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Saving Christmas!

Name: Fiona Silver

This year , she was: Good

All you want for Christmas is: To become someone’s pet harpy!

Yeah, they’re real!” The harpy smiled, approaching the sexy robot and letting Leah touch her wings if she so desired. It helped distract her from the scene of debauchery that Raja had so unwaveringly interrupted. Still, when the cosplaying elf started translating for her doggie partner, Fiona made sure to pay attention, as it seemed they were actually going to get some solid information.

So it looks like Santa was acting weird and particularly hostile when he disappeared? Odd, she wondered what could’ve caused jolly old Saint Nick to act that way? What’s most important though was that they now had a good lead on where he went. “I don’t know if I can convince Santa, but if not then I’ll ask Mrs. Clause, either way I’ll make sure you get a big juicy reward for your help!” The harpy promised, and with the doggie satisfied, the party soon made their way through the snowy woods towards a hidden house, where they were met with… an interesting sight.

Fiona blushed again as she examined the elves bound in their lewd positions, but her embarrassment swiftly turned to concern when she noticed the girls in bondage didn’t look very comfortable. She assumed that magical elves living in the North Pole would be immune to hypothermia, but still, better to free them and get them warmed up just in case. Did Santa do this…? No way, something’s wrong here.

You two go on ahead, I’m gonna try to help the elves first.” The harpy proposed, making her way over to try untying the elves. This proved… more difficult than she first anticipated, considering her lack of hands. The talons of her feet were sharp enough to cut the cords, but she wasn’t confident she could do so without accidentally scratching anyone…

After at least cutting down the ones dangling from the air and helping them all huddle together to share each other’s warmth, Fiona decided she wasn’t the best suited for the task and went to rejoin the others first, entering the house to find… WOW. The harpy’s eyes grew wide and she could feel her heart pounding. Santa is… Santa is HOT, DAMN! She never thought she’d ever see the day where she’d fantasize for even the fleetest second about taking a ride on Jolly Ol’ Nick’s candy cane… B-But there were more pressing concerns right now, namely that there were TWO Santas, and both were tied up!

Having arrived later than her allies, Fiona stood back for the most part, listening to the two Santas’ defenses, though there were a few moments where she almost stepped in frantically, namely when the detective pulled a FUCKING GUN on Santa. Maybe her two companions were not as reliable as she thought… But how could she tell which one was the real one?

Yet, the more the two argued, the more something nagged at her mind, intuition and inconsistencies pushing her towards a conclusion. She did not think herself a genius, but if the alternative is her two partners getting ever closer towards the solution of just shooting BOTH of them, she should probably just speak up.

Hold on, no need to go signing Santa’s death warrant… I think I know who’s the real Santa.” The harpy spoke, then pointed a wing at the second one. “Him.

Let’s look over the testimonies. First, the List. As the song goes, ‘He’s making a list and he’s checking it twice’, so you’d think Santa would need a list, but it’s already pretty clear that common perceptions here are… inaccurate. Afterall, I don’t think there’s any carols about kinky elves, horny dogs, or Santa being totally JACKED. Besides, how long would a list containing the names and wishes of every child on Earth be? I’m leaning more towards magical knowledge on that one.” Fiona began to reason. Santa #2 did note immediately that Raja was naughty this year… a statement now supported by her being so bold as to pull a gun on Santa as part of her interrogation, but he couldn’t have known that at first glance without, well, magic. Could it have been a lucky guess? Maybe, but there’s more.

That said, even if the semantics might be wrong, I doubt something as fundamental as giving gifts only to nice kids can be false. It’s like half the point of the Santa story, encouraging kids to behave so they can earn a reward, fostering wholesome behavior as they grow up. The true Santa would uphold a principle like that. Saying that no kids can really be naughty… that’s just weird to me.” The harpy continued, looking suspectly at the first Santa. Something just seemed off when he said that, illogical, how he claimed only adults can do wrong.

And there’s more. We know that the dog carried one of you here, and that whoever he carried was the fake one, considering the 180 in that Santa’s behavior, and that the fake Santa was carrying a large sack, but there’s no reason for him to be taking gifts with him if he came here rather than going on his delivery. Going by your testimony that the sleigh was missing and your elves were kidnapped, if what the fake was carrying in his sack were those tied up elves we saw outside... Then everything matches up. I think we can come to a sound conclusion from that. What do you think, detective?” Fiona turned to look at Raja, just the tiiiniest bit of smug in her tone and smile.
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After a round of discussions, it was decided that the second Santa, the one without the hat, was the real one! Maybe a new round of questionings and investigations would provide further assurance, but time was too short!

"Good choice!" Santa praised them. "Quick, the sleigh should be somewhere around here...I still need to hurry, and maybe I can deliver the gifts tonight!" he said, starting to look around.

The other Santa complained and argued, but of course he would...but no matter, Krampus was an evil spirit, and the safe bet was to keep him tied to avoid further mischief.

Indeed the sleigh was hidden on the side of the house.

