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Potential Waffles (TheGuy/Pervy )


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Beware of Dog

Warned the sign, lazily swinging in a cool but not all too icy evening breeze. The reason for it lay below, under an old inns roof and currently chewed on a large bone.
The noise of half-loud evening discussions of the already inebriated variety sounded out of simple windows that provided the only illumination for the small village street as the large canine residing by the front door raised it's head.. it had smelled someone approaching and now tilted it's head, large, curious, though more lazy than watchful eyes observing the street ahead.

The street lead from Silverpines to this village of Brownstone, a small agricultural and mining community, pretty far away from anything too important, though with a small, fortified village fence, easily passed by a lone traveler, but giving bandits and beasts pause in intruding on the community.
An approaching traveler could see the warmth of the Inn, tempting them to come in, they could also spot two pieces of paper on a ragged board hanging besides the entrance, a goldmine for opportunity jobs for adventurers, but before they approached either, the old watch-dog would tilt it's head, as if it was up to itself to inquire the traveler on what they were doing and what brough them here before they continued onwards, not that the hound would violently prevent anyone from passing it without a command from its owner.
Grace wondered why such a lazy looking dog required a warning sign. Perhaps the old dog has had better days. She took a look around the small village that she had found herself in. She only knew a few things about the town, as her teachers focused more on the bigger cities around, but that wouldn't help her now. She couldn't go to those cities with her family looking for her. Hopefully her family's influence didn't spread itself to such a remote and unimportant town. With this thought Grace looked down at her clothing, it stood out... not good. Sighing as she realized more and more how much she stood out, Grace could only hope the people in the inn wouldn't be interested.

Grace had heard of Adventurers doing side jobs and helping people out to make a living, so seeing the two weathered pieces of paper, Grace moved to them. The only skill that would probably help her out here was her bodyguard training. Spotting the dog's questioning gaze, Grace says, "What? I need money? Wait... your just a dog..." Her nerves were getting to her. Grace inspected the pages.
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The village seemed unremarkable, though larger than expected in its unremarkability, with several houses having been organically added over time, indicating a moderate growth. There was no sign of any nobles.. which also ment Grace would have to keep it a little low unless she wanted to attract attention. Her outfit was a bad start, though somehow she didn't feel quite like selling it and buying a commoners garments either.

The dog sniffed a bit on her leg as she leaned over towards the questpapers. One seemed a bit outdated and spoke about a missing cat, the other, perhaps more to her interests, informed that the local alchemist was looking for a bodyguard adventuring into the wildernis. She decided to examine this one more closely.

~Aldira, alchemist and herbalist looking for a guard ready to hold their own in the wildernis to either guard, or if so talented, personally adventure with the intent of procuring rare herbs and substances. Payment to be discussed based on difficulty of task.
p.s. Also selling minor healing potions.

There was no address, likely because in this small town it wouldn't be hard to find a person,.. also because an alchemists cottage was hard to miss, due to a need for sturdier buildings and sometimes a larger chimney. Either asking or looking around for a short while could have Grace finding the alchemist easily enough if she wished to do that.
Hopefully this small quaint town would have something here that would allow her to make money, cause this doesn't help. Grace thought to herself as she glanced over the old missing cat flyer. Though even if she did get money, what was she going to do with it? She didn't have a plan yet, only... Well that's a thought to continue later, she needed food and shelter, and money would get her that. Luckily the next flyer was of some interest. A bodyguard for an alchemist, something she was even trained to be able to do. But the flyer was missing the location of this alchemist, she would have to ask around or look for it on her own.

She didn't want what she was doing here to be brought up in a conversion with just some villagers, so Grace thought it better to look for the Alchemist on her own. Perhaps I could form a 'I help you, you help me' relation with this alchemist while I'm at it. Grace thought to herself, as she noted the name on the flyer and took off on her hunt.
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With Grace's hesitation to get tracked, even here, it took her a while of looking around. Then again, the large sign over the door reading: 'Aldira's Alchemy and Herbalry' was, as a matter of fact, quite tale telling. It was just a shame Grace had to wander, and search behind the village-church to finally discover the little shop.
Well, the shop-part of the building seemed to be small, behind it was a larger workshop, half added to the building at a latter date, though aged as well now.

When entering, Grace found herself standing in a salesroom that had a variety of herbs and teas on free exposition, and a few potions lined up in a row behind the counter.. most having an almost boring clear-water like color to it, but some having more exotic blue and red tints to them.
The ringing of a bell upon opening the door alerted someone who shouted: "Be right there with you in a moment luv!" from behind in a casual, customer welcoming matter of tone.

Then, the alchemist peered out from an open room in the back.

She looked to be in her early to mid-thirties, wearing a simple enough work-dress, contrasted by a slightly vivid hair-coloration to contrast her basic brunette. One of her eyes was almost comically enlarged by a magnifying glass type monocle and in her hand she was holding a vial of a colorless liquid. "Alright, hold on here.. looking at you.. what is it, a love potion? If it's restore virginity, I got to brew that up right quick luv." She put the vial aside somewhere and stepped forward, leaning over the counter with a slight smile, looking at Grace. "Though closer up, you look a bit lost or is that me? Well, ..." She tilted her head slightly to an insistant sizzling noise coming from the back. "Better tell me right quick, we got a two minutes tops before that thing goes critical boom boom.

