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Servant of the Blade - (Helvorn/Pervy)


On the ride, Gwin'en seemed quite encouraged when she was told she had great talents, riding along by Riana's side with a prideful glow to her cheeks, clearly not thinking about the sheer strength of the powerful animals they rode upon, unlike the lustful Riana.
Every hero needed a hobby, after all, and there was no way that Riana's desires had been fanned by the sword by her side...

Gwin gulped a little, but quickly nodded her agreement to Riana's plan, guiding her horse along. Battle, so swiftly.. but something had been burning in Riana and slowly growing through that ride.. yes.. fighting the evil creatures .. perhaps she'd even have to use her sword..

The two quickly road around through the undergrowth, guiding their horses to look at what lay before them... and spy several undead warriors!

About three dozen skeletons, armed in ragged remains of armor and helmets, advanced in troups a ten, lead by a somewhat better outfitted skeleton each. The elfish defenders, to their credit using blunted arrows slowed the skeletons assault and readied for a counter attack.. but of course so few skeletons could not overwhelm them.
A brief glance over to the defenders told Riana what this really was.. a war of attrition. Smaller contingents of skeletons sent out ot busy the warriors, after all, each man they lost, even each wound inflicted weakened them, whilest the necromancing lich could keep going indefinitly, for as long as he had corpses to use. Gwin'en looked at her with a concerned glance, uncertain what to do.. she could take on several of these creatures, propably half of them with ease, if she drew her sword and bring the defenders some relief, but could she risk that?
Could she risk not doing it? Those foul undead had to be crushed and then, they'd drive the attack back.. somehow!

Riana felt a surge of arousal almost an orgasm as she spied the battle and the foul creatures spread out before her. Surely she would draw the sword now and cleave into the evil creatures each stroke, each kill a burst of intoxicating and addictive pleasure. She recognized that the power of the sword and of HIM had gradually twisted her noble service to the crown and the people from slaying of evil in service of a greater goal to a dark slaughter to bring pleasure to her aching loins and churning mind. She grasped the idea that no matter what her own motivations were in the fight at least she was doing ultimate good. Riana shook her head and steeled herself. Regardless of how she felt a major battle was developing and she would have to do her part no matter how she felt.

Quickly Riana took on the battlefield. "The skeletons are ultimately unbeatable. They will wear down the Kingsguard and destroy them. We need to deal more directly with the source" Reluctantly she drew the sword. "The Kingsguard can handle the skeleton warriors for now. Let us ride through cover around the flank and deal with the source of the skeletons directly." She directed her stallion to gallop further on and back with a squeeze of her knees.

A quick, soothing pulse of confidence filled Riana as she drew her blade. Yes.. a good servant like her was of course aware of the diversion, as she and Gwin'en advanced far behind enemy lines.
And with the almost supernaturally enhanced senses her blade blessed her with, it was easy enough to rush behind enemy lines.. and spot the general of this undead.. army?

Riana was quite certain that he was the general, at least, going by the green glow of necromancy emanating from his hand, directing skeletongs like a twisted symphony..

The man was handsome. Long, flowing blonde hair, hawkish featurs and a pelt-mantle identifying him as a high up noble. A cane stylistically tossed over one arm he seemed the very definition of a noble, with only a few hints of blood hidden in the luscious fur of his overcoat and only his unnatural pale complexity giving away what he truly was.
His eyes fell upon both Riana and Gwin and where Riana felt a surge of mighty, delicious demonic power bolstering her will..

