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Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)


Nov 9, 2008
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(...Tsuki gave me the original idea for this. Blame her :p.)

"Killer, killer, what shall we do to the killer?..."

Rip her flesh.

"Killer, killer, what shall we do to the killer?..."

Break her bones.

"Killer, killer, what shall we do to the killer?..."

"Tear her limb from limb!"

Now now my pets, as distasteful as a hunter of men is, we must not forget the rules. For abiding by rules is a most basic principle in a simple and elegant game such as this, a principle which allows a game to remain enjoyable for everyone. Breaking such a rule for a single moment of pleasure, or following the rules for endless pleasure, I believe the choice is obvious, is it not my dears?

"To show mercy to a sinner, such a most merciful mistress our Lady is! What great wisdom, what great compassion!"

"That being said my pets, so long as the rules are followed, one can have as much fun as one would like... and showing a sinner who abided not by the rules of the mortal world such joy is certainly not prohibited...fufufufufu."

"Let our Lady's will be carried out! Kihihihihihihihihihihihi!"


Was it a dream?...Or had it been reality?... Such were the thoughts of Rio the mercenary as her senses began to return to her. The ability to smell brought the smell of fresh blood to her nose. The sense of taste made her almost sick to her stomach as she came into the realization that something had been stuffed into her mouth as a gag, something soaked in some horrible tasting unknown substance. The capacity to hear allowed her to hear an ominous dripping sound, in addition to that of someone turning a crank of some kind in the distance. The ability to feel made her aware of herself feeling a tad "stretched" if not painfully so, and that her hands and feet were restrained. Then finally, the sense of sight showed her that she was completely naked and tied onto a torture rack from olden times, which appeared to be perfectly functional given how her her had already been stretched near to its limits...
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

' My... Head... ' This was the first thing that came to the mind of a groggy woman who felt a headache upon waking up. As her mind snapped into focus the woman tasted something in her mouth, it was a rag of sorts and was the most sickening and bitter thing to ever grace her taste buds. The woman managed to keep herself some barfing as she breathed air into her nose, the smell of fresh blood surrounded her, a smell she was obviously use to. Upon opening her cold eyes the white haired woman saw something that shot alarm throughout her mind, something that told her she had to act fast. She couldn't more then a foot or two away from her but what she could see was that she was on sort of torture device meant to stretch and harm her horribly until she died. Rio also noticed that she was naked although that didn't really bother her much.

' Shit... This has to be the work of Fish's daughter... That bitch has been out to get me after I killed her father back in Italy...' This thought passed Rio's alarmed mind as she began trying to free herself from her bonds. Fish was a major crime boss who Rio had been paid a large sum of money to kill by the Italian government. Rio had shot the grease ball between the eyes and sent him to hell herself, giving him the fate a murderer and criminal such as him deserved. Sadly his whorish daughter who was in line to take his place in power had seen Rio kill the man then promised to kill her in the most painful and humiliating way possible. Rio was positive that this was the work of the vengeful woman and she would stop at nothing to get her revenge.

( Action: Rio begins trying to find a way to escape.)
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

Try as she might, the woman was unable to find a way to escape from her bindings, only succeeding in stretching herself further painfully. Whoever had tied her had made sure that she would not be able to free herself without external help, help that would never come...

Or would it? Suddenly, the cranking noise a distance off stops, and the sound of a wire snapping from tension can be heard. Soon after, more noises began to fill the room, as if some complicated mechanism had been set in motion. What could the purpose of such an elaborate 'machine' possibly be? This would be answered as at the very end of the noises, came the sound of steel in motion, a enormous blade swinging towards the mercenary's head. Closing her eyes instinctively, it was then that Rio would most likely begin to prepare for the worst, knowing that she was about to be decapitated. But instead of being behead as she expected... the blade instead missed her narrowly and cut the bonds holding her hands...
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

When the blade came swinging and Rio had shut her eyes as a rush of fear went through her body. she had expected what anyone would in a situation like that. Death. A painful and agonizing death followed by whatever afterlife awaited her. However, after a short moment, Rio opened her eyes, feeling great surprise that her head was still on her shoulders. Instead of having her head sliced off her bonds had been cut and her hands had been freed, allowing her to use her upper body strength to push herself upward, to be able to sit up from her spot. Once she was sitting up the woman quickly ripped out the rag that had been in her mouth and threw it to the side. She spat a few times, trying to get the horrid taste out of her mouth. With the rag out of her mouth and her bonds freed Rio felt relief that she wasn't being stretched any more and that she couldn't taste that bitterness, really she was on the brick to feeling horrible pain because of the thing she was on and was getting close to throwing up. The white haired woman began rubbing her wrists, soothing them a bit after they had been bonded like they were. She then began thinking to herself, about the situation she was in.

' I... Can't see a damn thing...' Rio had been looking around and for some odd reason couldn't even see farther then five feet ahead of her. It was incredibly dark beyond where she was sitting. Rio had no idea where she was, all she knew was that someone had put her here, someone who wanted to hurt her, and if she wanted to live she needed to get out of the darkness. At the moment, finding her kidnapper wasn't all that important to the woman. Unarmed and naked she wouldn't stand a very good chance against whoever had done this to her. She would have to escape this nightmare and make it back to safety. When she was safe and armed again then she could think about getting her revenge.

