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SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Bio: (optional, for those who can't be arsed)


Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? Yes/No

Would you like your character to remember previous events? Yes/No
(Previous events meaning things like the Zombie Apocalypse. New students should all answer no.)

Acquaintances: List the characters that you would like your character to already know. Your previous relationship with them is carried over.

To start, my GM character:

Name: Coraxus Kiavahr (Or Corax for short)

Appearance: About 6' tall. Straight, jet black hair down to his thighs. White skin, red eyes. When not in uniform, often wears a white shirt with a red tie, black trousers and an ankle length black leather trenchcoat.

Personality: Often seems distant, perhaps shy. A man of few words, he is often lost in thought, and likes to speak his mind with his actions.

Bio: Coraxus is a humanoid alien. He is attending the school as part of a group consisting of himself, Artemis Wingate and Maria Rivers, who share the task of maintaining order and secrecy among the superpowered beings present there.

Abilities: Coraxus can create metal out of thin air. He is also capable of manipulating metal using his mind. He can also destroy metal that he no longer needs.

Starting as new Student: No
Remembers previous events: Yes
Acquaintances: Art, Maria (open for other characters to remember at the players' discretion.)

And now, a new character who will be played by Oni and Myself when necessary:

Name: Maria Rivers

Appearance: About 5’8”, average build. Blue eyes. Short brown hair, unkempt. When not in uniform, often wears jeans and a grey hoodie over a navy blue tanktop. When in uniform, her shirt is often untucked and her tie hanging loose.

Personality: Maria is calm and laid back, often in complete control of her emotions. She is physically underwhelming and tires easily. She can often be found leaning against the school wall, smoking.

Bio: Maria's just your average student. She's part of the team with Coraxus and Art who attempt to keep order among the Supers.

  • Teleportation: Maria is capable of teleporting to just about anywhere.
  • Time Freeze: Maria is capable of generating a field that seperates all it encompasses from normal space and time, causing everything within it to freeze except those with supernatural abilities.
  • Administer Amnesia: With as little as a snap of her fingers, Maria can make anyone forget anything that she wishes.
  • Sixth Sense: Maria has a sixth sense which allows her to feel other students’ powers at work. She’s also capable of recognising the student through the feel of their powers, as well as where the power is being used.

Starting as new student: No
Remembers previous events: Yes
Acquaintances: Corax, Art
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Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


Name: Leonardo Shevanke (Pronounced "Shiv-ahn-k")

Appearance: Leo is approximately 5'8", has dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and usually has his reading glasses over his eyes. He is normally seen wearing a white dress shirt and red tie, black dress pants, black dress shoes, and a 4-leaf clover on his collar.

Personality: Leo tends to keep to himself as well as avoid contact with other humans. He prefers to be in nature, with a good book, and despises technology of any kind. He tends to have very carnivore tendencies, but will eat vegetables when he feels like it.

Bio: Leonardo was a member of a high-class Italian family, but his parents were worried about his seclusive nature, and thus, they sent him to Gossamer Falls in the hopes of him becoming more social.

Abilities: Leo possesses a strange ability: Botanical Control. He can manipulate plants, flowers, anything botanical in nature. He can grow trees and cacti, and can create different forms of powders and nectars that can range from causing drowsiness to paralysis to even death.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? Yes

Would you like your character to remember previous events? No

Acquaintances: None
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Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Burrito gets the rubber stamp of approval.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


Name : Alazais Azema (Al-a-zay-is Az-Ay-ma)

Gender: Female

Legal and Apparent Age : 19.

Physical Description (As most people would see her):
Alazais, or Pale as she prefers to be known, is an albino. Pale-skinned, red-eyed, and white-haired.... she's certainly not the most normal-looking of people. She's 18.. but in an academic year for 17 year olds, for unknown reasons. When asked, she tends to avoid the question, or otherwise refuse to answer. Not that many people would be in a position to ask - she's not a social type, and not fond of extended conversations. She doesn't dress to attract attention.. favouring long robes, veils, even a wide-brimmed hat.. ostensibly, to protect her delicate skin from the rays of the sun. Because of her condition, Alazais is usually excused from wearing the normal school uniform, as leaving skin uncovered in the rays of the sun would be a grave mistake for her. She speaks quietly, and carefully, with a slight lilt that fits her delicate stature. Most wouldn't notice it.. but she's on the tall side, for a girl..

Out of lessons, she spends her time reading, or in her room. Past roommates describe her as "Hardly ever there, even when present.", She spends her time reading, writing in mysterious notebooks, and frequently goes for long walks. She's been described as a little, morbid.

History: ((On official records))

Born to fairly normal parents, in a fairly normal part of England, and raised as an only child. Nothing was ever reported wrong with Alazais Azema, nor with her parents, her record is full of crossed Ts and dotted Is. She was, however, moved from school to school, rarely staying in one place for more than a year, and she's been in fully boarding education since the age of 6. Her school fees are always paid on time, and she receives a fairly generous monthly stipend, and occasional letters, but apart from that, no one has ever seen evidence of her parents. They can never make it to Parent/Teacher conferences, and they never come to pick her up at the end of term. In fact, if not for the paid fees, and the letters, one could easily presume Mr and Mrs Azema were nothing but ghosts. Similarly, Alazais does not talk about her parents.

She took a year out, mysteriously, at the age of 14, for "medical reasons", and simply, was not seen for a year. After that, she returned to school as if nothing had changed. School reports, throughout her life, describe an introverted, shy child, with an aptitude for learning, but occasionally, an attitude which could frustrate teachers.

She spent a great amount of time in martial training, presumably at the assistance of her parents, looking into arts such as aikido to make up for her physical frailty. Despite this, she never got into fights at school, she simply wasn't there when they happened. She tends to decorate her room with a Daisho, and often, a naginata over her bed, as well as more diverse weapons, occasionally. One presumes that most of her valuables, though, are kept in the battered black trunk that seems to follow her everywhere.

The only thing to note, is that her record, while fully documented with birth certificate, etc, bears the evidence of fabrication. If one were to enquire, each of the relevant people would be able to describe her, but a professional would still get the nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right, her record just seems,. too neat.

Classified information (Not known to most):

Alazais Azema came into existence on Friday the 13th of January, three years ago, age fourteen. She has no memories before that time, but apparently, everyone else does. At first, she was confused, and indeed, worried, and she ended up in a mental hospital for a year. After nine months of tests and examination, Alazais decided to start lying. She told everyone that she had regained her memories,. and they believed her. As a result, she was sent back to school, albeit a year out. She has never told anyone of this fact, and has made it her mission in life to find out who she was before the 13th of January.

Abilities: (That she is aware of)
The lack of memory isn't the only strange thing about Alazais. As she grew up, she started to notice things, things that became more apparent with every passing year. At first,. it was just a peculiarity. Alazais was sensitive to death. Ordinarily, she didn't notice this, but one day, while on a school-sponsored hike, she knew someone was going to die. Just knew. And within five minutes, a girl slipped, and plummeted to her death. Alazais, while shaken, quickly resolved to tell no one. She soon realised it worked with animals, too, after a school minibus ran over a stray dog while in Greece.

On her second birthday, Alazais discovered another power she didn't know she had. The cat of the dorms where she was staying brought in a bird, and she, on a stroke of whim, rescued it. However, the creature was gravely injured, and soon to die. Alazais held it, staring at it helplessly, wishing she could help, but it didn't die. In fact, it clung to life for the next hour, sitting on the albino's palm. Eventually, she decided to put it down, and the moment it left her hands, it died. Alazais had discovered her second ability: to prolong the life of a dying creature.

On her third birthday, when she turned 17, Alazais had one her most traumatic experiences, in her whole life. By now at her third or fourth school, she was paired with another girl as a roommate. This girl was going through a deeply depressed period of her life, and was on the verge of suicide, and she took to confiding in the albino, talking to her earnestly about her wish to die. How she absolutely hated life, and would do anything to be allowed to die. During the last of these conversations, the girl turned to look for a knife, and Alazais reached for her hand. The unhappy girl dropped dead on the spot, much to the horror of Alazais, Thus, her third power. If Miss Azema touches anyone who truly, deeply wishes to die, they drop dead. Their heart simply stops.

Naturally, Alazais was horrified by this discovery. Therefore, on January 13 last year, she confined herself in her room. She didn't want to risk discovering any more awful abilities. In fact, she lay on her bed, and stared at the ceiling.... and.. stared at the ceiling... and.. you get the picture. Eventually, she drifted off to sleep.

She woke, slowly, turned over, and slipped out of bed, glancing at herself in the mirror as she passed. What she saw froze her in her tracks.Night wings stretched from her back, and a black robe swathed her form. Her face was swathed in a dark hood.. nothing but a pair of red eyes. Most ominously, the hands that she held up before her eyes, were nothing but bones. Then, she fainted. When Alazais awoke, everything was back to normal once again. But on her birthday, every year, she wakes up with wings of black flame, and boney hands.

Abilities (Latent)

Alazais doesn't know this yet, but if she touches something that is supposed to be dead, a zombie, someone who's used magic to extend their lifespan, a lich,. and so on, they immediately relinquish their somewhat fragile grip on life.

Something Alazais doesn't know, is that she can't die. And she'll never age past her 25th birthday. Alazais's existence will come to an end when all life on the planet does.

That doesn't make her invincible, though. She's completely mortal, a sword through the chest, a bullet through the head, would kill her. Under such circumstances, Alazais bleeds and dies like everyone else, but then her body fades away into nothingness. However, after 100,000 people have died worldwide, she returns to life, simply fading back into existence on the same spot where she faded away. (This usually takes about a day)

And, although when in her supernatural form, she can summon her weapon to her, (she hasn't discovered this), Alazais cannot kill. Not so much as an ant. Even in self-defence, Alazais cannot take a life, except for those who are not supposed to be alive, or those who truly wish to die.

