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Selena's room

Re: Selena's room

Selena grunts and looks over angrily at Jesse, then swings the taser in her direction,

"Get the girl I just zapped, I'll handle Jesse...!"
Re: Selena's room

Jo's hopes had crashed within her as she felt a concentrated intense pressure that quickly traveled throughout her entire body until her bodily controls were not her own. Her arms had flailed and her legs buckled as she hit the ground, and even after she knew the shock was over, the pain still resided in her muscles. Even trying to grunt in pain caused her to stutter and eventually quit from injury.
Re: Selena's room

As Selena charged, Jesse caught her arm before she could connect it with her body, and wrenched her hand, so much that the tazer went flying to the other side of the room.

"That won't work again!" Jesse announced, but before Jesse could enjoy her victory, Serena grabbed her from behind again, and took her down. Jesse ended up face down on the ground, with her ass in the air, and Serena's cock already eagerly aiming to go inside her...

Meanwhile, Josie's body slowly started to recover from the attack, and she felt control starting to slowly return to her, although she still felt wobbly from the shock...

(Josie's unbalanced, but she may still make an action.)
Re: Selena's room

Jo knew she wasn't the most physical of people. She worked out all the time, but her skills have always been in enduring things, a decision she now regrets considering she'll be forced to face her rapists and endure over and over again. She was neither strong, nor that agile, and now she was hurt and facing two identical attackers. She knew that her chances aren't really relying on her at this point, but instead on Jesse. Trying to get the weight in her legs to balance out, she tried to prepare herself for a small burst of energy. Seeing Jesse being brought to the ground and almost about to be raped, Jo wanted to stop it, and she knew trying to throw her fist blindly in this state would not be helpful at all. She set her calves and feet and dove at the girl, hoping she could grab her, and either tackle or pry her off Jesse. She was the more able of the two right now, and if Jo had to sacrifice herself a bit to get that advantage, she will.
Re: Selena's room

Selena lets out a yell and runs at Josie, hoping to tackle her before she could knock her twin down,

"Go down already~!"
Re: Selena's room

As Selena made her attempt to lunge for Josie, Josie quickly stepped out of the way in time to rush at Serena, who was getting ready to insert herself into Jesse, and grapple onto her, peeling her off of Jesse, and holding onto her tightly.

"H-hey~ You bitch! Let me go!" Serena demanded as Josie locked onto her.

Meanwhile, Jesse got up once more, and stared at the other clone, who was recovering from her failed grab, "With no tazer, you're going down, sweetie!" she announced.
Re: Selena's room

As Jo started to regain herself, clinging tightly to the screaming twin, she reflected on what they just went through; her being raped, this girl raping Dixie, and their plan to do it over and over. Still holding the girl down, Jo tightened her hand into a fist and raised it above her head.


"I should have done this sooner."

She brought her hand downward, aimed to crash into the girls face.
Re: Selena's room

Selena lets out a grunt as she misses, then turns to Jesse to try to tackle her, trying to pin her down,

"Dammit... this is getting... out of hand...!"
Re: Selena's room

Jesse takes some kind of martial artist stance as Selena charges towards her. That's when Selena finds herself grabbed by her arm, being flipped over by Jesse, landing hard on her back.

(Selena's stamina status: Orange)

Jesse huffs as she successfully counters Selena, and taunts her, "You're actin' like you forgot who I am, sweetie!"

As Josie's hand connects with Serena's head, the clone yelps,

"Ow~! Now I'm definitely not going to be gentle when I capture you again!" she told her, and struggles in a weak attempt to escape. However, Josie holds tight.
Re: Selena's room

Jo only grew more angry at the girls words, with her trying to pretend there was any decency with what they were doing in the first place.


"Unlike you, I didn't do anything to deserve what I got!"

With that, she once again brought her hand up and brought it down across her face.
Re: Selena's room

Selena scrambles around, looking for her shotgun, pointing it at Jesse and yelling,

"Back off~ I'm not afraid to shoot~"