"I will take doggie and go for the gift-giving. You guys take care of the poor elves Krampus abducted...ok, see you next year!" he waved as the sleigh took the air. It was a scene everyone had seen in movies before...but as the sleigh flew away, Raja felt like something was missing from the scene...and it was not the annoying reindeer.

That's right, Santa forgot to do his traditional ho-ho-ho laugh!

It was night. Santa was looking at his wife having her fun with her early-Christmas gift. He did feel a bit jealous, but his heart was big enough, and sharing was the spirit of Christmas. Besides, those guys were all good boys...

However, he had a bad feeling that kept him distracted.

"Darling, sorry about this, but I will have to go to the workshop...I have a very bad feeling." he sighed sitting up from his rocking chair. He would probably get spanked later, for ignoring her complaints, but sacrifices had to be made sometimes!

"Hihihi, I got you, old man!" a figure that looked exactly like Santa giggled, pushing the unconscious Santa in a big red sack! There were already a few abducted elves inside!

"Now it's time to put up an act!" the Santa, proud of himself said hiding his sack nearby, and moving towards the stables! He had a detailed plan in mind!

Without him noticing, however, Santa's loving wife who was getting fucked against the window at the time, got furious when she noticed him not going towards the workshop...

After a few rounds of running around, pretending to be two different Santas, the doppelganger realized a troubling loophole in his act! However, he was confident no one would notice this small detail...

[Left for ppl who like to guess!]

In the end, it wasn't like he could do something about it now. He just had to keep up his plan! He had already sabotaged the workshop, and by the time the main actors arrived at his stage, it would be too late for detailed investigations! His fake act would look more real than even real Santa's real act...who would think to ask him what he did before he tried to get out of the house when so many people had already seen two Santas going around last night?!

Raja after the first, the real Santa had been finally cleared his name, Leah, Raja and Fiona could only leave in bad spirits. Santa assured them that everything would be ok, and that it wasn't really their fault for falling for Krampus's evil scheme. Sadly, they would have to leave the North Pole for now, since they would all have to work extra hard to try to make up for their mistake. Not even enough time for goodbyes was left! With a wave of Santa's hand, a puff of white smoke, and everyone felt sleepy as they left the North Pole as fast as they had arrived...

Only some brief time to think about the Blue Spider that was still somewhere in a box, and Fiona's mistress and new family, who would miss her so much now, and poor Tris who wouldn't get well faster...


Leah woke up. She could still remember everything, and her body was still a sex-bot. It seemed it was Christmas morning...however, thinking about the poor spider, she couldn't feel happy. Her robotic eyes were overflowing with sad machine fluids...the poor blue spido...one shouldn't be sad at Christmas day...but it couldn't be helped.

Even the little fluffy thing that wiped her tears away and stroked her lovingly couldn't cheer her up...wait, what was this blue little stick?!


It was Leah's blue friend! How it even got here?! YEY!

(You are free to check the spoiler from back then :p )


Raja also woke up. It wasn't uncommon for a detective to miss a clue, but doing so now, when so much was at stake felt terrible. And she was also out of cigarettes. She should get some on her way to the hospital...

She couldn't help but notice a lump of coal under her tree. There was even a not of it. She wasn't sure if she was in the mood to read it.

Note: "Pointing guns to people is something bad kids do!"

Before she left, she should pass from the kitchen. She should bring some cookies to Tris...damn.

However, when she walked in the kitchen, a familiar figure wearing only a Christmas themed cooking apron greeted her! There was even breakfast already on the table!

"Happy Christmas, my little strawberry!" Tris cheered, rushing to shower Raja with kisses! "Somehow, my hand is now good, and I was left to go! You were sleeping so peacefully, after so many nights at my side, so I didn't want to wake you up!" she explained, stroking Detective Raja's head!

"Come, I prepared your favorite breakfast!"


Fiona woke up. She was tucked into her comfortable bed. It was certainly a celebrity idol worthy bed, but...she would have preferred to be with her Mistress. And now she would even have to explain how she turned to a harpy girl to her fans...now that would be a chore. But most importantly, she hadn't even said goodbye to her new family...

Still, as a popular idol she couldn't slack around. She had to get up from the bed and start her day. So many things to do today, all arranged by her manager...if only her Mistress was here, she wouldn't mind ditching all of them...she could only sigh.

However, as she moved around the huge house, she heard strange, noises! Someone was breaking things in the kitchen!

"Ahhh...sowwyyyy!" a familiar cat-girl's voice sounded!

"Try to stay put...we can't ruin Fiona's house!" Mistress's voice scolded!

<<more sounds of things falling down>>

Fiona didn't realize when she had rushed closer so fast! Mistress and the others were here!!!

"Hey, Fiona! We didn't get to say goodbye, and we all missed you, so we came to visit!" she said, petting Fiona's head lovingly.

"We are only temporary workers at North Pole, so we have plenty of free time!" she explained "We though, if you are also free, perhaps we could go out and have fun together?" she offered.

Catianna also jumped out of the mess of broken things she had caused, rubbing her head against Fiona's plumage. "We missed you so muuuuch, big sisterr~~!" she complained.