Summary of Abilities:

I realise I didn't make it very easy to understand Alazais' exact powers, so I'll detail them here.
  • Sensitive to Death. Alazais knows if someone is going to die within a hundred meters of her location, five minutes in advance. She doesn't know who, or where, or how, but she knows someone will die.
  • From Death's Clutches. By touching the skin of someone close to death, and concentrating, Alazais can keep them alive. This can only be done by an effort of her will, and such, cannot last more than half an hour or so. As soon as the contact is broken, the person or animal dies.
  • Euthanasia. If Alazais touches someone who truly, utterly wishes to die, or is living on borrowed time, such as an undead creature, or someone who was supposed to die long ago, they go to their final rest.
  • Incarnation. With concentration... Alazais can become a dark-cowled skeleton, with wings of black, but not burning flame(In fact, the flames are cool to the touch). She has yet to work out how this form aids her in any way..but it will..
  • Immortal. Alazais.. can't die. She can be killed.. but after about 24 hours.. she returns to life. As simple as that.
  • Not quite Human.. When it comes to spellcasters.. a spell thrown at Alazais designed to hurt a mortal would have little to no effect. Flames would burn her, lightning shock her.. but she wouldn't be stunned, or knocked unconscious.. or killed by an instant death spell. However.. there are rites known in this world for dealing with one such as she. There exist, in long-forgotten tomes, spells to summon her to any place in the world.. and keep her there for a few minutes, spells to stun her, reveal her presence.... and even more powerful spells to permanently imprison her. Such spells are very costly, though... and worse in consequence. Should Alazais be placed under such a spell.. everything, everywhere would simply.. stop dying.

  • Despite her.. quirks, Alazais is nineteen years old. She's not going to be lifting cars.
  • She feels pain like everybody else.. dying is not a pleasant experience.
  • Due to her.. unusual nature.. Alazais cannot kill. Not so much as an ant. However.. she can fight demons, angels etc... because killing them will not result in a death.

Alazais' abilities will only grow with time... but I'll put in for any drastic changes to be Modded.

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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

This is the character sheet from the second SBS, right? If so then I'll give it the big rubber stamp of approval. If it was good enough for Nunu it's damn well good enough for us.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


First, Backstory:


Scientists at nearby Sylph Labs refuse comments on what many people consider a scientific anomaly that showed up sometime late yesterday. Various sightings in the Gosamar Falls area have reported seeing a gigantic explosion, though most people belive it was more landbased then the 'airial devestation' others have called in with.

Silph Labs has been belived to work with the military on a rumored 'swarmer' project for the future military, though the reports, like the rest of this report, is uncomfirmed.

Now, the bio:

Name: Specimen 1904-3, also known as 'Trixie'
Age: Biolgically engineered 4-5 years ago, appears and acts like her late teens-early adult years.
Height: Standing, 5'9", All fours plus tail horizonally, 6'6"
Weight: 134 lbs, 2onc.
Appearence: Short red hair eternally messy, red eyes, pointed chin, very light frame for entire body, light brown carapace, twin large scythearms from just behind her shoulders, three clawed fingers and one thumb per front leg, triple-jointed, three-toed rear legs made for four-legged running, 9" spike-tipped tail, small armored carapace plate from shoulders to small of back.
Power: Short bursts of blinding speed, allowing her to close in with her natural weapons.
Temporary mutative powers to shrink 'nonhuman' parts, though over the years, it's developed to where she can hide herself for extended periods, only needing short breaks to recover.

Bio: Trixie was made as part of a secret Sylph Labs military project, like several of her brothers and sisters. Unlike the rest of her siblings, for some reason she was the only survivor in a cataclysmic destruction of a transport truck that carried several of the Swarmers to a testing ground. She also suffered amnesia, not rememberig her original intended use, waking up somewhere in the woods near Gosamar Falls.

When the school year ended, she returned to her cave, working on homework and returning to the simpler life she had been using, but saving up enough of the more decent furs for helping with her tuition cost. She also prefers to spend some nights back at her cave, allowing herself some time to get 'back to nature'.

The return of Trix for aproval ^^; Note that I edited it to fit for a new year for the school.
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Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Approval granted for Lurker.

In the meantime, here's my Non-GM character:


Name: Rolf Dorian

Appearance: Short blonde hair. Green eyes. 5’9” tall.

Personality: Rolf is fairly immature, and likes to joke around. He’s the type to laze around in self-indulgence or laugh around with his friends rather than do anything constructive. Beyond this, he’s actually quite intelligent, but prefers having fun than actually putting his knowledge to use. He’d much rather be happy than right.

Bio: Rolf’s lack of discipline was fast becoming legend in his neighbourhood, and was of great concern to his parents. Gossamer Falls' reputation prompted them to send him to the school in hopes that he might be brought under control. The way things are going though, they’ll be sadly disappointed.

Abilities: Rolf can create energy replicas of any part of his body. He mostly sticks to hands, feet and facial features. They are visible to the naked eye and are light green/cyan in colour. Both the replica and the original glow when he is using this power, and become surrounded by swirling runes of an unknown language. The replicas are solid and cannot pass through physical objects, but can be destroyed by a powerful enough impact (being shot, for example). The replica mirrors the actions of the original, but Rolf can move it around with his mind, over long distances. He can create multiple replicas of the same body part at the same time, though controlling them all effeciently is more difficult. Replicas of his eyes, ears, and mouth can see, hear and speak as he can. He can dispel the replicas at will. He can also ‘lock’ the distance between the replica and the original, effectively making it an extension of his own body. He can also increase the size of the replicas to about twice the size of the original.

Starting as new student: Yes
Remembers previous events: No
Acquaintances: None
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Ok, my two here, slightly modified from the last SBS to reflect the new year.


Name: Aya Morioka.

Age: She appears to be 18 or 19 years old, but she has no idea how old she really is, only that she's much older.

Description of character: Aya stands about 5 foot 9, and weighs around 150 pounds. She has piercing green eyes and semi-short white blond colored hair. Her extremely attractive features don't truly tell the real story, as she appears to be half American and half Japanese, and her name would suggest this. However, Aya is not even human really.

Background: Aya is in fact the missing link in the evolution of the Ancients, and their descendants, the Alverans. She was left behind by the Ancients when they abandoned our own dimension long ago, so long that there is absolutely no record in their relics left behind of this woman. She remained in stasis for countless generations, her body never aging due to the advanced technology keeping her alive. She is the first of a line of those who would ultimately become the Alverans, Siphon's people. Aya was not aware of the Alverans until meeting Siphon a year ago, only that she was once part of a great empire in this galaxy, and went into stasis to preserve at least one of their evolving kind until a terrible enemy was defeated. She was awakened when the power supply for her pod ran out, and the automatic protocols revived her to spare her life. She made her way to the surface, and was stunned to discover that the planet was inhabited not by her own kind, but rather by a more primitive race. Now, she has taken up residence and classes at the Gosamer Falls school and has adjusted to living amongst humans.

Aya isn't sure how long she would live for naturally, nor of her true age, so she goes with what others have told her, that she looks only about 18 or 19 years old. She knows she must be much older than this, though internally she isn't thanks to being in stasis for so long. Once she accepted the idea of living amongst humans as her new life, she began to develop her own personality, and is quite a charming woman.

Aya is quite well aware of her powers, and what they are capable of. After realizing just how potent some of her spells were on the humans of this planet when she was attacked by a group of people, she was hesitant to use them again, but knew that some of them she would need to stay alive here. She deeply sealed away the majority of her power, to the point where not even she can revive them. She kept 8 of them, some for defense, some for healing, and some for attacking if she absolutely must do so. Aya prefers in most cases to incapacitate and retreat from battle, as she is fearful of killing an innocent.

Aya prefers to wear the original clothing she was in stasis with, as well as a beautiful necklace with Ancient carvings on it. To most it would appear to be something unsual, though not of eye raising proportions. However, some might recognize the symbols for what they are, a very old form of writing, and if spoken aloud, one might almost swear that it sounded familiar. The Necklace itself is actually home to a small device capable of translating languages into her own language, and allowing her to learn other languages. For whatever reason, she has little to no trouble with English, though any other Earth language with the exception of Latin and Sumerian are totally alien to her, and she has difficulty understanding or translating due to the age of the device.

Powers: She isn't super strong, she isn't super fast. However, Aya does have a fairly wide selection of abilities she can use. For the purposes of being easier to describe, she refers to them as "spells" but they are really an extension of her own advanced body's natural abilities.


Aya gains her power from manipulating the power of mitochondria inside her and ocassionaly other people's body's. This gives her a relatively wide selection of abilities to use however the more she uses these the more adverse effects she suffers due to the lack of energy in her mitochondria (something akin to her life force). Commonly these are lethargy, muscle fatigue and body wide aching, eventually resulting in her collapsing unconscious if pushed to hard. To actually use these abilities they often require a short charge up period before they are released to align the mitochondrial energies properly.

Mitochondria are capable of releasing their energy as sheer heat, although this may be channeled into various forms. At its most basic the heat can be released directly into the environment, causing a wave of fire to flash out from her (Aya can burn up to about 8 meters around her). Alternatively the energy can be stored as a ball which can then be launched at a target, exploding on impact (the fireball dissipates after about 25 meters). Currently Aya has a small amount of trouble controlling the release of this energy when under stress and tends to let portions of it steam off. As such, if she is under duress, she unconsciously begins to burn things around her. At her current level of power none of these abilities are particularly lethal to a normal person, unless she actively wants to kill them.

