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SBS Notice Board

Re: SBS Notice Board

there are a few things i'd like to see, such as the weakness that the magic of her drawings ends as soon as her sketch book is closed (although being a demonic item it would be naturally resistant to closing) and some little math fixes like how it says the powers are weaker (weaker as in 1.5 times as strong as their source) and how for some reason your frail little girl with no powers of her own can beat the current world record at 100m dash by 2 seconds and maintain it for 7 times as long. i don't have an objection to that last ability, it just doesn't make sense
Re: SBS Notice Board

By being frail I mean that when she hits people there isnt much force behind it and she cant take much damage herself. It's probably a wording error on my part. Her speed is from constant fleeing from bullies and constant training on the track when she's in school and obviously as she trains she gets better and can pace herself much more competently.

In regards to her book and creations there are a few things I forgot to put into the character sheet. The book and pen cannot be destroyed because of the demons, once Isabella dies the demons die with her and then the book and pen ignites into flames and is destroyed along with their deaths. The book and pen cant be used by anyone other than Isabella because of the connection her and the demons share.

In regards to the book being closed by other people it can be closed just as easily as a normal book would be. The demons only bring life to the creations and prevent the book and pen from being destroyed, it doesnt stop others from touching or closing it. This is one of the main reasons why Isabella keeps the book on her almost all the time.

The power of the creations that are of fictional characters or people with special abilities goes; normal physical power the same as any other creation (which would be about as powerful as an average adult human) and any special abilities they have (eg any abilities that increase strength, limit breaks, magical attacks that arent fire or water based) do 1.5x the normal damage of they're physical attacks. This of course is balanced out by them having low defence. It only takes a few hits (up to about 5 depending on the strength of the attack) to destroy them. Though the desperatin attack is handled somewhat differently because it only happens when Isabella's life is in danger.
Re: SBS Notice Board

yeah... i practice running a lot to, thats why i knocked 2 seconds of the world record at 100 meter dash...

all that other stuff is fine though just chuck it into the character sheet and she should be good.
Re: SBS Notice Board

eh, lets just say its an unknown enhancement from the demons then for arguements sake.
Re: SBS Notice Board

oh well thats fine then... it would be weird if a normal person could run at about 50k an hour for any amount of time, much less a whole minute.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Hmmmm... I think I'll make a new character for the heck of it. (And to stir up some more drama.)
Re: SBS Notice Board

we always like drama.

and thats fine as long as other characters only submit to hypnosis whenever they feel like it. so you've got practically no control over if it works or not...
Re: SBS Notice Board

Naturally, the only real plan I have for hypnosis is maybe on some NPCs. If someone has an idea involving the hypnosis, let me know.

Edit: Added a power I left out by accident ^^;;, Any comments?
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Rise and shine people. Or are we role-playing a mass lay in? Since Nu said that classes came after the dance, I'm guessing we have another day of roaming. Or is that just for the new peeps? I have no idea, but it's about time I get a post in there.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Art's gonna be sleeping in, I have plans for him, and Isabella has just headed over to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Rise and shine people. Or are we role-playing a mass lay in? Since Nu said that classes came after the dance, I'm guessing we have another day of roaming. Or is that just for the new peeps? I have no idea, but it's about time I get a post in there.

My plan for Sho is letting her sleep until A. some poor fool that isn't Siphon or Alazais tries to wake her up or B. El and Siphon have their meeting, at which point she may have been conscious enough to get there on time.

Ian might pop into the lounge area for the time being, but right now, *I'm* too sleepy *laughs*
Re: SBS Notice Board

I'm waiting on the rubber stamp from Nunu for my new character before I do anything with Ima (like send her out to get food or something), then I'll use the whole "snake inside the girl's dorm" (poisonous one too) to stir up some drama (maybe get some people to try exterminating him) and... yeah.
Re: SBS Notice Board

i thought i gave you my rubber stamp, oh well if not you've got it now
Re: SBS Notice Board

Great! Now then... drama time?
Re: SBS Notice Board

I'm... Debating on a new and... Interesting... character...

Currently thinking up a story for her for WHY she would be sent to here.

Her, "Ability" and such have been thought out well *evil laughs*
Re: SBS Notice Board

Could go with the reason Sho and her sisters were sent to Gosamer in the original game: They got kicked out of everywhere else *grins*
Re: SBS Notice Board

You know what? Im going to have Art walk around in his pyjama's and slippers.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Hmm... do I have Sly slither into one of the rooms in the girls dorm, or do I have him be spotted by some NPC girl and cause an outburst? >_>;; Or maybe some else?

Ideas someone? ._., I've run out.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Well, Sho's alseep in her room, but she's on the top floor. Doubt he might want to go there. Having a random outburst might be fun, though. Get everyone running.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Guide thread needs to be stickyed. It's hanging around the bottom right now.