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Servant of the Blade - (Helvorn/Pervy)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Riana Silversword thought back to how she got into this situation. It was -supposed- to be a low risk guard-job. //Frog//.

Well, it had been, they'd almost made it. Emphasis on almost. In Gieren's defense, //Big Frog.// he couldn't have known any of this would happen, when they ventured off road. It had seemed like the right call at the time, what with the mud-slide having blocked off the path and the nearby swamp dried from the recent drought. //big, wet frog.//

Riana really tried to not look to her right, where the bloodied remains of Gieren lay, his sword coated with only a bit of green from the large creatures strange hide. Somehow, Riana was pretty sure worse things were to cu... come. Don't think about it!
She tried to force herself, looking down on her left arm, numb and shaking a little, a half-shattered sword still in it. Why did that thing have such a tough hide? How.. that //disgusting, oversized, monstrous amphibian towering over her right now oh goddess!!//

How'd she gotten into this? She'd just finished her training like what.. a week ago? This was supposed to be a harmless first assignment, learning with a veteran.. well being a veteran hadn't helped the elf warrior one bit in the past.. //Oh goddess it's tongue...//

The only reason the thing had needed to be guarded and hadn't just been sent my courier was because, supposedly, the sword had been cursed.. something about sealing an ancient demon of violence and perversion, a fancy tale.. Riana had wondered why a sword had been the most available object to seal the demon within, but perhaps it figures, what with you fighting the demon, if you realize you can't cut the sucker open, you might as well seal it.
Riana wondered if you could seal demonic frogs too.

She had to deal with the here and now. Now. Gierien had been killed, brutally, Un'yur had been eaten and she now lay, one slick, sticky paw of the creature holding her down, it's tongue slithering over her. The thing was going to eat her, just like Un'yur and it's sticky, drippy saliva was half covering her already.. why was it taking so much time with her, getting her all icky and sticky with that stuff? Certainly, there was no worse fate for her than being eaten by the creature!

And there was no better fate either.. the things hide was far too thick for the usual sword, grey and covered in warts, the yellow-eyed oversized anurid croaked in triumph, as if it could read her thoughts. Even if she wanted to fight, there was no weapon close.. she glanced over to the small chest, locked, but half-broken where it had fallen from Un'yurs hands in the attack. It had half broken open, an ancient looking inscription torn through.. There was a sword in that box, right? Rusty and broken if she wasn't in luck, sharp and magical if she was.
[But could she try it.. could, should she risk it?]
Or should she just leave that thing lying there, and hope the giant frog left her in peace [if she didn't struggle too much?]
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Riana Silversword was the latest in a long line of High Elves of the Silversword clan. They were not nobles, craftsmen, mages, scholars or even great generals but instead had served as warriors and guardians for as long as memory could recall. Her family had been paladins, holy warriors as well as scouts and everything in between. Now in the tradition of her family and clan Riana had completed her training and was in the wide world seeking experience. She was lithe and well formed like all of her kin, as tall as most human males with the long, midnight black hair and pale, healthy skin of her High Elf heritage. Unlike many of her kind Riana was well endowed with heavy, firm breasts that filled her slender chest. Large, sensitive nipples along with a bulging bosom made it difficult for her to wear traditional armor so instead she settled for a tight, one piece body sleeve that cupped her shapely orbs and fitted under her under the armor that gripped her wide hips, feminine shoulders and slender and elegant thighs and calves. Piercing blue eyes looked out on the world with intelligence and determinate as the blood of her people ran true in a woman who had the potential to become a High Paladin or even a Royal Champion.

Now however all of that was pointless and moot as Riana faced defeat in her first mission. Things had gone from bad to worse as the gigantic frog had loomed out of the mist and devastated the caravan. Gierien had been first, first his sword arm and then his head bitten off while Riana and Un'yur had beaten on it without much success. A smash of a mighty paw had hurled Riana back, her sword broken on the warty, impervious hide of the creature while Un'yur had been cut nearly in two and then swallowed whole. Lying on her back Riana looked up at the creature and gritted her teeth. She would die here and now and while playing dead might have been an option to a lesser blood Riana would not give up the right while there was a single hope left. She stabbed upward with her dagger, slashing at the tongue and hoping to gain a bit of distraction as she rolled to the side. Moving quickly on all fours she slammed open the broken lid of the and groped inside for the sword. It was demonic, possessed and filled with the ancient evil of the Enemy but surely that was a myth. And even if it was in this instance the ends justifies the means for the sword would fall to this monstrous creature if she didn't use it to defend herself and her mission. Slashing she cut at the throat of the gigantic frog beast.
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Riana was a proud highborn, an elf, even if not a noble family. She would not lay silent. Neither would she die this day. The sword within the now fully broken wooden chest seemed simple, well crafted but functional, of a higher quality than the standard guard-issue indubitably, with a few slender elfish runes covering its length and more runes, albeit those unknown to Riana, covering the grip.

It also cut through the throat of the frogs monstrosity with near to no effort, supremely keen. Green-red blood splashed out of the creatures throat and upon the ground, the sword and it's wielder as the creature stumbled backwards, seeming shocked that anything could so easily cut through its hard hide.
This blade seemed to be so sharp, that even the creatures blood dripped down upon it, without sticking to it, although it was almost like some of that creatures blood had been sucked up by the blade but.. that wasn't possible, right?
.. and then, there was a brief burning sensation from the grip in Riana's hand, almost like a pulse of a heart throbbing through it and Riana saw the elfish runes upon it fading away and it almost, almost seemed to Riana as if the blade looked a little more dangerous and wicked afterwards.

Looking down at her hand it seemed fine.. a few small, red burn-marks perhaps but something in her peripherie distracted her from that...

As there was an elf ghost, appearing by her side.
She knew it was a ghost, just guessing by the half see-through nature of the white haired, grumpy looking elf-man, appearing out of thin air by her side. He was wearing lose robes, denoting him as some sort of high-ranking elf battlemage, although the outfit seemed a bit archaic. He seemed unarmed, an empty scabbard hanging off his robes.

