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[RP] Plains Zone


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
The Plains Zone of The Colony, it is one of the newly installed areas for newcomers to spend time in, it consists of largely endless fields of grass, ranging from ankle-high to man-tall, coupled with exotic flowers suitable for a temperate grassfield. There are some large, smooth rocks scattered here and there in small clusters aswell, which works well for "Sunbathing" spots, wether due to natural sun through the transparent dome surrounding the Zone, or via virtual sunlight.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Slowly making here way here from the hot springs, Sen looks around before moving over to a nearby flat rock and lying down to let her body bask in the gentle warmth and absorb the sunlight.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Tobias took a deep breath, taking in all the various scents of the area. It was here he felt most at home on the colony, much reminding him of the savanna he had come from. He stayed low in the tall grass, pretending to be stalking something, a grin on his face. It was then he noticed a girl sunbathing on one of the nearby rocks, his smile widening as he truly started stalking through the grass, trying to sneak up on the girl.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

The light of the sun stimulating her plant nature and its gentle warmth soothing her senses, Sen lies in a bit of a light daze, relaxing and enjoying the warmth. Sighing lightly, she rolls over on her back in order to let her front have a break from the sun's rays.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

He crept ever closer to the girl, making as little motion and noise as possible. Within another moment or two he would be right next to her rock, still hidden in the tall grass next to it. If she had failed to notice him by then, he would slowly lean toward her, sniffing her head a bit.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Resting quietly, Sen listens to the peaceful sounds of the grass swaying in a light breeze and half debates whether she wants the breeze to blow against her or not. Still, the gentle warmth keeps her relaxed and slightly drowsy, unaware of the person getting closer to her.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Tobias grins as she doesn't stir, creeping around to the side of the rock, then slowly standing up and flopping down across her midsection. It wouldn't hurt, but she'd definitely feel it. "Hey there!"
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Gah! What the hell? Sen cries out struggling to roll over on to her back for a few seconds before using her tentacles to lever the warm, furry person off enough for her to turn around and see him. Seeing the person lying across her, she speaks again, You know, most people normal try to wake someone up gently instead of tackling them awake. She pouts.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Tobias chuckles, though as the tentacles near him, he gets off quite voluntarily, not knowing what they were or what they would do to him if they caught him. "I did try to wake you though. Just moment ago I was right next to your face, sniffing and nuzzling, but you never even stirred." He blinks innocently, then stands in front of her rock, exposed, tail swishing in the tall grass behind him. "Sorry if I startled you though..." He adds, eying the tendrils.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Sitting up, Sen gets a full glance at Tobias, Eh, I just get really relaxed when sunbathing and you had an annoying way of waking me. Speaking of things, uh, no offense, but does your race naturally have, uh, you know... two? Sen says, not wearing her 'camera face' and thus being almost paradoxically hesitant about mentioning the furry male's twin cocks.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

"None taken. And while it's not normal... It does happen. Normally those with two are given an alpha position. I just didn't want the responsibility and came here." he chuckles, eyeing her a bit. "Now I get to question you... What's with the tentacles? Last I knew that wasn't normal for a human..."
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Huh... well, at one point some corporation decided it wanted to try making human plant hybrids... Most of the effects have gone away over time, but I have these, glands that make erotic nectar, and get really relaxed when sunbathing... So, are you here for a chat or something more official...? Sen asks, a few worried thoughts flashing through her mind about where the second cock might go if the man used it.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Tobias nods. "As long as you're alright... I'd hate to get experimented on like that." he shivers, then smiles. "It's more the fact that you're the first one I've seen around here. Well, except for a dragon flying overhead, but I never got a chance to talk to him. And who could pass up the chance to meet someone as lovely as you?"
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Uh... well... thanks... anyway, the experiments were several generations back so I didn't actually experience them. Um... if the dragon was green and black that may have been Kaiser. He's the first person I've met here, the only other one was a girl that seemed to be made out of water over at the hot springs. Uh, anyway, I'm Sen, and you? Sen replies, slightly flustered at having the second man she encountered since she arrived here not minding her vine tendrils either. Still, she should probably get his name before the probable match happened instead of finding out who she is fucking after the fact like before.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

"Didn't get a good look at him, but he was dark colored, so yeah, maybe. I'm Tobias. Most just call me Tobi." He says with a slight bow. "Nice to meet you Sen." he says happily, leaning against another nearby rock and continuing to look her over. "So you've met a couple others... That mean you have some experience here? Know what's going on and such?"
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

More or less, we do televised sex battles for money. Some of us, or at least me, have a different 'face' or persona for those fights. Really, though, it's best to just try and enjoy yourself. I'm guessing you're here of your own free will? The guy I met earlier, Kaiser, wasn't. Sen replies and then asks here own question.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

"I'm here because i want to be, yes. A tournament of sex... Many would die for the opportunity. To hear that some come unwillingly... It amazes me." He sighs, then smiles at her. "Don't suppose you'd be willing to give me a ride while we're both here? Or are you having too much fun sunbathing?"
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Just be careful what you do with the second one, ok? Sen says before shaking herself a bit. So, want to do first to, oh, three orgasms loses, or maybe you want to push it a bit longer to five? She asks in a slightly husk voice as she starts to move forward to the doubly endowed man.
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

"Three sounds good... But why should I be careful with the second one? Everyone back home likes having them both inside..." he wonders out loud, staying where he was as she advanced toward him.

(You can go first and make the thread I guess?)
Re: [RP] Plains Zone

Hahh, hahh, I guess you win... I think I'm going to need to take a while to rest again, though... three matches in one day... Sen says pulling herself away from Tobi to sprawl atop the flat rock again.