Aya is capable of letting off a burst of energy that agitates the mitochondria in other beings bodies so that they release a flash of their energy. The result of this is the person briefly erupts in flames, which although being too weak to even burn cloth, occurs throughout the persons entire body. Almost all flesh beings in the universe have a measure of mitochondria in them and hence even aliens are susceptible to this ability. As with her Pyrokenisis, this can't kill unless she truly wants that person to burn to death.

With this ability, Aya saps the energy of her targets mitochondria, resulting in lethargy, muscle fatigue and body wide aching (the same things Aya feels if she uses her powers to much). This only lasts a few minutes at best but during that time the target will find activities quite difficult.

Harnessing the power of her mitochondria, Aya lets out a blast of electrostatic energy at everything in a small radius (about 2 meters). The discharge is quite capable of knocking a large person over with relative ease as well as temporarily (a few seconds at best) imparing muscle function. Also due to its electrical nature it is capable of short circuiting electrical objects. Because this is a mitochondrial ability it has a tendency to home in on other beings with mitochondria, dispersing itself evenly amongst them (even if those beings are airborne) and is not susceptible to grounding by conventional means.

Aya can use her mitochondria to grow her body back to its original form. Although this will not quickly replace a lost limb, it will however heal injuries faster than normal (not instantly) as well as gradually purge itself of disease and poisons. As a side effect of this rapid healing it is quite difficult to incapacitate her while this is in effect, as the early stages of unconsciousness are repaired. The process of using this ability also seems to give off a faint blue aura.This ability requires a small conscious effort to maintain it.

Aya lets off a large burst of mitochondrial energy to heal herself. Her body undergoes a short period (about 60 seconds) of rapid cellular reproduction, capable of reparing most wounds within a matter of minute (although missing body parts are to large to repair). This is an exceptionally draining ability and Aya is incapable of using it consecutively.

This ability forces the mitochondria to arrange themselves in such a way that they physically resist external change. The result of this is that Aya's entire body becomes roughly a third tougher than it normally is.

Energy Enhance (Weapon Spell)
With this ability Aya uses the power of her mitochondria to enhance change on an object connected to her for a fraction of an instant (about .05 seconds). For example, if used on a bullet during firing, it gains much more velocity from its propellant. This ability is not as useful for objects that do not have a specific instant of change, like a baseball bat which gains its power from a long swing. Despite its short duration this power is very draining to use. Also another beings mitochondria blocks the use of this power, meaning it cannot directly effect another persons body.

Final Note: Aya IS in fact mortal, like Siphon she is capable of ascending, but unlike him she has not been there yet. She is hesitant to use her attacking powers on humans for anything but warning or incapacitation purposes, though if pushed too far she will not hold back. Like Siphon, she is trying to keep her true nature hidden from most people. Only a few actually know of her abilities.

New Student: No

Remember Past Events: Yes.

Acquaintances: Sho, Siphon, Coraxus, open to others at their discretion.


Name: Siphon/Talvesh

Powers: Has the strength of 6 men hence an incredible melee fighter, can cast a small protective energy shield around himself that will protect from hi kinetic energy magic attacks or projectile attacks, but not from melee attacks, and he can create a small shockwave from his hands that will knockdown any enemies within it's range, but he cannot fire it off in rapid succession, it requires a 20 second cool down period. Also great knowledge of various inter-dimensional technologies of his people. Siphon has also gained the rare trait amongst his people of being able to use his hands to heal most any wound inflicted upon a person.

Siphon also utilizes a weapon "summoning" spell, that allows him to call on weapons such as a pair of swords to use if need be.

Healing Gene: Siphon is capable of using his healing gene to heal even the most severe of injuries, although this can be quite taxing upon him, and requires his full concentration. Depending on the severity of the injury, it can take anywhere from 30 seconds to ten minutes to restore and heal the injury, or injuries. He is not able to bring a person back to life if they have already perished from their injuries however. So for example, a minor injury such as a cut would be healed rather fast, but something like a punctured lung or a broken bone would take quite a long time for him to heal in this manner, and he would still need to set the bone first. He also heals abnormally fast himself.

Age: Appears 25 but is actually much older.

Physical Description: 5'7" Weight 180 lbs Brown hair Blue eyes normally, Caucasian appearance.

Description of traits and BG: Siphon is one of the last survivors of an ancient race of beings known as the Alverans. Siphon came to this dimension some time ago from his own home, ahead of an army of undead that followed his people here. Choosing to stay behind and fight along side the humans of this world, they defeated the undead, and Siphon has grown quite fond of the people he chose to protect. He chose to remain on this world, and live amongst them, and see's a great potential in them to become a super powerful race some day.

When using his shielding or his shockwave attack, his eyes will begin to glow a fiery red, and he will utter several words in his native tounge. His normal voice sounds as any normal humans would.

Talvesh is a symbiote that is attached to his spine, and allows him to utilize several other technologies because of it's unique properties. Talvesh can assume control of the body, and this is shown when his eyes gleam fiery red for longer than a second and when speaking, his voice is noticably deeper with a flang to it.

His native language resembles early Latin, so blending in is not too difficult with that.

Extra Knowledge: Siphon has amazing knowledge regarding various genetic mutations, which allows him to understand what he himself truly is, and how his powers work. He also has great knowledge of various "Artifacts" that could be dangerous if in the wrong hands. He learned most of this by reading up on the mythological history of Earth, and should such artifacts actually exist, he and Aya are more than capable of hunting them down and hiding them, as both are trying to keep their true natures secret from most people, for as long as they can.

Side Note: By High Kinetic Energy I mean something such as a magic propelled attack or a bullet. The shield will not stop an arrow from getting through however.

New Char: No

Remember Previous Events: Yes.

Acquaintances: Sho, Aya, Coraxus, open to others at their discretion.
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Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


Name: Barry Finster
Age: 18
Birthday: June 7th

Barry is a young man with a wiry physique - slim and trained. His hair is of pure white and falls straight down to his jawline, his eyes are of a brown that seems to have a red tinge when the sun shines into them. His face is thin, clean-shaven and often carries an arrogant expression.
The Glove is an ancient artefact. It is made out of red leather, engulfed by what looks like the ribcage of a small animal. Especially the spine of it is very prominent.It's able to form into a kind of gauntlet, wrapping it's bony spines all the way up to Barry's shoulder.

Barry is generally untrusting and sarcastic when first meeting other people. He is extremely secretive about his powers against non-magical people - most peole judge quickly. He embraces the Dark Arts, yet he tries not to use them for evil deeds.

Barry is the son of German migrants - and warlocks. His parents put a lot of hope into their offspring to be a new Overlord - a very powerful Black Wizard - but Barry has proven to be quite a "disappointment" in this field. Two older siblings have graduated Gossamer Boarding School already and his parents will probably send his younger sister there as well eventually.

The Glove: The Glove is an ancient artifact and has been in possession of his family for generations, as part of a complete set of demonic armor. The Glove is a sentient being and can communicate with Barry. The most important power of The Glove is it's ability to sprout spine-like tentacles from the bones that serve as a decoration to it. The spines can have a spiked tip, a blade or a blunt ending.
Black Magic: Barry is aspiring to master the Dark Arts. He knows a wide variety of spells - from pain projectiles over cold fire to seals big and small, it's all in his repertoire. The magic is mainly used for offense. Smaller spells - like his grey flame - Barry can do from his mind with no problem. Bigger things - sealing circles for example - need preparations of various kinds: A ritual circle, material, incantations etc. Barry owns a few tomes of knowledge that hold even more dangerous spells but he won't search for them until needed.
His favoured school is a kind of sorcery that he simply describes as "Shadow Magic". Any part of Barry that is covered by darkness can turn invisible - the darker, the better. Furthermore Barry can move from one shadow to another within the blink of an eye, provided the shadow is big enough to cover his entire body.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? No

Would you like your character to remember previous events? No

Acquaintances: /
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Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Barry, Aya and Siphon are approved.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


Name: Matthew Goldman

Age: 38
Occupation: Janitor at Gosmer Falls Boarding School

Appearance: Flattop haircut that is slowly growing out. Colored black. Brown eyes. Around six feet, six inches. Is extremely fit. Skin is extremely rough from constant mutilation. Wears the school custodian uniform, which is a dark blue mixed with grey long-sleeved, collar shirt and dress pants.

History: Matthew was more or less another person in high school, growing up with a regular family with hardworking honest parents. His troubles were never earthshattering, and he appreciated his comfortable surroundings. He pulled acceptable grades that would get him in most colleges. However, the one thing that seperated him from any other student was his intense passion for weaponry.

During his teenage years, Matthew had a reputation of being a friendly, yet spiteful, person. Though he offered help to many and was quick with a joke, he seemed to possess an enormous temper that seemingly came from nothing. As time passed, his temper grew to physical violence. Nobody, not even himself, knew the source of this anger. His psychiatrist later suggested finding a hobby. This led to Matt picking up his first gun in his sophomore year. He was shown to have a knack with firearms and quickly became a regular with the local shooting range.

Matthew eventually took notice of the rifle team, and after a single year, became the team captain.

His real troubles began when he unintentionally caused a girl to commit suicide. Matt would never admit it himself, but he was considered a handsome man at his age. He soon amassed his own group of admirers. Some were rabid, while others were extremely shy. One particular girl happened to be so infatuated with him she tried her very best to catch his attention. Unfortunately for the young Matthew, when he turned the girl down, she quickly went into a spiraling depression which eventually ended at the end of a noose.

