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Running from Shadows (thetwo)

Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

[Charisma Check:]
Rusty: [Natural 20] 20.
Katie: 16.

Since 'Rusty' rolled a natural 20, he won't be swayed on the matter.

The Kobold growls, glaring at Katie. "Only some human wandering into our territory." He doesn't move to attack, but the other Kobolds looked to the leader wearily, then back to Katie, "We need your weapons if you wanna pass," He says sternly.

[The kobolds still aren't hostile.

Kobold Hunter (Rusty) is 5 meters to the West of Katie; the Kobold Soldiers flank his sides. The Kobold Scout is lingering 3 Meters to the West behind the Hunter.

The 'pathway' they're standing on is 9 Meters across, with Katie in the dead center.]
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

Give up her bow? That wasn't going to happen. The kobolds weren't openly hostile, but they weren't exactly allies either. But then she didn't have any pressing desire to see the kobolds' territory at this time. There was plenty of other forest to investigate. "Well then I guess I don't want to pass."

The human woman took a step away, then stopped and turned back as a thought occurred to her. "From which direction? Did these humans come from, I mean." If they had also come from the East it was probably someone from her own village. If they had come from the West... well, it would be something worth reporting, but she wouldn't be able to investigate without going through kobold territory. If they had come from the North or South, though, it suggested a direction for Katie to continue onwards.
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

[Charisma Check:]
Rusty: 9 + 6 = 15
Katie: 13 + 10 = 23

After a few moments, their leader lets out a ragged sigh, his glare quickly disappearing, "I meant you. But there were Orcs from the South," He admits, looking up at Katie. The group seemed much less hostile now, and the wirey Kobold had loosened up, no longer ready to take off at a moment's notice.

"I didn't mean to be... rough in my greeting," the Kobold says, shifting from foot-to-foot, "But we are wary of the Goblins and their slaves. To pass, we will need your weapons."
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

"Oh yes, you're at war with the goblins for... whatever it is they did." Katie considered the rest of what the kobolds had said, while listening to see if he would give her another piece of the story. Apparently they had known something useful, so it wasn't out of the question.

"Anway, if I have to give up my weapons I'd just as soon not pass. Orcs to the south, you say?" Orcs were... well, there were some half-orcs in the village and they didn't seem worse then anyone else. If she was looking for trading partners, she could do worse.
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

Apparently, Katie struck a chord.

Even before she finished her sentence, the brown colored fur of the Kobolds was standing on end, his eyes alight with firery hatred."'Whatever it is they did'? Do you really think that this is so trivial?" He asks in a growling voice, ears flattening against his head. The smaller Kobolds next to him began to jump up and down, grinning.

"Yah! You tell'er, Rus!" One shouts. A growl from the Kobold shuts him up, and stops the two from jumping about excitedly. His attention is back to Katie in a second, pointing clawed finger at her.

"Tell me human, if the Goblins suddenly attacked one of your Holes, murdered the young and males, and then took off with all the females, would you dismiss it so easily? Because I cannot," He says, glaring at her from across the field. She'd still be able to run or attack if they decided to advance... but thankfully, nothing came of it. Feeling she should just ask her second question, Katie spat it out, the Kobold nodding coldly.

"Yes. South." This was, more than likely, a good time for her to leave.

[Well hey! At least she found out the Goblins did something horrible.]
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

What do you mean "at least"? :p

Now that she thought about it, the reason for what amounted to a war was probably a sensitive topic. Though how was a human supposed to know what the reason was if they'd practically get their head bitten off for not knowing? Katie considered a few ways to express this, but decided that discrecion was the better part of valor.

She might not have laid the basis for a trading relationship with the kobolds as easily as she had with the goblin, but she had found out more potentially useful information. Maybe someone else would be able to use it to warm up relationships a little more. In the mean time... "Well, thank you for speaking with me but I must be moving on. Good luck."

[start moving south]
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

[There was so much more that she could have learned! Like, the variations in curves of Kobold cock. Also, god damn you and your ability to avoid enemies.]

Katie moves through the forest, the Kobold letting out a small grunt as she left. She could tell they were watching her as she left - the woman even spotting a smaller Kobold that she hadn't noticed before, sitting in the trees of a branch near her. It suddenly felt like a much better idea to not fight this creatures...

