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Prologue: Eve Vosmus

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Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

She could do little more than lay there as the sun continued to set, overwhelmed as she was by the sickness and her conflicted emotions. It seemed like she had been there waiting forever when she heard a distant shout from somewhere within the castle followed by the din of fighting. It echoed across the stone floors and she could do little but wonder what was happening as she felt the first rattle of death shake her small frame.

Try as he might she knew there was no way her love could save her in time now, it was too late. Another rattle and she felt her life beginning to slip away and her eyes closed as the sound of the combat came closer. She drifted off into blackness as the fighting grew louder. She could hear both Erasmus and Lord Christien though she had no clue what was happening as she passed from the mortal coil.

A strange sensation of some cold, coppery tasting liquid as it passed her lips and went down her throat was the last thing she felt.

Eve's eyes flicked open, she could see her room within the castle. The light had completely faded but she knew it was her room. Somehow things were different as she woke up, an incredible gnawing hunger filled her mind. She seemed to have no control over her body as she stumbled to her feet and saw Erasmus laying on the floor a cup next to his hand as he lay unconscious. She could do little but stare in horror as whatever was controlling her leaped to attack her true love.

Yes, I'm a dork and an extremely mean old man. Just don't waffle on me yet, the happy is just around the bend.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Some small part of Eve's mind flung itself against whatever was controlling her, trying to keep it from following its nature. She screamed and railed and in the end it seemed for naught, because she stalked towards her love, eyes glued to his throat, breathing in his scent.

You're making me nervous here
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

The beastly creature that was somehow in control of her body fought back against Eve's control it was to powerful she knew she had to sate it's hunger somehow. Her bestial eyes flashed between her loves throat and the floor as they both struggled for control, the cup. She forced the creature to drink what was left in the cup but it wasn't enough to stop it from taking control.

She would cry if she were able to as she felt her fangs pierce Erasmus throat and begin to hungrily suck his life force away. The sweet nectar that flowed into her from his throat filled her with euphoria so much so that she knew she couldn't stop in time.

Suddenly she felt herself yanked away and she quickly looked up to see Christien staring down at her with a incomprehensible rage. She somehow knew that she was just like him now as they both leaped for each others' throats. He was quick but not quick enough as she ducked under his strike and managed to come up in the perfect position to sink her teeth into his throat.

The euphoric feeling of feeding filled her once again and though she felt him struggling to fight it she had soon finished the job. He went limp under her as she felt the beast she had fought against fall back giving her control once more. She was overwhelmed by feelings and wonder and then a light tap on her shoulder caused her to spin around. Erasmus held one hand to his throat and reached up to her with the other an overjoyed smile on his face as he looked at her and said.

"I told you death couldn't keep us apart, Eve."

That was kind of the idea.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

She flung her arms around him, heedless of the mess she was making. "Wot 'appens now? Wot am I? Why did I want to eat... drink, so badly?" She was confused and lost, "Wot will we do with 'im?" she burying her face in Erasmus's shoulder to avoid looking at the man, creature, she had killed. "'Ow can I fix wot I did ta you?"

Was this a different path than you expected?
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Erasmus seems to be concentrating as she throws her arms around him but eventually pulls the hand from his throat and returns the embrace. He simply holds her there for a few seconds before saying. "I'll be fine I still had enough vitae left to heal myself, though it might have been bad had my master not intervened."

He seems a little nervous as he looks toward the body of Christien before saying. "He was a vampire or a Cainite, that was the term he always used and now you're one, too. The only way I could think of to save you was to steal the blood from him and turn you into one. I should ask your forgiveness instead of you asking for mine."

Nope, I had a completely different idea originally but like I said these things have a mind of their own sometimes.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

"You saved my life, well...sort of," she grinned at him, "I'm not goin ter die! Not from consumption anyways. We can go anywhere! I'll put on me best lady clothes, and pack a few others and we'll steal 'is money and leave. We can go wherever we want!" She seemed far to excited, knowing the one who saved her was laying in a puddle of blood on the floor.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Erasmus seems just as excited despite the situation and the mess they are both currently in as he says. "That's a wonderful idea. First we should probably get cleaned up a bit though."

He helps Eve to her feet as soon as he has gotten to his feet and looks around the room. "I'll take care of cleaning this mess up while you get cleaned and ready to leave. We should probably head somewhere a good distance from here since I'm not sure how the other Cainites would react to what we've done. We can head for London, Mas...Lord Christien has never been there before."

He leads her from the room and down the stairs too another luxuriantly appointed room, with a picture of their former master on the wall. He tries to explain things as they go. "There are some things you need to know, sunlight and fire are very bad for you that's why it has always been so dark in the castle and why you never saw him during the day. You do have to feed on blood from now on but I can help when it comes time for that. Now you get cleaned up here and I'll go take care of the master's body, alright?"
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve gave him a lingering kiss, before she dashed off to bathe in the cold waters of her tub. She was alive, or very nearly and nothing was going to stop her from taking advantage of it. So what if she never got to see another sunrise or sunset? This was glorious.

And she refused to let it get her down.

When she finished cleaning and dressed herself in her prettiest clothes, she went looking for Erasmus.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve found herself able to easily find her way through the darkened castle, her senses seemed incredibly sharp compared to what they had been formerly. Her skin was smooth and flawless and she looked practically perfect in the mirror she had stopped to admire herself in before looking for Erasmus.

She was to happy to let her new situation get her down but her mind still wandered to what she was. Sure she had heard a few legends and storys but what did she really know about vampires. Hopefully Erasmus knew something, actually what was her love she stopped to think, he didn't seem to be a vampire.

