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Riddle (Burning Gold)


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Rosaline had managed to doze off on the trip to the Romanian border, the taxi ride through the european countryside was quiet and dull, her dreamless sleep was interrupted by the screech of brakes and a loud crunch of metal. Her driver slapped the steering wheel cursing in his native language, behind the cab Rosaline could see the figure of a person laying in the road in the dim light of dusk.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Suddenly being awoken in the manner she was, the young woman quickly began looking around, trying to figure out what had happened. Looking though the back window and seeing a body laying on the ground caused the woman's blue eyes to widen. " Oh my god..." was what the nun said in her native language, the language being English. The woman looked to the obviously frustrated cab driver, " Sir, we best see if that person is still alive. " the nun wasn't certain if the man understood English or not, but he seemed to understand her so far. The woman opened her cab door opened, shivering as she felt the cold winter air. She'd approach the body when she got out, only slightly hesitant.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

The cab driver waves his hands and gets out cursing further as he walked over to the body poking it with his foot, the figure suddenly jumps up and carries the driver through the air into the woods, his screams echoing through the trees before suddenly stopping.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

She stood back behind the man as he began to poke the body with his foot, and the woman was about to let a out protest about how inappropriate that was, before the figure suddenly grabbed the man and took him away, The Nun gasping at what happened before going quiet. After a long blink and a moment of silence, a pale faced wide eyed nun turned around and started walking back to the cab. " I best get going..." she muttered to herself, shivering in the cold night air.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

As she gets in the taxi again Rosalina hears a low growling inside behind her and smells something damp and musty along with blood.
(Sorry, couldn't pass up a good cliche)
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( As long as she doesn't walk backwards into whatever is stalking her it's ok. )

" I think ill walk instead! " the Nun says aloud before quickly practically jumping out the drivers seat and onto the road, quickly getting up and walking, backing away from the cab. The smell of blood had her on edge, causing her to tremble quite a bit. Suddenly, she pulled out the cross the father of her church said would protect her if she was ever in danger from a pocket she had made in her dress.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

The roof of the cab flew off and a snarling figure lept out silouhetted against the full moon soaring towards Rosaline
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( So, this is a werewolf, right? )

Letting a fear filled scream out Rosaline hurled her cross at the thing approaching her like a child would throw a toy Frisbee.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

(Aye, tis a werewolf laddie...er lass....whatever)

The cross suddenly glows blue and strikes the wolf knocking it to the ground and returning to Rosa's hand. The wolf snarls pushing itself back to it's feet.

(Jeez you lucked out, rolled a 1 on the second attack chance when it wouldn't leave you open to a counter)
HP:80 MP:2

Rosaline HP:80 MP:3 STR:90 INT:30
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Rosaline blinked, surprised that her weapon had come back to her like some kind of boomerang. Seeing that the blow hadn't been enough to take down the beast, she quickly stopped looking at the cross and hurled the weapon back at the beast, taking a few steps backward as she did so.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

The glowing weapon hit the werewolf and hit again on the way back, the wolf staggered around and howled bursting into flames before turning into a person and falling over reaching towards Rosa growling still before going limp.

(got a 20 on the return hit, you know this means you'll have horrible luck later)

HP:80 MP:1
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( Wow, a 20? I usually don't have luck this good. You're likely right though, I doubt this good luck will last.:D )

Seeing the thing die in front of her, Rosaline shook her head. She walked over to the dead body before bowing her head and putting her hands together. " Heavenly father, please show this poor misguided soul mercy in the afterlife. Amen." After she prayed for the dead man, she turned and walked away, going over to the partially destroyed car. As she looked over it, she grimaced. " I suppose ill have to get to the nearby town on my own. Oh well, at least I am blessed with a working car..." Without another word the nun steps into the drivers seat, shutting the car door before she attempted to drive off in the cold Romanian night.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

(19 for travel, smooth sailing, the dice is perching itself waiting to strike)

One good side to having an impromptu convertable is the cold air in her face keeps her awake the entire trip, after about 2 hours she comes upon a little town named Wallachia it seems like everything is shut down for the night, except a hole in the wall motel on the edge of the town.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( Maybe not, maybe the dice love me. So anyways, what does a 70's Romanian town look like? )

Parking and turning off the car on the outskirts of town, Rosaline steps out of the cab. " Ugh, what a horrible trip. My face feels frozen..." she said rubbing her pale skin with one of her hands, trying to warm it up a bit. With the keys to the car in her hand, she opened the door the back seat of the car and took hold of her suitcase's handle and took it out of the car, leaving behind the partially destroyed car. " I can't wait to take a hot shower..." she whispered to herself as she walked over to the motel.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

(Probably like they have forever and still do heh)

Her hot shower would have to wait, her room turned out to be a bed, a sink, and a toilet, but cheap at least. And she was the only living creature in the room, a wonderful bonus.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( Wait, slow down a bit Archer. I was hoping to role play Rosaline speaking with the inn keeper. ): )

" Ahh well, I suppose this will do. I guess I should be grateful for getting a bed to sleep in tonight. " Rosaline took her white shoes off along with her gloves and hood. Laying the clothing down on the bed, she stretched her arms out, before flipping the light switch off and crawling into bed, hoping for a nice and peaceful slumber. Eyes shut and under the hopefully clean covers, she tried to drift off to sleep.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

(okay, sorry about that)

Rosaline sleeps all night and well into the day after the strees of last night, she's awoken by a hard knocking at the door. "Late for check out young lady!"
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( It's alright.)

"Wah..? she muttered out as she woke up. After being woken up in a less than pleasant way Rosaline is quick to grasp what is happening, how she overslept like she tends to do. " S-sorry, I-ill be out in just a minute! " she said aloud, fumbling out of bed. She hadn't bothered to unpack her suit case or undress much so all the nun had to do was put her shoes and gloves back on along with her hood. Doing that as quickly as she could, and making sure she had the few things she had brought with her, she went to exit her door and address what sounded like an annoyed inn keeper.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"You are two hours late, if you want to stay extra day you pay for extra day." The man taps his foot. "I am expecting many customers, I can't have unusable room!"
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

" I.. Umm... I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to sleep in. " the nun was starting to feel bad about this, regardless if that was the mans intention or not. " If you want me to, ill pay for another day here..." She figured she could spend today doing some research around town, maybe visit the local church. However, if the man just wanted her gone and now she'd simply move on and leave town.