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Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn's handsome protector leans in instinctively to put his arm around her completely unaware of what is about to befall him. He speaks low and soothingly exposing his bare throat to a strike by the creature before him.

Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn sobs once, hating herself as she drives her fangs into Tinchebray's neck. She drank as much as she could, gagging more down than even that, crying tears of blood as she felt the man shudder and grow limp in her grasp, growing cold and lifeless by the end of it...

She gasped as she dropped the corpse, feeling almost alive again with the stolen warmth spreading through her. Before she had a chance to really dwell, she quickly cleaned the blood off her with his clothing, and searched him for a coinpurse as an afterthought, quickly leaving the cave behind afterwards...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

While Jocelyn finishes the deed of killing Lord Tinchebray the voices inside her head refuse to give her a second of rest. Even after the deed has been done and she has made her way out of the cave they refuse to stop.

hahaha soon you will be just like us
i hate you both, you're the demons
no we're just hungry and trying to survive
you don't need to spill innocent blood to survive
then leave if you don't like it here
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Would the both of you jusy SHUT UP! She screamed into her own head. It was the only way to make sure Aubrey and I would be safe, alright? I didn't want to do it!

Jocelyn made her way back across the rocks and towards the tavern. She'd let urchin know about... About the body, when they retired for the night. Maybe he'd know what to do about it...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Fine if you don't appreciate our help we'll just leave you to your evil deeds

Aubrey and the bar maid have disappeared from the tavern by the time Jocelyn returns leaving her alone. She certainly doesn't need to feed anymore after what she had just done. Perhaps he would return soon after taking care of his own feeding or she could return to the hospice to wait for him to finish.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn looked at the place where Aubrey had been sitting before. The barmaid had already cleaned up the table, so they must have left shortly after she did. Sighing, she left again, headed for the hospice, for now...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

It doesn't take long after Jocelyn knocks on the hospice door before Rebekah answers and lets her enter. Everything is just the same as it was when she had left earlier in the night except that the tiny ebony box she had found earlier was sitting on the single table.

Urchin hasn't yet returned as far as Jocelyn can tell though Rebekah seems to be unusually excited about something. Closing the door behind them she practically drags Jocelyn over to the table and giddily asks.

"Where did you find this?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"I had completely forgotten about that..." Jocelyn said slowly, answering with a shrug. "It was in a secret compartment in the chest urchin and I brought back. I was trying to get it open, but didn't have enough time to do so. Did you figure it out?" She asked, her interest in the object piquing again.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"No, I was hoping maybe you had." Rebekah answers a little dejectedly.

"The writing appears to be a form of Canaanite, which I unfortunately can't seem to quite understand. Something about sacrifice is all I can make out. I was thinking that it is perhaps some kind of ancient relic of the holy father or maybe even the dark father."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Let me take another look, I thought I was getting somewhere earlier..." She said slowly, taking a seat and picking it up once more, examining it.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn can't figure out much more than Rebekah already has and neither figures out any new insights about it for the rest of the evening. They eventually give up when their companions return from their nightly activities. Not long after the others' return they all begin to feel the coming of the day and Jocelyn and Aubrey's last night in Bordeaux.

Rebekah makes sure that Jocelyn takes the box with her to keep it safe saying that she feels it must be important even if they can't figure it out yet.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn happily works on the puzzle box with Rebekah until the others return, though they make little progress. Her smile fades a bit as she gets up to speak with urchin briefly. "Umm, there's a... body. Down in that cave you showed me, and... I don't know what to do with it. It shouldn't be found, or... recognizable, if it is. Can you help me with that?" She asks in fits and starts, looking worried.

Once she had an answer to that, she felt the drowsiness of daytime start to overtake her. They all headed downstairs, and she gave Aubrey a hug and a kiss, smiling as they went to sleep in adjacent beds...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Urchin strangely looks a little sad as Jocelyn explains about the body in the cave. Though in the end he simply nods his head and briefly says that he can take care of it for her.

Soon they are down in the small cellar of the hospice falling into their dreamless sleep much as Jocelyn has since her death. The night passes peacefully and Jocelyn again wakes to find herself alone in the small room. Though she can hear Rebekah speaking with Aubrey from above. Rebekah seems to be explaining some prophecy or dream she had to Aubrey, who seems to be trying to puzzle it out. The main portion that Jocelyn catches involves a black box and the black angels who seek it.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn woke slowly, as usual. Something within her just didn't want to get up every night, she always seemed the last one awake. She heard the voices upstairs, and got up, moving closer to try and listen in...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn listened as her Aubrey asked in a curious tone, though it seemed a little distant as though he was distracted with something.

"What exactly do you mean by black angels? I've run across a few Lasombra who refer to themselves as such or perhaps demons or actual angels?"

Rebekah answers as though she's not entirely sure.

"I always interpreted it as meaning the demons, though it wouldn't surprise me if the Keepers were involved somehow. They are rumored to have dealings with demons and the abyss.

All I know is that according to what you can see and interpret from my dreams is that the box seems to belong with Jocelyn. I won't be able to join you in London just yet but I do have allies there who can help you to protect her."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn listened for a moment. She thought it was nice she would have the time to work on that puzzle some more, but started to feel bad listening in, so she opened the trapdoor and strode out. "Evening!" She said cheerily, moving to stand beside Aubrey with a smile.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Rebekah and Aubrey both smile warmly as their conversation comes to a halt, they both greet her warmly as she makes her way to stand beside Aubrey. He slips his hand into hers reassuringly as she stands beside him. Though Jocelyn can see he has been rather obsessively brushing the hard dirt floor before him as though he could somehow clean it.

Rebekah continues smiling as she points to the chest and says, "Urchin filled the chest so as to complete your disguise for the journey. Mostly rocks, though he put enough foodstuffs to complete the disguise. I'm sure he would have liked to say his own farewell but the mentioned having to take care of something for a friend."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn nodded. "Probably for me, I asked him for one other thing last night. we have until nearly sunup, we may get a chance to see him again." She said softly. "Is there anything for us to do for the remaining time? I'd love to spend more time trying to figure out that box..."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Rebekah nods happily as Jocelyn says she asked urchin to do something for her.

"Yes probably, Urchin is always willing to help a friend. Though I worry about him sometimes since he's a little too trusting of some people at times. I'm sure there was no harm in your errand though."

Aubrey suddenly looks up from his cleaning of the floor and says as though trying to avoid saying what he actually needs to do.

"I would like to try and get one more little task done before we go. Just to be safe. It won't take long but if you want to try and figure out the box with Rebekah some more it shouldn't be a problem."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Rebekah's statement left her looking a little morose. "He sounded like he knew what he was doing, he should be fine." She said slowly before turning to Aubrey. "Is it something I can help with?" She asked. She did have the entire boat ride to figure the puzzle box out, after all...
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