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Prologue: Vezina

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Re: Prologue: Vezina

Not knowing what her master meant by this, Vezina nodded her acquiescence to his will and moved to the indicated chamber. Upon the barren dirt to which she held not attachment, the young vampiress descended, resting her head against the floor and instinctively curling up into a semi fetal position. Perhaps this was appropriate, for in this new and uncertain afterlife she was still an infant.

The heavy curse of day filled her mind with unnatural, dreamless sleep, and when she awoke the next night, it would be once again unto pain.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina suddenly awakes as the sun slowly descends behind the hill's around their cavern home. Despite knowing she is still full from the previous nights revelry she feels weak. Far weaker than she had ever imagined was possible for one of the true lords of the night. Struggling to her feet she staggered out of the cavern, she had to tell the master that something was wrong.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Stumbling towards the master's chambers, she falls before him, her body feeling terribly weak,

"Master... Something, something feels so wrong. I feel emptied, drained of all my vigor. Please, help me."

She looked up to him imploringly.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"I am sorry my bride but there is little I can do for you this night. Tomorrow you will rest in your own earth and it will restore your vigor. For you see we Tzimisce are so bound to the earth that we have spilled our blood over that if we ever rest in foreign soil it weakens us. Imagine getting weaker every night because you have lost your earth. Now you can truly see the importance of it."

Gyulu intones as he looks down upon her, for a mere moment she sees a twinge of sympathy but it is soon gone again as he continues.

"You will be little capable of learning or doing much tonight I am afraid so further lessons while have to wait till your strength is restored. In the meantime you must learn to hide weakness from the lesser beasts. A leader must show no weakness.

I want you to go to where the herd digs into the earth of this cave and command them as a noble in the digging of a library and study chamber. I will be watching do not let me down. Do you understand your task my childe?"
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina felt a flash of frustration as Gyulu revealed what he had done, allowing her to experience this curse of lethargy instead of telling her about it beforehand. Quickly though she shunted that feeling away and looked upon his decision with cold calculation. Better that she learn the exact consequences of being without her sacred earth now, when no enemy existed to take advantage of it, than to be caught off guard by the feeling should dire happenings occur at a later time. It was wise of Gyulu to have forced her into this and she should not resent him for it.

"Show no weakness..." She muttered and fought off the sluggish feelings to right herself and regain her posture despite the horrid fatigue that beset her. "As you wish, master. I shall command the herd to dig a suitable place of private study for you. I will give you no reason for disappointment."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina leaves to command the herd in their digging efforts as soon as Gyulu dismisses her. The digging is slow as the specifications for the master's library are very exacting. She finds that she has little difficulty in showing weakness to her lessers by mere will power alone. Each time she begins to feel the weakness clawing it's way back into her mind she merely closes her eyes and feels herself restored to a stronger state.

Eventually as she begins to feel tired once more Gyulu calls to her in her mind much like the previous night. Having commanded the herd to continue she hurries to her master's chambers. Showing no weakness till she returns to his side. Like the night before he points to the throne beside him and as she sits in it he cuts open his wrist and asks.

"I know you are exhausted my dearest childe but won't you prove your loyaltyy to me once more?"
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Perched in her lesser throne, the Tzimisce bride did as her sire bade her, leaning over and pressing her darkened lips to the seeping wound at his wrist. Once again she partook of his blood, feeling the heady rush of his power, his vital essence, perhaps glimpses of his very soul rushing through her. She felt his presence enter her mind in waves, stronger and stronger, filling her up as though she were an underground cave by the sea with the tide rushing in.

Desire for more and more of his blood called to her, but at length he pulled away from her and she had to rescind her fangs and content with feeling the last trickles stream down the back of her tongue in minor rivulets. Her lips, teeth and the front of her chin were coated in the deep red, nearly black blood. She savored his glorious taste and looked upon him with even more devotion and awe than she thought possible.

"You are my strength, master. I pledge my eternal service to you," she swore to him, sitting beside the powerful elder in blissful thralldom. Deep within her mind, an unspoken fear stirred, and the beast itself seemed to whisper urgent nonsensical garbling sounds to her. A whining foreboding of the danger inherent to the elder's consumption...
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"Remember my dearest bride. The vitae can make all but the most powerful Cainite's a slave to even a Caitiff's wishes. You will not be fully bound to my will unless it becomes absolutely necessary but others will try to use this power over you. You must always be careful of the plots of the other Cainite's for they crave our power."

Having finished he smiles and bids her to rest well in the dirt of her grave so that she may feel restored for the next evening of her training. Leaving her in the chamber Vezina can already feel her master's absence and the longing to be by his side.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina nodded at her master's words, discovering in herself an unnatural romantic fawning for the lord that she had never quite experienced before. For all the respect, fear, and loyalty she showed to Gyula after a lifetime of ingrained subjugation, this was the first time she felt a truly romantic feeling for him - at least in any conscious way. She had loved him much in the way the Christians claimed to love their God. When they uttered prays of thanks and oaths of fealty to their deity, they did not do so wishing to lie next to their god in a physical sense. So it had been with Vezina - until now.

As the master left her to contemplate the mysteries of the blood and the treacherous methods other Cainites might impose servitude upon her, she could not shake the desire to be with him. As she lay back upon her earth she dreamed of mixing her soil with his own earth, caressing his pale flesh and sipping dainty drops of his sweet vitae whilst waiting for the day's sleep take them both. How wonderful it would be, she now thought, for her to be his true bride, in all senses of the word and more.


Bolt upright she sat, her individuality recoiling at the thoughts that would not leave her. Yes, emotion for Gyulu, passion for him even, was acceptable, but she couldn't let this alien feeling dominate her view of him for eternity. Could she?

