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Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The woman nods like it was exactly what she wanted to hear, and followed him into the office, still spending most of the time looking at the room and stuff more than anything else.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

With a slight sigh Jonas sits down into his worn out office chair and grabs a piece of paper. "Alright then. . . gonna need an address and your phone number so I can call you when your car's done. Towing's gonna be 75 bucks, plus 10 bucks late fee", Fletch says, looking up expectantly at the woman.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"Late fee?" She asked, slightly irritated, before shrugging, and reaching down for her purse... Which wasn't at her hip. "Shit, purse is still in the car, give me a hand?" She asks, walking back out towards the car if he agrees.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Jonas shrugs and gets up. "Hey, I'm doing overtime for you here", he murmurs into his beard as he follows the woman through the dimly lit interior of the workshop. By now I could be home and fast asleep. Aaah, bed, soon I will succumb to your Siren's call. Fletch grins into his beard at his own thoughts.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The woman walks all the way out of the shop, but instead of going back to the truck, where her car still sat on top, she turned and started going towards the car lot in back, not saying a word.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch groans out quietly. "Oh, what now - Hey. Hey! That's off limits, lady! You want me to call the fucking cops after all?" The big man grumbles as he heads after the woman anyway. Sometimes he wishes he had a gun around, but after Iraq- with a mental push he forces those thoughts back into the little locked closet inside his head.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The woman just laughs, slipping between the chained gate with a little difficulty, but with more than enough time to get through before Jonas catches up. She looks back and gives him a sly look, before sauntering off a bit further in, her head tilted down some as she inspects to ground, as if she was looking for something.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Luckily that's his own chain. Fletch curses into his beard as he unlocks the gate and pulls the chain out before breaking into a run after the woman. Something tells him he's not going to get paid, but he'll be damned if he won't hand that bitch over to the cops!
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

She disappears behind an abandoned van some hippy didn't want to pay for just as he opened the gate, still inspecting the ground. He dashed over and around, finding that she had moved her attention from the ground to the inside of said van, forehead pressed to the window as she peered in. She waves him over without turning to look. "How long has this been here?" She asks innocently.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"None of your god damn business", Jonas growls as he walks up to her and goes to sling his arms around her waist so he can carry her off his car lot. Damnit, she's probably high as a kite as well.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The woman just tucks her feet under the car as she's hefted, keeping her in roughly the same position, much to Jonas's surprise. She laughs, and her hands reach around behind her to run along him, settling on his ass. "Mmm, getting fiesty, are we?" She says, more like a statement than a question.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch's eyebrows rise up higher on his forehead. Well, he's never bedded a woman in his car lot. . . Then he remembers that he's supposed to be angry at this girl and growls. "Girl, you don't want to wake sleeping dogs, do you? Move. . . your. . . ass", he commands, every of the last words accentuated by a tug to get her away from the van.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"Ooh, there's dogs in here?" She says, as he manages to get her unattached to the van. "Where are they?"
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch grunts as he lifts the woman higher and positions her over his shoulder like a sack. "Figure of speech, woman. Jesus. Now we'll get you to your car, and you get your purse and you pay me. And I'm gonna forget you're balls-out insane." With that he starts moving back to the parking lot in the front of his shop.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The woman laughs, leaning as far back (To his front) as he allowed before throwing herself forward, causing Jonas to lose his balance and tip over backward. He landed hard on top of her with a grunt. With not a clue how she had managed it, she has managed to swivel herself around on two different axis and was laying on her back with her head on the same side his was, with her legs wrapped around his stomach and her arms twined around his, making it hard for him to move.

"There you go with that dirty talk again..." She whispered into his ear, giggling.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch blinks for a moment to gets his act back together after the fall before turning his head towards her. "You know, you're really starting to piss me off", he growls. It may not be imaginative, but coming from a man of his size it should be a fair warning. The mechanic strains his muscles in order to free himself from her strange grip.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The woman giggled like she was crazy, holding him in place. He had never noticed before now, but she felt cold, really cold. They seemed a fairly close match, much to Jonas' surprise, both gaining headway and then losing it in the impromptu struggle between them. She seemed to gain more headway than he, however, and he found his arms eventually pulled behind his back and pressed between them. She rolled them over slowly, sounding as drained as he did. "Whew, you're a tough one!" She says with a laugh, shifting to sit on his forearms, keeping them pinned.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch growls through between his teeth as he finds himself beaten by a slender woman. This should be impossible! How. . . "How the fuck did you do that?" Jonas twists his neck to look up at the woman sitting on top of him. "You weigh about fifty pounds!" Together with her coldness a thought forms in the back of his head, bus his mind refuses to accept that.
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Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"Oh come on, size isn't everything, contrary to what most men think." She says with a laugh. From his vantage point, Jonas sees her reach behind her back and pull out a pair of engine belts, starting to tie his hands together with one. She must have grabbed them off the wall of his shop when he wasn't looking.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Jonas struggles a bit, but there's not really that much he can do against being tied up. "So. . . what's next then? Is that a stick-up? Pretty damn complicated. Most people would just aim a gun in my direction." Seemingly robbed of all other options, Fletch relies on jesting.