News traveled through the school rather quickly, and Matt was quickly labeled as a murderer. He felt enormous shame for having caused someone to throw away their life, and decided to try the same. But rather than waste his own body, he decided to kill himself while still making himself useful. His closest friend mentioned to him that most failures in their school joined the military. The words stuck to him, and Matthew dropped out of school to enlist in the Marine Corps.

After touring in six different countries, Matt became a sharpened weapon capable of immense destruction. Though reluctant to leave, Matt came back home partially due to homesickness, and partially because he knew there was more to life than simply being a soldier. His life savings he accumulated would only last one year, and Matt hadn't planned on going back to his parents. And so began his job-hunting spree, taking every oddjob available, from waiters and gardeners. He also managed to make quite a few friends along the way and eventually he began taking higher paying jobs such as being a plumber's and an electrician's assistant.

After many years of this, Matt was already in his early 30's. Having kept himself in peak condition the entire time, Matt was not only a deadly soldier but a man capable of solving nearly any everyday dilemma. Then one day, while sleeping in a cheap motel room, he had a flier taped to his door. It was a job advertisement as a janitor in a boarding school on an island named Gosmer Falls. It was odd enough that it was only posted on his door, but what really confused him was how the flier explained in great detail on how to get hired. Apparently he didn't even need to call them. He just needed to fly to their school and take an interview. Despite his common sense telling him not to, Matt eventually gave in and decided to try it out. The pay was absolutely incredible, and he would be given his own boarding and food as well. Plus if he was going to get killed by this painfully obvious trap, he may as well do it on his own free will.

During his years after his service, Matt had an addiction for purchasing as many weapons as possible. Knowing that there was no way he would get past the security, he proceeded to sneak into the plane's cargo hold. To this day, even he doesn't know how he was able to sneak so many bags of weapons, and himself, onto a plane without being detected.

Arriving at Gosmer Falls, Matt quickly found the school and went in for an interview. The meeting barely lasted ten minutes before Matt was hired. The principal of the school didn't even seem to have a personality. Of course this didn't matter to him. He had a comfortable life ahead of him as a janitor.

Eventually Matt realized why he was getting paid so much. He was the ONLY janitor in this school. What's more, he quickly realized the school was a school for the... "exceptionally gifted". His first year had him nearly dying twenty or so times. But eventually Matt settled into his new home and the students began to recognize him as one of the greatest normal humans in the world due to his interesting ability to survive fights against supernatural beings.

As of now, Matthew is in his sixth year of Gosmer Falls, where he has begun to develop a sarcastic and cynical attitude towards other students and teachers. Having to clean up every single mess is quickly becoming a burden for him and he just wishes that students would understand that he not only has to deal with singlehandedly cleaning multiple buildings every day, but he had to do it with all the students mucking around.


Firearms training - Matt is well trained in most conventional firearms, from handguns to automatic rifles. He can operate more unconventional weapons, such as sniper rifles and mortars, but isn't as proficient. He can also wield lesser blades, mainly combat knives and makeshift weapons like forks. Giving swords and other large blades to Matt is like giving any other man a sword; he can swing the blade, but doesn't actually have any skill.

Marine Mind and Body - Marine Corps. training also gives him an iron body, able to withstand most types of pain with more resistance than most other men. For example, a direct punch to the face would only cause Matt to flinch. His pain tolerance is also high enough to survive almost all types of torture, physical or psychological.

Advanced Self Defense - He also works well in close quarters combat, having been trained to a black belt of Krav Maga, as well as possessing great knowledge of other martial arts and styles such as western boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jujitsu, Tae Kwon Do, as well as street fighting. He can easily hold his own against numerous normal men.

Only Human - Because he has no magical abilities or inhuman traits, he has no natural means to defend himself against something like psychic abilities and attacks such as lightning bolts or fire blasts. Even with Marine training, he can be easily injured, like any normal human, to these supernatural abilities. However his pain tolerance allows him to block out the pain from the attacks.

New student: n/a
Going to remember the past events: Yes
Acquaintances: Matt? Friends? You're funny.

Edit - lolspoilers
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Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


Name: Stella Bittenfeld

Appearance: Slightly deathly palour, rigid, milky eyes, slightly malnourished looking, 5'5, has trouble getting up stairs, appears to have little if any personal hygeine

Personality: A little slow sometimes, a little fast sometimes, tends to be relatively quiet mostly due to her distrust. Morbid fear of shotguns, chainsaws, fires, Bruce Campbell, Chris Redfield... the list goes on. Dislikes extremely warm places, prefers cold places. Tends to smell a little bad at times thus she showers quite often. She often is online on her laptop to blog about her horrible experiences at school as well as the horrible video games she sees. Often wears clothing that covers her arms as well as a some sort of hat and occasionally one of those flu masks.

Bio: Stella somehow managed to get herself horribly killed during the Zombie Apocalypse. At least that's what she thinks happened, she's not quite sure how she died, or why she's alive again. But given that she thinks that she used to be a student, she continues to go to her classes, eats in the cafeteria, continues to fail completely at chasing boys, and sleeps in her dorm room. The only differences now is she has to buy caseloads of embalming fluids and perfumes, stop accidentally leaving her arm behind and stop trying to gnaw through people's skulls for their tasty tasty brains. The janitor also scares her quite abit and she often will run away as fast as she can when she sees him, even if he hadn't noticed her, or even in a case where she sees him in a window on the 2nd floor while she's outside...

Stella has since then become a strong advocate for better treatment and appreciation of the zombies, although she has run into a few problems where she is trying to figure out how to push for these ideals without other people knowing about her true nature. The other problem she has is that she realized most of the places she has to go to has stairs, and she has some issues with these stairs, especially when her limbs start getting stiff.


Zombie: Stella is neither alive nor dead, she is stuck in some perpetual limbo where her body rots away while at the same time somehow creates new cells, causing rigor mortis to repeatedly occur and unoccur in her body. Sleeping and breathing also tends to not be a big issue and for unknown reasons, she is stronger than she used to be. Her teeth and her nails also have gotten sharper for more reasons unknown.

Numbed Nerves: Destruction of much of her nerves causes Stella to feel slightly less pain than normal, but the fact that she's alive means it still hurts.

Undead Vulnerability: Holy objects touching or being held nearby causes Stella to fall over; prolonged exposure causes her to die permanently.
Warm enviroments cause her to rot slightly faster which while doesn't damage her, causes her undead status to be slightly more noticable. Any special medical healing she recieves that's based on some holy or divine source will hurt her as well.

Regenerative Tissue: Stella's limbs can be reattached without medical assistance. This procedure is very painful for her and takes roughly ten minutes. If the limb is lost or destroyed, she will permanently be without that limb, however, that will not affect her health or lack of it in anyway whatsoever. If her head is removed and destroyed however, she will die.

Altered Digestion System: Stella can eat anything without getting sick. She has an unnatural desire to eat delicious gray matter despite it providing no nutritional value but she does not know why.

Ignore Some Armor: For more reasons unknown, Tactical Armor does not protect against Stella and Tactical Armor only. Other armors will protect against her biting and clawing. Flesh also tends to be easily ripped apart by her.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school?

Would you like your character to remember previous events?
Semi (read bio)

Matt -> Morbid fear of.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

The only problem I forsee with Stella is that it would be a little hard to keep the whole "power" thing a secret...

Dark, it does say "acquaintances" not "friends" so he can *know* them. Doesn't mean they have to be BFFs.

And holy damn, were these two hard to find. I should probably save them to my computer to prevent needless searching.


Name: Shoni "Sho" Meheven (yes, it's pronounced "Show me heaven")

Appearance: At 17, Sho stands 5'7" and though she doesn't exactly look it, weighs about 160 pounds. Her black hair is usually done in a pixie cut and she has blue eyes. When not in uniform (and even sometimes when *in* uniform), she is usually never without her black trench coat. Other than that, her clothes actually tend to be rather form-fitting, though casual in style (jeans, blouses, etc.)

Sho is perfectly content to abide by the rules of the school, with the exception of one *glaring* oversight that tends to get her in trouble: Sho hates sitting in class. It's not that she hates learning. In fact, she's almost always reading one textbook or another, but she just hates being cooped up with a lot of people. If she can skip and get away with it, she will.

Part of that is because Sho is severely claustrophobic. It's not something that she makes known, but she hates being confined, stuck in with a lot of other bodies, and abhors being underground.

Sho's also lighter than one would think. For reasons she can't explain, her bones are less dense, some even hollow, much like a bird's. This makes it easier for her to fly, but at the same time, she does have to be cautious. She hasn't tested just how more easily 'breakable' she is, but she's not about to, either.

Still, despite her slacker nature, Sho is friendly, as long as you're friendly to her. She has a bit of a take-charge attitude, but not to the point of always having to be right (most of the time). She just tends to often wind up in the middle of things and is thus more noticable because of it.

Since she was a young girl, Sho has always had the ability to manipulate the air around her, though early on, she didn't always have as much control over it as she does now. Thankfully, though, her parents had sense enough to teach her to keep things under wraps, particularly since they didn't want their daughter carted off as some sort of lab rat. This, coupled with knowing that she was somehow "different" from others (Sho is technically a mutant) is the main reason she's kept her ability a secret. She still would find time to practice with her powers, however, testing her limits and finding out just exactly what it was she could do with them, even if she had to do so in secret.

Sho came to Gosamer Falls after having been suspended from several of the other schools that she attended. Either something occurred with her abilities and she needed to leave or, because of her poor attendance, she was forced to try schooling elsewhere. So far, she's managed to keep her powers under control, though that attendance thing is still something of a problem...