"Fear not, young one. My name is Ji'eren of the Star court. Long ago I wounded a mighty demon who then sealed me within this holy sword.. and his trickery kept me sealed for many years... but now, your noble soul has helped break the curse and finally, I am free. Well, as free as can be."
He gave Riana an approving smile, his eyes taking in her strong, slightly blood splattered form, briefly resting upon her voluptous breasts. Riana could have sworn he was.. interested.. but then again, if she'd been stuck in a sword for centuries to then be picked up by a cute guy...

"Although my body has long withered away, perhaps I can lend you aid in your cause through this blade.. First, I advice you clean yourself off, the blood of this twisted creature is likely poisonous." The noble elf suggested.
"What are you waiting for? Your many questions can be answered later, for now, find the nearest river. It would not do for you to find such succes only to then succumb to some simple poison."
He continued, something in his tone rather insistant. Not the annoying insistance of an impatient youth, but the hard, strict insistance of one that was used to people doing as he demanded at all times.
Now that he mentioned it, Riana's arm holding the sword and having become splattered with the frog-monsters blood tingled a little... there should be a river not too far away up the road, perhaps she should question her new ghostly aquaintance more after she did as he suggested?
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Or should she just leave that thing lying there, and hope the giant frog left her in peace [if she didn't struggle too much?]


Riana Silversword was the latest in a long line of High Elves of the Silversword clan. They were not nobles, craftsmen, mages, scholars or even great generals but instead had served as warriors and guardians for as long as memory could recall. Her family had been paladins, holy warriors as well as scouts and everything in between. Now in the tradition of her family and clan Riana had completed her training and was in the wide world seeking experience. She was lithe and well formed like all of her kin, as tall as most human males with the long, midnight black hair and pale, healthy skin of her High Elf heritage. Unlike many of her kind Riana was well endowed with heavy, firm breasts that filled her slender chest. Large, sensitive nipples along with a bulging bosom made it difficult for her to wear traditional armor so instead she settled for a tight, one piece body sleeve that cupped her shapely orbs and fitted under her under the armor that gripped her wide hips, feminine shoulders and slender and elegant thighs and calves. Piercing blue eyes looked out on the world with intelligence and determinate as the blood of her people ran true in a woman who had the potential to become a High Paladin or even a Royal Champion.

Now however all of that was pointless and moot as Riana faced defeat in her first mission. Things had gone from bad to worse as the gigantic frog had loomed out of the mist and devastated the caravan. Gierien had been first, first his sword arm and then his head bitten off while Riana and Un'yur had beaten on it without much success. A smash of a mighty paw had hurled Riana back, her sword broken on the warty, impervious hide of the creature while Un'yur had been cut nearly in two and then swallowed whole. Lying on her back Riana thought quickly. The sword was cursed, demonic... that much was clear. Taking up the weapon was not a choice for her even to defend her life as such things were not only dangerous to a possible wielder but if a demon was somehow released it could wreak terrible havoc on all living creatures. No... she would play dead, stay quiet and pray to the Goddess that the gigantic frog beast would ignore her. It might snuffle and prod her but surely after a few minutes it would depart and leave her to continue the mission alone...

The blade was fine, beautiful even and made with the finest craftsmanship. Even in the brief instant that she drew it Riana could tell it was a masterclass weapon. She struck out immediately, glorying in the deadly effectiveness of the blade as it cleaved the frog in one swift strike. Blood gushed freely and Riana danced back as the massive frog collapsed at her feet. She took a deep, shuddering breath as her foe gave one last, rattling wheeze and died. Truly this was a weapon of might although she remained worried about the risks of the curse.

"Ahhh, Goddess!" she let out a sharp cry as her palm suddenly burned. She started to look down, noting the reddish marks covering her hand but was again surprised and distracted as a an apparition appeared. Riana moved instinctively on guard with the sword before relaxing at the sight of a seasoned elven warrior-mage albeit a ghost. As he spoke Riana let the blade drop to a neutral pose. He seemed legitimate, certainly not a demon of any sort and possessed a charisma that touched a chord deep inside. That he found her of interest was... well a bit odd but then perhaps even ghosts felt some emotions and desires. She bowed her head respectfully. "Ji'eren of the Star court, I am Riana Silversword. Greetings and welcome back to freedom. I would be pleased with your aid as all of my companions have perished."

Riana looked down at her arm. "Oh, yes!" Any questions were put aside as the immediate need to clean herself off took precedence. "You are wise." She had heard of such things as many frogs were rumored to have poisoned bites. She was not aware of poisoned blood but the tingling in her arm told her that Ji'eren might just be right. Riana grabbed her pack with the first aid kit and supplies and trotted off to the river just back a half mile or so.
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The frog-creature towered over Riana, tall as two men and smelling twice as nasty. Ignoring the thing and not putting up any resistance seemed to just encourage it, as that large, slithery tongue began coiling around her like a snake.. still, Riana tried her best to remain still and quiet, hoping the frog would ignore her.. and then, the tongue slithered -under- her leathery armor. An involuntary shiver ran down Riana's spine as the monstrous creature tasted her and, surely, her imagination, but it almost felt as if that.. thing was trying to pry that leather armor right off of her slender frame!

The things stinking saliva and intense, murky, swamp-like musk almost took away her breath as the thing pulled her closer, the kind of dull throbbing in the back of her head that one got from not getting enough fresh air for a brief while, as she felt the disgusting stickyness of it's tongue all over her, slowly freeing her out of her leather-armored shell..

But all of that became secondary as a concern, once the creature had her pulled close enough to glance between it's legs, were a thick, slimey, very male and very erect organ seemed to stare right back at her. Perhaps the creatures intent was neither to eat or kill, nor to leave her alone after all...

"I am regret to witness your companions fate.. but you are alive, and that is what matters more right now. Focus on your own survival first."
The mage-warrior adviced her, when she arrived at the river, winding languidly through a small vale. It took a short while, but she could find a spot where the clean, cool water ran down along less ragged stone, and, to the rushing of water, Ji'eren encouraged her:

"Clean your body and armor of the foul beasts ichor.... make sure to be throughout, Riana Silversword.. a soldier by familial heritage, then?"
He inquired, his words again holding the gentle harshness of a natural leader commanding answers, rather than a concerned stranger asking random question, as he looked around briefly.

