana to the.. interest of the church. She'd definitly not like that.
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Re: Shadows over Rosemont


Edora steadied herself, for she knew she needed to pick her words carefully, and that she had a lot to address here...

"The knowledge of the nature of my father's death, and how I choose to reveal it, and to whom, is an active choice. Perhaps I've done it with you to see how you would react to my boldness, or my capability of figuring it out on my own? The thought did occur to me that it may not be that a Bishop *couldn't* have cured him, but that she might not have wanted to. Don't take offense, Lunarch, I do not necessarily believe that line of thought, but if the Angels themselves are capable of ushering good people into the afterlife, then it is not such a leap that members of the clergy could have the same agenda.

"That being said - Dranau needs the faith. Desperately. I'm no fool. We're surrounded by darkness, it seeps into this society and has its claws and fangs deeply rooted within us. I need good people, strong people of faith here to balance and drive those forces back. We need the Angels to have faith in humanity again and we need humanity to have faith in the Angels again, just as you say, Lunarch.

"If that is to happen - the faith in the angels, and the faith in the church as a well-meaning, reliable force for the wellbeing of society, then the church cannot be seen as an oppressor. There's too much of that in our realm already. My father's body shall be consecrated and warded against the manipulation of fell forces - but it shall only be once my investigations are done. The type of poison can and will be identified, the timing of the poisoning will be compared against those whom had the the motive, means and capability of envenoming him. A perpetrator will be brought to justice with their guilt beyond doubt. The law must be upheld, and Dranau must be seen as a society where justice, not mere vengeance, occurs."

Edora leaned back and tapped her fingers lightly on the arm of her chair, listening now as Vaela moved on to the topic of demon ichor, and her ideas for inquisition.

"You may or may not known my scholarly background. I am a scholar of transmutation. It's not a well-trusted field within the church, I understand. It's unfortunate that it is a tool so often turned into an aberration by the forces of darkness, not unlike the craft of necromancy, which is anathema. Nevertheless, I believe that we must know the methods of our enemies if we are to defeat them, and my developing abilities of transmutation hold out the hope that whatever corruption that demons seek to bring unto my people can be changed back and undone. I would appreciate the church's sanctioning of further research into transmutation magic, considering the dire nature of the demon ichor and ooze presence.

"As to the matter of quarantine, Vaela. You've asked me to be honest with you, and I'll do you that favor. If you want to build trust with the populace, then you will harm yourself by openly separating people from their families and livelihoods. What will you say to a wife and three children if you take their husband into the church's cells because he has come into contact with demon ichor? What proof will you call for? How can you promise these people of ever being allowed to walk free?

"In my experience, only non-sentient beasts were affected. In this case, it was a horse. It attacked a peasant girl with skin to skin contact, but she demonstrated no change, save obviously being frightened out of her wits, understandably. Our best bet is to combine the knowledge of the church with the knowledge of the academy and find a cure. I volunteer to personally spearhead this investigation and would hope that you could arrange an intelligent and scholarly counterpart from the church who is openminded to scientific cures.

"It is too early to implement a hard quarentine, but we can demand a mandatory check up with the local healers if any demon ichor is encountered. We check the people for any obvious signs of impairment, list their names and residence down for records, and ask them to come back in a week's time to check on the progress. If there is any sign of corruption, we must seek to study it, and not punish those affected. The system will only work if people are unafraid to have themselves cured by the church. They must see St. Aria as a different face than that of the flights of Alabaster and Goldennight."
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


"Interesting, so thou think I would be testing thou. A little selfish to presume, is it not, that I came the way here to prepare traps and hooks and baits in my speech." She smiled that solemn smile still. She nodded as Edora admitted the need for faith. "Good, good. But don't get overzealous in thine reach for vengeance. Justice is a strong sword, but strong swords are often dangerous to wield."

"The church will be handling any further research. Doing so, without proper protection of the soul is dangerous even to those experienced in magic, or precisely because they are. A mind trained in the arcane is not necessarily trained in matters of the faith, as thou agreest." She stated calmly, then leaned back, sighing for a moment. "It's most certainly not the matter we need, but it is a matter that needs attending to. The truth is, I'd rather not share the true nature of this incursion with the populance, to avoid undue attention. There are many infective diseases that can justify seperation, even from loved ones, one of those would make a good enough cover. Thou needn't concern thineself with the details, just ensure theres no disruption of our work as good as able."

