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SGT Linda Zimmerman


Nov 10, 2008
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In the calm quiet of the Rocky Mountains, Linda Zimmerman made her way up an exposed trail. Military rucksack on her back, and wrapped in a jacket to protect against the biting wind, she simply climbed and enjoyed the peaceful experience of the Canadian wilderness.

She must have been in one of the areas with decent cell phone reception though, as her phone started to buzz in her pocket.
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Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

Linda let out a small sigh of displeasure as she took out her phone, flipping it open and placing it to her ear as she leaned against a tree. "Hello?" She said breezily, her eyes wandering over the landscape as she talked.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

"Sgt. Zimmerman, this is Master Warrant Officer McManus?" came the rough voice of her RSM. It was strange... why was he calling her directly? Why not the Platoon commander, or even platoon warrant.

Something was going on.

Also... why did the fucker always have to say the full 'Master Warrant Officer' every damn time?
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

Linda let out a short sigh before answering. "I copy sir, is there a problem?" She asked, idly wondering why she had been called. Maybe the commander and warrant had died in a horrible accident, and they called to tell her of her promotion. More likely, they had died, and she was being called as a suspect. Hell, they probably wanted her to come right back to base so they could find out if she was involved in it or not...
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

"I need you to come into the armouries ASAP. Tonight preferably," the RSM told her. There was no explanation, he just went quiet, and waited for a response.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

Linda tilted her head back and stared at the sky as she replied, watching a hawk circle overhead.

"Alright, I'll be there sir. I'm a ways out though, take me about two hours, give or take."
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

"All right I'll see you in two hours, then sergeant." With that he abruptly hung up on her.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

Expecting something along those lines, linda simply pocketed her phone with another sigh. Then she got up off the stump, shifted her pack on her shoulders, and started hiking, back towards her cabin and SUV, so she could head back to the base.

About halfway back, she stopped in her tracks, silently cursing MWO McManus. There in the middle of her path stood a deer, about three hundred yards away, on the other side of a natural depression in the rocks. She took a moment to dig out her doe tag, intent on shredding it where she stood, but put it away after a moment and kept walking, the doe shooing itself away once she got nearer. If she was lucky, she'd be back before the season ended, and she could still avoid having to buy meat for the winter.

The rest of the hike went by uneventfully, and she checked her watch once the trail ended behind her cabin. She still had an hour to make the 35 minute trip, which was good. Heading inside, she dropped her pack on the chair just inside the door, taking the trail rations back out and putting them back in the shelf. That done, she stripped and had a quick shower, keeping her hair dry so she wouldn't have to do anything with it past the braid it was already in. After that was done, she put on her uniform, gathered the rest of her supplies, and left, locking the door behind her. She pulled out her phone as she hopped in her Durango, making one last call as she bounced down the dirt road to the highway.

"Hey, Bill? Yeah, hi, it's Linda. I got called in again, I think something's up. Chances are I'll be off again, so go ahead and writw me off the schedule till I get back. 'Kay, thanks. And do you mind stopping by and cleaning my fridge out in a few days, it was short notice, and... Yeah, key's where it always is, thanks. Make it up to ya, my pack's on the front chair, if you'd like, I still got that doe ticket, just make me some jerky and a few steaks if you decide to use it and I'll call it even. Yeah, that's it. Thanks. Bye."

She hung up the phone and dropped it in the center console just as she hit the highway, turning onto it and making best time to the base. Another quick check of her watch showed her she'd make it in plenty of time, probably wind up about ten minutes early.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

She pulled into a parking space at the armories, and upon exiting her vehicle. MWO McManus came forward from the building looking at his watch.