Ah ah, just kidding luv, that was the sign it's done."
"Gahh! Why would someone put their shop in such a hidden place?" Grace asked herself. Growing up as a pampered noble, well at least until she was forced to serve the Young Master, Grace strangely held little contempt for commoners compared to others. But that didn't stop Grace from cursing the stupid planning of the shop out of frustration. The building defiantly didn't seem new, so perhaps the alchemist here might be of some skill? She opened the door and entered.

Inside Grace looked at what was on display. Most potions paled in comparison to the few she had seen before, but a few of them still looked like they were of a higher grade. Suddenly a voice called out from the back room, and probably workshop. The women that appeared seemed of a different world compared to some of the commoners Grace had seen before. The rapid pace that she started to talk in further threw Grace off balance! "Oh... uhmm, t-there's potions for that?" She involuntarily asked when the alchemist asked what Grace was there for. She was given a little bit of a shock as she believed the alchemist for a second about her potion going off. The women's joking was not something Grace knew how to deal with. "A-actually I came about the bodyguard request? Is that still open?"
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"Hoh. You seem a little nervous.. " The woman, with a hard to define, if subtle accent mused, watching Grace and hearing her out until the end. "Oh I see, and, well, actually, there's no such thing as a restore virginity potion, but you kind of looked like a noble and they are quite into such things, you see luv, if you tell them they are virgins again, they usually squirm about enough with their bethrothed so none notice or mind.
The love potion is actually different depending on gender. I wont bother you with details, but women have to drink theirs. Ahah.

Now then.. Bodyguard position, it is indeed still open. What do you know about alchemy? Well, simply said, it requires .. hold on."
Annoyedly, she brushed the monocle off of her eye, leaning a little on the counter, looking Grace up and down. "Requires me to collect herbs of varying rarity. The surrounding wildernis is rich of them, but it's also rich of other things. For example, wolfs. Sadly, some of the chemicals I'm mixing here give me a certain.. burnt smell which should drive animals away.. ends up just making them more aggressive, it's quite bothersome." She sighed. If Grace tested her nose, there was a certain scent of burning-chemical nature about the woman.

"I mean. I guess in theory you could go fetch the basic herbs for me, if you can tell your urticaria from your salvia, but basically, there's plants of varying rarity.. or as you would care about, varying payment offers.
I'm not your simple village-alchemist, I'm doing some more complex research here, so I can offer you a substantial payment for the rarer ingredients.
But let's go over the conditions of your contract, if you are still interested."
She watched Grace for a long moment and, well, what choice did Grace have? The woman seemed to pick up on this, going on:

"No taking the wares, if you get injured I can give you healing potionts and such things at a healthy discount, but if you are caught stealing, that was it. I do not tolerate criminality.
No arguing. I know the wildernis, I know which herbs around here are valuable, which deadly, I'd rather not explain all details to you, but have you answer my requests.
Finally, not least important, you might see a few of my customers that strike you as.. odd. They pay extra so no one asks them questions.

Well, if all of this sounds acceptable, we can talk about jobs.. well. Tomorrow. It's way too late to head out now. I'm thinking of sending you on a test-walk for a 5 gold, or, if you insist, 15 gold for a slightly risky job.
You look a bit ruffled, you do have a place to stay, right luv?"
The alchemist mused.
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"A-a little bit. I've never really traveled too be honest." Grace twitched slightly in surprise at the women's comment about her seeming like a noble. Was it that obvious? Wait... were love potions actually a thing then? Grace thought to herself after the women gave a few more details about. "The only knowledge I have that's even related to alchemy is how to apply different kinds of medicine. On the other hand I can say that I think myself a pretty good bodyguard." That was about her only real skill that she had left from her previous life as a noble that would be helpful here. "Hmmm, how many animals do you usually attract when going out to the forest?" Grace asked before the women went deep into the conditions of the contract.

After that the women started to list off her conditions for the job. When she turned out to be more professional than Grace thought, she stood straighter and looked more serious. Though some of the conditions made Grace question who this women really was, the conditions were over all acceptable and should be easy enough. "To be honest, Id rather guard you in the forest, so yes I'm still interested. As for that test walk, if you want to do it, then I'll take the 5 gold. I'm not greedy and would rather test the waters before diving right into it all. Also, can I ask you not to speak about me to anyone? I haven't broken any laws, its just there is some people I'd rather not have find me." Her serious expression seemed to melt away as they finished talks for they day. Smiling Grace offered her hand and said, "You sound a lot more professional than I expected. My name is Grace, nice to meet you. I dont have a place to stay yet, in fact I was going to go to the inn right after this." A thought suddenly hit Grace, she didn't have time to grab much at all. Did she even bring some money with her!? Grace rummaged around her pockets trying to find any coins.
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"Medicine hmn. Well, that can be useful.
What and how much trouble I attract depends on the locations I venture to. Sadly, I already collected a few of the rarer herbs at the easy to get to spots. Tried planting them in the little garden behind the house but some just don't grow proper."
The woman explained.