Gwin'en simply dismounted her horse, to kneel down. "M... master..."
She stammered, mesmeriszed, as he approached, extending a hand to brush her cheek.. and smirk.
"Clever clever reinforcements, aren't you two? rushing past here, to strike at the head of my masters little strike-force. I am Count Andur Eisenheim, pleased to make your aquaintance, strong willed one."
He cooed, whilest pushing two fingers of his gloved hand into Gwin'ens mouth.. which she eagerly suckled on.
"You are an impressive morsel. It almost feels like something else is bolstering your mental strength though.. why don't you lower your sword and come closer, tell me a bit about yourself."
He demanded, those calm, domineering eyes upon her.. yes she should.. come closer.. tell about herself.. ignore how kind of sharp this beautiful mans teeth looked...
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Riana could not spare the effort to touch herself as the soothing influence of the blade warmed her loins. Instead she just rhythmically clenched her thighs around the heated, sweaty barrel of her stallion's chest as they rode. Expertly she led Gwin alongside her through the scattered ranks of the enemy army. One might have said that Riana was very, very good at what she did but one might as easily have noted the sharp, potent influence of the blade as it cleared their path. Riana felt a surge of pleasure at the sight of the enemy general. It wasn't just the pride and happiness at a mission well accomplished but a dark, heated lust for death and destruction for its own sake that filled her from the sword. She would slash the creature, show Gwin the how a true warrior fought evil and then take the luscious young thing into the woods and... ahhhh....

As they approached and the flow of hypnotic power flowed from him Riana instinctively raised the blade in what could have been a salute but also interposed the shining, glorious metal of the sword between her and those glorious blue eyes. She knew that the creature was exercising a force of will that she would not have been able to match if not for the tainted power of the sword. Riana was happy to resist the monster yet felt dirty, tainted and slick with desire at the knowledge that the blade had again saved her. "Let her go!" Riana called out as she cantered closer but not within easy striking distance. "Count Eisenheim, I am Riana the champion of the Kingdom. You will pay the price of your wickedness when I strike your head from your shoulders." Riana shivered as Gwin suckled the fingers and found her eyes drawn to those deep blue orbs. "I am strengthened by my faith and duty Count." She panted again, her thighs clenching. "I... I would gladly tell you of myself... my... " Riana struggled, the sword protecting her but her body aching for the sex for which it had been so thoroughly trained. She should resist, should strike the monster down rather than dismounting and kneeling before him to suckle his cock alongside her squire. Yes surely she must resist... draw upon the power of the sword in a wicked bargain to overcome this... this...
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The alluringly, almost otherwordly beautiful general, so different from his rotten soldiers hesitated in a calm, thoughtful moment as he observed Riana, clearly affected by his power, but resisting it, with the glittering of the demon-blade still in view.

Then however, the creature smirked. A more familiar situation, as the vampire beckoned over Gwin, who moaned and stumbled to her masters heels.
The vampire smirked, reaching a hand out to guide Gwin up, having her willingly expose her neck for him.. and biting down, all while keeping eye contact with Riana, who wasn't strong enough to force herself to take action to stop the creature and resist its allure at the same time.. not without submitting to the sword, that was.
"I don't intend to harm her, to the contrary, Riana, the hero. I intend to give her life everlasting as one of my brides. You could have the same, if you stepped to your place. The two of you are much more promising than the brutes of these warriors."
He noted, letting go of Gwin who turned to Riana, a red glow in her eyes..
"Oh M'lady.. his kiss feels so.. wonderful. Please submit to him."
She encouraged, clearly in the vampires thrall, but still, her expression, lost in desire, it was so.. beautiful.

And what was Riana's choice, really. If she gave the sword any more influence over her, who knew what would happen?
[Unleash the full power of the demonsword!]

No, she can fight this on her own! She can fight she can... [Kneel before the vampire...]

Riana watched with horrified and aroused fascination as Gwin eagerly bared her neck to the creature that could only be a vampire. She wriggled on the broad, heated back of her stallion, grinding her pussy against the bare hide as Gwin shivered orgasmically as the vampire fed on her. "Leave her... release her you foul undead." Riana watched fascinated as Gwin stood and begged her to join the master. "Ahhh... I can't..." She felt the Blade tugging at her, urging her to surrender and cleave the creature, to rescue her squire from its grip. She slid off the back of her horse and took a wavering step toward the vampire.