Lucy and Azula were there too, waiting patiently for their turn to greet their little sister! It seemed everything ended well, after all!


Perhaps some naughty kids only got coal for Christmas, and everyone was wondering what had happened...however, some delayed gift arrived for all kids, good and naughty, the night of New Year's Eve!

Raja got a detective's magnifying glass, with a note that it shouldn't be used on ants!
Leah got a subscription to the "DroidSlut" magazine!
Fiona got some prepaid tickets for bird-flying lessons! Of course, the instructor would be a harpy from an other fantasy world...

During the following year, Raja opened a detectives office with the support of the ever-supportive Tris!
Leah had lots of free time...being a sex-bot was so nice! Perhaps she should find a nice lewd mistress for her too...not that it would be very hard to do so if she wished to...hmm...
Fiona went back into the show-business! Not only that, but her manager was soon to point out that her new family could also work with her!

Everything was going so well...


Somewhere far away.

"Hihihi, well, I guess you can't win everything...but next year, I have an even better plan...." the figure giggled from the shadows...
Name: Fiona Silver

This year , she was: Good

All you want for Christmas is: To become someone’s pet harpy!

Lacking the time or patience to ask more questions or compare notes, the others agreed with Fiona’s deductions, and soon the second santa was freed to return to his yearly gift-giving. At the last moment as the jolly man flew away, the harpy couldn’t help but feel like something was amiss, but in that moment she couldn’t put a finger on what. Besides, they had freezing elves to tend to and a fake santa to interrogate.

…A fake santa who turned out to be the real santa afterall, after he convinced them to go so far as to bring Mrs. Claus herself who confirmed that fact without a doubt. Fiona’s jaw dropped, feelings of disbelief and guilt suffocating her. She was the one who had made that deduction afterall. She screwed up, big time.

Before there was time to make amends, smoke smothered the three’s consciousness, and Fiona passed out as she was on the verge of tears…


Some time later, the starlet found herself waking up in her comfortable bed, wet marks trailing from her eyes. Well, that was a weird and upsetting dream, she thought to herself as she sat up, feeling sick, and profoundly lonely. It’s odd, she’s had vivid dreams she could remember before, but never one quite like this…

…She looked down at the wings laid on her blanket, attached to her arms. She blinked, then lifted one up, and touched her face with it. She then inspected the rest of herself, her tail, her digitigrade legs and talons. This… This is real. The dream was real, she realized.

For a moment she simply stared at herself, her mind blue-screening as she struggled to comprehend all that’s happened and what it meant for her. What now? How is she supposed to explain to people how she turned into a harpy girl? Well, dad and the doctors he’ll no doubt bring her to will at least belief that something from a fan letter did this to her, there’s no denying her current physical form. How is she even supposed to work as an actress now? Is it even possible to disguise her back as a human? This wasn’t supposed to end like this, she was supposed to be with Mistress and her new family… But she fucked up, so here she is. She still couldn’t understand how she had reached such a wrong conclusion, her logic still felt sound… but she was wrong, and that was that. She’ll just have to work something out from here on, somehow…

Sighing, Fiona got up and decided to at least get some breakfast first. It was as she approached the kitchen that she started hearing weird noises. Something breaking. A familiar invoice interrupted any scarier theory-crafting, and then a voice there was no way she wouldn’t recognize.

She crossed the distance in the blink of an eye, daring to dream, and there they were. Her cold depression swiftly turned to joy, and the harpy immediately leapt forward towards her owner in a tacklehug, embracing the dark elf. “Mistress! You came for me!” She nearly cried, feeling all the bad feelings from earlier melting away under her Mistress’ gentle touch. She made sure to hug her fellow pets as well, beaming through teary eyes. Somehow, everything felt like it’s going to be okay now.


It was a lot of hassle, but everything turned out just fine in the end indeed. There was of course a major freakout from her father, her manager, and all the doctors and scientists they brought her to, but there was simply too much evidence for them to dismiss her claim of what had happened. Of course, they couldn’t just reveal to the public that Santa and his workshop were real, so they came up with a supernatural story about how she had wandered into a parallel world and came back like this, and with friends. It wasn’t a lie without basis, considering the tickets for flying lessons she got when the Christmas presents came in late, proving that other fantastical worlds did very much exist. Fiona’s fame skyrocketed then, as she became the first to confirm that the supernatural truly existed, and the reveal had numerous consequences for society, but those were neither here nor there for Fiona.

Unfortunately for her, there were only so many roles that a harpy could play in the film industry, so her career as an actress was largely ended. However, her decent singing voice that had been further improved by her transformation launched her right back into show business as an idol singer, and her new fantastical friends got to take part in the performances as well, soon becoming one of the most popular idol groups in the world. The sheer fame got overbearing at times, especially as she was now several times more famous than she was before, but even when the stress started getting too heavy, Fiona could always return to the loving comfort of her Mistress and family now, temporarily putting all her worries aside and just indulging in being a simple, happy, obedient pet harpy for her owner.

It was a Christmas miracle that transcended Christmas itself, and Fiona lived happily ever after.

The End.