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Sen vs Mel vs Kaiser (1st Battle)

Pheonix Alugere

New member
Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Before the camera's is one of the more interesting arenas. It almost would be a hot spring if the pool hadn't been filled by a thick moist moss. The feel of the arena floor is much like a soft bed, except with the warm spring water still moving through the moss, it has a nice layer of warm water on top as well.

Looking around for whatever touched her tentacle, Sen, a woman with long black hair and two tentacles who also happens to be covered in come and lying under a large dragonkin, speaks. Yeah, we won't get mad at... wha...? I know there aren't animals on this world, so what is that? The thing they use to clean the pools? She changes speaking mid sentence when she sees the blue patch.
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The blue patch draws back slightly, still jiggling, then contracts and humps up. The mound pinches inwards even as it grows in height, quickly forming into a fairly humanoid head and the beginnings of shoulders, even including a fall of long (blue) hair. The form opens its mouth and visibly inhales, before beginning to speak.

"I, I, um, sorry-sorry... I tasted something new and sweet and I followed it and it turned out to be yours... I didn't mean to interrupt..."

She contrives to look sheepish, "eyes" glancing downwards and avoiding Sen's.
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kaiser's eyes get wider in surprise as he watches the blue mass assume a humanoid shape. He keeps his smile though. "It's alright. You were nice enough to make yourself known after we finished, so you never really interrupted. It's nice to meet you." he says warmly, gently patting the top of the slime girl's 'head' with his tail.
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Yeah, you didn't really interrupt. We were just winding down, unless you want to join in? Sen adds in seductively. She meant what she said earlier to Kaiser about being able to run her sex partners into the ground.
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"I, er, um, join in? Er, well..."

The slimegirl looks even more embarrassed, and you get the impression she'd be blushing if she could. But then she gets a concentrating look on her face, and below the waterline, the rest of the blue patch coalesces to form a rather fetching female body. Totally blue, of course, and still somewhat translucent, although apparently the process of concentrating herself also made her denser, as she is no longer floating but standing on the bottom.

"Um... I did agree to compete in the Tournament, not so long ago... are you competitors? I'm Melusine, by the way."
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Yep, and we both just had our first match before you arrived. I'm Sen. Sen replies, allowing Kaiser to introduce himself and wondering if they should uncouple for what is soon to come.
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Kaiser continues to watch as the slime girl forms more and more of a true shape, a faint blush on his cheeks as he gazes upon her shapely form. "Melusine... Mind if I just call you Mel?" He asks with a smile, his embrace around Sen loosening a bit, cock falling out of her folds. "I'm Kaiser by the way. Welcome to the tournament."
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"Um, sure, thank you."

Melusine looks back and forth between Sen and Kaiser for a moment.

"I didn't really pay attention to the rules of the Tournament, and was just sort of drifting around until I, um, tasted that sweet whatever-it-is from your, um, tentacles..."

She looks down for a bit, then back at them and smiles.

"But sure, I wouldn't mind going a round. Especially if it means I get to taste more of that sweet stuff."
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It's nectar: I'm part plant. You wouldn't mind some sex, though? Well, this might be fun. Sen says with a seductive grin as she starts to wriggle free from under Kaiser. Kaiser, you up for another few rounds?
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"Heh, I agree with ya. Whatever comes from those tentacles of her... It's amazing. I wonder though... Does she command it's release, or can we... ermmm... suck it out of them?" He wonders out loud, even licking his lips a bit. "Only a few? Awww... Guess I really tired you out then?" he teases, getting up and off of Sen, helping her to her feet and turning to face the goo girl.
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Heh, I've had some girlfriends that have tried manually getting my nectar, but so far you have to stick to the traditional approach. As for 'few' I've just always heard males can't go to many times without a break. Sen says as Kaiser helps her up, cum flowing down her legs in small streams.
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( Pheonix, Post every third post, not after every other post, otherwise I will nullify your 0.1XP-per-Post. <_< Keep yourself in the line and play fairly, I want no Post-Milkery here. )
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(A conversation doesn't necessarily always go A->B->C->A->B->C. Sen responding to Kaiser's challenge before Melusine gets up the nerve to respond is quite believable.)

"Sure. So, um, Kaiser... DO you want to join in, or maybe take a break while we, um, play?"

(1v1v1 Encounter, or 1v1 Endurance or Dominance?)
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(*shrugs* Guess I jsut like having an order among chaos...)

"I can go a few more rounds, sure. Lucky me that dragons have more endurance than humans." He chuckles, eyeing both girls. "Positioning this might be fun... 3 people, one with tentacles and one that can engulf both of the others..."

(1-1-1 of any style is my vote.)
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"Oh... I, um, lose coordination when I, um, let myself enlarge like that... I wouldn't contribute too much if I engulfed both of you. Think like blankets on a bed - keep the occupants warm, maybe tickle them a bit, but nothing more complex..."

She gets a sly grin as she steps closer and places a hand on Kaiser's chest, stroking the scales there.

"Certainly not like this."

(1v1v1 Encounter it is, then.)
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Kaiser quivers as he feels the warm, gooey hand stroke his chest, not quite used to the feeling, but it was enjoyable. "I see... Oh well. Not forcing you to do that, and it was just a suggestion. Not knowing what someone is capable of leads to a lot of assuming, and I'm sorry about that." He nods, his own hand timidly reaching for Mel, rubbing her shoulder. Then he turns to look at Sen. "Don't worry about me being unable to play. The slavers chose me over all their other slaves to participate in this for a reason." he grins.
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Oh? Well then, maybe we should test it out. That, and give Mel here some more of her favorite drink, eh? Sen says, sending out her a tentacle to slide past Mel's liquid petals.
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Melusine jumps a bit as the tentacle starts probing at her notional crotch. Then she twists to look at Sen, grinning as she reaches out to put a hand on her shoulder and draw her nearer.

"D-didn't you say it only came out with the traditional approach? How're we supposed to do that with you standing over there?"
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He grins at Sen. "I already told you, you can test me whenever you want." He chuckles, his hand gliding down Mel's form, coming to rest on her hips, the dragon slowly shifting closer to her, and closer to Sen, as she was pulled closer to them both.
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So, you really want me up close? Just look at what I can do to him. Sen says huskily as she bends over to Kaiser and starts tracing a line of kisses down his body towards his crotch, a movement designed to arouse. How about a real match? Last to 5 orgasms wins.

-Light Kiss/suck-
Type: Foreplay (Normal)
Costs: 20
Effect: 10 Pleasure Damage
Cooldown: 0

Target: Kaiser
=Sen Traviere=
Energy: 80/100
Pleasure: 0/110
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