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Rania (Cappy)

Re: Rania (Cappy)

Deciding to take a small break and eat rations until she felt good enough to take up another challenge, she sat down and solemnly dug through her rations, savouring them as much as she could. Lord knows what happens when she runs out.

Once done with her snack break, she would ready her Rapier, and go through a random doorway, maybe the one that was closest. Although technically the last encounter was pleasurable, she wasn't too eager to go through that again, she'd better kick some ass this time, or she's fucked. Literally. And besides which, why were her boobs bigger here? She'd just noticed that. Fucking perverted game designers.
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Moving into a doorway, she finds herself in another hallway, the path appearing in front of her as she walks, she comes across a small podium with a chest on it, a few feet away is another room.

5/5 FP -4 rations
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Not hesitating at all, Rania jumps at the opportunity of a chest, disregarding the risks, she knew she would have settled on going for it in the end anyways. Marching straight for it, Rania made a point to try and open it, if failing to do so, trying to force it by bashing it with her Rapier.

She wanted whatever was inside the chest, just like that rope wanted whatever was inside her pants. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it was time to see whether it raped it first. (Yeah I know, it's getting pretty damn horrible with the analogies and jokes, I can't help it. :p)
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Opening the chest proves to be an effective idea. Se finds a small book in it, "Guide to Magic." And also about five rations.
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Rania could hardly suppress a squeel of delight, as she hurriedly shoved the rations into her inventory, before grabbing the book and forcing it open like the rope did to her legs. Making sure not to miss small details, she began to read through it, taking each line slowly.

If this book did what she thought it did, she may just stand more of a chance against the highly flammable foe she had last encountered, or perhaps the unknown creatures of the future. Either way, it's time for Rania to get herself an edumacation, and no time is better than now. The rope was now almost forgotten in her mind, the depth of this world was enough to almost convince her that she was really learning some sort of magic, this should be illegal. And for the first time since the rope incident, she's glad it isn't.
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Rania reads the book with gusto, learning magic isn't quite as difficult as some would expect, but it also isn't quite as powerful. She would need to pick an item as her focus, figuring her rapier was as good as any, she picked that.

The book told her the secrets of low level magic. She learned how to use magical blasts in combat, and minor useful spells.

(Magic can only be used when the characters focus is held, or nearby.)
(Rania gains trait: Magic 1 | A character can preform magic, depending on rank, useable in combat, adding +1 to combat rolls)
(Spells Gained: Restore Clothes | Fixes a set of clothes or summons a new pair! Can be any outfit when used with the clothes changer!)
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Figuring she had a slight aptitude for magic, she proceeded to move on to the next door, her right hand gripping her rapier with a new tense ferocity.
Having stowed the book into her backpack, she thought about the clothes summoning spell a little as she walked along, wondering what she would summon if she found a clothes changer.

(once again, sorry about the short post.)
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Rania walks into the next room. She takes a quick look around, she spots a man, though it's hard to see him for some reason, as his edges are blurred and he's wearing almost transparent robes..wait, he's a mage!

Taking her stance, she manages to deflect the magic bolt he sends at her, sound angry that he didn't manage to hide from her.

Mage 2/2
Ash 5/5 0/3
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Rania finding herself a bit bloodthirsty from her new found power, and late event, she decided to go all out, rushing forward in a zigzag pattern as she prepares her arm for the upcoming swing, tensing her arm for impact not before or after the impact, but on the very moment it would happen.

Finally gaining a little bit of distance , she found herself withing range and swung a heavy attack towards the mage, hoping for a decapitation in her slightly delirious martial trance.

Re: Rania (Cappy)

7+1 vs 15+5
She makes her swing...aiming just right, but the mage is no longer there...
2+5 vs 12+1
She turns around just in time to see the man shoot ropes at her from his outreached hand. Rania holds her sword straight in front of her as a magic barrier deflects the ropes to the side, burning them up so she won't have to worry later.
Epic magic fight go!