[Current Position: -2, -1]

Heading to the South, the trees seemed to clump together a little tighter than before, the air slowly growing damp. Vines were hanging from the trees, and the ground felt loamy. She must have been approaching the swamplands. There were no clear paths here, no overgrown bushes; the trees above were soaking up all the sun, killing off anything that tried to grow... Well, most everything. Near the roots of one tree were the unmistakable shoots of Tubers! Digging them up, she found five full plants, ready to be chopped up and eaten.

[5 Food found.]
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

The swamp seemed an unhealthy sort of place. The food was nice to have found, but all together Katie would rather be out of it as quickly as she could. The kobold had seemed quite sure the Orcs had come from the South, though. Presumably they didn't actually live in the swamp. Or hopefully not, anyway. The redheaded descendant decided to continue pushing South, through the swamp as quickly as she could. At least she didn't feel like she was being watch. Well, once she was out of sight of the kobolds, anyway.

[continue South]
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

[Perception Check:]
Kate: [Critical Fail] 15.

Besides the softer, somewhat loamy ground, and the vines hanging from trees, that was the only sign of the swamp Katie was starting to experience; it seemed to be further off to the East. Still, with the Tubers in her pack, Katie continues on towards the South.

Current Position: [-2, -2]

The ground became firm beneath Katie's feet as she plodded along, the forest actually beginning to clear out a bit. It allowed for tall bushes, brushing up to her waist and chest, to grow; some of them were rather nasty, and would cut along her uncovered skin as she walked. While they were just minor scrapes and cuts, they were a nuisance - but also could lead all sorts of beasts to her position. So when she saw a clearing, the woman was happy to stumble towards it - and nearly head-first into a crystal blue pool of water! It was deep, and there would be a lot of water to take back...

[5 Water found.]
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

It wasn't exactly what she was looking for, but a pool of clear water was a welcome sight nevertheless, this close to the swamp. After filling her waterskin Katie took an extra minute around the pool, intending to clean off a little bit before continuing South. She had been starting to sweat, and some of the bushes she'd had to push through had been sharp enough to draw a little bit of blood. Nothing a few splashes of water wouldn't clear up, leaving her fresh and if not actually smelling of roses then at least not smelling.
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

As Katie dips the waterskin into the clear pool, something unexpected happened.

The entire pool's color changed from a nice, crystal clear pond, to almost a dark blue, as it sloshed up towards her arms. Katie pulled back, falling on her rear, as the pool sloshed backwards, before lurching towards the Descendant! She manages to scramble away, the ankle awash with the odd, living water, but not grabbed by it. During her frantic scrambling, her hand digging into something wet. As she manages to get up, she spots a small, pink puddle on the ground, quickly forming into a circle.

Whatever these things were... They weren't friendly, or willing to give Katie gifts, like everything else.

[Initiative Rolls:]
Katie: 8 + 12 = 20 [First by a hair]

Living Slime: 11 + 8 = 19 [Second]
Bubbling Blob 1: 9 + 10 = 19 [Third]
Bubbling Blob 2: 5 + 10 = 15 [Fourth]
Bubbling Blob 3: 2 + 10 = 12 [Fifth]

[Stuff to consider (I can post my shitty combat map if you want)

Bubbling Blob 3 is 5 meters from Katie; Bubbling Blob 2 and 1 are both 8 Meters from Katie; Living Bloob is 9 Meters from Katie. They're all to the West.]

BP: 14/14, FP: 20/20, MP: 40/40, PP: 13/13
Speed: 2
Bow: 2d6+3, +15 to-hit [25 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 2 + 7 [25 Dura]
Magic Mitigation: 2
Living Blob:
BP: 14/14, FP: 18/18, PP: 15/15, MP: 0
Speed: 2
Unarmed Strike: 1d4+2
Damage Mitigation: 2
Magic Mitigation: 2

Bubbling Blob 1:
BP: 6/6, FP: 8/8, PP: 4/4, MP: 0.
Speed: 2
Unarmed Attack: 1
Damage Mitigation: 1
Magic Mitigation: 1