She found him in her room packing a trunk with the remainder of her clothing. The body of their former master had been removed though there was still a bit of gore on the floor. Erasmus looked up with a smile as she entered the doorway and said. "We'll be ready soon. I already packed all the gold I could find, it's not a tremendous amount but it's more than I've ever had."
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

She grinned and gave a little twirl, "An' don' I look ta be a proper lady o' course." Then she cocked her head to the side, "Ya said vitae earlier when talkin' about your neck. Wha' did ya mean?"
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Erasmus smiles as she twirls and says. "You were always beautiful in my eyes, though I suppose the dress can only help. I'm not exactly an expert though Lord Christien did tell me a lot about the other Cainites. Vitae is what the blood becomes once it is in a vampire, it's sort of like magic and can help you do things like heal and move faster.

I'm only a ghoul, a sort of vampiric servant, so I can't produce my own but he would occasionally feed me a bit of his own vitae. Your powers are probably a lot better than mine though. I know he could move faster than any mortal and he seemed to have a sixth sense about things. He could also sort of increase his own personal magnetism, to make people want to believe or help him."
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

"Could I... make ya like me?" She asked a little flustered by his complement, "Ya know 'ow. Ya could teach me."
Erasmus seems a little surprised by her question, but he finally says. "I'm not really sure how it works. I wasn't trying to turn you into one of them, I was trying to make you like me so you could heal yourself. When Lord Christien gave me blood it just made me stronger, it never changed me like it did you."

Erasmus smiles still and adds. "Besides as a ghoul I can protect you during the day, when you have to rest and hide from the sun. Just like I did with my old master, though I'll enjoy doing it for you so much more."

He packs the last of her things and hefting the heavy box with one hand says. "Shall we go, my love. We can head wherever you want, though I think taking a ship to England would be best as I said before."

Erasmus smiles as he leads the way down the stairs to the carriage and secures the trunk on the roof. A smaller chest sits inside of the carriage with a lock on it as he offers his hand to help Eve aboard. "First thing I suppose is head into town. It will be easier to decide where to go from there and i you need to feed there will be plenty of people."
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Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve nodded, still unsure of all of this. "Darling, England is a great idea. We can introduce ourselves to the locals... somehow. How do you signal another on like me, I wonder?"

ohgodiamahorribleplayer I'm so sorry Ronny. She's just not coming forth lately.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Erasmus takes the coach slowly into the town as there seems to be little hurry with the sun so far off. Eve is amazed as she looks out the windows, her senses picking up every marvelous sight and smell as they ride. Eventually they come to a stop not far from the docks that Eve remembers from her nights as a mortal.

Opening her door, Erasmus smiles as he bows and jokingly says. "Milady, I shall go and procure our passage to England. It shouldn't be difficult with the amount of ships in port right now. I'll meet you back here in one hour, enjoy your last night in this city...my love."

It tends to happen after the climax, so no worries. I've been a bit off myself the last few days and we are almost through.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve stared out across the water, her thoughts tumbling in her mind. Things would be different. She could be a lady without anyone's help. She did not need to whore herself out for her supper every night or do it for a place to live.

She could be free.

She turned, thinking of her dream and of tying up one more loose end. She was going to visit the fat slob who had once called himself her Master.

Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve hurried through the streets with one thought on her mind, she would bury the last bit of her past with that odious pigs death. She has traveled the route so many times she need barely think about the route. Allowing her to plan in exquisite detail exactly what she would do to Baltus.

She turned a corner and stopped to stare at the place she had once lived for it wasn't rightly a home. Flames shot out of the few windows and smoke curled into the night sky from the blaze that engulfed the building. First she was filled with an overwhelming fear at the sight of the flames which was soon replaced with the oddest fascination. For some reason the fire was simply beautiful as she stood rooted to that spot and could do nothing but stare.

You did exactly what I wanted Eve to do, unfortunately Lord Slugo is a crispy critter. Though there is one last bit of her old life to destroy, which I tried to foreshadow.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve stared at the fire and cursed her ill timing. She had wanted to be the one to wring that fat bastard's life from him. She turned away from the scene, dejected and ready to look for food elsewhere.

I figured as much. Too bad though, he would have been fun to kill
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

After what seemed several minutes Eve was finally able to drag herself from the sight of beautiful flames. It was strange how they seemed to entrance her yet fill her with such fright. She began to walk away when her sharp senses caught sight of someone hurrying away with a bundle in her arms.

It was Lilith dressed in her finest clothes and holding what looked to be any wealth she could lay her hands on. Eve didn't know why but she began to follow her former fellow prostitute. She might not have been able to destroy Baltus but this could be just as fun. The though of killing sent a chill down Eve's spine as she stalked the woman to a dead-end alley, this was wrong but it was strangely exciting.

Well I would have planned to have you confront him but Lilith seemed the better choice. And take your time if you have to I noticed your Grandmama passed and I'm sorry.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Her senses of hunger and wrongness warred against each other, until she finally went with the hunger. This was too like her dream, a premonition and she could not escape it. This child, for that's all they really were, had been needlessly cruel in a place where they should have stuck together and Lillith was, after all, only human.

Revenge would make her taste sweet beyond compare.

"Oh, what have we here?" she said in her best lady voice, "A poor sweet lamb, lost without a home? Why don't you come with me, darling. You'll never want for food or shelter again if you just come with me."

Yeah, but RPing helps Ronny. I'm enjoying the hell out of this. And of course, Eve hasn't spoken a single lie.
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