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[RP] Lake Zone


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
The Lake Zone, another newly installed Zone for newcomers to spend time in. This Zone in particular largely consists of Large lakes, with a few spots of land, and a lot of bridges across them, making it an ideal spot for more aquatic alien lifeforms. The crystal clear water is, of course, ideal for a bath for any race or person capable of swimming.
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

Kaiser lands on the lake's edge, dipping his feet and tailtip into the cool, clear water as he lay on his back, staring up at the sky with a smile on his face. It was nice here. It may not have been as warm as the hot springs, but it was much less humid.
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

Kimi wandered along, raising an eyebrow as she pranced across the bridge, eyes sweeping over the green and black dragons' massive, muscular form, grinning a bit wickedly as she sauntered in that direction, her schoolgirl outfit swaying in the engineered breeze as she stands a few feet away on the edge of the water, glancing over "Well Hello....how're you? I'm Kimiko, but you can call me Kimi!" she smiles and tilts her head, holding up a peace sign....a cheerful one it seems.
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

Kaiser looks around curiously as he's addressed, soon spotting the human, smiling at her. "Ah, hello there. Was starting to wonder when I'd see more people around. So far, you'd be the third. And in such a big place... I'm rather surprised. I'm Kaiser by the way." he says in a friendly tone, sitting up and turning to face her, not minding her cheery attitude at all.
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

Kimi smiles and steps closer, holding her hand out to shake as she smiles. "Kaizer, like the rolls?" she grins teasingly, her hips cocking out to the side....that blazing red hair swirling around her in the breeze. "And yeah, there's another girl coming, she looks really Gothy, I saw her the other day, but she's getting settled in before she ventures out here." she shrugs (my other chara I'mma make. :D)
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

Kaiser takes her hand in his own and shakes firmly. "Nice to meet you. And I suppose my name is the same as the rolls. My buns are much more firm though." he laughs, tail swishing in the grass behind him. "Do you know this other girl? Maybe you can introduce me sometime." He says pleasantly, now standing up and stretching his wings, since he'd been laying on them.
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

Kimi nods. "I can see that." she grins and gives his firm bottom a pat. " So enjoying our oh-so-grueling combat here so far? I caught your first match on the tele, really enjoyed watching you two...seems you guys had -too- much fun." she grins
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

"There's such a thing as too much fun? You'll have to show me what too much is then I suppose..." he grins, a soft gasp escaping his lips as she smacks his rear. "But I've been enjoying myself so far, yes. Everyone seems so nice... I was expecting bloodthirsty rapists or something..."
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

Kimi giggles. "Yeah. I guess that's to be expected...and really..who could be mad? We're getting paid to have sex all day....this is like...heaven to me!" she giggles and lets her hand linger on his bottom a bit, winking as she listens to the water.
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

"But if it's heaven... Where are our halos? And you're missing a pair of wings!" He laughs, wiggling his rump against her hand a bit, then taking her in an embrace. "You didn't just come here to chat though, did you?"
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

Kimi grins as she snuggles in against his powerful chest....grinning. "Well, actually I came to relax...but how stupid would I have to be to ignore such a blatant hint from someone so...." she strokes her trimmed nails down his well muscled arms. "Delicious looking." she grins and squirms a bit in his grip, as her clothes disappear with a soft be-beep!
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

-moving to battle topic!-
Re: [RP] Lake Zone

Moving to the lake, Nillien slowly eases herself into the water, trying to let herself adjust to the temperature before moving in too deep. Once she has adjusted, Sen soon starts swimming about and doing surface dives as she enjoys the water. If she waited long enough, someone would probably find her.