Wind Manipulation
Sho has the power to generate winds, from gentle, tickling breezes to, if she's really pissed off, hurricane force gales. Most of the time, her powers are quite passive. She'll blow an attacker away from her or fly herself up to the safety of a rooftop or other height out of reach. She still hasn't quite mastered the art of passengers, though, so unless she 'flies' someone solo, the landing is guaranteed to be a bit bumpy.

Something else she's working on is altering the temperature of the winds (or rather altering temperature *because* of the winds) She can already generate a warm breeze (which she usually uses to blow-dry her hair) but she's also working on 'wind chill factor' to cool the moisture in the air enough to make ice or snow (Right now, this only works on existing water, like from a tap or in a glass) and she doesn't have enough control over it to really do more than a snowballs worth, but she's working on it.

Sho has one last "trick" that she uses only as a last resort, as it has the potential to be fatal if she's not careful with it. Being as how she can manipulate wind, Sho can, literally, steal someone's breath away by pulling the air out of their lungs. Usually something like this causes the recipient to simply pass out from lack of oxygen, but if she keeps it up, they can die of asphyxiation. It's not something that she does often, nor is it something that she likes doing, but if left with no other recourse, she *will* do it.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? No

Would you like your character to remember previous events? Yes

Acquaintances: Siphon, Aya, Matt, Ian, Alazais (?), anybody else that's all for knowing her.



Name: Ian Montrose

Appearance: Ian is 17 years old, standing 6'3" and weighing in at 250 lbs (I suck at weight gauging. If this makes him a stick, make him heavier.) He has brown eyes and dusty blonde hair that's a bit on the longish side, tending to get in his eyes and face a lot, though he doesn't seem to mind. He's most often in his uniform, though when not in class, he usually doesn't wear the jacket and he loosens the tie some. If he's going truly causal, it's usually cargos and t-shirts.

Ian is Australian, something that most people don't realize until he opens his mouth, which isn't very often. He's rather quiet and laid-back, almost to the point of being lackadaisical. One would think that with his power, he actually might be lazy, but that isn't the case. Though he has his power, Ian doesn't use it as much as one might think. Instead, he prefers a more hands-on approach and spends some of his free time working out, not wanting to let his power make him complacent and flabby. He doesn't go out of his way to be social, but he is sociable, willing to talk to anyone that puts effort into getting to know him. He's also willing to lend folks a hand with, well, anything really. All they have to do is ask.

Bio: Ian is actually here as a student and has been for most of his higher education. His family was impressed with the school and opted for it as their choice for his formal education, shipping him off each year, none the wiser about what their son would have to put up with now and again. In spite of all the weirdness, Ian sees no problem with remaining in attenedance, especially if his powers can be of use in keeping the weirdness to a minium.

Said powers actually didn't develop until he was in his early teens and given how subtle they are, he's done a fair job of keeping them under wraps. He exercises them like any other muscle or aspect of the body, though he is careful not to let on that he has them. (Ian actually went through a great deal of the zombie apocalypse *without* using his powers. It wasn't until shit really started hitting the fan that he started flinging things around and, if I recall, never when "normal" students were present.)

Ian has the power of mind over matter, able to move and manipulate objects with just a thought. There isn't exactly an upward limit to what he can move, but obviously, the bigger the object, the more concentration it's going to require, and some things just wouldn't be possible (like, say, moving the whole school, at once.) Roughly man-sized or smaller, though, doesn't take much effort. Intricate work, though, like threading a needle, takes concentration, too. Ian (generally) also has to be able to see what he's manipulating, or at least be aware of it's existence. He could turn on his desk lamp through the closed door of his dorm room but he wouldn't be able to throw a switch across a darkened room that he'd never been in before.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? No

Would you like your character to remember previous events? Yes

Acquaintances: Matt, Sho, Siphon, Aya, all applicable others.
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

So long as the brain munching is kept to a minimum I dont see a problem with Stella, so she's approved. And as loathe as I am to admit it, I see a scenario with her creeping up in my head.

Sho, Ian and Matt are also approved. Though we do still need to know if Trixie and Al is going to be new students or not. I'd suggest they should be so we have some students for the tour.

First up, my GM character Artemis Wingate.


Name: Artemis Wingate, though normally called Art by most
Age: 18
H.Colour: Shoulder length grey hair, unkempt
E.Colour: Grey
Height: 5’9”
Starting as a new student: No
Remembers past events: No as he wasn’t there for them though he was told about them by Corax
Acquaintances: Corax, Maria
Art usually wears the school uniform, minus the blazer, even when there are no classes. Though when he isn’t wearing the uniform he wears a white shirt, either with sleeves rolled up or kept down and khaki ¾ length bottoms, and usually barefoot. Art also carries around with him whenever he isn’t in class a wooden sword that hangs around his back. He uses this whenever he feels like practicing his sword fighting. For anyone looking at it the sword would look like a plain wooden sword, though when it is held it is quite clear that it isn’t all that it seems . In fact the only part of it that is wood is the covering. Underneath it is a chunk of Mythril in the shape of the sword. A small hole is at the base of the hilt, no bigger than a pin-prick that allows the Mythril to flow out when Art needs it. This is the only Mythril that Art carries with him.
Physically Art doesn’t seem to pose much of a challenge, he has a slender frame and while there’s some muscle development it isn’t enough to warrant the amount of strength he puts behind his attacks. Art also carries a bottle of medicine and a small pair of sharp scissors with him at all times. The medicine is for an illness he contracted when he was younger and the only people who know what the illness is is Corax and Maria. The scissors are for cutting any stray threads off his clothes and for inflicting wounds to use his Blood Magic with.

Personality and Bio:
The centre of attention, everybody’s friend, energetic and the life of the party are but a few phrases that spring to mind whenever they talk about Art. Art is a spirited individual, never the person to keep still for long he is nearly always active going from one place to another in search for things to do. Art also likes to think of himself as a bit of a ladies’ man, often flirting with any girl who’s in his company for longer than five minutes. Though to him it’s a bit of harmless fun, he just likes to see their reaction. Art is almost always seen hanging out with Coraxus, his roommate and Maria, his closest friends. Art had initially hit on Maria, who then gave him the beating of his life.
Art transferred to Gossamer Falls in his fourth year of secondary education as his parents had heard from various friends that it was the best school in the country. Prior to that Art was homeschooled while enjoying an insanely rich life from his parents jobs. Thought to be a long forgotten art, the Wingate family is one of the oldest, and one of the only family of Caster’s left in the world. From a very young age it was clear Art was going to be a genius at magic, and indeed by the time he was nine Art had mastered the use of elemental manipulation magic. As well as this Art was born a ‘Mythril Melder’, this is a person that has the ability to manipulate the metal ‘Mythril’, an ability normal Caster’s are unable to use. As well as the ability to manipulate Mythril and the elements, Art has mastered various other schools of magic as well as a multitude of sword styles.

Whilst he takes his role in the team seriously he finds that it can get tiresome sometimes especially when people just can’t seem to get used to not using their powers.

Most of Art’s abilities derive from Anima. Anima is an energy found throughout the world that allows people to perform magic. Currently it is unknown how or why Anima exists though research is being put into it to find out.

Sword Fighting – From a young age Art had always been interested in swords, and since about the age of five Art has been practicing nearly every day since then and has mastered a multitude of sword styles. His favourite sword style is fencing, so much so that he developed his own ‘Two Rapier’ sword style.

Mythril Melding – A natural ability for Art, this allows him to create whatever he wants out of Mythril. Though he is only limited by his imagination, Art can create simple objects from cutlery and cups to complex machinery such as cars, boats and even mech’s. All machinery created in this way runs off Anima, the larger the construction the more Anima it consumes. Because of this Art mainly uses it to create melee weapons and for defensive purposes, leaving mech’s for when it’s absolutely necessary. The physical endurance of any Mythril used is determined on the amount of Anima Art allows to flow into the metal. The more Anima poured into it the more damage it can take. Mythril acts as an extension of a Mythril Melder, any Anima put into isn’t lost, instead any Anima used for casting is used up including the Anima inside the Mythril. Any Mythril item created by Art can only be effectively used by him, if he lets go of it the Mythril loses the Anima inside of it and only retains the form it was in when Art let go of it. Because Mythril is very brittle on its own it isn’t a very effective material when used by anyone other than a Mythril Melder.

Elemental Manipulation – Using Anima that his body as stored up Art can use it to create fire, manipulate the earth, water or wind in a variety of ways. Naturally the more powerful a spell the more Anima it burns up, though Art’s body is slightly unique in the way that the Anima that is used up is almost instantly replaced with Anima in the air instead of it taking a while to be absorbed. As well as the base elements Art can combine them to create a range of other elements from ice and electricity to even magma. Art tends to use fire and electricity the most when using Elemental Manipulation.

Augmentation – Art can use Anima to focus it in certain parts of his body to increase the strength, endurance etc… This enables him to deliver attacks far exceeding his natural strength, or jump higher than what is possible for a normal human being. It does have its limits however, it cannot protect the Caster from being damaged, it can only soften the blow so the pain doesn’t feel as much and it cannot lessen the damage from a fall. The higher Art goes up the more damage he does to himself when he lands. That is if he lands at the same height that he jumped from.
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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Last year she was given a card that basicly gave her access to the school, allowing her to sneak in and see some of the classes. This year, I think that it's a good idea to include her as a Student char, if only to stop the confusion with so much other stuff with her ^^;


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Lol fair enough, though there goes my chance with Art messing with her on the tour by playfully hitting on her xD


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Lol fair enough, though there goes my chance with Art messing with her on the tour by playfully hitting on her xD
She can still be just a new student, but having to sneak back to her cave EVERY night may just get annoying for my part even lol :D


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

My standard character, Isabella Greenway. (Some parts may say Isabella Folmarv though that's been changed and it in fact Greenway.)


