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Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Neutral Win


Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
((ToxicShock brought up a good question. So I'm telling you all now, I will go by instant majority for lynchings. I will not wait until everyone votes, I'll just lynch someone if there's a majority at the time of myself reading the topic. This keeps everything moving and thus, you should all make certain of your votes before you state them. Also, please use bold, I beg of you! I'll count them even if you don't, but bold makes it easier to find and assess.))

1.avatar99 -----Dead-----(Gifted Girl)
2.Ryu -----Dead-----(Essence of Good)
3.garfield751 -----Dead-----(Psycho Killer)
7.SiphonTalvesh -----Dead-----(Unknown Power)
8.Penguin -----Dead-----(Magical Girl)
9.Keylo -----Dead-----(Skilled Protector)
10.Aika -----Dead-----(Unknown Power)
11.MegaMickel -----Dead-----(Essence of Evil)
12.RaiMeNaginata -----Dead-----(Unknown Power)
13.Bartnum -----Dead-----(Demon of Darkness)

You live in a small town in the middle of nowhere that has the population of 3,151...Well, you used to. Someone attacked, no one knows who and the news reports were sketchy. You all thought your town was safe, and then a man walked into town and died. Soon, everyone but you fourteen got sick and died. Now, it's up to you to survive what will be the hardest days of your lives.

You all split up to see what supplies you can gather. Soon after, you all hear a piercing scream and rush to see what happened. You find Lumarin, raped and killed in an alleyway. You know this isn't possible, as you've already searched the town and there are no men. Somehow, the virus did something to the survivors.....anyone could be suspect.

(PMs are going out.)
(Night one, Go Go Go!)
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Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

((lol, I haven't got my PM yet.))

"Haha, sucks to be lumarin."
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

*aika blinks*

"Oh crap! I don't want to be raped!"
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

Want an Anti-Rape 2000 that I looted from the store? I'll trade you for a firearm or something...
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

"Not very bright, are you, Aika?"
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

*snores softly as she sleeps*
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

"It just suddenly... dawned on me, I should probably be avoiding rape. Also we should probably stop the psychic sleep-talk now and get some rest."
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

You're right, enough of the telepathy... wait, when did we learn that? Oh well *snores so that the entire psychic network has the sound echoing constantly inside their minds*
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

Mental sleep-note: Get a gun in the morning...
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

gaaaah insomniaaaaaa
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

*dreams about being able to sprout tentacles*
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

You hear gunshots and crashes during the night. You all run leave your own rooms and run towards the chaos and find SiphonTalvesh dead. From the multiple bullet wounds in skull and limbs, and the gun in SiphonTalvesh's hand, it appears to be a very strangely botched, yet successful suicide attempt. Apparently, she attempted to blow her head off and succeeded in missing by inches, causing her to flail about and crash through her window to become impaled by a cactus. Surely a strange fate. Especially for one who didn't seem in the least suicidal.

You are unable to discern what, if any, abilities she may have had.

Also, Penguin seems to have found a necklace shaped like a heart with little stars on it. Odd, that.

((Day One. Lynchings please))
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

"Wow that must've sucked to die like this even if it was a suicide" I said stareing at the carange (no lynch)
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

So, who's the one that developed mind control abilities and thought it was funny to control our friend here? Come on, fess up, we won't hurt you...

*hides saw behind back*
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

*sees Penguin's necklace* "hey whats that you got there?"
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

Oh, this necklace? I found it. Cute, huh?

I'm very concerned about what happened to Siphon though. She didn't seem the type to kill herself, especially in such an... unusual way. I also think it's worth noting that no one was raped last night, which means that our culprit is either very cautious, or at least one person has some kind of defensive ability.

Perhaps someone saw something last night that might shed some light on this situation?
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

*Encounters Siphon's body and gasps*
"Oh, no...!"

*Cradles Siphon's body, breathing irregularly*
"She never told me she felt so down... I mean, after all of those people died, we've all been pretty sad, but to think she was pushed this far...!"
*Chokes up*
"I just wish she'd told me..."

*Recomposes herself*

"Penguin... If it's not too much to ask, would you mind if I had that trinket? It's not much, but it would at least give me something to remember Siphon by... Do you mind?"

Vote for No Lynch
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Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

*Hugs Raimei* I'm really sorry about Siphon, I know you two were close...

As for the necklace, I'm afraid I think it would be best for all of us if I hung onto it for now. Sorry.

*Bites lip* Ummm, tell you what; come over here for a second, and I'll explain it to you, privately.
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

It's a necklace of protection against rape, isn't it??


Moreover, I doubt Siphon killed herself - I'm going to still vote no lynch until there's more evidence to go on however.
Re: Secret Defeat The Tentacles 1 - Night one

I'll go with No Lynch, however I dare someone to try and rape me. I'll laugh in your face as I watch you burn...