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Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)


Nov 9, 2008
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Two years ago, back when I was fresh and new to the PbP/Tabletop scheme...I naively attempted to craft a game and system known as Witch's Chess. The game was...if I do say so myself, mildly successful, but suffered from several flaws due to my own inexperience. As time went on however and life became more busy, (as well as a few players disappearing), the game was abandoned and left to collect dust in a dusty corner of the forum. Now, however...two years later, and with much more experience in various systems (and a tiny bit of time on my hands)... I am proposing a revival of the said game, with a few alterations here and there. Below is the proposed concept for the setting of the new game.

Proposed Setting (WARNING, WALL OF TEXT)

The sound of various clocks...the winding of a music box…the dripping of water… and the clinking of metal against china. Such are the sounds that fill one’s head as they stir to consciousness. Nostalgic sounds that invoke a sense of tranquil dread within one’s being, ones that stir buried memories of a time of horror and despair. As before, this is the first sense to return to one’s being, to allow one the most basic understanding of one’s surroundings...and to perceive a voice, one that adopts an elegant and enigmatic, but familiar tone.

”Well, here we are again. It's always such a pleasure.~”

The feelings of velvet against one’s bare skin…of ceramic being clutched in one’s fingertips are the next to come. Feelings that allow one to discern they are sitting up… and clutching perhaps a thin handle of sorts…in a vice like grip. Yet in spite of such, the strength to change such does not come, the mind’s commands reach not the body; mind does not prevail over matter.

[FONT=”Book Antiqua”]”Remember when you tried to kill me twice?~”[/font]

A sickening sweet scent, not unlike the tone in which the last statement was given, assails one’s nostrils as the sense of “smell” returns. Roses, so the fragrance seems to be; an excessive quantity of them that drowns out other sensations and overwhelms the senses.

[FONT=”Book Antiqua”]”Oh how we laughed and laughed~…”[/font]

A bittersweet flavor fills one’s mouth as physical awareness continues to return steadily, as if the latent malice behind the honeyed words could be felt even with the most irrelevant of senses. A malice powerful enough to overcome even the overwhelmingly sweet scent of blossoming flowers.

[FONT=”Book Antiqua”]”…Except I wasn’t laughing.”[/font]

A sensation of dread fills those present when these words are spoken, as memories of a horrendous ordeal begin to return in waves. Of twisted fates repeated over and over again in an endless loop…such nightmares that one instinctively tries to keep one’s eyes shut even as the final bodily sense begins to return…only for invisible fingertips to forcibly pry them open to behold…

[FONT=”Book Antiqua”]”Under the circumstances, I’ve been shockingly nice~… Wouldn’t you say?”[/font]

…The Lady of blue, the same one that had tormented the persons present in an unending and twisted “game” brought only to a halt through the exploitation of “loopholes” in the system and the host’s overconfidence…at least, that’s how it should have been. The Lady’s demise, the return to a normal world, all should have taken place…no, it did take place. Yet here this room was again, the room with the checkered floor, the wall of clocks, the same as before save an abundance of red roses bathed in crimson liquid. Seated across a white circular table, in a velvet red throne, was the veiled blue-haired witch in the Victorian dress, holding a cup of her drink of choice in her right hand. A “thing” that should not be, when the wicked creature’s heart was not pierced once…but twice in the conclusion of the previous game…with the prize being the freedom of the pieces.

[FONT=”Book Antiqua”]”Rise and shine mortal~… Rise and shine.”[/font]

A gust sweeps into what should be a closed room as the Lady’s veil dissipates to reveal sapphire eyes tinted with a golden glint…sending flower petals scattering into the air. Red warps to blue, and the world begins to spin incessantly as an utterly sinister smile graces the witch’s visage.

[FONT=”Book Antiqua”]”For you have been sleeping on the job!~ The game has yet to conclude…for you anyway. Fufufu~…”[/font]

The invisible force works its magic once again, as one finds their hand beginning to lift the cup to their mouth, to drink from what lies within. Despite the sickly sweet aroma, that of the waft of death and decay which billows forth from the steaming contents within…

[FONT=”Book Antiqua”]”Now drink faceless one~ And wake up. For this time, there shall be no White Maiden of Salvation to guide you to victory, nor Child of Yellow to shield you so. Wake up faceless one, and smell the ashes!~ ”[/font]

The world begins to cloud and fade as the drink is consumed, scalding hot…threatening to burn away one’s very essence as it is consumed. And the last that is heard as everything turns white, is the diabolical cackling of the Blue Lady


For the actual "IC" game rules and such, those can be found in the old forum topics located here (Please be aware that system related details though are now irrelevant until further notice):


Asides from that though, before I can restart the game there are two things I require.