Name: Isabella Greenway
Birth Date: 24th December
Age: 16
Weight: 116lb
Height: 5’ 3”
H. Colour: Black (comes down to her waist and straight)
E. Colour: Light Blue
Existing character: No
Remembers previous events: No
Aquantainces: No

Family History
The Folmarv’s, unknown to most of the world except for the Folmarv’s themselves, the Folmarv occultists/fanatics and one or two other people, were not originally a family, they first started out as an occult. In fact ‘Folmarv’ was the demon that these occultists worshipped. The people who made up this cult were wide and varied, coming from different backgrounds and belonging to different races, though the one thing they all had in common was that they were shunned from society because of their beliefs or actions. Like most who were shunned by society they decided to return the kindness by bringing destruction to the people that didn’t believe in their ways and only having the world filled with people that followed their ideals, this is where their preaching and worship to Folmarv comes in.

The cult, originating in Eastern Europe and rumoured to have been formed around the time of Christ‘s birth, turned to a demon they all referred to as Folmarv in the hopes that it would give them a way to open portals to Hell that would bring forth demons to do their bidding. Eventually, after much praying and sacrifice their prayers were answered and Folmarv came forth, it gave them a way to bind demons to objects to create portals so that higher demons could be summoned forth. Choosing a drawing implement and something to draw onto, the Cult of Folmarv began to create portals to bring forth said demons, though it wasn’t all to their design. The demons summoned were much too powerful to be controlled by the demonic powers that brought them to Earth and so the demons wreak havoc, killing all that they could find. Luckily the power that summoned them was too weak to keep them there permanently and after a time the demons found themselves sent back to Hell. Now knowing a limitation to the artefacts the Cult of Folmarv over the years practiced and experimented with these tools, finding out the full extent of the power they held.

Though do to the nature of the artefacts it was somewhat difficult not to bring forth a demon of a much higher power than they could control, and ultimately some of the Cult of Folmarv realised that maybe they were going about things all wrong and escaped the cult altogether. These members would not be heard from again until many years to come. This is rumoured to have happened around the time of the death of Christ.

The other members, the ones clouded by the power bestowed upon them and angry at the world and by the fact that they were abandoned by some of their brothers and sisters stopped caring whether they could control demons of a higher class or not and started to summon demons without caring about their own safety.

Unknown to the Cult of Folmarv a curse was also put upon them at the time they received knowledge on how to create artefacts to create portals to Hell that would make their actions irrelevant to the passage of time. The curse itself erases nearly all knowledge of anyone from the Cult of Folmarv and anyone who uses their power, be that people initiated into the cult or any family that they create. Because of this curse many important historical points have been altered, such as the many religious crusades that have been said to been done for many things, the real truth is that they happened because people took up arms against the Folmarv’s and the demons they summoned and eventually after many, many years the cult was brought to its knee’s and thought to have been destroyed. Though a few members did manage to escape and swore revenge on the people who killed their brothers and sisters and on the brothers and sisters that abandoned them. These few managed to get others, be that by creating a family of their own or teaching their gift to likeminded others throughout the ages, and through this way they survived up to the present day, their anger still as strong as when they first became the Cult of Folmarv.

Nothing was hinted at the escaped members of the Cult of Folmarv until around the 1500’s when a single book had the name ‘Folmarv’ and list of various paintings, though not masterpieces in their own right they were still of superb quality, unrivalled by most. This would be the last true hint at the survival of the runaway cultists, though mention of unnamed individuals inspiring, tutoring and generally pushing the worlds great artists such as Leonardo DaVinci and Pablo Picasso to name but two as well as pushing various art styles as the cornerstones of the development of art. Though as mentioned because of the curse placed upon them all the cultists who had become a true family and taken up the name Folmarv as their own last name they were left unknown to the world and so their great deeds that helped and developed the art scene to what it is today were left unknown. It is unknown why they took up the name of the demon they sought to glean power from.

Though the Folmarv’s helped in art they also led their own lives, the family, getting as big as it was, branched off and moved to different parts of the world in the hopes of teaching more people and to hide from those that wish them harm. Though the family had sworn never to use their ability to bring forth demons ever again, instead to use their power like a gift to create and not to destroy. Many fine pieces of art can be found all throughout the world that was created by members of the Folmarv family though because of the curse they have been left unnamed though still worth quite a lot.

Unknown to the Cult of Folmarv until much later and only found out by the family of Folmarv by accident anything they draw other than a portal to Hell with the drawing implement comes to life. Though how long the creature or object lasts for depends on where it was drawn. If it was drawn on the source of paper then it lasts until the source of paper is closed in some manner. If it was drawn on something other than the other artefact then it only lasts for thirty minutes, after that it dissolves away into nothing.

It wasn’t just greatness that they inspired though, many of the worlds most ‘evil’ people were inspired by the Cult of Folmarv. Even though their actions as a whole was left unknown few things slipped through, such as their motives, what they wished to create and a hint of demonic involvement, though their name was never mentioned. One such person inspired by them even though it was never known by more than one or two people was Adolf Hitler. As said, Hitler was inspired by the Cult of Folmarv and the mention of demon summoning, it was for this reason why he ordered the extermination of the Jews and others so that he could bathe the world in enough blood to hopefully bring forth a demon to allow him the ability to summon demons for his own bidding. Ultimately though as everyone knows Hitler failed in his attempts and committed suicide as the war ended.

Demonic Artefacts
As mentioned the Cult of Folmarv used a drawing implement and a source of paper to draw onto to create portals to summon demons from Hell. Throughout history these artefacts have taken on many a shape, from quill and scroll to the modern day artist pen and sketchbook.

The manner in which it is created is by drawing a pentagram with blood inside a circle that touches all five points and another circle that is five inches into the pentagram. On the tips of the five arms of the pentagram a twelve inch black candle must be placed and lighted, the objects that are to be used in the artefact creation then must be put in the centre of the pentagram, in this instance it would be the artist pen and sketchbook. Once that is done a ritual to summon twin demons, one for each object must be done, the ritual must consist of at least seven people and no more than thirteen, they then perform the ritual for seven hours and seven minutes plus one minute for every other person there to a maximum of thirteen minutes. Only once the ritual is finished are the demons stripped of their physical forms and bound to the objects.

Because the demons are born and put into the pen and sketchbook roughly at the same time their human companion is born the demons aren’t inherently evil, instead they take on the nature of their human and often guide them, though they can only contact their human whilst he or she are sleeping. Because of this the demonic aura given off by them is perceived depending on how they have grown with their human; if the human is good then it is a good aura they give off, likewise if the human turns to evil then it is an evil aura, though most often than not it is a neutral aura given off because of the human being neither good nor evil. The demons themselves can also sense other auras, be that demonic or otherwise and can choose to tell their human companion about it if they want to though most off than not they’ll only tell them if it’s a threat to their companion.

As their owners grow older the artefacts and the creatures made become stronger. From about the age of 35 to 50 the creatures made are at their strongest, any creature created from an existing character or from a person that has a natural ability will be at the same strength as the character or person mimicked, though their defence will only increase slightly. After the age of 50 the creatures start getting weaker again.

Creatures created have a solid form (as in they aren’t like origami) though they are lighter than expected from their size.

Creatures can be made outside of the sketchbook with the pen though they only last for thirty minutes until they collapse and dissolve or if they‘re destroyed before that time. Likewise creatures created in the sketchbook stay around indefinitely until the book is closed, then like the ones created outside of the sketchbook they stay until thirty minutes is up then they collapse and dissolve unless they are killed before the book is closed or the time is up.

Character History
Isabella is much like how she is now when she was a child; she is quiet and keeps herself to herself, though this is mainly due to her powers and people not understanding them. During her childhood Isabella would often be teased by a group of boys because she spent most of her breaks in school sitting in the corner of the schoolyard drawing small creatures to keep her company. Most of the other students would often ignore her, only talking to her when necessary such as in group projects and none would stick up for her.

During primary school an incident happened that drove Isabella deeper into herself. The boys that picked on her were being particularly nasty to her, more so than usual. It got to the point where a group of people started gathering around them to see what was going on. One of the boys, the leader, went too far and hit her, at this all the creatures that Isabella had drawn merged into one and became a five-foot stick man and started to attack the boys. Most likely they would’ve been killed if it weren’t for the fact that Isabella had some control over it and managed to restrain its full power. The boys got off with only a few fractured ribs and two of them with a broken arm. Though after that day the boys left her alone and everyone gave her a wide berth, including the teachers.

All was fine then up until she went into comprehensive school. Almost instantly it was just as it was like in the first few years of primary school. Most people would ignore her though there was a group of people who would bully her. Though Isabella did find something she was good at; from all her time running away from the boys that picked on her in primary school she had become a pretty fast runner and before long she was beating all the record times the school had set in track. Her top record which she easily reaches is 7.2 seconds in the 100 metre sprint, this is without breaking a sweat.

Everything was going alright for Isabella until the second year of comprehensive. The bullies had decided to take it to the next step and started hounding Isabella every chance they had, of course no one tried to stop them because they didn’t want the same happening to them though some felt sorry for her nonetheless. It was one lunchtime during winter when they stole her sketchbook from her as she was drawing at a table outside. One of the girls hit her and then the event from her childhood happened all over again; her creatures all merged together again but this time it formed a twelve-foot tall stick man. It attacked them, fuelled by Isabella’s anger at them, though she managed to control its power somewhat again so that they weren’t killed. Instead just like last time they survived though they ended up with more injuries, all of them had either broken legs, arms or both as well as extensive bruising and blood loss. It was a few months before they came back to school but they never bullied her or anyone again. Though she had earned the nickname ‘Belladonna’ from this event.