Surely she would not yield her will to the sword. Surely she could deal with the creature herself. Wasn't she the glorious hero? Yes, yes... Riana stepped toward the vampire and lowered her sword. She gazed into his eyes with defiance, swimming into those wonderful orbs. Yes... Riana could and would fight with him. She would resist and easily. Sheathing her sword she stepped forward to attack and moved into a dangerous, potent kneeling pose before the Master waiting for him to take her as part of her plan to destroy him... right...

"There is no need for your jealousy." The vampire declared, indeed letting go of Gwin with a slight smirk.
"You too may take your place at my feet." He demanded, but she defied those powerful eyes, that took in both every inch of her body in an unnatural hunger, both male and feral and she refused him, even though it felt like his gaze stripped her soul bare, she knelt down defiantly, basking in his aura and magnificent up close.. a noble, beautiful, hard lines on his face giving him hawkish features with ever so slightly a feral touch, a calm, domineering gaze... and Riana realized exactly how to defeat him!

She stood up, pulling away her armor to expose her neck. Yes. The only true way to defeat master was to give her blood to him. She had to offer herself to him without hesitation. Just the idea of how close she was to defeating her master send a spasm of joy through her body, focusing between her legs, tickling at her with lustful warmth, threatening to overhwelm her with an already building tension of climax and desire. "Accept my kiss and become a bride to my bidding.. your beauty will be eternal and mine."
Her master commanded, beautiful face slowly contorting into something more bestial.. hungry.. a prey-like fear holding Riana still even if she wanted to move.. which she didn't, to defeat her master.. why did she want to do that again? ...well to do it she had to do whatever he wanted to do, as her body was his now!

Riana felt strong and confident. She knew that the creature's days walking the fair soil were numbered. She was now in the position of power and there was no need to feel jealousy of Gwin or concern about their mission. The sword was warm, hot even at her hip and her right hand tingled with a desire to draw the blade. Riana ignored the nagging whispers that spoke to her, urging her to embrace the demonic power of the enchanted steel and cleave the monster from neck to crotch. No... she would not submit to the puissance of the blade but rather defeat this monster with the purity and strength of her own will. "No jealousy... I am not jealous," she claimed although her eyes would not deviate from His alluring gaze to glance over to where Gwin stood watching with adoration and a sinister, beautiful red glow.

"Yes, yes..." Riana acknowledged as she rose, eager hands unbuckling the gorget that protected her neck. She exposed the soft, pale skin of her neck to lure in the vampire so that by drinking her blood he would be undone. "Kiss... kiss me to seal the fate..." Her words trailed off as the arousal built in her loins, a moist heat and quickening that rewarded her obedience and promised great rewards to come. Her body relaxed and softened with need eager to accept her master. Riana steeled herself to shrug off the fear, the intense desire to flee for even if she could was she not a warrior who had faced and overcome fearsome creatures before? No, she would not falter she thought as the enthralled elf woman pulled her long hair back and offered the pulsing veins of her neck to the virile, achingly masculine figure before her.

"Good girl. It wouldn't do to have one of my brides be jealous of another." The dangerous-handsome man noted, his eyes still digging into Riana even as she rose obediantly.. defiantly! with his command.
He leaned forward, teeth sharp, glittering almost, causing an instinctual shiver of fear in the mammalian part of her brain.. before there was a moment of intense pain, followed by a strangely soothing pleasure, throbbing through her neck and from there flowing through all of her body, cascading through her innermost parts.

She grew a little light-headed as she could feel him drink her life-force away in the dark kiss, lips cold and greedy upon her neck. The bite was.. well, pleasurable would not be an adequate description for it. So sweet, so sensual it overwhelmed all her other senses and made her tingle with the roots of a slowly growing addiction. Then, the man closed a large, dark cloak over her and Gwin'en, so protective... she barely registred the rush of dark magic, whisking them away..