"Is this As'vien? I think recognized some of the landmarks earlier, but the flow of time grinds even mountains to dust. If it is.. we should not be far from the Arnshvale forests, right?"
He mused. "You see, whilest your hand has weakened the seal, in truth, it is far from broken. The demon was quite cunning and powerful, hence my defeat.. heh, I wont lie, with all my magic I was rather pathetic compared to the demonlord... but let us not bemoan my failure!"
He humbly nodded, whilest watching the elf-girl disrobe, emphatizing:
"Clean all of your clothes.. the frogs ichor might have soaked through. Better to be safe now. It would not do to damage such a beautiful body."
Well, Riana's day could have gone a lot worse than an ancient elf heroes ghost flirting with her, couldn't it?
"Deep within the Arnshvale forest lies a way to shatter most of this seal for good, unleash this swords true potential. You could become a figure of legend, with it's aid.. one to never again lose your companions like you just had.."
He suggested
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Or should she just leave that thing lying there, and hope the giant frog left her in peace [if she didn't struggle too much?]


Riana held her breath as the monstrous frog loomed over her. She closed her eyes and didn't move, the holding her breath avoiding smelling the nasty thing. Ugh! Ugh! The tongue was awful, nasty and slimy and the nasty touch was even worse than the smell. Riana managed to stay calm and still while the tongue slipped over her but she jerked in reaction as the slick member slipped underneath the skirt of her armor and up over her buttocks and along her lower back. She tried to remain still, to play dead but her pretence died as the confluence of her the ties holding her armor snapping under the pressure of the prehensile tongue and the sudden sight of the icky, oozing penis sent lightning bolts of fear and disgust.

"Ahhhh!" Riana suddenly twisted and yanked herself away from the frog. She hoped that the surprise assault, especially as she lashed out with her foot to kick at the horrific, throbbing member would cause the frog to release her. Maybe she could still reach for the sword and fight back. Regardless Riana would kill the frog, castrate and then gut it for even daring to think of molesting her virgin, pristine body.

Riana was relieved not only to be free of the threat of the frog but especially to gain the advice and guidance of such an experienced and confident elder such as Ji'eren. She found that his gruff and even demanding manner and firm tone of voice reassured her. After the shock of violence and the horrible loss of her comrades and leader Riana found that she needed Ji'eren's assertive and even dominant manner. And for an older elf he wasn't half bad looking and his appreciative looks made her feel happy and sexy as a distraction from the massacre. She pulled off her boots and leather armor leaving just a loose silk undershirt over a capacious bra and short, form fitting breeches of silk as well that padded and protected her soft skin from the chafing touch of the armor. "Yes, we are just a few hours journey from the edge of the Arnshvale woods." She looked at him. "How long have you been imprisoned Sir? Did you feel the flow of time while trapped by foul magic?"

Blushing a bit now at his compliment in the midst of firm commands Riana removed the rest of her clothing. Her large, firm breasts caught the eye immediately as they sprang free of her bra. The orbs were each almost the size of her head but well formed and resting high on her chest. Large, dark nipples and areola capped off the womanly masses and the perky nature of her nipples spoke of sudden exposure to the wind or perhaps the eyes of a demanding spirit. A slender waist and belly tapering down to rounded, womanly hips and a broad love cradle. Her mons was rounded and prominent leading down to full, puffy folds highlighted by well trimmed dark curls. Reaching back and up Riana loosened her braid even as she hiked up her breasts in a magnificent display of womanly endowment. Rolling and shaking her head she flipped her long hair free to hang down in dark waves to the top of her ass. "I hope that there I... we.... can do more in the forest to weaken and then break the bonds of your chains. Can you... can you take a form again or will you be ever trapped in the sword as a focus?'

Riana felt a surge of pride knowing that she could be part of a magnificent quest. Still young and naive the offer of fame and heroism made her head spin and tweaked at her pride. "This sword is truly powerful. I wish to do whatever it takes to be worthy of it... and you. Will you stay and mentor me along the path of the hero? I value your experience and wish to honor your wisdom." She waded into the water up to her waist and began to splash and scrub until her pale skin glistened from the cold water and rubbing. "How was the sword forged and can you tell me of your fatal encounter with the demon? Do we need to fear it sensing your freedom and returning to imprison you again?"

Riana holding still and not allowing herself to struggle seemed to quite encourage the amphibian creature, the tongue throughoutly violating her skin and flesh, laying her bare before the world.. only to recieve a kick for it's efforts.. however, with her as ill-positioned as she was and worse, the slick saliva coating even her own body, all she did was slide along the frogs member in what seemed to pleasure, rather than harm the beast.
Still, her attack was noticed, and the thing leaned down, making her fear her lashing out would be punished by prompt consumption as the thing leaned down into a mockery of a lip to lip kiss..

Only to spew forth a vile, sickening substance, some saliva, or poisonous spit, she cared not, she coughed and chocked and still some of that liquid flowed deep into her, warming her insides as the disgusting, slimey creature dropped her, one paw upon her, holding her upon the bog floor, drenched in it's stink and spit and smell.. this disgusting smell that.. actually made her body feel kind of warm. Was there some sort of poison in this saliva? Whatever was happening, Riana felt a tingling of relaxed, warm arousal gnaw away at her hatred and disgust. She could still see the creature as the disgusting thing it was. Still smell it's foul scent.. but now that scent was kind of turning her on, somehow.. and the creature looked both hideous.. and virile.

Her tongue flopped out of her mouth. That was the first true warning sign. Her tongue, soft and warm and elfish and definitly her own.. and yet not. Far too long, somehow, it had grown, and still grew, slowly sliding like a fleshy snake to drop down upon her bossom, which for a moment, she could have sworn had a strange discoloration, a spotted greyish green...

"I cannot tell for how long I've been trapped, young warrior. Although my imprisonment is likely measured in centuries, not decades. Still, some advice holds true through the ages.. if you are willing to listen to what this old man has to say." He offered, with a mirthful undertone, whilest Riana removed her armor. "I would not set you upon a perilious journey towards the Arnshvale forests if you do not want to go, of course, but your fight just now should have shown you that there are dangers in this world that our people need protecting from. You could be that protector, under my guidance."
He encouraged. It definitly sounded like he was just offering his stern, but well meaning advice and not at all as if he was exploiting Riana's vunerable moment to encourage her to listen to him.