"Test walk sounds good enough, yes. Speak about you, luv? Hohumnn.. I'll not ask.. for now. I guess it's only fair I keep silent if I ask the same of you." The alchemist shook her hand. "Aldira.. but .. you propably knew that if you came here for the job. I sound too professional for a village like this, admit it, thats what you think, well, some higher clientele comes through here, and I don't originate from here I.. came here to do my research without everyone pestering me. Long story." She watched Grace rummaging for coins. "So.. I guessed right, eh luv?
You kind of looked like a noble eloper. Unwanted marriage? It's always unwanted marriage. Not prying, you just have a certain way of holding yourself you don't see in most common folks. Got an eye for that."
She tipped her chin.

Grace's search for coins was woefully unsucessful. She never had to have worried about coins. Her name and family insignia had been enough to send all bills back home when she had been alone, and on other occasions her.. master.. had insisted on 'treating' her, a display of generosity for the public.
"Let me take a guess, you're out of coins and want to ask for money ahead of time.
There's a problem though, luv. You forget were you are. If you go to the Inn and want to pay in gold for a room that's 3 copper a night, 5 silver for adventurers, well, everyone is going to think you an adventurer. Yet, if you stay here rather than moving on hunting orcs or something, people gonna go whisper about it. It's a small village, everyone's too curious for their own good.
I have another idea perhaps though.."
The woman mused, eyeing Grace as if seizing her up, the noble feeling like a piece of meat.. once again, for a short moment, before Aldira decided:"You don't look the type to stab and rob me in me sleep." Oh.. that was what this had been about? She was perhaps a little thraumatized..

"If you don't mind the smell of sulfur I might let you stay here. Infact, here's an idea. You get to sleep here AND I will provide you with free healing potions as you need 'em, if you prove at least half competent. That way you have less people asking questions.
In exchange, I'd ask you try out some potions, luv.
Nono, don't go assuming the worst, these aren't things that will turn you into a toad or anything, I test them on myself first, but.. obviously I'm biased. I'm working on a few new potions, right now, a special hangover cure. It works wonder, but there's a bit of dizzyness as side effect, I didn't think it all too bad, but well, can't have it hurt sales..."
She went to the back of the shop, accompanied by some rummaging noises, then presented a just slightly milky tinted potion.
"So, what do you say? It's safe and I guarantee my beds are more.. hygienic than what you'd get at the inn either way." She offered.

(unrelatedly, not sure I saw a picture of Grace dressed outfit wise, or did I forget? Hmnn)
"Heh, guess the world just doesn't like making this easy." Grace replies with a shrug at Aldira's difficulties. "Oh well, I'll do my best to see that you get to those herbs of yours. Should be easy enough if it's just wild animals out there."

"Thanks for accepting my condition. And yes you're spot on, the more I talk with yah the more I notice we both standout in a small village like this one."
Prehaps it was fate that the two who probably stood out the most in this small village? Ahh who knows. If there were gods out there she would probably end up cursing them for her lot in life. Grace's inner monologue ended as Aldira asked her if she was actually a noble. "Well I wouldn't call myself a noble anymore, but yes I was. I couldn't deal with how I was treated by those with power, so I left." Sighing at the memories of her previous master abusing his power, Grave thought of her current situation. "At least you have your research to focus on. I don't really have an idea of what to do with my life."

Grace's mood had already soured by thinking of the past and it only got worse when she realized she didn't bring any money at all! Cursing herself for not thinking ahead, she had no choice but hope Aldira would be nice enough to pay her ahead, at least enough for a room in the Inn. "I-Im ashamed to say it, but I am out of money." Before she could even continue on with asking for money, Aldira immediately shot into a line of reasoning that unfortunately was probably true. She left Grace with some hope though! Grace waited a little nervously for Aldira to continue. The way she was sizing her up, while not the same as how her master looked at her, it still felt like she possibly at the mercy of Aldira! What if she wanted some ‘favor’ or something in return? That idea was blown away as Aldira continued. Grace blushed in shame that her thoughts went straight to a sexual favor.

Coughing slightly to cover up her blush, Grace smiled before giving a half now in thanks. "If you would take me in I would be honored, and would gladly accept your terms!" After all if she tested the potions on herself first they probably aren't that bad. Standing up straight once again, Grace took the potion that was offered. Whether good or bad, she proceeded to down the potion!

(Oh yah! Here is a pic of Grace and then her outfit!)

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"Wild animals, yes, some more monstrous than others though, we do live far away from the large city." The alchemist mused. "Hold on, I'd think a noble would -be- among those in power, or did those higher up on the social ladder mistreat you? Yeah, never been a fan of that whole business, luv.
Either way, don't worry, they see you with me, they're just gonna think it's more of that crazy alchemists business, not question ya individually."

Aldira nodded with a slight smile.

