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River, Cal, and Christie's room.

Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

Cal pants passionately as well, smiling at River, "I've been wantin' you back for so long, Riv, there ain't any other women like you..." he whispers as he grinds his cock around inside her, then shows his appreciation by making hard thrusts into her sweet spot, knowing she's about to cum, trying to make her sensational pleasure as powerful as possible.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

River just screamed into his shoulder as she hit her peak violently, digging her nails into his back as she cummed all over his cock, trembling in pleasure.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

Cal let out a happy sigh, leaning forward, and resting River on the bed. Hovering over her, he kissed her on the forehead, "I love ya, Riv." he whispered.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.


"I know Cal..." She says slowly, her own emotional conflict evident on her face as she looked deep into his eyes, as if looking for something there.

Finally, she reached up and drew him downward into a hug, faces side by side. "Let's... Can we try again?" She asks hesitantly...
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

A big grin appeared on Cal's face, leaning in to place another kiss on her lips, he whispered, "I was gonna ask you the same thing."

Then, pulling away, his eyes looked sad, remembering how they broke up, "Even after we broke up, I never stopped lovin' ya. Never will, either." He leaned in, and held River tightly in a hug, "No matter what happens, I've always got a special place in my heart for you." he told her, holding her tight in his arms, as if he wouldn't let go if the whole world was on fire.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

River hugs him back just as tightly.

"Shh... You never were good at the mushy stuff, cram it, or you'll ruin the moment." She teases.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

Laughing a little, Cal shifts his weight off to River's side, onto the bed, as not to crush River under his weight, and lays next to her, holding her close and not saying a word, just simply enjoying having her close to him, just like the good old days...
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

River snuggles next to him, closing her eyes and falling asleep as the booze and exertion finally make her pass out, a contented smile on her face.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

Cal didn't find the sleep she did, he only watched her slowly drift off to sleep. And, after she had gone into a deep slumber, he brushed some of the hair that had wondered onto her face off, so he could see her whole face, smiling. Cal didn't even think he could explain what her smile meant to him, as if that was all that mattered in the world.

With a smile of his own, unleaving, he watched over her, laying with her as she slept peacefully.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

After a couple hours worth of nap, River groans and slowly starts to wake up, opening her eyes and discovering Cal staring at her from less than a foot away. She lets out a yelp of surprise, her reflexes kicking in and throwing herself clear off the bed, doing a roll up to her feet before her hangover kicked in. She doubles over as her head explodes in ain from the sudden movement, palms pressing against her temples.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

Cal quickly left the bed after River, both hilarity and concern mixed in his voice as he crouched over her, placing a hand on her back.

"Ha, ha, Jesus!" he exclaimed, "You alright?"
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

River responds by giving him a punch in the shoulder before returning her hand to her temple, standing straighter and pointing her head at the ceiling.

"Jesus Cal, you know how jumpy I get when I wake up. Start the cold bath, would ya?" She says in a mock angry tone, shaking her head slowly.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

Cal laughed some more, and walked into the bathroom. River heard him turn the water on, then he came back out of the bathroom, and headed for the door.

"Bath's gonna be ready in a sec," he told River, "I'ma check on Jesse, she's been down lately, and I think somethin's been eatin' at her." he looks back at River with a smile, "I'll see you later, Riv." he says, blowing a kiss as he closes the door.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

River just gave him a wave as he left, smiling as she continud to stare at the ceiling. A minute or so after he closed the door, she began to finish taking off her armour, slipping out of the arms and legs and throwing the suit on the bed, sitting down beside it and staring at the door. Ever so quietly, as if she was afraid someone might hear her in the empty room, she started to sing.


"You have changed,
I have changed.
Just like you,
Just like you..."
She sang slowly, quietly, before getting up and going to the bathroom, finding the bath deep enough, and pure cold water. Smiling, she turned the tap off and did the same thing as that first morning here, ever so carefully dunking her entire body all at once, and staying under as long as she could hold her breath.

After lingering there in the water for a moment longer, she got up, drained the tub, and dried off, putting the armour back on and leaving for the inn proper, taking her knife out of the wall on the way out.

((Drive home, back in 40))
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

((Alrighty, skipping to the new day.))

River woke slowly, feeling a weight shift on her. Opening her eyes, she discovers Cal's arm slung over her, himself asleep against her back. Sighing quietly, she slowly extricated herself from him as her mind went back over yesterday's events.


What was I thinking, starting this up again in the middle of all this? He's been good, even chivalrous so far, but for how long?

Looking down at the bed, she notices that Cal hadn't woken yet. River gives a shrug and then winces, rubbing her shoulder slowly as she walks to the bathroom, turning on the shower and stripping down, stepping in once the water evened out. She leaned against the wall, letting the water run down her in sheets as she hummed a synchopated tune, closing her eyes and tapping her fingers against the wall while her mind tried to sort itself out.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

After being in the shower, not longer than a about five minutes, River heard Caliber, waking like an ogre with a yawn that made the bathroom walls tremble. A few seconds after that, she heard his heavy foot steps along the ground, but they stopped for a little while, only to start again. River heard him walk over to the door to the bathroom and knocked loudly. Even though the knock was loud, for someone like Cal, it was actually quiet.

"Hey, Riv!" he called out to her his voice muffled slightly as the sound waves passed through the door, then continued without waiting for a response, "I'm gonna check on Jesse, see how she's holdin' up, alright?"
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

River twitched a tad at the knock, brought back to reality.

"Kay!" She says, loudly enough to be heard through the door, before starting to actually wash in earnest.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

Without saying another word, Caliber leaves their room, shutting the door behind him as River hears a small thud from the wood of the door pounding against the frame.
Re: River, Cal, and Christie's room.

River finished washing, drying herself off and slipping back into her armour, and left the room for the inn itself, still thinking heavily as she shut the door behind her and went on her way.