She was thankful that he had told her she would not be fully bound to his will unless absolutely necessary. She would just have to make sure it did not become so. Gyulu was not a fool, but he had shown small hints of compassion in his aura. Yes, those swirling colors she had seen in people all her life, but never told a soul, not even her father. She could tell by the color surrounding him that Gyulu would respect her and let her be independent if she continued to show him true loyalty.

He would have it. And he would have her, if he truly desired it, but not by the power of the blood. To control her that way would cheapen everything he had done to her up unto this point. He saw that as well as she.

"Master... oh sweet master..." she muttered a she lay down again and fell into the day's slumber.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Her dreamless sleep once again ends much like the previous night though she can feel herself restored by the dirt of her grave. The exhausted feeling of the previous night is gone, only to be replaced by the longing to be by her master's side.

Emerging from the cave she can hear the sounds of crying and fearful screaming from down the tunnels. She is able to notice the distinct voices of her brethren, Scorylo and Tarbus, together with unfamiliar voices in the strange tongue of her new homeland. She also instinctively knows that she'll find her master there.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Rising from her grave, Vezina woke to the sound of fear and despair - two feelings she knew well. She followed the cries through the tunnels until she came to the place where Scorylo and Tarbus waited along with her master, whom she desired above all else to see once again.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Entering the chamber of her master she sees Tarbus explaining to the Gyulu how the captives will be able to teach the things necessary for survival in this new land. The captives sit on the floor chained together like slaves under the watchful eye of the brute, Scorylo. The four captives seem to have been chosen from different levels of society: a noble, a priest, a peasant, and a beggar from the looks of them.

They cry and whimper obviously fearful of the situation they find themselves in, Gyulu seems annoyed by the noise and orders Scorylo to take them from the chamber to aid in the work of the others. Tarbus continues his embellished story of self-importance after they are dragged away.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

As the four figures are dragged away, Vezina walks by each one and places a hand on their shoulder. She offers them a smile and a sympathetic look, then places a finger to her mouth and makes a gentle shushing sound.

Let the new servants ponder the meaning of that, she thought. It will give them something to think about while they dumbly await their fates. She passed by Tarbus without giving him a second look and turned to stand at the master's side, facing Tarbus with an amused look on her lips. She needs no words to convey to the Mouth exactly what she thought of his embellishment, and if she could notice it, then she had no doubt Gyulu saw through Tarbus' posturing as well.

Vezina brimmed with confidence and vitality and she felt calmer now that she was by the master's side.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Gyulu listens with little emotion as Tarbus explains how the captives will be able to help them. Finally nodding his head and dispensing with a small amount of praise before Tarbus has even finished with his complete tale. Tarbus has obviously noticed Vezina's look of condescension. As he is dismissed he returns the same look to her as he leaves the room.

Gyulu thinks for a moment before saying. "Come my bride, it is time for you to learn how to dominate one's mind. Your new teachers will be suitable subjects to teach how to control the mind's of others'."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"As you wish, master. Yet to dominate one's mind? It does not sound as though it is something so simply done. Is it similar to the bending of an animal's will? Like that of the wolf?" Vezina strolled next to Gyulu, every once in a while daring to glance lovingly up at his face, longing to see him turn to her and return the look. He didn't though, and that was like him. He was a noble, kingly lord of the night and she merely his new bride. Perhaps in time she would be able to make him adore her in some fashion near enough to what she now felt for him.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"There are similarities in the methods of both abilities, they both require eye contact and communication. The control of animals is more about your own beast dealing with the animal socially. To dominate the mind of a lesser being is more of a mental exercise though it can create effects similar to the blood oath that you have taken."

Gyulu explains as they travel the corridors to where Scorylo has lead the new captives.

"An unfortunate drawback of the power to dominate minds is it does not work on the minds of Cainite's of a higher generation than the user. Though often older wiser Cainite's will use this to their advantage and lure the younger ones into believing otherwise."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"You are most kind to tell me, master," Vezina said in a hushed tone as they followed the trail of Scorylo and the pathetic captives. "Though I would not dare to use what you teach me against you. You must know that."

The blood oath she had given to him made her desire very much to have his assurance that he trusted in her. A hidden part of her thought that this neediness she was beginning to exhibit was bordering on the pathetic, but her blossomed feelings for Gyulu overrode any inhibitions.

"What then shall I do with these captives, if they should begin to fall under my sway?"
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Woops, I said that backwards I meant to say it can't be used on Cainites of lower generation than the user.

"You won't be able to do much with your untrained powers, other than simple one word commands. We probably won't have much effect on the new kine that Tarbus has brought us. They have to be able to understand you and the language barrier may prove too much. You can at least learn how it is done though so that when you understand their tongue you can command them."

Gyulu answers Vezina as they enter the chamber with the new captives. Scorylo seems to be relishing in fearsomeness as he sharpens instruments before their eyes. Though he stops as his master and Vezina enters the room.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"Then I shall commit myself to learning their strange tongue."

Vezina was a bit disappointed that she would not be able to make use of this power just yet, but she had plenty of time now to develop her powers, she only needed to be patient. She frowned at the sight of Scorylo's instruments of torture, thinking that what he intended could be wasteful, but if it was what the Master desired, the she would not stand in his way.

"What am I to observe here then? Will Scorylo kill some of these men?"
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Gyulu smiled cruelly as he answered Vezina. "I'm sure Scorylo would love to do as you suggested but no we want them alive. He is merely reminding them of what waits if they disobey their new masters. A bit of a crude method but the language barrier prevents more direct methods of control."
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