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Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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The first order of buisness for Sarah was to post the 'Keep OUT!!!' sign she had been scribbling at ever since she got there on the door. One of the major points was a representation of a rifle pointed AT the viewer.

Inside her room, much of the table is set up as a mini-lab- several differing vials and tubes sat neatly, each with measured amounts of ingredients, with labels such as 'Horror Blood' and 'Anti Infection Inhibitor'. Also nearby are several syringes, with a mixture of full and empty sitting in neat, orginized piles, the semi-glowing contents each acting as a guide for the young scientist.

Another table held her little horde of 'salvaged' goods- her twin weapons, several books, a PS2 and a selection of older games, a surprisenly unmaimed plushie of a Plushie Shoyru, and several other items and momentos from her survival days.

Other then her piles of junk, not much was different from the original room setup.

Having unpacked her junk, she flopped down onto the bed, tossing the trenchcoat onto a nearby chair as she grabbed the remote, going through the channels as she looked for something to zone out to.
Re: Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign

Looking around her room after darting inside, Sarah goes to her minilab, scooping up a small selection of syringes, sorting out three with a lime-green contents, two reddish concoctions, and a orange-filled one. She hovers her fingers over two others, one violet and one almost clear, before shrugging and taking them as well. She then takes an old, beaten-up syringe case- marked with a logo of some sort- and stores her selection inside it, closing the case smartly and covering the lab with a sheet from the bed. Satisfied, she goes out of her room, slamming the door behind her.
Re: Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign

It didn't take long for Sarah to find her room, quickly uncovering her lab and checking it's contents, making sure nothing was meddled with. She was quite sure that no-one at the wharehouse would, but with the sudden attack... she wasn't too sure, specially when it came to viral agents.
Re: Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign

Finding the lab unmarred, Sarah sighed, quickly filling a new Eldrich serum before gingerly covering it again. Placing the replacement into the syringe case, she shuts it and puts it into her pocket, going back downstairs.
Re: Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign

Sarah returned to her room, setting her ever-present carpet bag onto the table next to her labratory supplies. Sighing, she went over to her momentos, shuffling through them until she found a slightly-dented Playstation, quickly connecting it to the television before sliding in a disc. For several hours later, the girl would play it, just zoning out on the game system.
Re: Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign

Eventually there was a knock on her door, and Mrs. Frederick's voice was heard.

"Good Evening, if you have a moment I have something for you if your not too busy?"

It was probably the first time she'd heard the woman actually ASK.
Re: Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign

Sarah's eyebrows raised a bit, but she paused the game console, turning the telivision off. "It's ok, nothing here too corosive or poisonous," she assured. Except me, she thought to herself.
Re: Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign

She quietly entered the room, handing Sarah an envelope.

"Inside is the coding you will need to memorize. It had also been mentioned you might have some further questions, so I figured I'd give you a chance to ask them before you have to leave tomorrow."
Re: Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign

She nods, taking the envelope and reading it's contents real quick before stowing it away. "Not really, at least, not at the moment. I trust pretty much everyone here, it just seems.... odd to be in a normal setting like this..."
Re: Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign

"Some days are normal, others get outright interesting to say the least. Very well, I shall leave you to your free time then. Have Chris contact me if you come up with any questions."

And with that she was just gone.
Re: Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign

Simply nodding, Sarah returns to her game.
Re: Sarah's Room- note the artful 'Keep OUT!!!' sign

It didn't take long for Sarah to finished what she was playing, then saved and turned it off. Pensively, she thought through what all had happened, over the last few hours. In a few moments, she got up, and headed for the main room of the hotel.