Mage 2/2
Ash 5/5
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Rania gave a malignant grin as she decided to deal out some of the mage's own flavour back to him. She began to focus her bloodlust against her Rapier, pushing her energy into it, all the while point it at the Mage with subtlety , trying to look like she was shifting her position, rather than aiming a bolt of harmful intent straight towards him.

As she felt the energy was sufficient, she decided to shoot off her load into the Mage's face, firing her long hard weapon straight towards him, an evil grin planted on her face.
Re: Rania (Cappy)

12+1 vs 10
Almost giving herself away with a smirk right as the blast fires, the mage only notices too late the white blast barreling towards him. He raises his staff, his shield absorbing the blast.
15+5 vs 5+1
Which he repays in hind, his own blast hurtling towards her, she raises her rapier for her shield, but the blast shatters it as it hits her in the gut, the shield the only thing stopping it from probably knocking her down.

Mage 2/2
Rania 4/5
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Re: Rania (Cappy)

Rania gave a grimace before sliding back into gear, dodging to the side in case of a follow-up , before preparing a sideballer. Focusing her energy once more, this time into her palms, Rania payed attention to catching him by surprise, she weighed up a reasonable blast into one hand, and a feint into the other, all the while side stepping in preparation of a sudden attack, or a premature cast.

Finally gathering what she needed, she prepared herself to throw the feint first, then follow up with the real blast after the Mage's reaction, hopefully this'll knock his magical pantaloons right off. (Also, who's Ash?)
Re: Rania (Cappy)

3+3 vs 5+5
Her plan was a good one, but it failed to work, as the mage had seemingly left his spot again, both blasts flying through him.
8+5 vs 4+3
Another blast hits her in the back before Rania can even look around for the mage. When she does, she hears him snickering.

Mage 2/2
Rania 3/5
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Rania decides to change her tactics a little, stealing a little "flare" from another character she knew. Once again bringing her concentration to her hands, this time she held them together , keeping a constant watch out for her opponent, and any sudden attacks along with him. Perhaps she needed to be a little more... "Flashy"

With that thought in mind, she kept her eyes ready to be shut , and her energy ready to be released, she had a blinding concentration of light kept withing her joined palms, ready to be released the moment she sees her smug bastard of a foe. The moment she catches sight of him, she'll aim the blast and shut her eyes for the event. Hopefully blinding him, and giving her a chance to follow up with well-deserved kick to his groin.
Re: Rania (Cappy)

2 vs 9
7 vs 19

Rania switches up her tactics. The mage shows himself, Rania releases her flash, but finds the man isn't even there she tries to run up to him. She rolls out of the way just in time as a blast strikes the spot she was standing in.

Mage 2/2
Rania 3/5
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Rania started to feel the pressure, now flipping around every other moment and dodging from side to side for safety, eventually this would wear her out if she didn't act fast. Time for thinking was over, and she needed to close the distance, rather than trying to outsmart the mage, she thought up a slightly more reckless plan.

Thoughts held together, and plan set, she began to palm small spurts of energy, nothing as strong as a single charged blast, but many small ones, hopefully if she could land a single one, he would be stunned and she could send the rest flying towards him. So with that in mind, she started firing off the semi-blanks each time she saw a shadow of a man, or anything like it, even sometimes firing were she thought he would be next, hoping she wouldn't burn herself out like this.
Re: Rania (Cappy)

16 vs 11
9 vs 12

Rania manages a lucky hit on the mange, sending him stumbling. He tries to attack her back, but she's too fast and manages to get up close to him before he can disappear again.

Mage 1/2
Rania 3/5
Re: Rania (Cappy)

Rania promptly decided to experiment a little while she had the upper hand, trying to see if the rest of her body could channel magic as well as her hands.

"It's time to heat this up a bit." she thought to herself, after all, she does have a special place in her heart for corny one liners.

As the growing heat started to gather within her mouth and throat, she moved in for the kill, trying to get her attack in as soon as possible, before he could recover from her previous success. Finally within range, she attempts to breath magical flames onto her oh so smug opponent. If the fire she breaths is any were near as terrifying as the fire in her eyes, this robed rogue is in trouble.