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Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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One of the double rooms, this room seems to have been taken over by Sean Galloway, and turned into a combination bedroom/study, with heavy drapes. Unlike what some might expect after his desk in the warehouse proper, the room is kept well-organized. Oddly enough, there's a set of motorcycle leathers, including gloves and a high-grade helmet, sitting to one side of the bed.

Sean walked in, then turned to face Ellen, "There was a bit of confusion earlier, mostly due to the fact that I wasn't certain quite what you are. Also...I'm not exactly the same."
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Re: Sean Galloway's room

Ellen waved a dismissive hand, looking around the room. "Not a problem, I shouldn't have been so snappy about it." She said, chossing a wall to lean against. "So, do you have an agreement with someone here, or do you have to range out some?" She asked simply.
Re: Sean Galloway's room

Sean shrugged. "Well...Normally, I just run off of normal food. I only really need to feed in that fashion if I've had to do some regeneration. That's usually on one of the bio-terrorism runs, and well...the terrs make simple targets, you know?" This last said somewhat sheepishly.

"My condition is actually the result of contact with an artifact that no longer exists, so in a way it's almost more of a mutation," Sean paused, thinking. "I might be able to get some manner of an arrangement set up, should the need arise."
Re: Sean Galloway's room

Ellen watched and listened closely, mentally cursing her surrent state of affairs. "I see. Something of the sort has happened once before, it started an entire clan, though the results were a lot closer to the rest. Interesting. And yes, the need will arise, though I have enough to handle myself for at least a couple weeks, the longer I wait the more I'll need. Normal food stays in me for about 15 seconds, not much longer than that" She says in a neutral tone. "If you don't mind me asking, how long ago did this happen?"
Re: Sean Galloway's room

"About six years ago."
Re: Sean Galloway's room

"Hmm, so you're still fairly young then. Have you ever met another of us?" She asked bluntly, pushing off from the wall and pacing around the room.
Re: Sean Galloway's room

He shrugged again, turning to keep at least his profile turned towards Ellen. "If I had, I wasn't paying attention...Normally, if I'm outside, it's a run of some kind."
Re: Sean Galloway's room

Ellen nods, having completed a circuit of the room. "Alright then, here's the deal. You keep me supplied while I'm here, and I'll teach you what I can, and make myself useful around here. Who knows, I may even find and artifact to-" she starts to say, but cuts herself off. "Do we have an accord?"
Re: Sean Galloway's room

"That seems to work...Although I understand that the artifact that changed me was unique, if that's what you were thinking about." With that last part, his eyes flash briefly before settling down.
Re: Sean Galloway's room

"No, I'm already changed, and I've been around long enought to worry about what would happen if I change back. Something else entirely, I wouldn't worry about it." She says with another dismissive wave. "Well, I might as well stay here too, would be easiest to spend time separate from the others. Rule number one is that you must keep your existence secret as much as possible, and then some."

((Is the second bed still in the room, or has it been removed?))
Re: Sean Galloway's room

((Eh, I'll just be lazy and say it's still there.))

Sean chuckled. "Simple enough, with this job. I spend nearly all my time in 'the shop'. Pretty much, this little group and Ms. Fredrick know I even still exist."
Re: Sean Galloway's room

"Good enough, and since yours was a special circumstance, nobody who found out enough would bother checking for more, so that will have to do." She says, sitting down on the spare bed. "Most of the other rules don't really apply if you never leave here, so we'll save them for later, I guess."
Re: Sean Galloway's room

A short knock sounded on the door, followed by Chris's voice. "Sean, heading out for the nightly stroll, want to join?"

If he knew Ellen was in there, he certainly didn't show it, so it was most likely he didn't know.
Re: Sean Galloway's room

"Not really. I may be heading back to try to finish a bit more of the logs...Although I made grab a nap first, since I had to be up at the crack of noon today. And before you complain, just remember: The more of those I do, the fewer you have to."

Chris, at least, would understand the 'crack of noon' comment. Sean had been mostly nocturnal even before the artifact encounter.
Re: Sean Galloway's room

Ellen stood back up again. "I might as well, I never sleep much anyways." She says, going and opening the door. "Hey there, I'll come along." She says simply.
Re: Sean Galloway's room

"Very well Sean... oh."

Chris stepped back as the door opened, having not realized there was another person inside. "Ah, my apologies, didn't realize he had a visitor. Ah yes well if I'm not interrupting any conversations and you want to go that would be good. We'll head back out through the main warehouse entry way when your ready to go."
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Ellen looks back to Sean for a moment. "I think we're done for now, we've agreed to share the room, so there's plenty time for conversation later." She said, then turned back to Chris. "Lead the way."
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

He nodded. "Very well."

He'd then lead her back to the freight elevator, taking them back to the Warehouse.

((Changing threads, stand by.))
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

After a while, Sean gets up from his bed, and heads back down into the warehouse.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Walking into the room and shutting the door, Ellen let out a sigh and moved to the spare bed, which was now hers, and sat down heavily. After a while of remaining like this, completely motionless except for the occasional twitch, she finally laid down, her internal struggle resolved...