During the time her bullies were in hospital Isabella became frightened by her ability, and fearing she’d hurt someone else she locked her sketchbook up and didn’t go back to school. It took some time to convince her but her parents managed to get her back to her senses and explained to her that what happened was only her creatures protecting her. Eventually she went back to school though again everyone gave her a wide berth and only talked to her when it was absolutely necessary.

Nothing eventful happened further until her fifteenth year, her parents received a letter through the post explaining that the sender knew who they were and what they can do and that they’ll come for their daughter eventually to educate her in the proper way a Folmarv should be. Her parents, fearing for her safety, stopped her from going to her track club and meets after school and increased the security on their manor and around their daughter to hopefully stop the rogue cultists of Folmarv from getting her. Though their worry was short lived as they heard rumours of a school isolated from the rest of Britain on an island with the only other occupants being the villagers of a small village. Researching more into the school Isabella’s parents soon found out the rumours were true. It wasn’t long before they had enrolled Isabella to continue her education at Gossamer Falls Boarding School. Unhappy about the choice made, and unknown about the true reason(her parents felt it best that she not know about her families true history) why she had been enrolled there, Isabella went along with her parents decision. Isabella also had her own agenda for going along with said plans; she had been kept in the dark about her family history all her life and with the opportunity of being separated from her parents she could finally perform research on her family background.

Character personality, quirks, miscellany…
As mentioned before Isabella is a quiet person who tends to keep herself to herself. Though that doesn’t mean that she isn’t curious about the people around her, indeed it is quite the opposite. She often draws the people around her in her sketchbook to play around with them for a while before banishing them away. Oftentimes she can be found hiding just out of sight of someone busily studying them and sketching them in a normal sketchbook for later reference, making notes about them for later use. Its not just people she draws, she draws various characters from comics, video games, films etc…, these characters retain their abilities though there are some limitations though this will be expanded on later on. Two characters she brings to life is Deadpool and Wolverine from the Marvel comics and makes them have a slapstick fight to brighten herself up when she is feeling down and depressed.

Isabella however tries to avoid being around large groups of people whenever possible mainly because she feels awkward and out of place with them all. Though there are exceptions, such as class and school clubs. She rarely ever attends school social events, though that was at her old schools when she knew people didn’t like her all that much. When in crowds of people Isabella tends to stay quiet and only speaks when someone addresses her. Isabella also doesn’t do well in combat, given the chance she’ll run at the first opportunity while her creatures give her time to create some distance between her and her assailant before they are destroyed.

On her own (or around people she has grown accustomed to and befriended) Isabella is a carefree person, her room is often cluttered with sheets of paper with half drawn pictures waiting to be finished at a later date or tossed to the side as a new idea springs to her. She is enthusiastic about drawing and art to the point of turning down a chance to compete in the Olympics with a high chance of winning in all the track races. Isabella is often followed by a dozen or so multicoloured butterflies that she draws, and often when she is sitting on her own in a quiet spot she’ll create small cute animals to keep her company.

Isabella’s most used creations are a 24” lego man-esque man and a 2” flying eyeball. The man is used generally as a servant, it runs errands for Isabella such as fetching meals, opening doors, getting her clothes, tidying her room etc… but it can also act as a bodyguard in large numbers especially when equipped with weapons. The ‘Flyball’ as Isabella has affectionately named it is accompanied by a monitor screen drawn on a page in the sketchbook. These two creations allow Isabella to see what the Flyball see’s as it flies around. Because of how small it is, it is mostly unnoticed by people though because of the nature of it it is incredibly weak, a simple flick would destroy it.

Isabella prefers the feel of silk against her skin more so than other fabrics, for this reason most of her clothes have silk in them somewhere or are lined with silk. She wears silk pyjama’s most nights ranging from silk night gowns to the two piece button up tops and bottoms. Isabella also has several silk dressing gowns and most of the time she wears underwear made from silk. For casual wear Isabella tends to wear clothes that are single coloured and lack any patterns or designs. Normally she’ll wear a baggy silk long-sleeved shirt, normally white or cream in colour, a black cotton dress with buttons fastening the fabric that goes over the shoulders to the front of the dress and a denim skirt underneath. As well as that she sometimes wears a pair of stockings, either black or another dark colour, and accompanying the stockings she’ll wear a pair of boots (tan in colour) that come halfway up her shins. If she’s not wearing stockings then she’ll wear socks and normal footwear. Isabella also likes to change her hairstyle regularly, often sporting different styles during one day.

As well as her sketchbook and pen Isabella normally has on her a messenger bag that she uses to store said pen and book as well as an assortment of other belongings. Generally she carries with her two or three other normal sketchbooks with pictures of various characters and people with note about their abilities and powers and a few normal pens and pencils to sketch with in her normal sketchbooks. She also carries with her a laptop for when she feels like surfing the net or writing, playing games etc…, an iPod to listen to music while she’d drawing or relaxing and an assortment of hair accessories including hair ties, bands and clips.

(second half to follow)
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


Powers and Limitations
Isabella’s powers aren’t what could be considered as a typical power. She uses a sketchbook and pen that have two demons bound into them. With these she can create a variety of things to aid her and occasionally others too.

Common Creatures - As mentioned above Isabella has two creatures that she creates more than any other. Though weak on their own the mini men are quite powerful in large numbers. The strength of a single one is about the same as an average adult male, though their defence is where they fail on their own, a few hits is enough to destroy one this is the reason why a large amount is needed to overpower an opponent. The monitor that shows what the Flyball see’s shows things in real time and in full colour as if the person viewing the screen is actually there. Though as mentioned the Flyball is incredibly weak and as such cannot sustain any damage without being destroyed. Because of the manner of the Flyball and monitor only one can be created at a time.

Fictional Characters - In the last fifty years various mediums have provided us with an increased amount of leisure activities, ranging from video games and comics to the internet and home computers. Because of such things the Folmarv’s have had access to a wider range of creations and in particular creations with varying powers. From characters such as the ones seen in the Marvel and DC comics to characters in video games and even anime the Folmarv’s have been able to use their abilities for their own cause. Isabella is no exception and often carries around a few normal sketchbooks full of pictures of characters and notes about their powers. Though these creations are not as strong as the characters that they are based on, their normal physical strength is about the same or slightly stronger than the mini men and their unique powers are about 1.5 times as strong.

Living People - As well as fictional characters and their abilities Isabella can also copy real people and if they have any special abilities that she knows about then they can be applied to the copies as well. Though the powers that can be copied are limited. The copies that Isabella draws cannot copy any aura’s that the people project (such as Vivica’s ‘Aura of Lust’) as well as not being able to copy any ability gained from technological sources (such as Siphons varying technological items), items that possess power or are possessed by another life form (such as Barry’s glove) or any powers gained that the person didn’t have naturally (such as Simons shadow). If the person in question possess’ a ‘second form’ (for example Al’s Grim Reaper form, Siphon’s Talvesh form or Mikhail’s demonic form) Isabella would have to have knowledge about them as well though to create them she would have to create a second copy of them because the copy of them in their normal form would not be able to transform into their other forms. Isabella cannot also copy any abilities that would deal an instant death to the person it was used on. As well as those limitations Isabella cannot draw any copies or herself or her sketchbook and pen, this stops her from creating an infinite amount of herself and her tools. Creatures created also cannot mimic any fire or water abilities because of their weakness to said elements.

Natural Weakness - Being creatures originally made from pen and paper any creatures created have a natural weakness to water and fire. Any creature hit by a fire attack (be that magical or even from a lump of wood on fire thrown at them) catches on fire and dies a few seconds later. Any creature hit by water, depending on how the water hits them takes a different amount of time to die; creatures in a light rain for example would take a few minutes (roughly 3-5 minutes) to dissolve completely though as time goes on they get weaker. Creatures in a moderate rain take about 1-3 minutes to dissolve, again becoming weaker as they get closer to death. Creatures in a heavy downpour take about 30 seconds to a minute to dissolve. If a creature is hit by water for example from a water gun depending on where it was hit depends on if it dies instantly. Head shots kill instantly while being hit in the chest would most likely only cause a hole as wide as the blast in question and the creature might break in half. Typically any water attack that would destroy a half of the creature or more will kill it instantly.

Ink Change - More of a cosmetic power than anything else, if Isabella speaks a colour out loud while holding her pen then the ink will change to the colour she said. This allows her to create vibrantly coloured creatures and objects.

Objects and Object Limitations - Isabella cannot only create creatures and people, she can also create objects such as swords and other fighting weapons. Though she is limited as to what objects she can actually create. Most melee weapons (swords, hammers, spears etc…) can be created while nearly all ranged weapons (handguns, rocket launchers and other technologically advanced ballistic weapons) cannot be created. There are a few ranged weapons that can be created however, such as a sling and bows and arrows. As well as weapons other mundane and ‘household’ objects can be created, though these generally hold no use other than decoration. There are however some objects that would normally require a power source to run such as a fan so long as she draws it attached to one of her mini men.

Properties - Different properties can be given to the likes of weapons such as steel and iron by writing the word of the property on the object so long as Isabella is familiar with the property she wants to apply. For example she can make a sword as tough and durable as steel by writing the word steel on the sword while it is being drawn though she cannot apply the property of titanium or gold because she isn’t familiar with them.