Then, when she opened her bra, for just a brief moment, the elf-man's eyes glowed in an orange light, almost appearing like a far younger man.. but the moment Riana looked back at him, he had himself under control again, his form shifting back in an instant.. although his eyes were firmly set upon her bossom, clearly enjoying the sight.


"You are quite beautiful. Would that I not be incorporeal as I am."
He chuckled, still taking in those large, luscious nipples.. staring at her as if it was the most natural thing.

"I am quite trapped, for now, fair maiden.. but perhaps you could help, yes.
You are strong, and resolute.. but you are not yet worthy."

He determined, stepping closer.. up behind her, one hand touching her sword-arm, seeming to just examine it, without any ill intend. "Your body is strong.. you must have devoted yourself to training admirably. If you'd been trained proper, perhaps you'd not even have needed this sword to handle a low-ranking toad demon like this creature."
Ji'eren nodded. "I guess the others did not teach you however. Did not think you were ready, that you could handle yourself... Can you be worthy.... maybe.. yes.. if you are truly willing to do what it takes..."
He nodded, his voice growing demanding, commanding.. "Riana, born of warriors.. are you ready to do what it takes to be worthy of my teachings?"
He demanded, then added...

"I think I can teach you.. but you will have to do as I say. For now.. take the sword."
He nodded, subtly moving past her questioning about the demons nature.
"Nono.. not the armor, not your clothes just take the sword. Your sword, naked as you are.. pure. You see, to carry this holy blade, you have to purge yourself of impure desires. Such a pure weapon will fight more against you than your enemy if your mind is clouded by wicked lust.. let me show you... oh and..
don't worry about it too much, just like the river water cleanses dirt from your skin, so can this mighty sword can cleanse the evil urges of your soul, help you become the hero you are ment to be.. but to do this, I have to..."

A ghostly hand reached out to cup Riana's left breast, circling her large, plump areola, whilest the other hand gripped her left, leading it up to do the same on her right breast. The ghostly touch was not quite real.. it felt.. tingly, tangible.. good. But it wasn't fully there. Still, indubitably, the touch caught her by suprise. yet, Ji'eren exlpained:

"You now feel sexual desire. Arousal. Even me staring at your naked, female form awakened a tingling deep inside you, did it not? That is understandable, but Demons can use that against you.. so you have to let the sword purge you of it. Take a firm grip upon it.. close your eyes, and let it guide you. Calm, steady breathing."
He spoke quickly, too quick to allow Riana to truly question what was going on.. as her hand was made to caress her own breast, before being lead down.. the sword positively pulsing in her other hand.
"Can you feel these wicked, impure thoughts building? You shouldn't focus on the hardness of your ripe, plump bossom. You should not think about the throbbing wetness between your legs. They are natural, yes.. they might feel like they control you, but you can't let them overwhelm you. You have help now, you have the holy sword.
Just let these desires build, then purge them from your body. The sword is in control of these desires. They don't control you. If you wish to be worthy, you have to let those desires flow out of you, drip right out of you. Let them build up, let the sword guide you and make you pure. Only by confronting those perverted lusts iny our body can you overcome them and show me you are worthy."

He insisted, encouraging, almost pushing Riana to touch herself. Perhaps the situation would have been uncomfortable, even surreal, but there was a soothing warmth radiating from the sword into Riana.. perhaps that was what being purified felt like? She could definitly feel that sword releasing darker, more perverted thoughts than she was used to having. So was this how becoming a true holy warrior was like? If she could let the sword help her control these darker, wicked urges, she'd be worthy... she just had to let them lose and cleanse herself....
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Riana grunted with frustration as her kick glanced off the monster's gigantic penis instead of inflicting a painful reckoning. She scrambled on the ground for a rock, finding a small object that she could use to defend herself. Riana opened her mouth to scream her defiance as she swung the rock at it. "Gahhhhh!" Riana choked and gagged as the foul creature suddenly spewed for the most disgusting mixture of slime or poisonous ooze. "Agghhh! Agghhhh!" she coughed and choked, gagging on her own bile as the horrid liquid, the disgusting mixture covered her face, filled her mouth and despite her coughing and gagging flowed down her throat and into her stomach.

Thrashing and fighting Riana was pinned helplessly to the boggy ground as a frightening and terrifyingly insidious warmth began to fill her. The demon-frog's strength was too great and she could only wriggle helplessly as the poison worked it's wicked effects on her. Her eyes dilated and Riana could feel her large, firm breasts heat up while the nipples pulsed with each heartbeat as they grew hard and erect. Slowly the warmth spread from her belly to her loins. Riana was heated, sensuous and easy... The slime was horrid, the creature sick and terrible... yet she scooped up some of the slime covering her breasts and slowly licked it off her fingers... What! What was she doing!!! "Ahhhh... warm..." Riana sighed and found herself rubbing her knee and calf against the horrible penis... she had to... push... push... touch it... yes....

"Wahggg? Agghhh..." Riana reached up to touch her tongue. "Wha! Wha!" She could only croak with shock at the sight and touch of her tongue. So long, slick and sensitive... What had happened. Had the horrible... virile and sexy... mons... master... done this to her? And her hair... her hair... green?

Riana shook her head in sympathy as she learned of Ji'eren's imprisonment. "I am sorry that you were imprisoned so long sir." Her eyes never left his as she disrobed, her movements graceful like those of a trained dancer as she removed piece after piece of her clothing. She was stung a bit by his doubt. Didn't he know that she was a trained knight and warrior? Yes she was new to warfare and the wider world but Riana came from a glorious tradition of gallantry and heroism. Surely he could expect nothing less than the best and bravest from her. So it was that when he offered her the opportunity to become a protector that Riana jumped on the idea without further thought. "I see the dangers and I'm not afraid," she said a bit defiantly. "I would gladly become a protector under your guidance and mentorship. It is my destiny. I am sure of it." Riana didn't really know that she was being manipulated or what would be required down the path to which she had committed herself. She'd always been impulsive and headstrong and it had served her well... so far.

