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Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Akira didn't bring much, unsure of how long the stay was. A few changes of clothes, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a single mug, a toaster and a PDA was all Akira had brought along. Most of these things were neatly set up around the bed the toaster seemingly standing by itself on the nightstand, plugged into a wall but serving no purpose.
Re: Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

Once Roger and Akira was inside, Roger quickly walked over to the chair inside the room, and sat down. He lifted the bottle of Jack up, and drank the last drop of it at that moment. Having finished it off, Roger placed the empty bottle next to the side of the chair, and slumped back into the seat, relaxing. "Mind readers... Magical artifacts... What's up with all this weird shit all of a sudden? Hell... With all their powers, and how that guy was boasting about how he took care of something a 'squad' couldn't handle on their own... Are we necessary? Or is there something I'm missing..." Roger put his hands to his face, and squeezed, frustrated, "So far... The most logical deduction I can come to, is that they want us to be the front line people, finding these weird ass artifacts, so they don't have to put themselves in danger..." Roger sighed, lost in his thoughts. He continued to think about the situation, about any number of possible things that could happen... None of them bode well for him...
Re: Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

Akira walks over to Roger and slowly looks at the man, pausing briefly to take away the empty bottle. The man did not seem to be in the best of moods, but that had never stopped Akira in the past, "Thinking of something?" Akira offers a small smile.
Re: Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

Roger's right hand goes up to his face to rub his numb skin, before he shrugs, "Uh... Not really..." he said distantly. "I was just thinkin'... Of that chick that got me into this whole thing... She seemed to know so much about me, and I don't think I've ever seen her in my whole life... That, and people can hear my thoughts, hear my heart beat... Hell... I don't know what to think." Roger huffed a small laugh as she shook his head, "But, I guess they didn't bring me here to think... Maybe just to bring them those artifacts..."

Roger shuddered, "I get chills every time I think about those things..."
Re: Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

Akira walks behind Roger and puts a hand on the man's shoulder, rubbing it gently with a small smile, "Thinking is always relaxing for me." Looking briefly at the door, Akira then pushes away, walking around briefly, thinking, "I am sure they brought you here for a good reason. Why not think about happier things? How about we talk about other things."

Akira returns to the man, "It is up to you really, if you do not wish to talk about it, I am okay with that too."
Re: Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

Roger smiled a little, and looked at Akira through the corner of his eye, "Heh, happier things, huh?" he chuckled, "Alright, what do you wanna talk about?" he asked, looking at Akira with his full attention.

"Why not? Maybe if I can calm down, I can get some sleep tonight." he concluded within the silence of his mind.
Re: Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

Akira thinks of what to say, asking about the man's past seemed to be a bad idea as from various conversations, the man did not seem proud of his past. Deciding to start with something a little more random, Akira quickly runs over and picks up the PDA, then walks back to Roger, flipping it over and standing behind Roger, using the camera to take a picture of the two and quickly pocketing the device, "Uh... what kinds of food do you like?"
Re: Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

Roger frowned as Akira quickly ran over to take a picture, and turned around to look at Akira, "What the hell was that about? Why'd you take my picture?" he asked, suddenly highly suspicious.

"Man... I've suddenly got a bad feeling about this... What could Akira want with a picture of me and him in it? If this asshole goes around, assuming we're fuckin', I'm gonna snap his fuckin' neck." he concluded.

Roger growled, "Don't fuck with me, Akira. Don't fucking do it. I'm not in the mood to be fucked with right now. So, erase that picture, or I'll break that little fuckin' thing." he warned Akira.

"I wanted to get my own private room for this damn reason, I could never fucking trust my roommates. Either robbing me, or fucking with me."
Re: Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

Akira backs away and fumbles with the device, a few blips emitting from it as well as the sound of a digital trash can. "N..no... I was not... I was not doing anything..." Akira looks around frantically and bolts out the door, dropping the device in the process.

If Roger picks up the PDA, he would notice that there was a small collection of pictures of Akira taking pictures with other seemingly random people at what looks like an electronics repair store.
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Re: Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

After doing just that, picking up, and checking the device for his picture, deleting it if he saw it, but also noticing more pictures with random people, next to Akira, looking into the lense. Roger sighed, and shook his head, "Hell, I can't trust anyone... Not in a place like this... Should I apologize..?" he wondered. And although he continued to wonder about it, he couldn't decide anything, both on what to do, and what to make of Akira's little, 'collection' of pictures. "I ain't no fuckin' customer of his, so what's he want with my picture?" Roger quickly slammed his fist down on the arm rest of the chair, "Damn it, it doesn't even feel like I've left the hood! I still feel like I can't trust anybody!"

Roger looked at the PDA, "... I'll just give it back to him. In any case, he has every right to be afraid of me. And after that... I think I'll go for a walk." he decided.

Roger, Akira's PDA in hand, walked out of the room, turning down the hall, towards the main room, looking for Akira...

(Roger moved to Leena's Bed and Breakfast)
Re: Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

Akira shudders a little while packing up what was unpacked only moments ago. Confused. Why had that man reacted so strongly? He hadn't even given Akira time to say that the photo was only for a collection of photos that Akira liked to take of new friends or aquaintences...

Still, if the man felt that way, then Akira had to respect his wishes. And moving out of the room was probably a good first step. Working up the courage to ask for the PDA back... well.. that was for another day.
Re: Roger Jacklin and Akira Hitoshi's room

Roger, after going an alternate direction Chris did, arrived in the room him and that Akira were supposed to share. He looked around, and noticed how Akira's things were gone. "Huh, guess I really freaked him out." he thought, and then chuckled a little, "Oh well, can't be helped now." he concluded, and went into the bathroom, quickly changing out of his baggy, hot clothing, and got into the silk shirt and baggy shorts. They were about the size of what Roger normally wears, so he felt comfortable in the outfit. That is, before he put all the combat webbing on, then he felt slightly restricted in his upper body's movements.

"Eh, so what? At least all my shit will be right on hand when I need it." he reminded himself, before looking into the mirror, and sighing at how he looked. He took off his cap, and decided to toss it on the nearby bed, considering taking up residence in the room once again. "I look fuckin' ridiculous." he said to himself, "But, it works, and that's all I need, I guess..."

With that, he put the Beretta 92F in the holster on his right, making sure the safety was on, and then he put the Tesla in the left holster, making sure to clip them both into the holster, so that should he run, or end up upside down somehow, they won't get loose. He attached the knife to the webbing around his right thigh, and put the thermos container in the pack on his back.

Looking back into the mirror, he said, "Now, I need water, and some ammo... Maybe I can get Leena to lend me some kind of edible canned food, or beef jerky or something to take as well. I don't know how long I'll be staying over in Africa, after all..."

With that, Roger walked out of the room, and shut the door...