When she looked around again, when the wonderful kiss ended, she was.. cold.. the cold of something warm within her missing, yes, but also.. her surroundings had shifted. She was not certain if she was in a castle, a carpet, rich decorations on the wall, or, going by the stone sarcophagi around.. a tomb... perhaps both, a part of her realized, as the man, her master smirked down.
"The battlefield is scantly a place to enjoy beauties such as thou..."
He remarked, before waving a hand, commanding.

As his eyes appraised the two elves with hunger.. the weak-willed Gwin quickly responded with a "Yes master!" And began wiggling out of her garments, displaying her lithe, elven beauty in the light of torches by the wall...

Riana maintained her defiance even as the creature moved forward to feed at her neck. She remained strong as the waves of pleasure rolled over at his bite managing to only stay on her feet by a titanic force of will. The feel of the bite, the wonderful, potent energy that flowed through her in an irresistible, sensuous wave sent her reeling. Only her unshakeable desire to fight the vampire and see him destroyed kept her focused on her mission as her body glowed with a delight that she was already craving.

It was through a haze of arousal that she realized that they had been transported somewhere through powerful dark magic. Riana looked up and shook her head. Now the creature had brought her to his lair, to the heart of his power and she would be able to deliver the killing stroke rather than have the monster escape. Perhaps there was something missing, something that the bite had drained from her but Riana could not afford to pause and think to deeply. She MUST complete her mission and slay the creature which meant disrobing immediately to join Gwin in their mutual display of resistance. Surely the creature would fall back under their attack...

(You get This vamp because is hard to find good vamp!)

Well, the vampire did certainly seem to hesitate, watching the two nudely exposed elves deep in his unholy sanctuary, hungry eyes burning over every inch of their feminine skin, a cool, pale hand caressing along an elven chin each, leaving goosebumps in it's wake.
Clearly, this was working however. The elf-slave had her evil vampire master just where she wanted him, distracted by her beauty, reaching out to open up his clothes and lower his defenses as those wicked eyes kept leering at her.
With the demon sword as well as all veils hiding her gone, Riana quickly realized she could easily use the vampires digging around in her mind to distract him further, make him waste his powers, so she did the most natural thing.. letting him dig around in her thoughts as he desired of course.

There was a slight snickering as the vampire read her like an open book.. before biting his index finger, a drop of dark-red blood upon it, pushed up to her lips.
"This ought to make you far more interesting than the usual sex pet...."
He mused, before pushing his finger past her lips, gaze transfixed on her. "The other one is just another obediant doll for my will but you.. hmnn. Let me nurture your hearts desires."
He declared, whilest his foul blood flowed into her body, despoiling her and nurturing her hatred, until her nipples puffed up hard and enticed, her lips luscious and drooling her loathing at him.. almost like her lower lips, now warm and wet with her disdain for the vampire. Luckily, she felt like she'd completely broken free from whatever the creature was trying to do to her.. this was all her, the hero triumphing over the monsters.. oh she could show off just how triumphant she was while he examined her body?

The evil monster smirked, as a shock-like pain pulsed through her body, his gaze digging into her.. adjusting her. But of course she was too strong! She easily overcame her masters attempts to change her mind. Yes.. she was the one in control, not her master trying to twist her. A darker warmth pulsed between her legs as she realized she could finally unleas her hatred upon the creature, have her vengeance..
If she just made him impale her pussy with his unholy shaft. "Hahaha.. yes slave.. the only way to fight your master is to please him with your body."
Silly vampire, telling her his weakness. Of course that's what she would do.. and maybe she could even entice him into drinking more of her blood to weaken himself further. Yes, one or two more of his addicting, wonderful dark kisses was exactly what she needed to fight him better... and anything about that sounding wrong was quickly fading away from her mind by now. She hated that vampire so much she just had to feel how his cock felt like now!
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Riana felt a sense of triumph as she lured the vampire into her mind. She knew he could not resist probing deeply into her most intimate thoughts and desires. The creature would be distracted and vulnerable as he sorted through her weaknesses and prepared to further subjugate her mind and body. When her master offered her the welling droplets of his own dark blood she knew that the battle was nearly over in her favor. "Ahhhh... end it now Vampire. The game is almost over." The words seemed to flow from her mouth as the electric impact of the dark blood rippled through her body. Her voice changed slightly, lisping cutely just a bit as her lips grew puffy and wet into a set of perfect cock sucking pillows. "You will be helpless in my power as my body changes to be the perfect warrior and sexual slave." One hand came up and began to tug and pull on her ultra sensitive nipple while the other found her heated, wet lower lips. Rubbing lustily and even spreading her thighs to enhance her balance and ability to attack Riana jerked almost spasmodically under the pleasure and the dark power. Breathing deeply she used the lessons of erotic control that she had been taught, reached deeply into the years of sexual conditioning that had trained her body to a fine instrument of sexual pleasure to not only resist the efforts of the glorious, handsome Beast but to shape and twist the evil power to enhance her own strength. Surely the monster would chose to flee rather than to fight although Riana was prepared to hunt him down.

