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Prologue - Ronell Landry

Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Seth had driven a loop around downtown, likely wasting time before heading towards the north end, keeping a careful eye on the road as he spoke.

"I'm being so secretive about this because if they knew I was actually planning this, you'd die and be useless to me, or at the very least made so you couldn't do anything useful. The other arrivals will be people like you, who had no idea what this will all be about. And harder to read than dead bodies will be an understatement." He says, pulling into an alley behind a strip mall and shutting the car off. "We're here." He says simply, getting out.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"Well that's comforting, so what's to keep them from killing me or you for that matter. When we get in there?" Ronell says as he gets out of the car to follow Seth. "This seems like a lot of trouble just for you to get information from these people."

As he follows to wherever they're going. "Hopefully I won't let you down. I've done some tough interrogations before, but you sound as if this'll be the hardest thing I'll ever do in my life."
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Seth didn't actually go anywhere, just walked around the car to face Ronell as he stepped out. Again, there was something about him that struck Ronell as being just not right, but he couldn't figure out what...

"Oh they'd kill me on sight. But if you are found, just a poor unfortunate, they'd take you in, make you a friend, a puppet." He explains. "And you just don't get it, do you?" He says with a wide grin, revealing a pair of long fangs, and suddenly, Ronell realizes what's been bugging him the entire time: When he isn't talking, Seth has never taken a breath, the entire time Ronells been talking to him. "Now run, for your life is at an end." Seth says quietly, the evil grin still on his face.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"You'd like that wouldn't you!" Ronell says as he kicks straight between Seth's legs. While thinking, "Stupid curiosity."

(Hey it worked in Monster Squad, though that was the werewolf not the vampire)
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

The blow landed solidly, but Seth didn't react to it the way Ronell hoped. Seth caught his upraised leg in one arm and delivered a straight-arm punch to Ronell's chest that would have made a boxer blush. It sent him straight back, but since his leg was pinned, he ended up flat on his back instead. Seth dropped Ronells leg and bent over him, shrugging. "Either or works, I just thought running would be more fun."
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Feeling the wind get knocked from him before he ever even got to the ground. Ronell gasps out, "Well it probably would have worked just as well either way. So what are you anyways, and why me?"
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Seth just laughs, still leaning over the man. "Isn't it obvious? I'm a vampire. You know, 'I vant to sahk you blahd'" he says in s cheesy romanian accent. "As for why you, I haven't lied about a thing. You really are perfect for the job, and those Cams will just welcome you with open arms."
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"I always knew politicians were bloodsuckers." He laughs nervously as he looks up at Seth's wicked smile before trying to scramble away once more.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Seth just watches as Ronell scrambles off, laughing. He makes it to his feet, and halfway down towards the end of the alley, with Seth still laughing, before anything happened.

The shadows in the alleyway seemed to pulse suddenly. Ronell barely had tim to register it before thin tendrils of darkness shot out of the shadows, reaching for him. He managed to dodge them for a couple steps, even bashing one with a fist, before one wound around his leading foot as it was in mid-air, bringing him down hard. He flailed defensively and managed to avoid another few of them, but two more latched on to his other foot and began dragging him back towards Seth, who was no longer laughing, but leaning against his car, waiting.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Ronell continues to try and struggle, but he's almost winded from his struggles against Seth so he doesn't do very much. "I'll get you for this ya bloodsucking leech, somehow I'll get you."
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Ronell gives a good fight, but he eventually finds himself hung upside-down, all limbs pinned, right in front of Seth.

"Oh, I very much doubt that, Mr. Landry." He says with a laugh, leaning in close and sinking his fangs into Ronell's neck. The sharp stab of pain was barely noticable when a wave of supernatural bliss, but with Ronell's newfound hatred of the man, and the adrenaline coursing through his system allowed him to push it back for the time being.