"Glad to see you on time for once, Sergeant. I hope you packed for a trip." he said handing her orders, "Now let's go and get your equipment shall we. I can't say I'll be sorry to see you go, but someone must appreciate your talents as they asked for you specifically."
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

Linda bit back the obvious response of 'at least someone does', instead giving a noncomittal grunt as she took the papers, shouldering her duffell and following behind the MWO, reading as they walked.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

The orders say CFB Pettawawa, clear enough. The rest is a little confusing as they appear to be from NATO, and are signed by someone named Major Bowie with a bunch of abbreviations she doesn't recognize following it.

MWO Mcmanus stops at the door and calls in to the armorer to bring Sgt Zimmerman her weapon. Before long Corporal Wang the armorer hands out the sign out forms and her weapon. "Sergeant Zimmerman, I already filled out your serial. You just have to double check, and then we'll be done." He said with a smile.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

((Firearms, rifle and pistol ;) ))

Linda gives the armourer a smile back, giving the forms her customary look-over. She was nothing if not thorough, after all. "Looks good, as always Corporal." She grins, passing the forms back and reaching for her guns, stripping them down and giving them a quick inspection before packing them back up and giving the corporal another nod and smile. "Everything's in order, moving along then sir?" She asked McManus, raising a questioning eyebrow.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

"Hope that the weapon's are up to snuff. I had Private Sampson oil em up for you the other day," Cpl Wang said, returning the sergeant's smile.

The Sergeant Major handed over a plane ticket to Linda.

"You have a private plane leaving at noon tomorrow. We're packing up your weapons tonight and you'll see them when you land in Pettawawa. You have tonight and tomorrow morning to set everything in order," McManus told her in his dead pan voice.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

Linda gave him a wry grin and a sarcastic nod of her head. "Uh-huh. Alright, I'd better get going then. Permission to go get my ducks in a row, sir?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

The RSM appears flabbergasted for a moment at that statement before sighing, "Permission granted. Why do you always have to get the last word in?"

With that he starts checking over the paperwork to make sure evrything is in order while CPL Wnag starts packing the weapons up.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

"Keeps me sane." Linda says idly, giving him a sloppy salute and turning, walking back out and making her way out to her SUV, giving Corporal Wang a wave just before she left the room.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

The RSM stood aghast, he didn't even know how to respond to being saluted. He wanted to jack her up, but she was out of his chain of command now. He crossed his arms and simply frowned as he watched her leave.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

Linda chuckled to herself all the way to her vehicle, starting it up and heading back to her house. Chances are Bill wouldn't show up till tomorrow or the day after, but she could at least do some of the cleanup while she had time.

Parking beside the house, she got out and went inside, cleaning up the last of her stuff from the trip earlier. She left the doe tags on the front chair anyways, with a quick note telling Bill that she had gotten the night to clean up.

That all done, she took her hunting rifle and went out again, this time not intent on hunting, but merely practice this time. One of the great things about living in the middle of nowhere: No neighbors, no problem.

Exactly two hundred yards away from Linda's back porch was an ancient, dead tree. She had painted a single red dot on it a long time ago, on the side facing her back porch.

Setting her rifle down on the porch and lying down beside it, Linda took her time and carefully sighted in the tree, her movements slow but the ease born of experience obvious. The dot was simple, spray painted on and about three inches in diameter. She squeezed the trigger halfway, slowed down her breathing, and made some final adjustments to her aim before slowly pulling thr trigger the rest of the way. The bullet hit the tree with the sound of metal hitting metal; apparently it had collided with one of the other rounds embedded in the dead trunk, though she couldn't pick out which without going over there.

She spent a half box of ammo on the tree, then disassembled and cleaned her gun, putting it away in the cabinet and going to bed after a quick microwaved meal.

((Figured I wouldn't go all the way to the airport, in case you guys had something else planned. Feel free to interrupt her as she's going about any of the above ;) ))
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

((I really got nothing... cept to move the story along a bits))

Her alarm woke her in the morning, the rays of sun streaming in through her bedroom window.
Re: SGT Linda Zimmerman

(We'll get you there soon Shrike, Jus t need to get the others landed and hauled away and what not.)