Her bra was tricky to remove for it had been made especially for her as part of her armor. Riana was proud of her bosom and found the older elf's appreciative gaze earlier to be... flattering. Still, the thing took a bit of effort and as her breasts sprang free Riana was not looking up at him and missed all but the last tiny bit of the flicker of his restrained change. Ahhhh, did she see something? It was probably part of being incorporeal and a ghost. Riana should be more sensitive to his predicament. She blushed of course as her eyes met his and then she watched him gaze down at her breasts. Her nipples were hardening and under his frank appraisal her blush spread even as her nipples continued to perk and tighten.

"Ummm... thank you... thank you..." Riana stammered at his compliment. She felt him move around behind her but did not object or shift away from him as he settled himself so close that she convinced herself that there was a warm, even hot presences just at her back. Riana twitched only slightly as his hand, that mix of corporeal and incorporeal touch closed on her upper arm. There was a delicate, feminine softness to her limb, a grace that again spoke of training not just as a warrior but as a dancer for Riana had been trained in the graceful arts of dance to improve her combat or at least that was what her trainers had told her. "I want to help." She was upset now as he told her she was not worthy. "But I am, I can be worthy!"

Riana looked over her shoulder at him, convinced that she had to follow his lead. "I Riana Silversword born of warriors will do whatever it takes to be found worthy."

Taking the sword up as he told her while leaving her clothing and armor draped on a nearby rock Riana took a deep breath. "Oh! What?" She gasped as his hand gripped her breast. "Do you... do you have to do that?" Her nipple was hard and tensed and perked up further under the tingly, ghostly feeling. For a moment she shivered and restrained a moan wanting more in that wicked instant. "I do... but..." She blushed further for surely she felt a pulse of arousal, a warmth that felt good pooling in her loins. "But..." Still she had promised to follow his guidance. "Ok... I will let the sword guide me." She closed her eyes and meditated. Riana breathed slowly, deeply her heavy breasts jiggling and heaving with each movement of her chest.

The more he spoke, the more he guided her the more Riana felt the heavy, aching warmth, the tightness in her breasts and nipples and the full, lush sense of arousal and openness between her legs. Truly perhaps she needed to be purged and made worthy. Breathing more deeply, focusing more Riana let her mind go free and gave over her thoughts to the warm, blessed sword. Surely the holy blade would guide her along with Ji'eren himself. Slowly, slowly she let her hand move, drifting down under his impetus over her smooth, rounded belly and over her closely trimmed mons. Her fingers under his guidance found her clit, the aching center of wickedness and she began to stimulate herself, to bring forth the impure and let the sword control those evil thought wholly.
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This time, as the frog croaked, Riana could have sworn she could hear a subtone of triumph from it, as it stared down at Riana, who by now found her body sweating in what could only be the effects of consuming more of this wrong, delicious poison. But that wasn't the strange thing. The strange thing was the realization that the sweat, the mucuous covering her from her own fluids and the frog tongue.. that felt good. Where it didn't throughoutly cover her, her body felt dry and strange, moreso as the color-shifting of her body progressed, giving her a decidedly unhealthy, pretty grey-green.

All of that was secondary to the concern of the frog-cock rubbing up between her legs. Far too large for her poor, slender elven body to take it, the creature seemed intent to spear her to death with this massive, twisted appendage...
Only for it to slide in with an intensely pleasurable stretching sensation, Riana's wet, mucous covered loins opening up for her anurid master with a slight squishing motion, stretching her body to fit the frog as it slowly, lustfull invaded her, taking her, it's tongue slithering out to coil around hers, sharing more disgusting, sweet poison with her.
As the monstrous frog tried to push deeper into her it ended up dragging her through the mud below.. but that was fine, she liked the feeling of wet, sticky mud on her skin.

If she could have seen herself right now, she'd realize her body was quickly taking on a more frog-like apperance, her body falling prey to a strange, sensual heat that was as intense, if not stronger, than her prior disgust at the creature.. why again had she fought it? Why had she disliked the musky scent of it's sweet, murky hide? But right now those concerns did not matter, not when she could relax and let her frog-lord stretch her out and use her for his pleasure. She was pretty sure that the prolonged contact to masters poison was making her think that. She should allow masters venom to coat and shape her more...
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"Thank you for your sympathy.. but rather than bemoan my fate of the past, let us work to set me free truly."
He nodded. "Alright... if you are confident you can do this, I shall not hold back in challenging you."
He said, with a determined, but slightly teasing subtone. "You shall have opportunity to prove you can do what many of your peers would fail at."
Again, it sounded encouraging. Certainly those words were not subtly designed to make Riana go along with Ji'eren's requests more eagerly. What reason would he have to do that? He seemed the type grumpy enough to dismiss an inept student that didn't follow his harsher commands..

"That you are emberassed under your teachers eyes shows you have impure thoughts.. I was merely studying your body to judge how well you have trained so far. A skilled enough warrior can tell by just a look at the opponents muscles what weapons they are good with.. a sword user,.. good good, that means I can indeed teach you my techniques, if you are worthy."
Ji'eren suggested.

When she closed her eyes, his expression shifted again, still handsome, but with his eyes burning with an inner fire, seeking to consume the elf maiden before him. He lifted a hand, flexed it into a fist.. and gently instructed on:

"Relax.. focus upon the tingling in your breasts and loins. You heard of holy virginal warriors before, yes? This is the.. simpler version of it.. just relax.. can you feel the heat within you.. imagine the sword touching you there.. soothing that heat away."
He encouraged, whilest the sword subtly pulsed in Riana's hand.

"Let it happen, keep your eyes closed, only listen to my voice and the rushing of the water."
He commanded, whilest decidedly unholy runes began lighting up along the length of the blade. " Let the holy sword purge those bad thoughts, of having men touch you between your legs.. penetrating you.. suckling on those large breasts. Can you feel those desires grow stronger? Don't deny them.. unleash them, this is how you can control them.. now.. let it happen.. let the sword take control. Don't fight your purification.. even if it feels a little weird.. you want to show me you are worthy, right? You are willing to do this, right?"
The man encouraged, smiling darkly as he pushed Riana just a little.. and she felt something.. taking root in her. Those twisted desires.. the sword helped her control them.. slowly, she felt less ashamed about Ji'eren watching her. She felt less worried about being there, naked and touching herself, as Ji'eren stepped behind her.