The alchemist remained silent and nodded as Grace downed the potion, indeed feeling a wave of disorienting dizzyness and warmth quite quickly after downing the potion and then... wait where exactly was she again? "Alright, you should feel dizzy and a bit warm, nothing to worry about." The alchemist reached out, steadying her, and saying, loud and pronounciated: "My bad, you must have been exhausted from the travels, so the potion hit you worse than expected, lets get you to bed first." However, rather than do that, she waited a few long moments, long enough for the potion to take full effect. Gently guiding Grace along she lead her to the backroom, pulling out another potion of the same hue and giving it to Grace. "Drink this and you'll feel better." She instructed and Grace, feeling disoriented and oddly calm, saw no reason to disagree with the nice alchemist.

Aldira then reached out, taking away Graces cloak while telling her: "You must feel warm. I'm helpling you. Nothing to worry about right?" She then continued, removing Grace's top, pulling it down unceremoniously.. though for some reason, Grace didn't feel bothered about it. "Woah! That are some nice breasts! I thought you dressed to pronounced them, but this is the opposite! Got to see more." The woman smiled and stripped Grace's boots and trousers as well. It felt kind of odd, but the whole thing was like a funny dream, so Grace couldn't quite bring herself to do anything about it.
Not even as the Alchemists hand cupped her sex. "I knew it. Something in those eyes or how you looked.. just a gut instinct but I suspected it. Someone tried to turn you into a slave, break you, and you escaped, hoooh you look so delicious." She mused. "I wanted to have some fun for a few days, let you go, but a body like that.." She cooed. "You keep yourself well groomed, shaved and ready on instinct, don't you? I'm sure if you got away from whoever did this to you for a few weeks and let your mind clear you'd overcome it and manage to slowly free yourself from your subjugation.. that'd be a shame wouldn't it?" She mused, slowly rubbing along Graces pussy with warm, gentle, yet demanding fingers, getting her wet and ready, though not seeking to satisfy her.

"We can't have that.. a shame you wont remember anything of the potion after it set in.. hmnn.. but I quite want myself a noble-slave, pretty..luxurious but utterly perverted. Hmnn.. or perhaps just the pervert on the outside, what do you think?" The woman grinned and, if Grace hadn't been feeling so funny and distracted she'd have noticed the bulging in the womans pants, brushing up against her as Aldira picked up her clothes and lead her to a side-room, not too shabby a guest-chamber, with an old but large bed, a cupboard, currently empty, a small table and a chair, on which Grace's clothes were placed. Aldira guided Grace to the bet, letting her sit down.. it was nice and comfortable.
"Nono, that looks uncomfortable. Like this." She guided grace to kneel upon the bed instead then smiled. "Alright, I'll get you a few items and commodity, you tell me what you like, how to gain your trust and I promise I'll get you back on track!" Getting back on track sounded quite good, that was why Grace had run after all, right, things had been wrong....

Grace awoke, feeling slightly disoriented. She was dressed in most of her things in a bed, in a not too shabby a guest-chamber, with her lying in an old but large bed, a cupboard, currently containing her cloak, a small table and an empty chair. There was also two large wooden bowls and a mirror.
The entire room was quite comfortable.. but it smelled intensely of wet dog. Even the bed did, which ment Grace did as well.. ugh, had a guest let their dog sleep with them or something in here?
Getting up, Grace felt a bit disoriented but couldn't help and look for the source of that smell.. opening the cupboard, there was her cloak.. and right below an old, hairy blanket smelling like a whole pack of wild dogs. That was definitly not hers. Propably best to throw it out.
Grace had to strain her memory on how she got here.. she was.. at that alchemists. Yes, she had agreed to be a bodyguard, and then tried out a potion and then.. did the alchemist say something about her being exhausted and the potion? It was all a blurr after that.
On the table by the bed she saw a note, and a few items. Perhaps that would explain things?

Good morning Grace,
I am so sorry. You were stressed from the travels and propably had no meal for the evening, so the potion hit you extra hard. You almost immediatly fell asleep. I carried you over here (tzk tzk, so heavy luv!) and.. as a way of saying sorry I brought you some commodities. I'm shopping for food, so take your time to get ready. I can understand if you don't want to stay here, or try this again. Either way, the two pearls you see on the table will heat the water, the bigger green one is for a bath, the clear one for your clothes.

