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Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

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Nov 10, 2008
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1098 AD; Tunis, Muwahid Caliphate.

Anabelle woke suddenly as the ship began to roll heavily like it was caught in some violent gale. Strangely, the sky had shown no signs of a storm earlier in the day when she had been above decks. Looking about the darkened hold she could see a few of her fellow soldiers start awake as well. Young Rexford was already and sat leaning over a bucket with his back to the rest of them, his thin frame shook as he vomited violently. She looked away from the scene as Manwys, the old Welshman who was their commander got up to check on the youth.

Suddenly a scream came from above decks roused the remains of the other soldiers trying to find their way home from the great crusade. Manwys looked up confusion evident upon his grizzled face as he hurried the men awake saying something about pirates. They were still in the Mediterranean and many raiders plied the waters, both Christian and Muslim. The others shook off the sleep and grabbed up their weapons while the ship continued to violently roll. One of the men spat between his feet before muttering out.

"Oi, what the hell there ain't no bloody pirates attacking us. Not in this storm at least what the 'ell are those bleeding sailors screaming about up there. More n' likely one of em fell overboard."

Almost as if in answer to the man's questioning a loud crack was heard and the ship shook as though something had come crashing down on it. The sound was followed by a sudden stillness of the ship as if some monstrous creature held it in place, followed by more screams from multiple sailors.
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Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"What in hell was that?" Anabelle asked, grasping her sword as she stood, trying to keep her footing on the rocking ship. Across the whole world and she still hated ships.

Her voice was hoarse from the old wound on her neck so many years before, and her small breasts were bandaged down. How she had gotten through the entire Crusades with only a few finding out she was a woman, she didn't know. Nor did she really care.

She peered across the deck of the ship, trying to locate the source of the crash, wiping flowing water from her eyes.

((OOC: her fellow soldiers call her Nabe as a nick name. Especially the ones who think she's a man still))
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The handful of soldiers stop in their tracks beside Nabe at the horrific sight before them. Some shadowy tentacled creature of the deep seems to have attacked the ship, a few sailors can be seen held in the grips of it's arms as they struggle for their lives. As a flash of lightning fills the air smears of blood can be seen on the deck as if someone had been devoured.

The deck sits perfectly still at a slightly uphill angle toward the creature as if it had driven the ship onto some rocks and holds it there. Before any of the soldiers can react one of the powerful tentacles slams into the deck amongst them scattering them as it does so.

Nabe manages to keep a hold of her sword as she lands on her back on the deck. Shaking her head as she regains her footing, she can't help but feel an unnatural fear as she looks up at the creature. The other soldiers seem to have the same fear as even the stoutest of them have a look of horror on their faces. The last of the soldiers finally emerge from below decks and stop in horror at the sight. Rexford seemingly in a complete panic turns and runs back below deck, while Manwys charges forward to hack at one of the creatures arms. His sword manages to cleave the tentacle in half but he is knocked backwards before he can press the attack.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Clutching her sword Anabelle simply, stands. She's seen so much death and battle but this... this was straight out of a nightmare. She didn't know how to react, no experience or training had prepared her for this.

As Manwys was knocked backwards, she let out an angry yell and pushed forward, slashing her sword towards one of the writhing limbs.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle barely manages to keep her feet as she pushes forward slashing at any limbs that offer a target for her sword arm. Reaching one of the larger limbs that grips the deck she hacks straight through the strange shadowy looking flesh severing it's hold on the deck. The limb seems to dissipate into nothingness as it falls to the deck. She doesn't have time to think about it before the ship lurches as the creatures grip on the ship loosens. She only manages to hold on to the railing as she catches Manwys urging the others to press the attack.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Clutching onto the railing and desperately trying to keep her feet on the swaying deck of the ship, Anabelle swept her eyes across the ocean. She didn't understand what was happening, and whispered a prayer beneath her breath.

"Manwys, aim for the larger ones," she called out, cautiously letting go of the railing before moving towards the next of the strange tentacles.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Looking out across the dark ocean from the railing Anabelle can see a strange figure standing amongst the rocks below. The creature has the shape of a man but his body seems covered in strange bands of shadow from which the tentacles holding the ship seem to emerge. Scattered about him the bodies of several of the sailors lie floating amongst the rocks and as her fellow soldiers are grabbed they too are dragged towards the creature.

Manwys and the last of the soldiers are fighting their way towards one of the larger tentacles, leaving Anabelle a clear path to a tentacle closer to her. Slipping on a patch of blood along the deck her sword only manages to harm the tentacle this time around.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Wincing in pain as her knee crashed against the deck, Anabelle struggled to her feet again, desperately trying to keep her footing. She glanced back over her shoulder at the strange figure amidst the rocks, trying to figure out exactly who he was, before focusing on the beast that emerged from him, striking out against his shadowy limbs.