"You are doing good, Riana.. wow.. much better than I had expected.. Let the sword purify your body and mind. Imagine all that slumbering perversion in you.. and let the sword set it free.. oh... there it is.."
And as Ji'eren did something behind her she couldn't possibly see, Riana felt a sense of foul pleasure spread through her body, revealed by the sword. Her already impressive breasts plumbed up, growing fatter.. heavier. Her clit, under her touch grew fat and throbbed insistantly. "There it is. That is your evil, your perversion.. don't think about it.. just unleash the pleasure.. don't think about how full and fat your breasts are, how much you love your thick areola.. don't think about the warmth in your loins and how your clit throbs.. fight it. You can do it.."
Ji'eren encouraged, whilest holding one hand lifted over Riana, who felt these lustful thoughts slipping into her head all too easily..

"You can do this, Riana. Keep calm. Inhale.. exhale focus on being a warrior.. don't think about another pair of breasts forming right below the first, growing just as thick and heavy as the first.. with huge, full areola that just make others want to suckle upon them."
He adviced.. just as Riana felt a warm, wonderful pulsation on her chest, something stirring below her breasts... "You can fight it. You can control it. Don't think about your puffy lips wrapped around large, demonic cocks. You are not a slave of evil, not a worthless evil slut with full tits and a drooling snatch, keep calm.. breathe, let the sword help you."
Ji'eren encouraged, even whilest Riana felt her lips puffing up, her snatch hungering, oozing her arousal wantonly. "Feel it.... feel your breasts.. but don't succumb. You are stronger than this."
Ji'eren suggested, whilest dark lines began crawling over Riana's body from the sword, small horns growing from her forehead.... "The sword is cleansing you now. DON'T CUM!"
He commanded, insistantly. "You are stronger than this. No matter how good your fat breasts feel. Now matter how much you want a demoncock in your mouth or between your legs, no matter how much you want to be used, let those evil fantasies of yours be purified!"
He demanded. Yes, Riana was stronger than this.. no matter how much something in her mind told her she wanted to be a fat-breasted demon-whore, eager to obey an evil master, thanks to the sword and Ji'eren she was stronger than her perversion.. that perversion was sucked right out of her.. the pressure on her forehead and extra weight on her chest slowly, painfully slowly fading. "Almost there.. only cum when I tell you to.. Let the sword purify you.. keep drawing out your evil pleasure, think about the things you want the sword to clear out of you, don't lose to your nipples.. don't become a slave to your demon-slut fantasies. Soon, the sword will mark you with its protective purity and you wont have to worry about losing to such things anymore.."
He encouraged.

Riana squirmed and twisted under the attentions of the horrible... wonderful... repulsive... virile... frog-demon. She felt sweaty and wet... no... gloriously slick with beautiful mucous that coated her skin like the caress of a lover. She perhaps noted the spreading, glorious green hue spreading over her skin but it was entirely secondary to the glory of the massive frog-cock. A virgin Riana was aware of male and female organs and sex having seen horses and dogs rutting but the heat and arousal caused by the masterful shaft rubbing her sex made her head spin. Instinctively Riana raised her knees and spread her legs, opening herself to the impossibly large shaft as she sought to please her new master.

"Ohhhh... ohhh gods, gods yes! Oh yes..." Riana sobbed with pain and pleasure as the gigantic shaft speared her soft, yielding pussy. The breach of her virginity was a hard, sharp pain yet the sensation was immediately replaced by an intense, heavy sense of pleasure as the thick, impossibly wide penis spread her sex open more than she would have imagined possible. Well lubricated by a sudden flow of thick, slick lubricant flowing from her pussy Riana felt her body YIELD and change. Hips broadened and her pelvis expanded to accommodate a shaft larger than her hip.

Humping back against the massive intruder Riana cried out loudly to tell the world and her master of her pleasure and satisfaction. She was a fuck toy, a breeder and mate to this glorious creature. How could she ever have thought her Lord was disgusting and fearful. Kissing and licking at him, suckling on his thick mucous, rubbing her body along him and nibbling at his yielding yet tough hide Riana sought to coat her body with the beautiful, transforming venom inside and out.

The great, brown-green beast seemed to wait patiently for a few moments, letting Riana change to it's liking through the poison.. and only then did the humongous frog-shaft push deeper into her.. agains tretching her impossibly, but with far less pain than there should be considering the size. As the lustful elf rubbed herself tightly against her frog-master her body began to change further, breasts bulging out, belly swelling.. moreso than the cock invading her deeply would make it, her eyes shifting into an amphibian shape.. the hair not on her head growing slick and sticky and finally falling out, leaving her a slick, sensual frog-doll for her master to fuck.. which he happily obliged, thick shaft consuming her insides.

The changes within her were even greater, propably. She felt a tingling warmth deep iln her womb, accompanied by a desire to nurture, be bred, be filled with her masters offspring. A desire so natural, she barely noticed it enhanced and twisted by demonic energies. She realized he had turned her into a frog-breederslave and she realized her body would forever secrete the thick mucous that kept her slick and pleasurable and enslaved as well as enslaving any maidens trying to rescue her.. not that she hoped for that, as the master thrust deeper, stronger itno her. Her beautiful, virile frog-lord's shaft throbbing... She had to rock with him, encourage him, she needed his blessing of life..

And then she felt it a thick, lukewarm flood, a torrent of breeding soup that would have disgusted here mere moments ago pumped into her, invading and claiming, nesting in her changed womb, filling her with a soothing, buzzing warmth. She was completed.
A moment later, her mate withdrew, letting her clean up his beautiful cock with her long, prehensile tongue and finish her transformation with some more up-close venom before croaking out a undeniable command.. he was right of course. It was too dry and she was exposed here. They needed to go deep into the wet, muddy swamp for her to gestate and finish her transformation into a frog-slave.