Looking at the table, there was a small makeup set, a lipstick, a piece of soap and a razorblade. Coincidentially, if Grace tested it, the soap was her favourite kind.. it seemed her and Aldira had simliar tastes. The two pearls were also there, and if thrown into water, one of them created a nice warmth, while the bathing one created warmth and a rosey scent.
Either way, both her and her clothes smelled of the dirt of the road and dog now, so this was a welcome, quite friendly break. The smaller of the bowls was apparently for her clothes. She would have to do this like a simple servant, strip, put her clothes into the washing pot and sit or.. perhaps kneel before it as she brushed out the dirt of the road with her bare hands. If she looked up she'd notice the mirror was placed in a way to show her, on the ground, doing menial tasks.. but, as compared to where she had lived before, she did feel a sense of security from this place.. even if it smelled.
The bath would make up for that, warming up to a lovely temperature and leaving her body warmed up and tingling with the relaxing oils released from the pearl. For once, she felt like a noble, luxuriating in the water. Though, as she stayed there was a certain.. wamrth coming over her body, blood flow to her nipples and clit increasing by the comfortable warmth.. could she afford doing this, in a strangers house? If her hand brushed at her sex she felt an annoying roughness.. she needed to be pretty and smooth for mast..
Ugh, those thoughts again. She didn't have to do anything. She could do whatever she wanted, she didn't need to soap herself up and shave herself clean unless she wanted to feel like a dirty girl! Nor did she need to put on makeup to make herself look elegant and desierable, that life was behind her! This was her choice. Infact, as it seemed there was no towels, she could just get up now and soak in the rooms smell... and use that blanket in the cupboard as towel! She was through making herself pleasing for master.. wasn't she?
Her mirror image stared at her.
She had spread her legs, presented her pussy, openly spread, like a good slave.. it looked.. both enticing and disgusting. What was she doing. She was free now, free of him. she could do whatever she wanted. But what was that? To make herself pretty and be ready like a good girl, or defy that disgusting urge of hers? She could stop shaving alltogether, dry herself up with that disgusting blanket, her master would certainly not take her like that. Yes, she could free herself and defy him now that she was away from him.. if she wanted to be like that. But nothing was wrong with being pretty and smooth and desierable.. if not for him then for.. for whom? An image of Aldira flashed into her mind, unbidden. The alchemist had been kind to her so far, but certainly she was not attracted to women that was.. or was she?
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“Hmm, true. I guess since they just are left alone there is bound to be more dangerous animals out here.” Grace was already trying to envision what types of danger they could face, mentally preparing herself already. “Unfortunately that's the truth. Sometimes I think the world of nobles is more dog eat dog than the actual wild.” Always being with her master had let her see a lot of the savage backstabbing and intrigue that was hidden beneath fake smiles. Thankfully Aldira seems willing to help hide her from going back to that. “I definitely owe you one for your help Aldira. Just please don't get yourself in trouble on my behalf.” She wouldn’t know what to do if Aldira got caught helping her. It wouldn't be good.

Taking the potion brought a wave of room spinning dizziness and warmth through her. Grace was about to tell Aldira what she felt happening when.... When what? What was going on? She couldn't remember where she was for a second, confusion filling her thoughts.
“O-ok? Everything feels weird.” About to stumble forward, Grace had to hold onto Aldira after she was steadied, just to keep from stumbling again. “That m-makes sense. The potion just hit me harder than it's supposed to. I just need to take a nap.” Aldira’s words stuck to Grace’s mind as every other thought just slipped away whenever she tried to grasp them. It felt like forever until they finally got to a room in the back. Must have just been her own imagination, she was tired after all. Aldira pulled out a bottle that looked similar to the one before, saying it would help. Aldira was too nice even though they had just met. Grace absentmindedly hoped the potion didnt cost to much as she accepted it. Calmly drinking the potion, Grace had no suspicions against Aldira, only believing she was genuinely helping her!

Everything felt fluffy, like she was laying in a pile of fluffy sheep. Grace smiled at the slipping thought.
“Hehe, thanks for the help.” Did she feel that hot? She couldn’t focus on what was happening, more than content to just lay in this limbo that she was in. Was she asleep yet? She must have passed out by now. Weird how the body came up with stuff like this. Aldira even started to help undress her, stripping her all the way down. It felt odd to just let herself be seen naked by Aldira, but then again it was just a dream. Suddenly Aldira cupped Grace's sex, causing her to let out a small moan even in her dreamy state. She mewled and grew aroused under Aldira’s expert fingers. Why was she dreaming about this?

Ever so slowly, Grace’s mind grew more and more foggy as the potion took effect. She couldn't even think about what Aldira meant by taking Grace as a slave.
“I-I ran away because my family abandoned me to be a slave. My m-master reminded me of that all the time so I hated him, b-but I didn't hate the s-sex…” Grace told her story, saying the first words that came to her mind. Stuck in her own world, Grace didn't even notice the bulge in Aldira’s pants, only realizing that she was suddenly sitting uncomfortably on a bed! But Aldira helped her with that, shifting her to her knees. Aldira also asked her what she liked, and how to earn her trust. That was nice of her, wanting to make her feel welcomed. Grace told Aldira about what kinds of things she liked, mostly girly perfumes, jewelry, and light dresses. She would have never chosen to learn to fight if she wasn't forced to. “I want to feel loved, I want to fall in love, to be cared about.” She had been deprived of those emotions before, and she was desperate to feel them again, even if they came from someone she had just met. Aldira would make things right again.

Grace opened her eyes in a small panic, looking at an unfamiliar ceiling and trying to remember where she was. Then it came back, Aldira had given her a potion to test, but because she was so tired, it hit her a lot harder than it was supposed to. Anything that had happened after she was told that, was just a big blur. She was in most of her clothes still, and in this nice comfortable bed. The last thing she remembered was feeling nice…. Really good in fact. That potion at least sent you into a nice sleep. Looking around, she was in a furnished guest room, much larger and inviting than a room in an inn. The only bad thing about the room was that it stunk of wet dog! Did a dog sleep in the bed with her? Her sheets were the stinkiest thing in the room, almost like a drenched dog rolled in them for a while! Confused, but not seeing it as a important, Grace tried to ignore the smell as she spotted a note and a few items left on the table near her. Getting up, she walked to the table at a relaxed pace. Only now that she was up, did she notice she was still a little tired, but no where near just passing out like she did on Aldira.