"Monster, Beast..." she lisped. "Prepare to meet your doom when I engulf your shaft in my cunt!" The foolish vampire had increased her power to fuck him tenfold with his twisting blood. Her sex clenched tightly and released in a steady march of doom for her Master as the slick readiness of her sex for battle drooled down the inside of her thighs. Her mind stiffened and rallied against his wickedness as holy anger and the power of her unbridled arousal filled Riana with a sense of purpose that would not be denied. The aching need for his Dark Kiss and the wild desire for his masterful cock in her pussy, his seed in her womb would propel her to victory! She would step in for close combat, pin him in place as she allowed him to take the dark kiss and then impale him in her aching, burning sex.

With decisive intent Riana stepped forward knelt before him. He would not expect such an attack as her hands came up to unlace his breeches to expose his lordly cock. The impact of her puffy, slick lips on his shaft as she bobbed forward would throw him off guard. Then when he came in her mouth she would swallow all of his essence and continue her attack when he was weakened and soft.
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The... clearly close to defeat vampire still smirked darkly.. what arrogance! Riana felt so disgusted it made her lust for him even more.
"Hmnn.. I must say, clearly, your body is adapting all too well to seduce me with your dark desires. I wonder if I stand a chance against it." He smirked, a skillful finger brushing over the once-holy warriors lust twisted lips, before pushing two fingers into Riana's whorish mouth.. a welcome adaption of course, to fight her master.

All too soon for him to react much more than with a moan she was upon him, kneeling like a lusty slave to distract him, her full, dick-sucking lips pumping up and down along his shaft, puffing up a little more as she willed herself to defeat her foe, that cool shaft pushing into her. Briefly, Riana noted that she didn't choke, didn't even seem to need to breathe.. but that was nothing to be cocnerned about, as her assault easily drew out her masters lust.. just a few sucks and slurps and he was already tensing up, his dark, lustful essence pouring into her mouth.. and then, once his shaft was withdraw, onto her face and chest. .. had her chest always been this big? Yes, well it had been big, but now it was positively a sex-toys.. a sex-tool, a tool to defeat the wicked vampire.. a tool that she needed..

For her assault had barely softened him up, his shaft hard and rigid. Clearly, she needed to use more of the dark power to ready her body to be his fuck toy.. but even if he had endured her upper lips.. she had another pair of lips that were sure to finish him and his magnificent, but evil shaft off.. and she could already feel her lower lips puff up with unholy power.. yes, she could defeat this creature for sure now!


Riana's lips had grown thick and puffy while her saliva had become thick and slick perfect for sucking the dicks of horrible monsters such as she faced. The gods had gifted her a wonderful weapon to subdue this vile creature and suck, lick and pleasure she did until the beast surrendered his seed to her in a jolt of wonderfully delicious cum. The taste was orgasmic and as he pulled out and sprayed his cum over her chest she felt a surge of pride. The thick, whitish seed dripping over her almost cartoonish breasts was a sign of her victory over his lust that she would bear with pride. Now pulling back Riana knew that the end was near. She had the vampire backed into a corner with no other option but to fuck her puffy, aching sex.