Riana nodded slowly, her eyes shining as she agreed to follow Ji'eren's guidance as though he were her master in all things. She felt a surge of pride and admiration; how focused and disciplined he was to ignore his own plight, to dedicate himself to aiding her in the path of righteousness and heroism and all without asking for any payment or conditions. Riana was honored, truly honored to have such a mentor and she would do everything in her power to follow his every command and never, ever disappoint him or fall short of his expectations. This was the chance of lifetime; to train under a master. She felt a surge of pride... perhaps too much pride... the thought flickered through her head and then vanished... the pride was right; surely she was worthy, had been chosen by this powerful elf to become a champion! "Certainly sir, please challenge me to the very limits and beyond."

She met his eyes and nodded slowly. Riana wasn't sure what might be embarrassing about training but she only nodded slowly unwilling to be seen as uncooperative. "Impure?" Riana blushed deeply. She looked down and shook her head. "Oh... I am sorry Ji'eren. I... I couldn't help myself. I do want to be skilled and pure." Riana kept her eyes closed, focusing on his commands.

Slowly, slowly Riana relaxed as Ji'eren instructed her. She took a deep breath, her breasts heaving again. Reaching inside Riana steeled herself to think dirty, impure and erotic thoughts. She felt her nipples harden, stiffen proudly as her sex continued to warm. Riana gasped a bit as it seemed that the smooth, hard metal of the holy sword moved in her grip. Surely that was an illusion, a hopeful fabrication of her mind that wished to please Ji'reren. Yet still obedient she focused, closed her mind to everything but the soothing, penetrating sounds of Ji'eren's voice, the heavy tightness in her breasts and the luscious heat in her loins. Riana's hand worked her sex, rubbing the puffy folds and pressing in soft, circular motions along her tender clit.

"Ahhh... ohhhhh..." Riana couldn't stop the soft, needy moan that escaped her lips. She felt mortified; surely she was weak and failing. Again a deep breath as she focused on his words, focused on her breasts, her clit and her throbbing pussy. "Yes... I can... I can feel the heat... the sword... ohhhh..." Riana gripped the sword even more tightly, holding it with desperate strength as if it were a lifeline in a terrifying storm. She felt a tingling power but with eyes closed and mind aimed elsewhere had no knowledge of the dark, corrupt runes that oozed and dripped along its length like a repulsive slime. "The sword... yes..." Riana relaxed, breathing deeply, breasts heaving as she meditated, thought and imagined the sword possessing her impure thoughts and reaching deep into her mind and body to cleanse her of every foulness.

The surge of power, the sudden heat and pulse of wicked need thrilled Riana. Surely she was proving worthy, surely she was absorbing and following the lessons of purity. With each beat of her heart her sex pulsed. She felt her pussy soften and open, flowering with submission and desire. "I surrender, I surrender to the sword. Guide me!" Her breasts grew heavy and full on her chest, womanly and sensuous. "Ahhh... I can feel my breasts... heated... full..." Her clit seemed to jump under her touch, driving her crazy as her mind burned with lewdness and desire.

"Mmmm... ahhhh..." Riana almost orgasmed at the thought and corresponding pressure and heat as if a second, large pair of breasts formed on her chest. Only the sudden command from Ji'eren kept her from cumming in a screaming flurry. "I... I am a warrior... a holy warrior..." she chanted even as the intense sensation of two more pair of nipples, hard, sensitive nipples almost overwhelmed her. She felt lips and teeth on her breasts and nipples, felt the desire to serve, to suckle and nurse faceless, powerful men and... creatures...

Suddenly she cried out again as her lips puffed up. In a moment she almost orgasmed again as the new, slick cock sucking lips grew incredibly sensitive. Riana had seen horse and dog cocks as animals mated in natural fashion but never before had she seen that of a elf male and certainly not the cock of a demon. But now she saw and felt the huge, reddish and knobbed member of the most perverted, lusty and hellish minion of the under planes. Riana could smell it and then as it seemed that her lips engulfed the pulsing member, slipped with slick lubrication along the length Riana could taste the harsh, sulfurous and... wonderful cock. Her lips were puffy and wet with their own lubrication. She imagined herself plunging the warty, twisted cock deep her her mouth... in her virgin pussy! Riana wanted to be fucked, taken and used... filled in every hole with demon cock... to worship lewd and powerful masters... to suck cock, to suckle from two pair of breasts as she was whorishly bred again and again...

The sword would purify her now, to purge the desire to be a fat breasted, horny demon-whore! Riana cried out. "I surrender! I surrender! Purge me of wickedness! Mark me! I surrender to the sword!"

"Surrender.. Riana.. surrender to the sword. A soldiers life is full of hard work, dedication and obediance to their superiors.. but of course, your sacrifice for others is greatly respected." Sensei Ji'eren mused, watching the nude elf with a darkly lustful expression.. that shifted to stern, calm professionalism if her eyes ever happened to meet hers.

"You have to devote yourself, dedicate yourself, entirely to my teachings , the teachings of the sword."
He insisted. "But I think I can see in you the determination it would take, yes.." He acknowledged her.. definitly not with any ulterior motives. "Any farmer can be trained to a degree, physical strength can be bestowed upon any brute.. but true martial discipline requires a special mind, forged upon an anvil of strength, with a sword of keen determination."
That definitly sounded wise.. although Riana had little idea what it could mean. Just like she had little idea that the deeper she reached to find impure ideas for the sword to 'cleanse' the deeper it could in actuality plant the roots of such twisted desires. Ji'eren hadn't been entirely wrong, however, the sword did truly take control of Riana's darker thoughts, focusing them, amplifying them.. even as it felt as if she gained more control over them, as was the swords doing.