Hmmm, is this to me? Grace thought to herself as she started to read the note in front of her. So that's why the potion hit me like that. Well I'll just have to make sure I eat and get some sleep before trying this again. I'm not going to decline Aldira’s help just cause one of her potions practically knocked me out. Looking to the pearl next to the note, Grace understood what they were used for. Normally not even a small noble family would have a ton of these!

Next to the note and the pearls were some other items. A makeup kit, stick of lipstick, and some soap with a razor. The soap was familiar for some reason. It was her favorite kind from back in the clan! What else did they have in common? Filling up the smaller bowl with water and then placing the smaller pearl into it, the water started to rapidly heat up. Finally she could scrub out the smell of dog and the road from her clothing. Her clothing was the second smelliest thing in here after the bed sheets! The smell was finally getting to her, so even if she had to scrub it out herself, it was a welcome break from the worries and hardships of the road! As she kneeled down on the floor and started to get to work, she noticed a mirror reflection of her nude self, showing her scrubbing her clothing. Seems like Aldira was certainly wealthy, she had a mirror in the guest bedroom as well. The place still didn't quite meet the level of luxury as Grace’s previous quarters, but this one had something her previous did not. As she thought about it, she realized she felt safe here… That hit her hard for some reason, making her mind wander. Once done with her clothing, Grace prepared her bath, placing the bigger pearl into the water. Inside, the water and oil’s soaked into her, washing away the stains of travel and slowly eroding the smell of dog, replacing it with the rosey scent of oils.

In the safety and warmth of the bath, Grace’s body started to react and heat up, demanding to be satisfied! It felt like such a long time ago that she had any release. She shouldn't so this, not here… but Aldira was out right now… Even as Grace tried to convince herself not to start touching herself, her hands started to reach downwards, until they touched upon the rough and annoying pubic hair that had regrown. She needed to shave again for her mas- wait. She was free, stop thinking like that, stupid. She didn't have to do anything, she could make her own choices now! B-but just because her previous master had liked her smooth, didn't mean that she should stop. After all she likes to be neat and clean down there, and Aldira might like it. She pictured Aldira’s approval as she inspected every inch of Grace's bare skin. Trailing her fingers across Grace's skin, sending... Gah! Stupid head! Why are you thinking like that! Sinking her mouth below the water, Grace blew bubbles into the water in a childlike display of her frustration and embarrassment. Why was I thinking of Aldira like that? I-I don't like other women like that… right? Doubt started to set in.
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"Oh don't you worry about getting me in trouble, luv. I care little for the prattling of folks, why do you think I work here when I could make a lot more money in a big city." The alchemist had explained, with a grin. Yes. . a grin and a genuine smile, that was most of what Grace remembered from Aldira after that,..

Not the part were Aldiras smile turned into more of a smirk when the girl proved suspetible to her potions as expected. "Interesting. interesting.. I think I already know how to make you mine." Then she had leaned in on the drug-dazed Grace and whispered a sweet coo of loving adoration into her ear.

As Grace pondered about how she felt.. or did not feel, about the alchemist, her body just heated up a little more.. which was definitly her emberassment and not any kind of special addition to the bathing-water, keeping her relaxed but also warming her body with subtle waves of horny feelings.
Then, there was a rustling, and the door pushed open.
"Alright luv, I-.. oh." Aldira peeked in, looking at Grace and clearing her throat, averting her eyes. "Sorry, should have knocked, I figured you'd be done already. Then again.. we're both women and you're propably used to maids washing you, eh luv?" She chuckled, putting a shopping basket aside and stepping in.. with Grace likely feeling a bit too emberassed for a brief enough moment not to rebuke her..

"Want me to wash your back, luv? Come on, as excuse for startling you." She smiled as she approached, picking up the soap and chuckling, moving right ahead without allowing Grace the time to protest as she soaped up the nobles-girls back slowly, foam quickly covering Grace's modesty.. a little. Just as the soaping stopped, Aldiras suprisingly strong hands fell upon Grace's neck and shoulders, beginning to rub and squeeze, massaging out all the tension, adding to the relaxing.. and subtly arousing effect of the bath.
Her hands were just as strong as Grace's old masters. Even their grip felt the same, a feeling of strong dominance. But rather than gripping her to choke and control her, they held her so firm and secure. Grace couldn't move away if she wanted to. "Heh, I can't get the smell out you know. One of my guests.. no manners. Anyway, I hope this makes up for the smell. " She explained. "Everything alright luv? You seem a little tense. Don't tell me you are used to bathing alone, don't you have any siblings?" She chuckled.