( Action: Rio try's to free herself from the bonds holding her feet. )
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

Freeing herself from the bonds, the mercenary finds herself finally liberated from the torture rack to which she had been tied. Moving off of the vile torture instrument, it is then she suddenly sees a faint light pierce the darkness, seeming to be from that of a candle...
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

Easily freeing herself of the other bonds and getting of the wooden torture device Rio looked around a bit more, unsure where to go in the thick darkness she was lost in. It was when she saw a faint light off in the distance that she decided where to go. She would head to the light, as wandering off in any other direction away from it would be stupid. The white haired mercenary began to carefully walk to the candle like light, approaching it in hopes of finding some answers or a way out of this place.

( Action: Rio walks over to and investigates the light. )
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

Approaching the candle, which had been placed upon a small table, Rio would notice that the candle appeared to be lit recently, given its length, the lack of collective wax, and other such things. The woman would also notice an envelope placed next to the candle, the letters written upon it in an enigmatic script seeming to 'glow' a bit in the light.

"To Rio"
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

Seeing the odd envelope waiting to be taken and read Rio reach over to the small table and picked it up. Upon picking it up it felt like a normal envelope, the only thing odd about it was that the ink on it seemed to be glowing. In the candle light Rio's eyes scanned over the paper, It was addressed to her, Rio made Rio feel uneasy. Whoever captured her knew who she was and likely wanted to harm her. That or they simply wanted to scare her, which she doubted was all that her kidnapper wanted to do to her.

Knowing she might get some answers or a hint of what to do Rio began to open the envelope to read the letter within it...

( Action: Open the envelope and read the letter within.)
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

The letter's contents read the following:

Exodus 20:13, Thou shalt not Kill.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and evil for evil". Hunter of man that has escaped the laws of mortals and justice's grasp, know ye that judgment comes much more swiftly in a world ruled by a witch than that of men. Predator of humans, prey to demons. Sinner stained with the blood of others, how long will you last in this most elegant little game?

Let the Games Begin,
The Lady and master of this world.​
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

Upon reading the letter within the odd envelope Rio stood still for a moment, keeping silent as she thought to herself. The bounty hunter then began to speak to herself, out of nowhere. Her voice wasn't showing fear but... Dread. As if she knew exactly what was happening." I get it now..." Rio started. " Someone isn't trying to kill me... I'm already dead." Rio was sure that she was dead now and that she was in the afterlife, likely hell. She didn't know how she had died, nor did she care. All that mattered was that she was now dead. "It's finally my time to face punishment for my sins..." Rio let a sigh out before taking a step back away from the table. She then began to slowly walk away, into a random direction of the darkness.

Rio didn't understand why the letter was from someone called the lady, the so called master of this world or why this lady kept referring to herself as a witch. Maybe Satan was a woman, or perhaps a personal hell was created for Rio and a witch servant of the devil was given control of the world and was personally assigned to torment her. Rio really didn't know, although she continued to think as she walked into the darkness, dread going through her as her punishment began...
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

(Allow me to state in advance, look for gimmicks constantly, they will save you 'a lot' of grief. >_>;; )

Stumbling about the darkness without the aid of a source of light, Rio eventually manages to exit the room she was in to enter an unlit stone hallway reminiscent of those in medieval dungeons. As a result of not being able to see however, shortly upon entering the hallway, she accidentally steps on a switch of sorts, the sound of receding metallic grating echoing throughout the hallway she was in. Not long after that, she begins to hear animalistic growling coming from behind her...
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

( Gimmicks, right. I read a few other starting scenario's so I get what you're saying. Just wondering but as of now I haven't missed anything have I? )

After wandering around in the darkness for a while Rio was surprised to find that she had managed to stumble into a hallway, the only clue Rio had that she was in a hall was the floor felt somewhat different, that and she felt two walls to her left and right. Rio had began to walk down the hall when she had accidentally stepped on a switch in the hall. Freezing still when she stepped on it, thinking that she may walk right into a painful trap if she continued to wander, Rio suddenly heard metallic gratings shortly followed by animal like growling sounds, ones that made her heart pound a bit. Rio wasn't sure what to do, she could run for it. The white haired woman was a fast woman and might be able to get away. At the same time, the thing might pounce her if she ran, then it would be all over.

Rio wasn't exactly one to run away from things, she wasn't exactly a coward. Running may of been the best choice but the woman didn't want to go bolting down a dark hall then run right into a wall or something. Instead of running Rio turned around and began to slowly back away from the sounds as she put her arms up in a defensive way.

( Action: Back away. )
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

(Right, sorry about forgetting to update this. Coursework + Accidentally unmarking this thread = fail.)

Fully alert as a result of assuming a defensive stance, Rio is well prepared upon hearing the sounds of feet pounding against the floor coming towards her, managing to deflect the first attempt to pounce her. Sending the animal sailing over her head, she quickly spins around to face it once again as it stood up, relatively unharmed from the looks of it. This would prove to be a mistake however, as it is then that she is suddenly pinned to the floor by a weight on her back, slimy drool dripping down onto her naked body. Having lacked the sense of sight, she failed to correctly guess her actual amount of opponents, and would soon suffer for it as a result.
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

' Damn it..! ' Rio thought to herself as she was held down. Rio should of known better then to face the beast, if only she had run away like a coward.

Feeling weight pinning her down and the warm spit dripping onto her back Rio gritted her teeth from frustration and anger. The mercenary didn't think, she began to act. Rio began to struggle against the beast holding her, trying to break out of it's pin on her. If Rio had the chance, she would try and punch the beast as hard as she could.

( Action: Rio attempts to escape the monsters hold. )
Re: Punishing a Manhunter (Rio)

Struggling against the animal on top of her, the mercenary almost manages to make a tiny bit of leeway against it...however ultimately fails, and only succeeds in putting herself into a position more 'convenient' for the animal to do as it desired to the girl. Desires that soon became clear as Rio felt something hard beginning to prod against her womanhood...