The need to survive gave Ronell a second wind, and he felt that if he tried, he should be able to break at least one arm free, now that Seth was somewhat distracted...
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Ronny feeling his second wind tries to break one arm free to punch Seth where his adams apple would be. While screaming, "SACRAMENT VOUS."
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Ronell manages to both break his arm free and crash his fist against Seth's exposed neck, taking the vampire completely by surprise and hitting with enough force to tear Seth's teeth out of his neck. He's hit by and immediate wave of nausea and light-headedness as the bliss he'd been holding off disappears, and the blood loss settles in, made worse by his now open neck wound, and his upside-down position.

Seth Hisses in anger, grabbing Ronell's free arm and twisting it savagely, popping it out of it's socket. "Maybe I am, but it won't be much longer until you are too." He says angrily, closing his hand around the other man's neck and squeezing, deciding Ronell would be easier to feed on after he has passed out.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

His free arm now useless, and the continuing loss of blood, as well as Seth's squeezing of his throat prove to be too much. As he swiftly heads towards unconsciousness and eventually death (or undeath whichever you prefer). He watches as his life flashes before his eyes, everything from his first birthday to the deaths of friends in Afghanistan; until finally he stops struggling and passes out...
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Floating in darkness, his life flashing before his eyes, he vaguely feels something warm, spreading an odd feeling through him. Somewhere in the black he feels something split from him, wild, savage, and hungry.

His eyes bolt open, and his mind is filled with thoughts of hunger, the need to feed. He finds it hard to move for some reason his mind hasn't processed yet, but that is a secondary though, as something is shoved into his mouth. he bites down in reflex, and is rewarded by something sweet, with a metallic tang slide down his throat, sating his hunger. As he comes fully back to himself, he realizes that he is in the same position he had passed out in, with the exception that his arm was fixed, and bound again, with extra tendrils wrapped around every limb. Seth reaches down and pulls a bag from his mouth, which he realizes to be a medical blood bag. "How do you feel?" He asks teasingly.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Ronny just stares up at the man with a glare colder than a year old corpse before answering, "I've been better to be completely honest with you, but I don't feel...hungry anymore. So what now?"
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"Now, things become quite simple." Seth says easily, checking his watch and then leaning down to catch Ronell's gaze. He finds that he can't look away, that his entire world seems to be in those deep orbs.

"I'm going to change your memories, make something that willbe believable, and the Cams will just suck it up like it's gospel..."


That son of a bitch! Was all Ronell could think about, leaning against a wall, listening for the sound of sirens. If I ever see that freak again I'll kill him!

Ronell had spotted a man at the bar, and went over to talk to him. He never got his name, but he offered Ronell a job, and then offered to drive him to his office to talk about it. They had driven to a strip mall on the north end, and then the guy had pinned him down told Ronell that he was going to be made a vampire. Then the freak had bitten him in the neck! Next thing he knew, he was up and almost uncontrollably hungry for blood. He had manage to fight down the urge to eat passerby on the street long enough to break into the blood bank, and sate himself that way. He just had time to make it look like vandals and escape before the police arrived, and now here he was, back against a wall, wondering what the hell to do with himself...

((Critical things to remember (or forget, as the case may be :/ ) 1) Seth's name. You don't know it. 2) the whole shadow tendrils. You remember him pinning you down by his own strength alone, no upside-down in the air thing. 3) his job. You don't remember anything about it, it was just something he said to lure you into the car.

Other than that, go off his brief flashback there for the chain of events, 'kay? Any questions?))
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

(I think I can handle that)

"Jeez, relax you've gotten out of trouble before. Now to just figure out where to go from here." He says to himself while he relaxes a little.

"Well I can't just stay around here, I'll be more suspicious if the cops find me hiding against a wall. After I get away from here I can figure out where to go." At that he peaks out cautiously around the corner to see if anyone's there and if not he takes off to head for his apartment.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

Ronell didn't hear any more sirens, and the few people on the street payed him little mind. That, is, until he came around a corner and practically walking into a bear of a man, in a black trenchcoat. Ronell instantly knew that they were both vampires, though he didn't know how. "I don't know you." The big man said quietly, unmoving.
Re: Prologue - Ronell Landry

"Well that makes two of us," Ronell says taking a step back from the other vampire.

Looking around to see if anyone else is nearby, "Maybe you can explain what's happened to me, though."