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Riddle (Burning Gold)

Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Midnight seemed to come quickly and the tour guide came again and led Rosaline to a large dining room with about 2 dozen more people at the massive table, all chosen to stay the night, the rest seemed to be just normal tourists. "Thank you for all coming, your host will be here shortly. Please help yourselves to the food until then."
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

The nun didn't bother to converse with any of the tourists that were also here. Instead, she simply took her seat at the table. Before eating, she folder her hands together and bowed her head as she began to pray. " Dear heavenly father, I thank you for..." she went on for a few minutes, quietly praying to herself whilst everyone else likely ate and spoke with one another.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

She gets a few odd looks but mainly is left to be. After about 30 minutes a bat flies into the room and in a puff of smoke transforms into a very tall man with a beard and swept back greay hair with a white complection. "I'm so glad you could all join me, I hope you are all enjoying your stay in....my castle." Some tourists chuckle at the joke from the man they assume to be an actor.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Rosaline had finished eating her meal fifteen minutes ago and had been simply sitting at the seat, awaiting for the host to show up. Needless to say, when the man did show up she was impressed with the entrance. She kept her attention on the man, awaiting something else to happen.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

The man in the suit who spoke to the tour guide shows up and whispers to the host and both look at Rosaline for a moment, as the meal wraps up he stands and walks up to Rosaline. "It is a pleasure to have such a lovely guest tonight, I hope you are enjoying your stay here." He takes her hand and kisses it getting jealous scowls from other women around the table.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Rosaline lets an amused laugh out when the host came over and did things one would do when attempting to woo a woman. In response she said, " Yes, I am. This is a very nice place. " She'd been staying in crummy motels during her travels, not that she was complaining or anything, however this really was the best place she's stayed at in all of her traveling. " Honestly, I don't see why that priest and the inn keeper were so upset over this place." she said, musing over the two males opinions over what Rosaline had come to accept as an innocent tourist attraction.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"Oh, so many are envious of my beautiful home....perhaps I could interest you in a more.....personal tour?" He grins and shows a hint of fangs as he brushes some of Rosaline's hair back. "I'd be delighted to have the company of such a beautiful woman...."
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( Is Rosaline getting hit on by Dracula? :D)

"I, umm..." Rosaline stuttered out as her face began to fluster up. It was then she realized that the host really was trying to woo her, not just acting. She was pretty sure that she wasn't allowed to do what she thought this man was suggesting and started to get uncomfortable. " It's a, uh, very kind offer but..." She couldn't bring herself to flat out reject the man's offer.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

(Hey, always try to seduce your biggest threat)

"I insist my dear." The man helps Rosaline out of her chair and puts his arm and cape around her leading her away. "I am surprised to see a member of the church here, may I ask what brings such a delightful sight to my home?"
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( Ha, if things end up going Dracula's way then Alucard might end up with a sibling.)

If the man had taken notice, he would of noticed that the woman had quickly stiffen up when he had taken hold of her. It was obvious that Rosaline was nervous and rather uncomfortable at the moment. " A, uh, local inn keeper told me about this place... I was interested and decided to come take a look..."
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

(Haha and a step mother :p)

He chuckles, "Yes but what brought you to the area dear. I can tell you do not live here. Nuns are not usually allowed to travel alone or even leave their convent much. I believe the fathers frown on that."
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

" Ah yes well... It's a long story, but to sum it up, I'm searching for a way to help a rather sick friend of mine. She's got an unknown illness and no amount of medicine or anything seems to help her..." Her nervous voice turned into a sad one, she always got upset when she thought or spoke of her poor, sick, friend.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"Oh my...that is heartbreaking. What are her symptoms if I may ask." He holds Rosaline closer trying to ease her mood. "I may be able to help."
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Hearing his question, and hearing him state that he may be able to help actually brightened Rosaline's mood slightly. This showed in her voice. " Well, last time I saw her she was always coughing, her body ached all over. She was very pale and incredibly weak. From what I've heard recently her hair has started to fall out..." Nobody in the convent she was from knew what was wrong with her friend, nor did any of the local doctors.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"Oh my...that does sound terrible. I might be able to cure your friend, until then however you may stay here. What is your dear friend's name?" Rosaline notices their discussion has carried them into the throne room, the candlelight making it eerie but the arm and cape remain around her to shield her.

(radiation poisoning?)
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( Ehh... Sure, close enough. I was aiming for cancer though. )

" Her name... Her name is Dawn. " Rosaline replied. She just then noticed where they were, the conversation having taken up all of her attention. The throne room, one she didn't recall seeing during the tour.As she stood there she couldn't help but feel shock at the sudden turn of events. Had she really found someone who could save her friends life?

( Want a description of Dawn? )
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

(Sure, and the hair loss is usually caused by the chemo treatment I believe, you described something almost exactly like radiation poisoning, which in the 70s is plausible. "Meh, dump that waste wherever, like a little toxic sludge will hurt anything.")

"Dawn is it? I shall have her brought to see me. How do you like my throne room?" A large portrait on the wall makes it start to seem the man is not an actor.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

" It's very nice... " Rosaline said, speaking the truth. It was rather nice, although dark. ' How is he going to have her brought here? How will he even find her? ' these thoughts suddenly came up. Rosaline couldn't help but wonder how this mysterious man planned to find her, as there were likely a lot of people named Dawn, so how would he tell apart the right one from all the others?
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"Tell me dear, would you do anything for your friend?" He picks up a nearby wine glass filled with red liquid and sips it. "Even if you had to go against the church?"
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Rosaline looks down, unable to look at the man as she thinks of an answer. After a moment or two of silence she speaks up, still looking down. " I'd... I'd do anything to save her life..." she said, her voice giving hint of shame in the answer. She had an undying loyalty to her family and close friends, and to go, however, she wasn't exactly loyal to the church. All the other priests and nuns and the buildings and irrelevant rules meant little to nothing to her. She'd never choose them over Dawn.