Absolute Defence - An ability that Isabella has no control over whatsoever, it happens naturally whenever she is threatened beyond what she can normally handle. Any creatures she has created combine into one giant stickman and attacks her assailants without remorse. In the times it formed Isabella has shown some degree of control over how much strength it uses though beyond that she has no control over it. From the time it is created the stickman lasts for two minutes and thirty seconds, this may seem like a short period of time but the stickman is incredibly resistant to damage, even fire and water attacks seem to barely harm it. Its strength is roughly that of ten adult males, though depending on how much Isabella subconsciously limits its power its strength can go as low as five adult males.

Absolute Defence Alt. - If Isabella has no creatures out and her life is in danger then the demons residing in her pen and sketchbook unleash a mental attack on her assailants that can potentially make them brain dead. Though they have never had to because Isabella has only been in danger twice and she nearly always has creatures around her even if they are only simple butterflies.

Speedy - Because of the amount of time spend running away from bullies Isabella is incredibly fast, so much so that she was offered a place in the Olympics though she turned it down because it wasn’t what she wanted to do. Her highest time in the 100 metre sprint is 7.2 seconds and that’s without breaking a sweat. She can run further, up to about 700 metres at full speed before needed to take a break or slow down somewhat.

Frail - Isabella isn’t that strong even for a girl her age, this and because she doesn’t like to fight when she can help it is the reason why she usually runs away from people who wish to do her harm.


Extra Tidbits

Isabella's sketchbook is demonic in appearance, it has black leather binding as well as small pointed teeth adorning the edges, though this could merely be thought of as decoration by most.

By being frail I mean that when she hits people there isnt much force behind it and she cant take much damage herself. It's probably a wording error on my part. Her speed is from constant fleeing from bullies and constant training on the track when she's in school and obviously as she trains she gets better and can pace herself much more competently.

In regards to her book and creations there are a few things I forgot to put into the character sheet. The book and pen cannot be destroyed because of the demons, once Isabella dies the demons die with her and then the book and pen ignites into flames and is destroyed along with their deaths. The book and pen cant be used by anyone other than Isabella because of the connection her and the demons share.

In regards to the book being closed by other people it can be closed just as easily as a normal book would be. The demons only bring life to the creations and prevent the book and pen from being destroyed, it doesnt stop others from touching or closing it. This is one of the main reasons why Isabella keeps the book on her almost all the time.

The power of the creations that are of fictional characters or people with special abilities goes; normal physical power the same as any other creation (which would be about as powerful as an average adult human) and any special abilities they have (eg any abilities that increase strength, limit breaks, magical attacks that arent fire or water based) do 1.5x the normal damage of they're physical attacks. This of course is balanced out by them having low defence. It only takes a few hits (up to about 5 depending on the strength of the attack) to destroy them. Though the desperatin attack is handled somewhat differently because it only happens when Isabella's life is in danger.
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Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

I swear I'll clean this up when I can



Name: Kyo

Appearance: Dark-brown (looks black unless you're up close), shoulder-length hair, often untidy... but in a that's-how-it-should-look way;
@ 5'9" in height, athletic build... he trained for strength and speed, not for muscles, so his dense muscle frame often is taken for granted, and people think him to be weaker than he is (EDIT thanks to Copper: Looks -slightly- lanky, but his muscle frame is very dense, and he does sport a 6-pack)... weight is unknown, as he doesn't see a reason to ever step on a scale, Caucasian with a light tan;
Rather normal face, with only a couple of exceptions - his nose (while it looks fine from afar, is just a tad odd looking up close, as if it had been broken at one point... though it's not broken now) and his eyes (his left is a VERY dark blue, and gives the impression that it has seen more than it should... the right is quite a neutral black, though many have claimed to have seen it change colors...);
Usually sports a white t-shirt with 'Game Over' in bold font and crimson red, black jeans, black jean-jacket, white socks, black/gray sneakers, white, heart-print boxers. ( . . . . . anyways...), and when he's not in class, a box of pocky, and a black wooden sword... though it looks as normal as can be, people still can't shake the feeling of some sort of power emanating from the sword...
(NO, the sword is NOT possessed.)

~EDIT thanks to Copper:
Run Down of Kyo's Eye: In a neutral state, i.e. boredom, it's black; in battle, it turns a deep, crimson red; green for happiness, blue for sadness; yellow... well, let's leave it at, you DON'T want him to get yellow eyes, and even less have them go cats-eye.~

Personality: Kyo... has a knack for getting into trouble... merely sitting around seems like a waste to him, when he could be actually DOING something (running, training... something physical), and though that does not mean he doesn't value education - he holds education in very high regards, actually - he often is restless in class, unable to simply 'sit' and learn, so he often walks while he reads, or may even simply stand and lean against a wall.... this behavior more often than not earns hims regular trips to detention, where he does the same, and only lands himself more detention because of it.
Kyo likes to think he can be level-headed, and sometimes even manages to make well-thought decisions, but for the most part, Kyo prefers to run in and ask questions later.
Kyo is fiercely loyal to his friends, and would never entertain the thought of one of them betraying him; this also leads him to be hard to apologize to, if one DOES betray his trust - near-impossible, even.

Bio: Kyo's full name is Kyosuke Kusanagi.
- General Knowledge: Kyo was sent to a boarding school before he was even one, and was brought up in boarding schools. The only family he ever knew were his classmates and teachers, as his parents refused to even communicate with Kyo. Resentful of this, Kyo became a trouble-maker up until high-school, which resulted in him bouncing between a lot of schools. In high-school, Kyo still got in trouble, but he never did anything like in previous years, so he was never transferred; perhaps he had decided he was tired of getting into trouble, maybe he met a girl he liked - nobody knows for sure. One thing that was for certain, though, was that Kyo DID develop an interest in Ki. He began reading anything and everything that there was to read on the subject at his school, the library... anywhere that carried books on it. After only a couple years, he was offered a place at another school that, apparently, nobody else had ever heard of, but boasted in it's advertisement that it was for 'gifted' students. It was a short boat ride up the coast, somewhere hidden far to the north of the little village of Pretty Pretty Unicorn that used to be up the coast. Unfortunately, that didn't pan out, as Kyo had no idea how to get to the boat; however, he was contacted by another school wishing for him to attend it shortly afterwards, which offered free room and board, free food, lots of open areas to train in, and, the invite hinted at, an extensive library, full of books that most places didn't have access to.

At current, Kyo is 22-23 years old.

Alright, working on the age thing here...
Personal facts will be things that, while true, nobody but Kyo, and perhaps a select few (and I mean FEW, perhaps 1-2 people) people will know about him.
-Personal Fact #1: Upon birth, Kyo inherited a disease that has run in the Kusanagi family for generations, but has only ever shown up 3-4 times in his family's history... it's the real reason for his parents distancing him, and why Kyo became enamored with Ki...
Whenever Kyo becomes depressed - not simply 'well, fuck' depressed, but 'there's no point going on' depressed - his body goes into a comatose-like state, his brain all but shuts off, and until he is 'woken', whether by his own will or some outside force, he does not age physically.
As he grew, the 'standstills' - this is what his parents told the doctors it was - became less frequent as he learned to control himself better, but during his mandatory school years, six instances stand out, because each of these six times, he was out for close to a year. So, although Kyo may appear to be only a teenager @ 16-17 years of age, he actually IS 22-23.
Because his parents wanted to avoid unwanted questions, whenever he had a nasty 'standstill', they simply took him to the same doctor every time, and transferred him to a new school, where he was placed in the same grade as he had been in when he had his 'standstill' because of how old he appeared to be.
By studying Ki, Kyo hoped to find a way to end his problem; unfortunately, he couldn't find one, but through his training, he managed to gain a greater control over it than he had had before, and has managed to prevent it from happening at all for the last year or two.
*WORK IN PROGRESS* (I plan on adding a more... personal, history, once I can get my notes... I know I left them SOMEWHERE... *rummages around in room*)

Abilities: For the most part, Kyo uses a wide variety of martial arts, learned while he was still at the college his parents paid for. His only 'weapon' is a wooden sword painted black. What people DON'T know, though, is that Kyo did more than study the theory of Ki... he PRACTICES it. He utilizes Ki, an energy that surrounds all things, to attack - and defend - with. Since Ki is an ever-present force, his supply is limitless. However, this doesn't mean he can never tire, or blow up entire planets (without nearly if not definitely killing himself >.>)
Typically he prefers melee combat, and as such primarily uses Ki to boost his reflexes, speed, strength, durability, and senses; though he does have the ability to hurl high-energy Ki projectiles if he absolutely HAS to. He doesn't really like weapons, as he is self taught in the ways of martial arts, and hates to have to rely on 'extensions' to fight with.

~EDIT thanks to Copper:
Changes Since First Introduction:
Well, he's now able to heal, though he's better at healing himself than others. And it's not like wolverine-regeneration speed, either. just moderate is all.
He's married to Motoko Aoyama from Love Hina, as he had a trip through space-time. He also picked up a kid, Karen-chan. Though, she's really a baby tentacle monster in the guise of an 8-year-old, green haird girl.
They all live in the forest that surrounds the school, in a house Kyo and ....(Crap, I forget Bartnum's character... Coraxus, was it?) ... built.

Also, should any harm befall Motoko or Karen, Kyo starts to get a little less concerned about his own self preservation, and more about how much more painful and torturous he can make the enemy's death (and his eyes get a yellow glint to them, though it takes a bit for them to actually go yellow).
^Well, I'm leaving the healing, but Motoko and Karen are RIGHT OUT. People didn't like it, and it became bothersome playing more than one character. Kyo's single, and staying that way, unless someone other than me decides it's time for Kyo to notice their girl >.<~

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? No

Would you like your character to remember previous events?
Yes, up to the point it got ridiculous... (no second/third characters for me EVER again :p)


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