Riana looked like a demonic whore, twisted, lustful.. but slowly, ever so slowly, the sword purged her of her corruption.. her second pair of breasts disappearing, her lips returning to normal, thoughts, fantasies, desires aboud demon cocks fading from her mind, supressed by a sense of calm determination. There was an accompanying burning on the inside of her hand, where she gripped the sword, but this was the pain that would purify her of evil.
"Surrender to it, Riana.. you aren't in control of your evil desires.. the sword is.. the sword will keep you pure, but only if you let it guide you."
Ji'eren suggested, as finally, the elfs body shook and spasmed.. and opened her eyes, to look at Ji'eren.. he looked.. younger, handsome, with a touch of //demonic// pure handsomness, nodding down at Riana.
"Now you can see me for who I really am, Riana. Well.. who I am, as long as I remain sealed. A ghost of myself. Now.. let us test if you've been purified properly.."
He reached out, his half-spectral hand pinching Riana's nipple.. .it felt good, yes, but there was no emberassment.. no shame. His hand slowly circled around her areola now, admiering her plump breast.. was it ever so slightly larger than before?
.. but again, there was no feelings of shame or modesty, after all, this man was her wise master, there was nothing sexual about him seeing her naked or touching her, this was just her training. All she felt was a nice, soothing arousal.
"No reaction? Great.. it seems you could really be purified.. I am suprised again by your strength..
Although you might get more impure thoughts.. you ought to cleanse your mind like this, every morning."

He suggested, reaching out.. and pointing at Riana's hand, still holding the sword.

There was a beautiful purity marking on the inside of her hand, but as if that wasn't not enough, her nails had elonated, becoming pointy, almost claw like. She felt herself tense.. hesitate.. and Ji'eren's voice, close to her ear, quickly told her what to think. "What a beautiful sign of purity. You are a natural talent. If you keep working hard and banish all evil thoughts from your mind and into the sword they will tell legends in your name..."
He encouraged..

"Now.. get ready to help me break the swords seal in Arnshvale.."
It sounded like a request, but her body moved as if commanded, drying herself, dressing up....

~~~~~Journey to Arnshvale~~~~~

The Journey took about two weeks. Master Ji'eren, her sensei laid out a strict, disciplined plan for her along the way.. she had to hunt for food and march, but each morning she had to cleanse her mind of evil thoughts. She got better at it, quickly, the marking of the beautiful sword slowly crawling up her lower arm, to her elbow, her right hand's color darkening to a beautiful, purer skin tone, long, red nails decorating each finger and, unbeknownst to her, a demonic fire began burning in her eyes whenever she exerted herself or got angry..
Master also trained her in sword arts, quite expertised in techniques of old.. a little brutal, but master assured her this was necessary. As was learning them without her clothes on. Using the holy sword was draining on her, master told her and indeed, her bodies heat grew, and dark, perverted thoughts assaulted her mind.. but luckily, the holy sword could drain those thoughts out of her as well, whenever she gave it more control.

Soon, they were nearing the Arnshavale Forests temple, a place where they would find the holy magic necessary to undo the demonic seal. Something about that explanation sounded... off to Riana, but as soon as she mediated over it, as master had taught her, all doubts vanished from her mind. She had felt her strength and even her physical skill increase at a rapid pace, so clearly, master was right. Master was always right..

However, just before they arrived at the temple, a group of... questionable gentlemen suddenly blocked their way on the rocky forest-path!


"Oh hello there, M'lady, what a wonderful evening..." One of them smirked.

"Ooh pretty girl.. we can keep?" A less intelligent whispered, easily heard by Riana's sharp ears..

"Usually, I'd ask for a little.. tax from the king to pass through these lands.." the first man grinned.

"But I think a beautiful lady like you might need us to accompany her.. what do you say." He asked, stepping up, ... and slapping his hand down upon Riana's bottom!

"Disgusting lowlifes.. twisted by evil."
Master said, only audible by her, of course. "It's ok to kill them. They are evil. You are pure.. so you can do with them as you want anyway... use the sword and cut them down if they bother you."
Master suggested and the idea made Riana's beautiful, pure elven body tingle with the warmth of purity, a hint of warmth that master told her always came with following the path of good and righteousness. [She should just cut these down..]

Then again, on the other hand, they were just human scum. Beneath her. Plus, something about cutting down someone that was not a monster, but a person, even if a low life.. it felt like there was no turning back.. perhaps she should just [Run off now?] -> Skips ahead without lewds, no need to write this!

On the other hand, she was a holy warrior, pure, and strong, her master had told her this.. perhaps she could help these folks back on the right path, talk to them... surely, they could be [reasoned with?] -> Lewd gameover path, let's do it first!

Riana felt changed and different as she surrendered herself to the teachings of Ji'eren and the power of the holy sword. The stirrings of lust and dark desires, demonic fantasies and even worse would have worried her, might have sent her to a temple to confess her sins to a priest but the knowledge that the sword would control, channel and purify those desires and the steady presence of the transformed, the handsome spirit who had sacrificed so much kept her calm. She was surprised and shocked that she could think such things but she only kept the sword closer to her. Riana found a simple, deep joy in presenting her nude body to Ji'eren. What was more natural than the elven form especially that of a svelte and fertile female? She found herself hefting her breasts, wondering if they were indeed larger but above all worrying that they would not be fully pleasing to Ji'eren. She loved the purity mark and the lovely, long nails that adorned the tips of her fingers.

As they traveled Riana worked hard to be the perfect student. She was careful to obey Ji'eren in everything even seeking to anticipate his desires and commands. Riana briefly worried about the growing purity mark as the beautiful tracery of black, purple and red markings graced her hand and forearm. She loved her long red nails and gloried in the feeling of increasing strength and confidence as her training progressed. Surely as Ji'eren told her the purity marks, the strength and skill were signs of her progress even though she still felt deeply unworthy of such a mighty warrior and such a powerful and holy sword. The dark and perverted thoughts still came, indeed they stormed through her mind and body in ever increasing surges but as always the sword controlled, shaped and then purified her of all lewdness.

When they met the three travelers along the highway at first Riana felt the urge to destroy them out of hand for their temerity. How dare they stand in the way of her holy quest. Little did she know that her eyes flashed a demonic red for just a moment before she gained control. Taking a deep breath Riana smiled in a friendly fashion. No... she would reason with them and lead them down the path of righteousness and purity just as the holy sword and Ji'eren had done for her. She startled as the tall, slender man slapped her ass. Riana had to remove her hand from the hilt of the sword. "No master," she subvocalized. "They are misguided. Let me speak to them and bring them to the path of holiness. They may be of aid to our quest."

"Gentlemen, gentlemen...
" she shifted a bit to get her ass out of their immediate grasp. "Surely we can talk this out. Perhaps I can pay the tax and we can avoid any unpleasantness. Surely among thinking beings there can be rationality and purity?"
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