"Manwys, on the rocks," she called out, trying to draw attention to the stranger.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The man amongst the rocks seems to look up at Anabelle as she glances over her shoulder. A cruel bloodstained smile on his face as the last of the sailors is dragged before him where he bites into the struggling sailors throat. Within seconds the sailor stops his struggling and soon joins the others floating amongst the rocks. The tentacles seem to take on a new strength as he continues smiling from his spot on the rocks.

Manwys and the others continue to attack the other two tentacles holding the ship, taking heavy losses as they do so. None of them seem to be able to hear Anabelle's shout as she continues attacking the tendril before her. Her sword slashes the tendril again though she doesn't quite sever it. Before she can attack again a spear blade jams into it from behind her and destroys it causing the ship to further roll on the rocks.

Anabelle manages to stop herself from falling this time and looking back she can see the terrified Rexford holding the spear. He stares back at her for a second before stammering out.

"T-the ship is sinking, I almost didn't make it back up to the deck."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"Guess we'll have to bail out," Anabelle called out, hoping to be heard above the sound of the ocean and crashes of battle.

She started to make her way towards Manwys, using the point of her sword to keep her balance as it jabbed into the soaked wood to stop from falling into the ocean and that monster standing amidst the rocks.

"Manwys! We have to get off the ship. There's someone out there... a demon," she called out desperately.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Rexford does his best to keep up with Nabe as she tries to make her way over to their commander. Manwys looks back towards Anabelle and Rexford and tries to shout something over the noise. Finally unable to make himself heard he points off in the opposite direction of the demon on the rocks below. Roughly half a mile from the ship in that direction can be seen a rocky coast.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"How good are you at swimming Rexford? The coast isn't that far," Anabelle said, desperately pulling off her bits of chainmail and leather, leaving her in simple breeches and a tunic.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Before the youth can answer the two remaining soldiers manage to destroy one of the last two tentacles. As it dissolves before their sight the ship gives a shake and the last remaining tentacle seems to let the ship go, allowing the ship to roll towards it's side sending everything left on the deck sliding into the ocean. Out of her peripheral vision she can see the others struggling to shed their armor before they plunge into the dark waters.

The brackish water burns her eyes and lungs as she's plunged headfirst into the ocean. She manages to keep a firm grip on her sword as she feels herself sucked down into the water.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Suddenly surrounded by darkness, the world muffled by the expanse of the sea, Anabelle kicked her legs as she tried to bring herself back to the surface. She couldn't see anyone else beneath the murk, and when her head finally broke the surface she desperately looked around as she gulped down breaths of air.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Breaking the surface of the water she first sees whats left of the ruined ship on it's side in the rocks. Looking around she can't see any of her fellow soldiers amongst the other debris, but perhaps more importantly the demon or whatever it had been was nowhere to be seen.

The sea seems relatively calm from what it had been during the battle, almost like the storm had simply disappeared. She can still see the shore off in the distance but she's not entirely sure she can make it. Thankfully there is plenty of driftwood about.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Swimming over to a piece of wood, Anabelle grasps onto it. For a moment she merely clutches onto it, letting the sea push and drag her around. She looks back at the rocks, wondering where the demon had gone to, and fearful that it was now beneath her somewhere.

It was the fear that pushed her, giving her the strength to kick her legs and push herself slowly towards the shoreline seemingly so far away.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The driftwood should make it far easier for Anabelle to make her way to shore even though she still feels exhausted after the fight. A little ways after she begins paddling for shore an arm shoots from the water and grabs at the piece of wood desperately. Rexford's head breaks the surface gulping in air as he reaches his hand to grab at the driftwood. After much splashing and almost sinking beneath the water once more he manages to get a hold of the wood as well.


He gasps out as he looks around fearfully.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle almost releases her grasp when the hand shoots from the ocean, a shout of fear bursting from her lips. As soon as she recognizes Rexford though, she grasps the back of his collar and helps him grasp the wood.

"I haven't seen anyone else... I can hardly see anything at all. Listen, we have to make it to shore, there's... something evil out here with us," she said, carefully choosing her words.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Rexford looks around fearfully at Anabelle's words and nods his head as he starts helping her paddle towards shore. He also seems a little disheartened as they paddle and finally after he catches his breath a little better he asks.

"D-do you think I'm a coward, Nabe. I-i ran from the battle back there. I-i only came back because I was afraid of what the others would think if they won."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"You didn't run at Jerusalem, or at Acre. Whatever that thing was Rexford, it wasn't human, there was no way we were going to win that fight. At least some of us made it out alive," Anabelle said as her legs kicked her through the ocean, towards the shoreline that never seemed to get larger.

She could already start to feel her muscles burning in legs cramped from sitting on a ship for a week.
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