Spinning around Riana leaned over the coffin, knowing that taking him on his very coffin would seal his defeat for all eternity. Raising her hips she slapped her full, jiggling ass to draw his attention. "Now beast, fuck me and I shall have my just rewards." Riana reached back and spread her cheeks to expose her glistening and reddish sex lips that clenched and unclenched in naked desire.

Yes. Riana could feel it in her blood. She was now made to suck her master into submission, and he'd enabled her to do it! She could even feel her thoughts focus intently on the task ahead, to suck and slurp and serve..
All of her body that was. Both of her lips, as her pussy positively suckled up her vampiric master, taking him deep within her, feeling his unholy strength penetrate her and push her up against his very coffin. Yes, soon that beast would lay tired and defeated, and she'd be filled up with the cum of her victory!
The very idea made her moan and writhe in joy at the prospect, even as he leaned down, refreshing himself on her throat.. not that'd it do him any good! He was as good as overcome as her moans and lustful-wet slapping noises sang the anthem of his defeat.

Riana had to admit, that he was persistant. She'd been fucking him for what.. weeks now? Infact, she'd once spent almost ten hours fucking him into submission, without breaking to rest or eat or even breathe. That was how focused she was!

She was currently out, draining blood from a handsome young farmer while he slept. This was why she was doing all of this, to protect them, so the least they could do was give her some blood for her service! She kept the creature contained and weak.. even if he kept drinking some of the blood she took to gain her strength. Riana cooed softly, a noise that sounded more like a feral hiss and licked her tongue over her long, sharp teeth... which of course never touched masters cock, she would never befoul her pure body with his vile blood, that's why she kept feeding him her purity, after all....
Hmnn.. she should better head back. She could feel her master stirring again and she knew that Gwin'en alone couldn't fight him for long, good job as any she did massaging his balls and encouraging him into a weakened, aroused state.. She had to return and rush back to attend his cock at once!

~Happy end?~

Riana felt the surge of triumph as she mastered the weak mortal for the essence so vital to maintaining her constant, careful control of the vampiric threat. So blood was taken from the innocent and some even died of her sharings, especially early on as Riana learned control. Yet her work was vital for the greater good and if some suffered then those were the hard decisions that Riana had to take upon herself. It was a lonely path as a true knight of elven kind but Riana knew that her success was vital to the safety of her people and all good creatures. Now her body was moistening and preparing itself, lips swelling and softening as she returned to the crypt and her rigorous efforts to restrain and control the beast. With the help of her squire Riana would again succeed leaving the mortal lands safe from vampiric depredation...

Happy Ending!

Riana recognized the hypnotic mind control exerted by the creature. Pale skin, sharp teeth... surely the monster was a vampire and almost certainly the enemy general. She averted her eyes from his, looking instead at his chest although the power surged and beat at her mind with a sweet seductiveness. Riana felt the powerful, demonic energy surging from the sword and knew that it was quite likely that energy that was all that stood between her and thralldom like Gwin'en. She hated that the foul power was her protection but in this case the ends justified the means for without her intervention surely the elven army would perish.

The choice between surrender to the vampire and the use of the corrupting sword was clear...

Spurring her horse suddenly forward Riana made no war cry as she sought to surprise the monster and cleave him in twain. Gwin'en was kneeling and hopefully out of the way of a strike from above as the horse charged forward.
Riana would not bow to a vampiric fate! Not when she had her majestic demon master to bow to inst... not at all!

Yes, she ought to stare at his strong chest, letting it's beauty burn into her eyes and.. the power of her demonsword cut through the undead haze. Riana rode forward, with determination, eliciting an expression of confusion and annoyance upon the vampires face.. until the creature realized it was too late to halt her.