The first being, a count of prospective interest, if any. A few have already expressed it, but I would like it if they post in this thread so I can get a better idea.

The second being, a new system under which to run. One that I would like a majority's input for if possible.

Do I:
A. Modify the pre-existing system?
B. Modify an existing system on the boards/a long standing system such as D&D? (I am currently looking at WoD as we speak)
C. Craft a completely new system for the new game.

B is naturally my preference at this time, but I would still like input on the decision.


Other things to Note for this second game.

There will be a few key differences this time around, as opposed to before.

The first being that the posting pace and perhaps format will be different. Due to time constraints, and a slightly varying plot, I may aim for "The Colony" 's approach to posts and such, with the players gathered as a group to begin with...on the "revamped" gameboard.

The second is the amount of players and well...I hate to say this, but types of characters accepted. Last time around, I regret to say that I burned myself out with an excess of players, and lost motivation to write...especially for the more...flatter of characters. I do not mean to offend anyone by saying this, but this time around, I forbid "one-dimensional" and perhaps unfleshed/generic characters. Reason being that well...they're not that fun to write for. It's extremely demotivating to work on incorporating characters and players into "interesting" (hopefully) key plot events, when the characters are dull and generic. To avoid strife for both the GM and the Player, I'm putting a ban on that type of character in advance.

Tl;dr, I spent time working on the plot and setting, please spend time on the character as well if you want to join. It's only fair.

Lastly, depending on popular input...that or my own decision, this rendition of Witch's Chess will NOT be fully sexualized as before. This is partially due to the nature of the plot behind this second game, and to avoid the issues of stifling storytelling simply to add smut. Smut and the likes will be included where appropriate (yes, rape and the like from monsters and such that most players want will exist in one form or the other), but will not be the SOLE focus. Characters this time will be fighting not only for the "purity" of their souls...but perhaps their very lives as well (not that they weren't already). To a greater scale anyway.


With all that said, comments? Thoughts? Input?
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

As you know, you have my interest. And as you know, pending my other half, you'll have the twins back. If not, I'll have to think of something else.. maybe..

And you've heard my suggestions about using a modified NWoD system.
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

Very Interested.

I'm fine with nWoD as a setting rules, though I'm personally a fan of "less stats, more roleplay," so if the other players you agree to have are of a similar opinion, maybe we could discuss a simplified ruleset? If not, yeah, using WoD is good. I'd prefer to not use D&D rules though... just because I detest twinking and min/maxing and that system is rife with it.

I've already got a character concept, happy to talk with you about it.
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

Much as I resent being referred to as anyone's other half, I'm in. And I hope Castea and Pollusia were not among the flat and one-dimensional characters your refer to. I do intend to do a little rewriting, but only to improve with what I've since learned..

As for a system, I can honestly say I can work with any. I don't think the original system was so bad that C is an option, and I can always lean on Inky to help me with a DnD/WoD system. So A or B from me. Less stats more roleplay rings true with me as well. Perhaps a "Window" based system..? Google is your friend.

Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

I would show interest, and actually do; but fear I probably ought to decline due to my already full plate. Though I was interested when it was dead and I had a less then full plate. Sorry. :(
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

Read over "The Window System" (link can be found here for the lazy: ). An interesting concept I must say...also open and quite flexible. Highly roleplay driven, but then again...that might not be so bad, if all the (potential?) players are on (or beyond) a certain "level". Certainly taking that one into consideration.
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

Huh...this really interested me the first time, and I'm going to consider giving this some interest. Not sure if I'm good enough/will be able to post enough, however...
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

I'm interested, i particularly enjoyed this one when it was running. I'm all for RP over smexins as well. And so long as you're okay with it, i'd like to bring back River as well, she's one of my most developed characters overall, but I'm not sure how much of that you had the chance to see...

EDIT: Oh yeah, system. I like the overall simplicity of the White Wolf system, for the most part. I haven't seen this Window system at all, i'll have to take a look at it. DnD, i believe is by far the worst choice for a game like this. It's way too rules-oriented, makes people focus more on the sheet than the character almost every time.
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Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)


Character Creation Thread...including Plot Exposition in the style of Witch's Chess is up... Bonus EXP to anyone who can find/pm me the hidden message of the post. ((Haha))

Enjoy~ Fufufu...
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

Is the hidden message that you forgot to provide a character sheet template?

