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Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

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Pheonix Alugere

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Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Standing in the alley, Rhyst grows excited at his discovery of what is probably a Door. The vine-carved door stands distinctly different that the grime encrusted surroundings. Pulling it open, Rhyst stares for a moment and the gentle blue light that flows out before stepping through. To onlookers, as soon as Rhyst stepped through the door, they would see it close and fade away. To Rhyst, however, he would come out into a miniature valley, likely less than twenty feet wide, complete with a small stream flowing from a small spring at one end a short ways to his left and proceeding through a narrow passage at the other end of the valley only fifty or so feet to his right. The valley seems to be covered in a lush grass with vibrant green vines hanging from the sides and trailing onto the ground. The only thing that makes the whole scene anything other than a beautiful little place is the fact that the seem to be no shadows. In fact, looking up at the sky reveals that, instead of a blue sky and sun, there is only and endless field of starless black. Fortunately, the light seems to be shining everywhere even if there is no obvious source. A glance behind him would also show Rhyst that the Door he came through is gone and that he would have to find another way out if he wanted to leave.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst was half expecting to have to find his own way back, since thus far, the rumors he heard were true. With a shrug, he headed toward the spring, thinking that if anyone else was here, they'd probably be hanging out there.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

At the spring, Rhyst doesn't find anyone, but he does find it to be surrounded by several small statues little over a foot tall. Most are broken, but a few are intact. Aside from that and several mushrooms which are about half the size of the statues, there doesn't appear to be much of around the small pool that surrounds the spring. The pool itself, however, does prove to be slightly unusual as it seems to be dyed a deep blue as opposed to being clear water. Still, it flows like water and seems to clear when it leaves to pool, so it might just be something about the pool itself as opposed to the water.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst again throws caution to the wind, examining the strange liquid for a bit before bending down and cupping a bit in his hands and taking a sip. it wasn't enough to even qualify as a gulp, but only enough to test it.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As Rhyst bends down and gives the fluid a tentative sip, the pool seems to surge forth and pulls him in. Although the pool seems shallow enough that he could stand up with his chest out of the pool if he the fluid like creature wasn't there, the creature seems to be actively trying to hold him down. At the same time, Rhyst feels a tugging on his pants as the creature begins to ooze inside of them.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst thrashes about in the, trying to at least keep his head where it could breathe, at the same time trying to force whatever it was out of his pants and off of him.

(Escape grapple?)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Realizing that something was trying to attack him, Rhyst desperately tries to break free of its grasp. With a great burst of strength, Rhyst manages to burst to the surface, scattering fluid in all directions, but not seeming to break free of the creatures grasp. Using his sudden movement against him, however, the creature pulls his pants as he stands dragging them down to his ankles. As Rhyst takes in a fresh gasp of air, he also feels a sudden cool hardness press up into his as, stretching it as an unwelcome intruder.

(Yes, you are being grappled by something, also you take 1 point of nonlethal damage)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

"Oh HELL no!" Rhyst growls as the thing tries making it's way into his ass. This was the problem with chain shirts: They're shirts. Not sure just what the thing had planned once it got inside, he continued to thrash around, trying with all his strength to escape, even if it exhausted him.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As Rhyst thrashes violently it seems all he is able do do is splash more fluid out of the pool although he does stop whatever has him from drawing him back under. At the same time the intruder begins to start rhythmically moving in and out of his ass, the sensations slowly starting to change from a painful stretching to a simple dull warmth and fullness.
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Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst catches his breath, getting used to whatever it was inside of him, not that he enjoyed it. Glaring at the liquid, he sighed. "If you're gunna humiliate me like this, could you at least show yourself?" he asked seemingly nothing, but he figured if anything was there, it might actually reveal itself to him as he continued to struggle to free himself.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Whatever is doing this to Rhyst doesn't seem to respond to him, verbally at least. While all he can see to do is splash fluid out of the pool, the hardness inside of him seems to be trying to press deeper with each thrust, occasionally hitting a spot within Rhyst's ass that sends a bolt of pleasure through him and despite his best efforts, Rhyst begins to feel the beginnings of an erection.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst looks a bit disheartened at the lack of a verbal response. What was attacking him was either rude(which he should have figured out the moment it caught him) or non-intelligent. Either way, he would continue thrashing, even trying to take out his mace and bash the stuff.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As Rhyst lashes out at the fluid, trying to find something solid to land a hit on, it seems all he can accomplish is to fling more fluid out of the pool. In fact, he has flung out so much fluid that it seems that to pool itself is starting to grow somewhat clearer as fresh water from the spring replaces the bluish fluid he has flung out. The thing itself seems to thrust more urgently now, reaching deeper and hitting the small node of pleasure in Rhyst's ass more often. In fact, Rhyst almost thinks he can feel fluid starting to fill the inside of his ass. A feeling which, while unusual and quite surprising, is not altogether bad but feels somewhat good even causing Rhyst to experience a full erection.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst blushes and moans softly, ashamed that such a creature was arousing him like this. Noticing the water becoming clearer, he decides that his only hope is to try and eject more of the blue stuff from it, swinging his mace wildly at the pool.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As Rhyst strikes the fluid one more time and sends more flying out of the pool, he watches what remains break up and get washed down stream out of the pool. Still, as he strikes he feels the hardness inside of him tense, hitting the pleasure spot of his ass, before dissolving into a swirling pool of liquid inside of him. The twin sensation is enough to send him over the edge as him releases his cum into the pool, before watching it get washed downstream by the slight current. As he rides the small tide of blissful pleasure, Rhyst does notice, that now that he can see the pool without the blue fluid in it, there doesn't appear to be anything moving within.

(Rhyst takes 4 points of non-lethal damage and 2 points of corruption damage. He also gains 100xp)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst stumbles backward and lays in the grass, panting and catching his breath. he had no idea what that thing was, or what it wanted, but it was gone now. Some part of him, a twisted part, deep inside, was actually sad that it was over, but what was done was done. Looking at the sky, he decided to relax, closing his eyes and taking a nap.

(Rest for 1 hour to heal 1 point of NL damage)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst rests for a short while, waking up to feel slightly less tired and sore. He also feels a bit of caked on gunk on his as and nether regions as it seems that some of whatever was left inside of him by the creature from before had leaked out and dried, while the rest feels as though it had congealed within his ass. Leading to a faint feeling of strange pleasure when Rhyst moved. Still, nothing seemed to be moving in the small valley currently except for the the stream, so all that was now of note was the clear spring pool, the statues around the pool, and several scattered patches of blue and purple mushrooms.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Deciding he'd rested enough, and that nothing here caught his interest anymore, Rhyst heads back to where he started, then goes to explore the narrow passage at the other end of the valley that he saw before.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Aside from the occasional rustle in the vines covering the valley walls, nothing much happens as Rhyst goes downstream to the passage. The passage itself only really consists of a small crevice that the stream flows through which is wide enough for a person to pass through if they are willing to wade in the water. Up ahead the passage makes a sharp bend preventing Rhyst from seeing far in.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst removes his armor and shield and stores them in his backpack, then proceeds to cautiously go through the watery passage.
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