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SGT Roy Kelly

Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"More of a creepy weird, but I think he's always been like that. Just don't let him get bored and you'll be fine." He answers.
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"And why does an American want a single S.A.S operative? Don't you guys have Delta for our kind of job?" Roy calls, watching the mountains fly by beneath him, wondering where he's going next...
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

As the helicopter begins it's descent towards Kandahar airbase the chief answers. "Yeah they have us for the same type of job, but knowing Bowie. It's probably not a strictly American operation. Theres a C-130 fueled up already, hopefully you won't have a long wait."
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"That's good, I hate lying around doing jack-all." Roy says, wondering what could be happening that could possibly involve operatives from different countries.
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

The C-130 is ready to go when he gets over to it, a crewman comes over to him. "You must be Sergeant Kelly, you ain't seen anyone else around have you we're supposed to have a couple more people on the flight?" He says offering his hand.
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Roy grasps the hand and gives it a firm shake. "Yeah I'm Kelly, call me Roy, I just got flown in on a chopper from the Hindu Kush, haven't seen anyone else around. Where's this flight off to, and who are we waiting for?"
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"Oh shoot, I almost forgot to hand these off," he says grabbing a sealed packet and giving them to you. (They read much like the others orders)

"Probably your orders, we're heading to St. John's as our destination. Though I'm not sure if that's your final stop. There's supposed to be a couple others heading to the same place. I'll have to go check and see if I can't figure out where they are. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable," He says heading over to a hangar.
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

(So they mention Major Bowie and going to Petawawa?)

"Cheers, give me a bell when you find 'em." Roy says, as he follows the crewman into the hangar, glancing through the papers, which did indeed appear to be orders from one Major Bowie, who must be the one the Delta guys had been talking about on the way in. Roy looked forward to meeting what Yanks would call "creepy wierd".
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

(Roger that. Plus all the other unimportant crap that's in orders. Was hoping to have the others caught up, but you moved much faster than them. So meh.)

The crewman goes to a phone, "Yes sir, the others hould be along shortly. All right, I'll tell him to hold tight till then."

He hangs up and coming back over, "Well they're having a little trouble finding the others right now, but QRF is moving to do something so they may be busy. Hopefully it won't be long."
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

:)D thats cos I never do anything when I'm at home apart from PS3 and laptop)

When the crewman came off the phone and told him about the QRF call, Roy said "Fine by me, where do ya want me until they get here?"
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"Just avoid getting run over by a plane, and I won't care." The crewman says laughing as he busies himself with a last minute takeoff check.
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

(May as well stop posting here until the others catch up)

"Right..." Roy says, before glancing around for somewhere to put his feet up until these other guys got here.
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Before you can relax another HMMWV pulls up and a tall marine steps out ready to go.

(Feel free to interact with Gunny Anderson while I finish with the other threads)
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Barry stood at his full height, surveying the area. Not much was out of the ordinary, it seemed to be a typical airfield, but Barry had long ago learned that nothing was typical when you suddenly got orders that yanked you out of a place you'd been in for some time, and with no real explanation at all. Chances were it was going to be some kind of hush hush scenario, which suited him just fine. He only wondered now if he was the first ... no, wait, there was another person near by, who looked on the verge of a cross between bored and trying to relax. Figuring at the least it was someone to talk to, Barry grabbed his 'suit cases' and headed on over.

((I'm going to operate on the assumption he'd have brought his C-16 with him as well as his pistol and not left it behind or in the care of someone else. As I understand things, snipers are usually a bit picky about that and take very good care of their weapons, not to mention the whole customized thing. Just lmk if I need to edit saying he doesn't have them on his person or something and I'll do so, otherwise this is about the best post I can work with right now and be within what the character would already know.))
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Roy noticed a figure out of the corner of his eye and turned to face what looked like one of the Yank Marines, carrying a couple of gun-cases. Roy stretched and stood up, turning to face the Marine, and when he got close enough, said "Afternoon, nice day, heh? Sergeant Kelly here, but call me Roy. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Barry nodded once.

"Yeah, seems to be a nice day, Gunnery Sergeant Barry Anderson, nice to meet you Sergeant Kelly. Don't suppose you got called in like I did and have any idea as to why yet would you?"
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"Nope, I just got pulled out of my op in the Hindu Kush by some Delta guys who were sent by some Major Bowie, same guy as wrote my briefing documents, which I really didn't get much from, apart from we're going to Petawawa." He holds up his documents, before slipping them back into a pocket. "So, what do you prefer to be called by?" realising he hadn't yet, Roy proffers his hand to the GSgt.
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

The crewman from before comes over to the two of you. "Sorry to interupt guys, but apparently the other one we're waiting for won't make this flight. So as soon as we're all aboard we can leave."

Ushering you both into the plane's belly, "Go ahead and make yourself comfortable, we're headed to BIAP first."
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

(Baghdad International Airport?)
When the fly-boy came over, Roy nodded to him and said "Great, lets go." Roy beckons the GSgt to take a seat next to him in the planes belly.