Bubbling Blob 2:
BP: 6/6, FP: 8/8, PP: 4/4, MP: 0.
Speed: 2
Unarmed Attack: 1
Damage Mitigation: 1
Magic Mitigation: 1

Bubbling Blob 3:
BP: 6/6, FP: 8/8, PP: 4/4, MP: 0.
Speed: 2
Unarmed Attack: 1
Damage Mitigation: 1
Magic Mitigation: 1
Last edited:
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

No individual thing that had happened so far since leaving the village had been too good to be true, but in retrospect Katie could see that she'd been having a run of luck that might be starting to run out. The little blobs didn't look very dangerous. Or at least one alone didn't; the three little ones together plus the bigger pink one could be a problem.

Still, it wasn't time to panic. She was armed, they were still a ways away from her. Not exactly as far as she might like, though - the closest one would be a problem to hit with her bow if it moved towards her any. To that end she started moving away from the pool, grabbing her bow and one of the goblin's stone-tipped arrows as she did so, and loosing at the nearest blob as soon as she was ready.

Move East, then attack bubbling blob 3 with stone-tipped arrow fired from bow.
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

[Combat Rolls:]
Katie moves 2 meters East and attacks Bubbling Blob 3:
To-Hit: 20 + 15 = 35 - 5 (Bush cover) = 30 vs. 8 + 10 = 18 [Hit.]
Damage: 8 + 3 + 1 = 12 x2 = 24.
19 Stone arrows left
Bow Durability: 24/25.

Living Slime moves 2 meters West.

Bubbling Slime 1 & 2 move 2 meters West.

The Descendant moves fluidly, quickly stepping back and ignoring the tiny cuts along her legs from the sharp plant edges, Drawing a stone tipped arrow from the quiver, she quickly knocks it and pulls the string back... Only to watch as the blob descended into the bushes. The woman scowls, watching as they all disappear into the brush... The leaves on the tall plants began to move, and shake, as they each took their turn, one by one, sneaking forward, trying to disorient Katie - until a group of ferns far too close to her began to shake and move. She turns, letting loose the arrows; and instead of a solid 'thud' of impact, like she's so used to, there's a sound of rushing air, followed by a high pitched screech, as the pink gel shoots up into the air and disperses. Apparently it had been a direct hit, as the other slimes begin to move forward...

[Stuff to consider:

Bubbling Blob 2 and 1 are both 8 Meters from Katie; Living Bloob is 9 Meters from Katie. They're all to the East. She has rough approximations of where they're at due to the moving foliage.]

BP: 14/14, FP: 20/20, MP: 40/40, PP: 13/13
Speed: 2
Bow: 2d6+3, +15 to-hit [24/25 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 2 + 7 [25 Dura]
Magic Mitigation: 2
Stone Arrows: 19
Living Blob:
BP: 14/14, FP: 18/18, PP: 15/15, MP: 0
Speed: 2
Unarmed Strike: 1d4+2
Damage Mitigation: 2
Magic Mitigation: 2

Bubbling Blob 1:
BP: 6/6, FP: 8/8, PP: 4/4, MP: 0.
Speed: 2
Unarmed Attack: 1
Damage Mitigation: 1
Magic Mitigation: 1

Bubbling Blob 2:
BP: 6/6, FP: 8/8, PP: 4/4, MP: 0.
Speed: 2
Unarmed Attack: 1
Damage Mitigation: 1
Magic Mitigation: 1

Bubbling Blob 3:
Re: Running from Shadows (thetwo)

Using the plants for covered had been a disturbing sign of intelligence, but the sound of the arrow hitting home had restored some of the brown-haired Descendant's confidence. If it hadn't been exactly the sound she had been expecting... well, she'd never shot at weird slime-creatures before. Still, she almost felt bad for it.

Or would have if the other three didn't keep on coming. But they were still coming, and the remaining three will still hidden in the brush. Katie immediately readied a second arrow, and as soon as one of the remaining slimes was visible enough for a shot she would release and then immediately continue backing up.

Attack bubbling blob 1 or 2 with a stone-tipped arrow fired from bow, then move (away from the slimes - they were to the West before and are to the East now apparently, but I assume one of those is a mistake).