A burning, but not unpleasant sensation pulsed through her arm as once more, Riana was reminded that she liked this sensation. Wanted to embrace it. The sword impacted the undeads chest, sending him sliding backwards, spitting out dark blood as he was dragged over the field by the impact of the sword. Stumbling backwards, and beginning to turn into mist.. Only for Riana to smirk with cruel confidence, extending her blade forwards.. and impaling the creature among a lance of liquid fire...

Within seconds, he had burned to nothing but a skeletal husk as the demon-blade's magic impaled his chest .. and Riana smirked, confidently. A glare of determination enough to shake Gwin'en out of her own enthralled stupor, as Riana returned to report to the many, beautiful elfish men and their strong cocks. She felt like a passenger in her own body.. but it was good, to be controlled. Her eyes now demonic, she would fall upon her knees, give her report, and then suck the cocks of all those soldiers and..

With some heavy effort, she clawed her way back to consciousness.. no.. she would not suck cocks.. not yet.. the necromancer threat was not defeated, not yet. She rode forwards to meet with the handsome, strong elfish men that her body belonged to.. eventually. Just like her soul belonged to her demon-master.. There was no reason to worry about the sensation of another marking appearing upon her body, this time right above her bottom, another of the few remaining barriers to become a vessel to her demonic master burning away slowly...

Riana orgasmed as the vampire disintegrated into dust underneath the flaring energy of her demon master... errr... sword. The fire of power burned through her body, evaporating any doubts for a moment as her thoughts filled with strong, lusty elf men taking her, fucking her in reward for her victory. Riana felt heavy, full and sensitive as the power of the sword settled in her lower belly. She was needy, ready and eager to submit, to prove her utter loyalty to the virile cocks and seed of the King's Guard. How often had she lusted for them in the long nights and now with the victory over the vampire she would be worthy not just to suck cock but to take them in her aching pussy.

"Ahhh... Gwin'en... follow... follow me... we can... talk about the vampire... later..." Riana finally gasped, shaking herself free of the powerful sensual spell that became more and more powerful after each combat in which the demon sword was used. This time had been particularly strong for Riana had reached down deeply into the tainted, demonic power to not just fight but to save her very existence from the seductive grip of the undead master. She was worried but there was not time for the ultimate threat of the necromancer still loomed. That her body had gained yet another marking, this time apparently just above her bottom in what she had heard called a 'tramp stamp' was even more concerning as it spoke of another significant step down the path of ultimate corruption. Each time she'd voluntarily called upon the power of the sword to gain success in battle she had also been marked on her body or had her body twisted in a reminder of the power of her demon... master...

Now, Riana spurred forward desperately. She must reach the army, must kneel and suck big... hard... elven cocks... No! No! She had to get back to the commander and see that the army moved forward, bent her over a fence and each soldier had to fuck her in the ass or pussy. No! No! The necromancer must be defeated. She must take his undead member and... Ahhhhh! Only in the pure lust of battle could Riana again... again be...

Gwin'en, her loyal companion, seemed as if she'd wanted to say... to ask something about the vampire situation for a while now, but remained modestly silent.

"What?" Riana found herself mumbling, only for a handsome, hmnn.. strong elf soldier to ask, with a hint of a grin. "I asked, everything alright, lady Riana?" No, not everything was alright, she wasn't pleasuring his mighty shaft right now, after all, and..

"I've got bad news.. whilest you managed to deal with the vampire, he was actually not the lichs general.. no, the Necromancer has managed to raise a terrible creature, a long dead noble lady of a far away land. The undead's true force is just over the hill. We'd prepared for an assault on it when the vampire struck. Our chances looked grim, but with your arrival here.. perhaps if you could lead the strike-force and cut off the undead head of this evil army...

Will you lend us our aid, M'lady?" The soldier asked, hopeful. Even with all the things she'd done.. allowed herself to be done to her, they still saw Riana as a hero, maybe a hero with needs.. None of them knew the demonic desires glowing right below her surface.. oh if only she could give in, kneel, pleasure all of them.. but there was work to do, was there not?

[Maybe she could give in a little?]

[Or should she really just focus on her mission of defeating the undead?]