"You need to relax ok luv?" Aldira said, suddenly embracing Grace from behing.. in a sisterly rather than romantic manner, her hands crossing over Grace's belly. "I'm not gonna hurt you ok? Whoever was hurting you is far away and wont find you if you stay here, ok?" She smiled softly, making sure that Grace associated safety with being close to her. "You remind me of myself.. I too fled for.. well, perhaps I'll tell you someday. For now, let's focus on you, ok. Try not to worry and just.. relax. We're both girls, the shop is closed in the morning, no one is going to come here and hurt you, ok? Ok, thats better." She smiled, leaning back a little. "Ok, I guess you are all done grooming, I'll get breakfast ready.. actually, oh, you propably want to shave still right? Good girls should always be smooth and presentable." She decided on taking a risk. She wanted to see how suggestible Grace was when she felt safe, watching her reaction, then quickly distracting her:
"Oh right.. you propably never used a simple razor blade like this yourself, right? They can be a bit scary, but you got servants or slaves to do such things for you. " She picked up the razor then smiled. "Want me to do it for you? I can show you, luv." Aldira smiled, trusting in Grace being relaxed.. and seeing how far her submissiveness already went. "You don't want to run about all itchy and ugly down there, right, girl?.. oh don't worry, I know it can be a bit scary but I'm careful, ok?"
"I'm glad you don't care about what other people think. Some nobles did horrendous things just because they heard a rumor they didn't like." From the way a hint of disgust entered her eyes as she thought back to a particular event, it was pretty obvious how she despised pointless evil. Aldira's genuine and happy grin seemed to imprint it's self into Grace's mind, coming up whenever she thought about Aldira.

While she was in her haze of warmth, Grace never noticed Aldira showing her smirk of dominance that she showed after Grace fell under the influence of the potion. Nor did she notice what Aldira was whispering to her, rather it was more likely that she would subconsciously associate the words of love she heard with Aldira. Her subconscious being tainted slightly during her vulnerability.

Pondering what she actually felt, Grace still couldn't tell if she had a crush or not on Aldira yet. She for seemingly no reason, trusted Aldira, feeling like she actually cared for Grace. For some reason when ever she thought about her right now, she would get all embarrassed and her body would start to heat up, making her think of Aldira again, which lead to a cycle which left Grace a little hot and bothered. She could only sink farther into the water to try and relax her body. She was almost completely submerged in the water when the door's handle turned and it opened with Aldira peeking in! It felt like all the heat in her body suddenly went to her head as she realized she was naked in front of Aldira! Too embarrassed to stop her, Aldira entered the room! Wha-what is she doing? "A-ah yah... I mean its my fault for taking so long! A-and I-I only had a few maids, some helped wash me..." Grace mumbled, stuttering the entire way as she tried to cover her chest. Now with Aldira right in front of her, and her still being naked made Grace's body feel even hotter! These complex feelings that came out of no where were completely unraveling her composure!

"S-sure..." Grace gave her permission, though it wasn't like Aldira needed it, as she was already reaching for the soap to use on Grace. With Aldira now behind her, and expertly washing her back, Grace slightly relaxed. Not knowing what to say, nor do, Grace just sat in silence as she let Aldira work. As soon as she was all soaped up, Grace felt Aldira's surprisingly strong hands on her shoulders, slowly massaging them. The strong grip Aldira had on her felt like she was in the grip of an alpha once again, but this time Aldira inspired relaxation and safety in Grace, instead of the terror and fear that her previous master gave to Grace. Thankful for the distraction from the slowly growing attachment Grace felt forming, Grace asks, "What did they do to get such a strong smell to linger for so long?" The attachment was something she feared yet wanted at the same time. Ever since she had been abandoned, Grace had wanted to feel some form of attachment again, but her previous experiences had left a scar in her. "To be honest, my maids only helped wash me when there was some important event happening. I u-usually bath alone, and my siblings avoided me." Whether because they didn't want to draw attention, or because they were too guilty, Grace didn't know.

When suddenly embraced from behind, Grace instinctively went rigid and didn't move. But after hearing Aldira tell her to relax, and the sisterly feeling Grace got from her, the tension in her slowly washed away as she melted into Aldira's embrace! She placed her hands onto Aldira's on hands on her belly, subconsciously mumbling, "Right, I'm... safe here..." Grace didn't care what she said, as she was still overwhelmed by the affection Aldira was giving her. Aldira's hint to her own past caught Grace's attention. She knows what I'm going through! The thought almost made tears come to her eyes! Even though her family abandoned her, it was still a major trial to leave them, and hopefully never see them again. The emotional burden and worry she had been carrying was also starting to melt away into the bath's water! When Aldira suggested that good girls shaved, Grace visibly perked up, taking note of what she heard! She didn't seem to notice that Aldira had purposely suggested it, or rather it seemed like Aldira had enough of Grace's trust for her to not question why she had said that!