"A peasant girl contacting with a horse? Hmnn.. thine expression is the one of one thats not telling me everything, isn't it.." The Lunarch pondered for a long moment, remaining silent, her eyes piercing Edora, but not pushing the issue, if she managed to stand her ground before the priestess. "Thou seem quite eager to get into this research. Alright then. We'll accept thine proposal of having everyone affected visit a healer of the church once and then a week later and once more in a months time, we lack knowledge about longterm effects, after all. With a clear note of their residence in place of a total quarantine. Those unable to provide a permanent residence still are required to be detained, but thou make a good case. We wish to limit a potentially dangerous, demonic aberration, not imprison the populus.
In exchange and let me be very clear here, there shall be no investigations of this demonic ichor and I wish any scholars trying to investigate it reported as if they had been in contact as well, after all, we cannot risk exposure to the uninitated, and be it a laboratory assistant.
The demonic ichor as thou describe it, and let me be honest with thou here, is not as harmless as thou presume. It's effects are not immediate and seem dependant on a persons disposition and will. Animals are easily affected because their primitive urges are much more pronounced, but humans are not above such urges. Some affected can resist the temptation with but a temporary change of mind, where others slowly fully give in to their urges, becoming a source of the malady themselfs. Simply said, a weak mind is easily overwhelmed, driven to demonic acts of violence, gluttony, greed, lust, the manner of which I shall not describe further, but only with the noble blessings of the church can one hope to truly resist such influences.

If there has been an outbreak, 'tis in thine and thy countys best interest to assist in containing any spread, beginning with that peasant-girl. To entice thouself to devoteness.."
was that clerical code for 'to sweeten the deal' "I may consider sending one to share what we have learned of the demonic ichor, if thou proves trustworthy to the church." She nodded.
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Re: Shadows over Rosemont


"Vaela, you are the Lunarch of your church. This makes you a politician as much as myself. You at least had a choice in seeking out your position within the hierarchy. All them more reason to suspect that you understand - that our words have power, and are rarely to be taken or spoken lightly."

Edora let the comment on her seeking of vengeance go unaddressed. There was no reason to argue semantics over that, especially not when there were other topics more pressing to discuss. The Lunarch's position on research was troubling, the presumption that only the church had the ability to safely research the demonic ichor was, to her mind, ludicrous. But she knew she couldn't say this aloud.

"While a mind trained in the arcane is different than those trained in the faith, one who sees the arcane will be able to perceive things that the faithful may well miss, given the narrower scope and caution."

Edora smiled.

"Ah, there, you see Vaela. You suggest deceit of the populace - all with the best of intentions I'm sure, but deceit nonetheless. What is your fear, should the story get out? Demons are preying upon my people. An effective defense needs to be given out, or innocents will suffer more. Delay in the name of caution could cost us all - or rather, cost the citizens of Dranau, who look to the Rosemonts for protection because the only other would be protectors are the servants of darkness."

She rose a perfectly arched eyebrow when it was summised that she was withholding information.

"I am not at Confession, Vaela. Priestess to Noble, remember? And yet, I am being forthright with you. More than I have been advised to be, I might add. It is because I see the good that the church can do *IF* it understands that the way to defeat this threat is to work amicably with an eager and useful ally with the same common enemies. Neither of us wants this outbreak to spread. Both of us would see it eradicated. Both of us want to be taking an active role in this task. I am simply suggesting we reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial.

"The trouble I see, is that you are asking scholars to not study what is so obviously in front of their eyes. Asking intelligent people to remain ignorant. You might as well put a fish on land and tell it to learn to be breath air. A true scholar will find a way to study what they want to study - and no Countess or Bishop will be able to stop them all. I say this, because I intend to research the threat to my people, whether I have the sanction of the church or not."

She smiled and took a piece of fruit from a platter and put it to her lips, biting it slightly an letting the juice play along her tongue as the moment of silence spread out, allowing Vaela to let that thought sink in.

"So the church has two options. Option one is to balk at this, strongly denounce scholarly study, which risks dragging the whole demonic incursion into the public eye and has two potential allies in arms angered at each other and hampering each other while the enemy grows stronger. Option two, on the other hand, has the church gaining access to the laboratories of Dranau, warding our famed research activities against potential dangers from the infernal, and discovering ways to dismantle our enemy together. Rational, sane opposition to evil while cooperating with the state. And for each scholar who refuses to work with the church - a restriction on working with demon ichor. And naturally, this would give you a better idea of who is trustworthy and who is to be watched more carefully."

Edora raised her palms and shrugged her shoulders.

"And what would you be sacrificing for such benefits? Some misguided pride that the Church alone must bring about the defeat of the enemy infernal? Such pride goes before the fall, Lunarch - and to be frank, you need all the friends you can get, same as me."

Edora sighed and let the confidence wane away from her face.

"Truth be known, Vaela, I am frightened of this incursion. I am frightend for my people... that poor peasant girl for instance. Innocent. Hard-working. With a family who love her very much. That she could be suffering from corruption against her will is terrible. My thoughts go out to all the other people who could be likewise suffering. A cure MUST be found. You are so confident that only the church can find an answer. I respectfully disagree. Do not underestimate the arcane, Vaela. We can achieve amazing things - things that the Angels have not mastered and never will. Do not sacrifice such power if it is willing to be put to the aid of your cause - for I am willing to commit to such. I truly am."

