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Seattle, Washington, United States

Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

John nodded.

"One moment while I scout."

He vanished to go check.

Tesla chuckled slightly.

"No, I'm afraid mine is a bit more interesting. I'm actually half vampire, I was changed through direct injection of the source blood."

It was possible Ellen had heard of it before, and if she had, she'd suddenly realize why he was so powerful. The source blood was the blood that had created all abnormal life to begin with, and was extremely poweful, untainted and contained vampire blood within it.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen's eyes open a bit at that declaration. "A dhampyr, from the blood of Caine?" She says, impressed. "Oh, and yes, I'm not full, but I should be fine long enough to feed at leisure. I should even have enough to fight effectively, should it come to that."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

He nodded.

"Actually the source blood is the source of all abnormal life. It predates Caine."

If that wasn't a world shaking remark, then probably nothing would rattle her.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"Uh-huh." Ellen says, clearly less impressed than a minute ago. "And how did that work, exactly?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"The vampire race is much older than anyone believes. The source blood is believed to have been a hand down from the gods of creation themselves, but that's probably a myth them being gods. Really, no one knows how it's possible. I met him once by the way."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen still didn't seem convinced, but she let the matter drop for the time being.
"The man who sired me knew him from the time of Enoch, I think I may have seen him once or twice myself, but I was never sure." She said, shrugging. "Not entirely sure I want to see him." She spoke again after a minute's pause.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"You don't, not all it's cracked up to be."

John now returned.

"I found the base, it appears they're fine. Are we ready?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"I believe so, is there anything else?" Ellen asked calmly.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Tesla shook his head, and John simply nodded.

The next thing Ellen knew, John's hand had lightly grasped her shoulder, and the three of them were suddenly standing in front of the Seattle branch of the BSAA.

"And here you thought I could only teleport myself," John said to her with a slight grin, knowing full well she hadn't said that and teasing her lightly.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"Learn something new every night." Ellen replied with an amused shake of her head and a chuckle. "So how long is this stopover then?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"Long enough for me to place a call to Chris and get him to lower that E.M shield. I don't think we want to be scattered to the nine winds."

He walked inside, leaving her and Tesla to talk amongst themselves.

"So ... I'm taking it that we arrived a little to late for your liking? I do apologize."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"Unless you know someone with precognition, you would have been too late in any case. I am curious to know how you two knew to come after me at all, however." Ellen said, looking around for a seat.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Tesla nodded.

"Claudia came to the Warehouse, took the Progenitor Artifact and destroyed the Tesla units. Luckily, I made them so it's an easy replacement. She slipped up said you were here due to a 'family' emergency, and later Chris suddenly realized your file indicated NO family, so he knew something was up. From there, he traced your Farnsworth, which John currently has, and we showed up. From the looks of it, not a moment too soon since I think that woman meant to kill you."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"Good guess." Ellen says wryly, before continuing. "So nobody caught her in time then? Dammit. How long ago was that?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"About six hours or so ago. Last we knew, she'd blown clean out of Atlanta with a stolen B-52 bomber loaded with anti-plaga missiles that could be reconverted for other uses. Whatever Wesker has planned, it's big."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"Yeah, it's big alright. Are you going to be at the warehouse long? I'd rather spout all I learned once, when everyone can gather to hear it. I'm lazy that way."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Tesla shrugged.

"Not sure how long we'll be there. Probably long enough to hear what happened, then we'll have to head back to the Chicago Sanctuary. Ya know the drill, abnormals to keep away from the general public, especially the poisonous insect like ones."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen nodded. " Good enough for me. Poisonous insects?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"Yeah, think similar to the Brain Suckers from a few years back in Raccoon City, only about triple the size and not viral created."

John chose that moment to exit the building.

"We're in the green, time to get moving. I've got to take a trip to Atlanta now. So interesting, I'm seeing more towns today than I have in the last year combined."

He chuckled, then grabbed both Ellen and Tesla again, and they vanished.