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[RP] Hot Spring Zone

Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Eventually waking, Sen does a quick glance around the area. Not seeing Kaiser and missing Mel, she eventually decides to simply go on a walk and see some of the other zones. She might not be as fully plant like as some of her ancestors, but she did still heavily enjoy sunbathing. With that, Sen leaves heading for the plains.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

It takes a while for Melusine to finish absorbing the semen, and in that time she gradually recovers from the intense sex of her first match. She sticks her head up, wondering if Sen and that oh-so-tasty nectar is still around, but is mildly disappointed to see she's not here.

"Hmm, hm, hmm... maybe I'll have a look around..."

Resubmerging, Mel makes her way through the various hot springs until she reaches a pillar with an automated dispenser, whereupon she reforms her womanly body and wobbily steps out of the water. Reaching behind the dispenser, she pulls a pair of transparent boots out and fits them over her feet.

"Don't want to taste nasty floors if I don't have to..."

Then she turns towards the exit, striding a bit more confidently in her footwear now that she's sure she won't leave blue footprints behind.

(Melusine goes a-wandering, gonna visit the Mountain Zone so Nillien has some company if she wants it. :p)
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Becka enters the Hotspring zone and smiles before heading determinedly to the spring and sitting down soaking in the warm water. She looks around her and sighs happily. "This place is beautiful." She says and starts to bathe herself in the water.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser flies back to the hotsprings, curious about those he had left behind before and how they were doing. he was a bit surprised to see neither of them, but then again, they weren't really obliged to stay and wait. What caught his attention now though, was what looked like a new girl, the dragonkin swooping down and landing next to her as she lay in the hotspring. "Hello there!"
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

She jumps as she is startled from her relaxation in the spring and turns to face him. "Jesus you scared me.... Hello."
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser laughs a bit, then the laugh turns into a chuckle. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to startle you or anything. I was just trying to be friendly and say hello while you were relaxing." He smiles, then gets into the hotspring next to her, folding his wings around his torso so they wouldn't be in the way.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

She blushes embarassedly and says "It's ok." She smiles wanly at him and flushes even more when he sits next to her. Her eyes taking in his form.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser blushes a bit as he notices her eying him, returning her smile. As if to help her look, he stretches some, leaning as far back as he can, much of his body still unobscured by the water and steam of the hotsprings. "I'm Kaiser by the way." he adds, noticing that neither had been introduced to the other yet.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

She flushes darker as she watches him stetcg and smiling nervously she says "I-I'm Becka."
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser chuckles at her apparent nervousness, reaching over and putting his hand on her shoulder. "Something wrong? You almost sound like you're scared of me or something..."
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

She blushes and eeps slightly. She shakes her head "N-no. I-I'm just nervous. I've never had sex with a man before."
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

Kaiser looks surprised to hear that, but maintains his smile. "Really? I'm surprised someone as lovely as you is still a virgin... I suppose you came to this place to change that?"
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

She blushes darker and shakes her head "I-I came here cause I can put my horny little pussy to good work. It gives me no end of trouble when I'm in a communal shower with other women."
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone

"Is that so? Well... I would be happy to help you accomplish that if you'd let me... And I won't give you any trouble for it..." Kaiser says softly, taking the hand from her shoulder and gently rubbing his way down the side of her body, letting it come to rest on her hips.
Re: [RP] Hot Spring Zone


The startling announcement barely precedes Melusine as she charges towards one of the largest springs. Lunging awkwardly into the air, her body abruptly ripples, and what arcs into the water more closely resembles poured liquid than a body.

The splash, however, is just as impressive. Mel sticks her head back out of the water, looking around to see if anyone she sprayed looks annoyed, then resubmerges, assuming her favoured form of a bluish puddle within the pool.