And she meant it. Despite what Melana warned her about. Even though Edora knew there was certainly hypocrisy among the faithful, she also knew that there were people who were truly selfless and wanting to heal the world, and that those faithful were probably the best that humanity had to offer.

Edora did not intend to throw away the power of the church simply over academic pride. She hoped that Vaela would be able to feel the same over the scholars of her society - herself chief among them.

"Send your theologian scholar to me, Vaela. Let him or her develop a working relationship with me in my laboratory. I know they will undoubtedly report back to you - I do not care if they do. You will see the results you might hope for quite quickly. I need no enticement to work for my country's benefit - that is my birthright and my destiny-given duty."

If Vaela were to concede the right to research the ichor alongside the church, she would tell the Lunarch about the name of the inn where the girl was, and that she would arrange for the girl to check up with the church. And in fact, she would also like the girl to be brought to her as well, and could stay in the servant quarters for the night, assuming her initial check up went okay.

Hoping that this was enough to satisfy the Lunarch for the time being, and having not had the need to mention Melana, it would be enough to simply know who she could expect to be the Lunarch's liason with her once the head of the church went back to Thraben.

Then she would seek to meet with the merchants quickly, so that she could then talk to that archmage as swiftly as possible. In the back of her mind, she was concerned that Melana was most likely exposed to the ichor, and a quick investigation of the substance was essential to prevent her from exhibiting dangerous symptoms. That dark haired girl would be a terrible asset to lose so swiftly. Perhaps with transmutation magic, she could hide or control the symptoms without causing the church to take notice. Certainly, she could not turn Melana over to the church. She needed to maintain a balance between the light and darkness, so long as both would serve her coastal city state.

Yay Blue Mana! Natural allies of White and Black!
Re: Shadows over Rosemont


"Interesting. Thou feel as if thy don't have a choice?" The Lunarch responded with a question. "Not everything one can percieve is a good thing. Staring into the sun makes one blind and staring into demonic darkness holds worse fates yet." She explained.

"I worry about the very interest thou art showing. In unguarded hearts and minds demonic power is tempting, thats its greater danger." She explained, calmly, but with eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hmnn. Now of course far be it from me to command thou to do anything I disagree with, I merely.. advice against it. As I would against an attempt of strong-arming the church into assisting thee." Her expression remained calm, though she lifted her staff a little off the ground in one hand, letting it fall back onto the floor with an echoing crack on the ground.

"We have far more ways and options than the two thou have listed. A few, certainly, neither of us would welcome. Some, only thou would find unbeneficial. I do not underestimate the arcane, which is precisely why I'd disallow thee from participating. Arcane magic in evil hands has been the source of this worlds greatest troubles before the demonic incursion. Yes, there've been wars before. Do thou know what happened to my grandfather, a prior Lunarch Lady Rosemont? It was an unholy curiosity and research of the arcane that brought him back against everything he stood for. And before thou ask, this is not a personal thing, no, but a warning tale. There is an innate difference to those that devote themselfs to the divine and to knowledge, 'tis that knowledge is uncaring of good or evil and thus easily twisted.
Perhaps not in thineself, perhaps not even in most scholars, but if just a few with enough knowledge and arcanery go astray in the fascination of this power, we have a trouble far more dangerous than we'd face by restricting certain research, or indeed, alienating a few nobles. I shall not take such unecessary risks."
She stated clearly.

"That all said, obviously, thine position precludes membership in the church, not by necessity, but by duty. So even if thou wanted to honor my request in researching only as a member of the church, thou couldn'st. It would be foolish to not use potential discoveries thou make and I shan't raise public objection to thine actions, even if I could." She stood up, leaning heavily on her staff as she pulled herself up, eyes resting on Edora for a long moment. "I'll have a lesser angel assist in thine... quest. She shall not be under thine command, but if thou wish to give her acess and assistance I shall have her respond in benevolence."

She smiled slightly with Edora claiming her birthright to be protection. "Thou have enough to worry about right now. Fear not the church, for we are to protect. I shall depart by the morrow, the less people talk about me being here the better." She nodded. Well, it seemed she hadn't budged on the research-bann, but given Edora a hesitant exeption. If Edora still took the opportunity to tell the Lunarch of the Inn was her decision.
Either way, the Lunarch departed and Edora had the feeling that, even if this hadn't gone all that great, it could certainly have gone worse as well.

Melana found herself stopped on the way to the merchants, not by force, but by someone subtly intercepting her, with a raised hand. A maid.. Emily? Amilia? Something sounding like that. She had been in her fathers service for a while and was quite pretty, if not for some scars from her childhood.

