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Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back - GAME OVER

Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"I do not trust Emelie, even if liberal, to do the right thing as judgement has been seen to be questionable!" Ampia begins dropping a few words as her accent slips again in concentration. "I do not trust Alisa too much, and especially not Brigitte though she is not a choice. Mitzi has suspicions, though I am warming up to her again lately. Xenia is least suspicious BESIDES you, and I believe the fascists will cause enough trouble to prevent your election because your track record is TOO good. The deafening silence from the other half the table only confirms this in my mind. I can see why you are upset, but further protests cast a bit of doubt on you too I believe."
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"My gut feeling for a while has been that Xenia, Ampia, and Erika are fascists because they've supported each other in numerous suspicious situations. I had been ignoring it and giving the benefit of the doubt, but more and more I am starting to believe it."
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"And Brigitte, Alisa, and Emelie have supported themselves on numerous occasions too. I will be sorely disappointed if you use that justification to be misled by the fascists at this point. I have not completely blocked them yet because I do not know fully 100% their loyalties, though how they react here will be key. You however, now seem like you just want the Chancellorship..."
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"I disagree with the concept that early governments can be trusted as Xenia suggests of the chancellors. A fascist as either president OR chancellor would enact liberal policies early on and it's only those who pass them later on who are most trustworthy. Unfortunately, if we are looking for a safe chancellor, our latest liberal policy was passed by Ampia, and we can't have a government of one person. Had she been a fascist, she could easily have enacted a fascist policy to further her own agenda, only at the cost of possibly being called out by Eliza, with us none the wiser of which was telling the truth. On the other hand, as much as I would like to say that Eliza would be included in our concern for safety for being president then, if she were a fascist, she could have been given two liberal policies and one fascist, and her only choice would have been discarding one liberal policy anyway and handing the others off to a liberal Ampia."

"And Ampia, I believe that Eliza was suggesting that the act of women supporting EACH OTHER is suspicious, not themselves. I believe you misunderstood her in that fashion. And I know I'm not a candidate, and I'm probably the most suspicious person at this table, despite my admittance that I had completely screwed up my own notes, but I would hope that would mean that, even if people were to suspect me of being fascist, I'd think most people could be certain I'm definitely not Hitler. To be put into Chancellor position and twice having only fascist cards given to me and to be the most vocal of suspicions across the board, only to have it backfire when my screwup became apparent? I haven't exactly done much to keep attention OFF of myself."
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

(Small note, no that's exactly what I meant. I meant it seems like you guys have a trifecta as Erika, Ampia, and Xenia might seem to have a trifecta. Regardless of IC arguments that can be made either way, this is what I meant the meaning of the words to be.)
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"I have neither talked to or about Emelie throughout the course of our government, and I'd very much like to see where I defended Alisa before this." (Damn your similar names, this is the second fucking time)
"As a matter of fact, suggesting that Alisa and Emelie have been on the same page is completely ridiculous."
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Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back



Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"I cannot support zis government. As I have said before, Ampia and Xenia are suspect in mein eyes."
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"I will put my faith in ze fact zat Ampia has been "proven" to be liberal, I don't feel like I can trust anyone else as zeir past actions seem odd to me."

(Yes, I am voting Ja.)
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"Given the circumstances, I do not believe that I can trust in the good will of this government. I vote Nein."
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Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"But you do believe that Ampia is liberal?"
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"Frankly, I'm 90% sure you lot would have said these things no matter who I picked. Your earlier silence proves to me your ill intent."
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"You are za one zat is suspicious Ampia. Vhy anyone would approve a government of two people zhat claimed to draw 6 fascist cards against ze odds is beyond me. And zhen zhere is za fact zat you continue to claim that Xenia is trustworthy despite za fact zat she has never once helped pass a liberal policy. Just 'oh ve examined each other so it is okay now. Give me a break. Your logic is beyond absurd."
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"You disappoint me the most Eliza! You are the one who should know better of all! What is worse, to be fascist, or to be incompetent? Hmpf!"
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"You apparently don't mind the latter"
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"We elves have a lot of patience, but my patience for incompetence is wearing thin."
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"Drawing against ze odds? Given ze cards zat were in ze deck it was never an impossibility, drawing 6 fascist policies in a row is very possible if any of ze previous governments blatantly lied about zeir cards and discarded at least one of ze remaining two liberal cards zat were meant to still be zere before ze deck was reshuffled, and given ze result zis appears to be ze case. If you look at it zis way zen are your actions not ze suspiscious ones here?"
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"I must be za worst fascist ever zhen because I have passed liberal policies twice and never passed a fascist one. Both times I could have forced a fascist policy if I vanted to. Not to mention za fact zat I vas not president until after both Ampia and Xenia vere, and if I had passed a fascist policy, I could have blame Ampia for it and been able to choose my own president to boot. Some great fascist I am to fail to do all zat for za fascist cause."
Re: Secret Hitler Game 2: The Liberals Strike Back

"Now, an incompetent fascist is just sad..." Ampia giggles.