Name:                          Virtue: 
Age:                           Vice: 
Player:                        Concept:


Intelligence       xoooo|Strength             xoooo|Presense     xoooo
Wits               xoooo|Dexterity            xoooo|Manipulation xoooo
Resolve            xoooo|Stamina              xoooo|Composure    xoooo

       Skills           |                 Other Traits

       Mental           |       Merits         |       Health 
   (-3 unskilled)       | _______________ ooooo|Max oooooooooooo
Academics          ooooo| _______________ ooooo|Dam oooooooooooo
Computer           ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Crafts             ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Investigation      ooooo| _______________ ooooo|
Medicine           ooooo| _______________ ooooo|       Willpower
Occult             ooooo| _______________ ooooo| Max  oooooooooo
Game Mech          ooooo| _______________ ooooo|Spent oooooooooo
Science            ooooo|                      |
                        |     Disciplines      |
                        | _______________ ooooo|
     Physical           | _______________ ooooo|       Morality
  (-1 unskilled)        | _______________ ooooo| 10 ______________ o
Athletics          ooooo| _______________ ooooo| 9 _______________ o
Brawl              ooooo| _______________ ooooo| 8 _______________ o
Drive              ooooo|                      | 7 _______________ o
Firearms           ooooo| Size:                | 6 _______________ o
Larceny            ooooo| Speed:               | 5 _______________ o
Stealth            ooooo| Defence:             | 4 _______________ o
Survival           ooooo| Armour:              | 3 _______________ o
Weaponry           ooooo| Initiative:          | 2 _______________ o
                        | Experience:          | 1 _______________ o
      Social            |                      
  (-1 unskilled)        | Weapon/Attack     Dice Mod    Range    Clip  Size
Animal Ken         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Empathy            ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Expression         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Intimidation       ooooo|
Persuasion         ooooo| Equipment         Durability Structure Size  Cost
Socialise          ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Streetwise         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
Subterfuge         ooooo| ________________  __________ _______  _____ _____
     Specialities       |                 Description
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | Age:                  Height:
 ______________________ | Hair:                 Weight:
 ______________________ | Eyes:                 Race:
 ______________________ | Sex:                  Nationality:
      Languages         |              Allies and Contacts

 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________
 ______________________ | ________________________________________________

Also did you still want me helping you to process char sheets?
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Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

Knew I forgot something last night, and no as to the hidden message...Rather, it's hidden in the text of the post itself. Look for patterns/similarities.

As to the help in processing sheets though...I'd gladly appreciate it.
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

Thus far, I have received three sheets out of the those that have expressed extreme interest. Once I have that...I can probably begin an intro scenario.

Translation: Waiting on you Blueslime (or another person that's interested)
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

okay working on it right now.
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

Thank you very much.

@Everyone else who sent me the sheets: Could you post them in the actual thread for it? It'd let me track them easier without having to go pm by pm. Thanks in advance!
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

Will do, soon as I get home from work today!
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

If it isn't too late, I'd like to show an interest in playing. I'm already working on a sheet which should be done soon.
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

Woot, new post! think i found one or two of the secret messages, not sure...

Take your time Keylo, I think most of us would rather have an awesome game that tends on the slow side, instead of a fsaster game that isn't as deep, because the GM has to hurry to keep the pacing up there. and above all, have fun, GMs need that too!
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

For the record, tries at getting bonus EXP end the coming Friday. I'll also be giving out the solutions at that time. So if you haven't figured all of them out yet~...
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

At least I got the initial puzzle (from the first message, with the yellow letters).
Re: Revival of an Elegant Game(Interest Check)

Bonus EXPs are as follows:

Shrike7: 4
Incubus: 3
Pale: 2
Blueslime: 3

The solutions to the hidden messages and their contents were as following:

Hidden Message 1 (A Dark Room) : 2 EXP
Read the first letter of each line of dialogue not written in the spoiler text. Put the letters together and receive the hidden message: "HELP ME"

Hidden Message 2 (The Beginning of the Most Elegant Game) 1 EXP
There is white text in the rules portion, highlight it to find the hidden messages there in.

Hidden Message 3 (The Beginning of the Most Elegant Game) 1 EXP
Read the last word of each dialogue spoken by the maiden in Grey during her conversation with the Lady in reverse to form the following message: "Last Wish Rigged"

Hidden Message 4 (The Beginning of the Most Elegant Game) 1 EXP
Read the first word of each dialogue spoken by the Lady during her conversation with the Maiden in Grey, from end to finish (in reverse) to form the following message: "Fufufu~ The message, I see it."

Now back to actually posting in the threads!
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