"Ah, Lady Edora, errr.. There was a man outside, telling me to give you this letter... in person." She presented a piece of fine paper, without a seal. At the questioning look she added. "Uhm.. errr.. he looked, average, really. Hiding his face under a hat for the most part, bit of a beard, lots of clothing really. Slinked away afterwards. Paid me more than I earn in two weeks to give this to you, you aren't angry right?" She cleared her throat.

Edora could read the letter, or continue on to meet with the merchants, in which case she'd meet up with Melana first, who.. seemed to look pretty normal, now that Edora took a closer look at her, just to make sure there were no ichory effects.

The letter read:
Dear Friend.
You do not know me, but I've been a good friend to your father.
I'd love to get to know you a little closer and perhaps be a friend to you too if you'd like, for example, how about an hour to midnight at the old oak behind your estate. If you can not make it or, are uncertain about this, I completely understand. I hope you could at least leave a little message for me, in the hollowed out treehole, just so I don't wait alone out in the dark and cold.

Until then, stay safe, and don't trust the merchants.

Your friend,
Grinning Fox

If she read the letter now or later, Melana greeted her with her usual thin smile, though she had taken the time to slip into a more comfortable, almost ceremonial looking armor, quite revealing, for her at least, one could even see her hands, her long, dark hair flowing free:

"M'lady, survived the Lunarch I see? Good. I got to a little snooping. The merchants have a half-elfish envoy. Always interesting. And by interesting, I mean troublesome. He seems harmless enough on his own, though that might be misleading. Physically weak and having a bodyguard of his own, I would not put it beyond him to be able to use underhanded methods.
The archmage is.. odd. I was under the impression one had to lock themselfs away and study for years to get that title, yet she seems reasonably well trained physically. I can't tell you why, but somehow looking at her I feel.. apprehensive about letting you meet her. I should at least stand closeby to try and guarantee your safety.
I did not find the Stormkirk noble yet. Perhaps we'll meet him after sundown.."
She evaluated.

((*chuckles* And Melana is both of those colors, stylewise. :p ))
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Re: Shadows over Rosemont

"What I offered was a suggestion and interpretation of the facts as I see them. I am hardly strong arming you, Vaela. As to the dangers of arcane knowledge in the wrong hands... I think the word you're meaning is power. Power in the wrong hands always leads to ruin, and it doesn't matter what source of power that is."

She stood along with the Lunarch, even offering her help to stand if such would be needed.

"I will accept the aid of the angel you send. You may be assured that in my case, the benefits of my research will be passed on to the Church. Do not think poorly of my opinions on these matters, Vaela. They are spoken freely, so that you might know I am a true ally, even if I am not adherent to the doctrines of your order. Let us work together as we might and protect those who need protecting - which in these dark times, is nigh everyone, it would seem. A thankless task we have. Yet strong woman can bear this burden. And you are a strong woman, I think."

She inclined her head respectfully again, an walked the Lunarch out. She did not volunteer the information about the peasant girl unless pressed, and in the case that she was not, she was determined to have the inn girl sent for to reside with her for a day or two so that Edora could take a few notes and observations for her own studies. Best to get what research she could underway as swiftly as possible.


Edora took the note from the serving girl with the scars and opened it, scanning its contents.

"Thank you, Em." She said in a way that avoided saying the girl's first name fully, and if it were Amelia, then the 'Em' could sound close enough to the 'Am' to be passable for both.

Grinning Fox, eh? A confident moniker, but intriguing. She scanned her memory for any clue that could lead to further identification. And at midnight too? Outdoors. A vampire? Certainly possible. She would be bringing Malena for certain, but she intended to meet this person.

She knew the merchants would be shifty and self-serving. But they were unavoidable. Policy needed to be set, and business needed to be addressed. Such were the demands of statecraft.

She sought out Vincent, and asked the majordomo to accompany her along with Malena when they went to meet the half-elf envoy. Vincent could offer a nice secondary voice to play off of in negotiations, and it would seem like a show of strength too. She would not be alone against them, as this was not the same kind of conversation as she might have with Vaela.

Turning to Malena, she smiled and nodded.

"Yes, the Lunarch was survived. Some good things came of the conversation, though it was not totally ideal. I have to bear the burden of research into the demonic ichor myself, and with an angelic supervisor. Though it is better than having the church as a complete enemy and at least accepting that I can figure out my own answers, rather than hand complete control over too them. Politics. It's a give and take game."

She shrugged and patted Malena on her shoulder.

"I like your new outfit. Very pretty, without making you seem soft. Though I personally admire your soft bits too."

She winked and then motioned Malena to fall in line with her as she approached the merchants' waiting room.

"You'll be with me when we talk to the archmage as well. And tonight, I've a feeling we'll be meeting with someone near midnight, with a good chance of it being a Stromkirk representative. Hopefully they won't be hungry and force us to kill their messenger," she said confidently.