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Risky Business (Marie)

Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Franciscus slowly moved to a dust-laden seat in the small library, a look of impatience and worry on his face as he offered a similar seat to Marie. She got the feeling that the other vampire was rather unused to visitors, nor was he used to explaining his actions. Once Marie had indicated he should continue he took a moment to gather his thoughts before starting.

"My rivalry with the preacher as you call him goes back to the days of my youth. My cousin and I competed for everything: money, power, and perhaps most importantly the affection of my dearest Betje. I can still picture her fiery hair shining in the sunlight." Franciscus closed his eyes as he spoke surprising Marie with the genuine emotion in his voice as it lingered before his eyes fluttered open once more and he continued.

"Gerrit wanted to have everything that was his and everything that was mine, though I suppose I was no different. Our methods differ but we are very much equals in gaining whatever we want. Even before he became as we are now he had charisma that would put Satan to shame, and ability that has only grown through his use of majesty. Beyond that I would imagine he has a sufficient knowledge of the other powers used by the Ravnos. The perfect clan for one so used to tricking others into doing their dirty work."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie considered this carefully. If she went in knowing he was going to try and trick her, that was probably defense enough, unless he was really, really good. The brief glimpse did more to explain the connection than a full book, likely, though Marie couldn't help but wonder too why Ulfur was on the hit list earlier.

"I see. That gives me plenty to work with, thank you." She couldn't help but shift a bit uncomfortably in this environment, even if outwardly her calmness was settling in, now that she had something to go off of. "Do you make it a habit of watching over this are though, such as with the errand you sent Henri off on? If I could trouble you with but one more question." Marie's eyebrow raised curiously now. If she had gotten this far there was probably no harm in asking. She still had a list of further stops forming in her mind, but Marie suddenly almost smiled as she realized how much information could be used as a currency. Knowing "straight from the horses mouth", a metaphor perhaps crude but also fitting for how stubborn this encounter was, could probably be used as leverage later when visiting the sheriff, or even somehow with the preacher...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Franciscus' eyes narrowed as Marie suddenly pried for more information, despite the many eccentricities he displayed she could tell he was no fool. He thought for a moment before finally calmly answering with a smile of his own.

"I do keep an eye on this area though not in an official capacity. The same could be said for the sheriff if you have met him. The entirety of Flanders is handled in a rather delicate manner by the two greatest powers in our world. Neither Matriarch Salianna nor Lord Hardestadt would even dream of sending more officially titled people for fear of the other seeing a threat to their dominion.

You will find many an outcast and criminal of our society in these lands for that very reason. Hence why the Assamite was sent to remove an undesirable element in the area. Now if that is all I have some pressing matters to take care of, while the night is still young."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Though it was not her goal to provoke, Marie found the experience most helpful... once she realizes she hadn't pushed him too far. Knowing exactly where the limit lay for most of her kind was good knowledge indeed! "Yes, we have probably spent enough of each other's time tonight. Thank you for your audience." All in all, her first conversation, acting as someone of status, even pretend status, went very well, and it was kind of a rush if she was completely honest. She dared not get overconfident, and she knew her work would be cut out for her, but Marie had a surge of energy to continue with her quest.

After formalities were concluded Marie would return to town proper, not at a rush but not wasting time either. No doubt it was getting a bit late for most of the mortals, but her kind's prowl was not to be over just yet. She may be tipping her hand too much, but Marie very much wanted to check with the Sheriff first before plotting any further action. Thankfully, though the encounter was brief, he seemed a lot more reasonable than most she had met so far... if only she could be proven right on this next meeting...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The return to town was uneventful as it was now very late for the superstitious mortals of the town. The only places that would still be open at such an hour would be one of the three inns she had noticed in her travels through town. Unsure of which inn to look in for Sheriff Robert she decided on trying the one she had yet to visit, the nearest to the town square and the preacher's now quiet tent.

Marie entered the inn slowly taking in the cozy and warm atmosphere, a small fire burned in the hearth. Just big enough to make her pause for a second as she stared at the fear-inspiring sight. However she was quickly distracted by the beautiful song of the one she sought, Robert sat at a small stool on the opposite side of the tavern. He gave Marie a welcoming smile as he noticed her though he did not stop singing for the small audience that was gathered. There were four mortals seated in the room and judging from the garb at least three of them worked at the inn. The two young servant girls seemed especially engrossed by the wonderful music.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

This was quite the odd sight. Nothing was overtly wrong, of course, but it was not often one such as Robert would be in such a position as this. Not that Marie would complain, and she wasn't the sort to get bent out of shape over what others did for fun, but anyone who even poached close to a bard's job got a lot of strange looks from others. With how much attention the small grouping was giving him Marie wondered if this was how Robert enthralled a meal, and if so there were certainly ways more sloppy, so she could approve. She saw no reason to interrupt. There was time to wait her turn, and business folk such as this were particularly sensitive to being disrupted, in her experience. Plus, it would not due well to ingrate herself upon one who's audience she sought. Thankfully, Robert seemed like the sort to appreciate good manners. With a smile she would stand to the side, or take a distant chair if one was available, until he had time for her.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie found a chair back in the corner of the common room away from the fire, seating herself as she continued to listen to Robert's song. No one seemed to pay her the least bit of mind as they seemed far to distracted by the music, which Marie had to admit was enthralling. She had certainly heard a number of minstrels in her time and she had to admit that Robert was by far the best she had ever heard.

As the soothing song drew to a close the serving girls practically threw themselves at the handsome vampire whose council Marie currently sought. Robert seeming to be a gentleman simply took the girls hands in turn and gently bowed to kiss them with a smile. Though Marie did notice that he seemed to spend a few seconds longer than necessary with his lips to their hands. The smile of ecstasy on their faces as they returned to their duties told Marie that Robert was at least very skilled when it came to feeding.

After a few more seconds he wandered over to where Marie sat a sly smirk on his handsome face as slid into the chair opposite of her. "Ah milady, I heard of your unfortunate travel problems. I do hope they won't cause to many problems, not that I mind spending more time with a beauty such as yours."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie had been mulling about what she was going to say, but Robert threw her off with his skilled flattery. She could not help but smile at his charm. "Ah, indeed! I do hope I did not interrupt anything. That was quite the performance!" The complement was true, and came naturally. She had to remember there was more to her visit to keep herself on task, however.

"There is no problem from my troubles... but since I will be here awhile, I wondered if perhaps there were some things I could help you with. I must say, that display in the market, most concerning..." Marie oddly felt her story came naturally, especially with a burst of inspiration. No doubt one who flattered so much also enjoyed receiving in kind. Framing it this way was a good way to keep the illusion of everyone in their places.