"A-actually I shav- I mean I usually had help, yes." Grace usually shaved herself just like with baths, but her arousal had been building this entire time and the skin ship she shared with Aldira seemed to only worsen what she felt, causing Grace to change her mind mid sentence with a bright red face! Her eyes looked away, trying to focus on something else on the room. T-that cabinet goes well with the room... "I-I could u-use some help..." She knew what she had just asked for, but she couldn't bring herself to look at Aldira, too embarrassed to do such a thing!
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"Heh, luv, you nobles sure have it easy don't they? Sometimes I wish I had someone to do all these things for me. Oh well, can't be helped." Aldira chuckled and used the nobles emberassment to easily approach her and take charge of the situation. "Everything alright, luv? You're so silent. You're not still mad right?" Aldira asked with played worry.

"The smell? Oh don't ask me, it's as if they slept with their dog up there. I completely forgot about it.. but we can worry about it later.

I see, so you grew up as an only child. Poor thing, do you think anyone would actually go searching for you at all if you remained hidden for a while?"
It sounded like an innocent enough question to the flustered Grace, perhaps.
"I know how it feels to be prosecuted, luv. Not everyone understands alchemy, some people see a potion and suspect witchcraft.." That was a good enough excuse to calm Grace if ever she wondered why a talented alchemist would hide in a small village like this, Aldira decided.
"Plus, I bet, no matter what happened, it was hard and took courage, luv." She nodded, keeping embracing Grace for a moment longer.

"You usually shave? Such a good girl." Grace was quickly to emphatize. "Here, let me help you out." Aldira smiled, picking up the razorblade and leaning down, guiding Grace to spread her legs. She was so incredibly exposed before a near stranger.. who however said.. "Don't worry luv, just hold still. I wont hurt you ok? Just follow my guidance here, good girl." She added, off-handedly, softly soaping up Grace's pubic area with gentle motions that were just right on the border of stimulating Grace, without directly allowing her to indulge in her lusts. Aldiras hand wandered down, softly cupping Grace's sex and then, in one smooth, soft motion, shaved over her skin whilest still half submerged in the tub. "There. You're doing fine. Aaand.. done. Look at yourself!" She smiled, having quickly smoothed out Grace, now presenting her to herself in the mirror, adding: "Such a pretty girl, whoever finds your fancy sure gonna be lucky, luv. Though no maids here. I hope you paid attention, you got to keep yourself pretty and presentable without help here, sorry luv." She mused, talking on while letting Grace get a good look of her mirror-image being presented in a caring, yet almost posessive seeming posture by Aldira.

"That said! Enough dilly-dallying around. I might treat you like a cute little sister, but you're still an employee. Get yourself ready while I prepare breakfast, weather is nice outside, but that also might mean some critters on the way. The shop opens in the afternoon and evening, so you got time to sort your stuff and help out a little around the house then." Aldira nodded, suddenly standing up, knowing fully well in how bothered a position she left Grace. She wanted to keep Grace.. wanting.

Even if Grace tried to hold her back, Aldira would pretend not to understand their relationship as anything but platonic, also excusing herself quickly to hide certain.. physical attributes of her body that seeing the noble had brought to full attention for her. She unpacked the breakfast, a simple vegetable salad, once she reached her kitchen/reserve laboratory. Breakfast was quickly enough prepared. Cut up the vegetables, prepare two bowls, some fresh water would have to do for drinks. The only thing that needed work to taste proper was of course this part. She pulled out a bowl, adding some base to the salads dressing... and groaned, opening her dress.
Damn, just looking at the noble had gotten her all hot and bothered. What a nice body. But even better, she was clearly in quite a vunerable position right now. Aldira grabbed her hard shaft and began stroking lustfully. "Oh yeah you slut.. by the time you realize I've been driving you into my arms you'll already beg for more."
Aldira smirked, closing her eyes and imagining that nude body kneeling obediantly before her, biting her lower lip. "Oh yeah.. don't worry, 'luv', I'll be there to comfort you no matter how perverted you become haha.. yess.s. aaahmn..." She moaned out, squeezing her thick shaft, ropes of white, sticky cum pumping into the bowl with a quantity that seemed inhuman, only to have a brown coloring and a few spices added to them, carefully mixed under...

"Breakfast's ready Luv!" Aldira enthused, sitting at a simple table with a large bowl of salad and simple fruits as well as a smaller bowl with dressing. "It's pretty simple, I know, but you'll get something more meaty in the evening.. AFTER you've both proven yourself as employee and worked to tidy things up a little around here, understood luv?" Aldira challenged, presenting a simple wooden chair to Grace. "Try out some of the dressing, made it myself." And indeed, the dressing, .. coincidentially, would taste quite to Grace's liking. Perhaps just a little salty, but it had an unsual flavour that propably tasted quite familiar after Grace's.. treatment so far, though her mind couldn't quite place it.
"So, let's talk about our mission today. We'll be heading out of town and southwards, there is a large meadowy forest area with a variety of natural herbs. It's relatively save, as long as you don't venture past the pond, worst thing we'll meet are a few wolves, but this time of the year they shouldn't be hungry enough to want to attack us, besides, you can handle a wolf, right?
Oh, do you like the salad? Do go ahead, when was the last time you ate. There's enough salad and dressing for you, can't have you faint on me, I want to try the potion again this evening, just to make certain you getting all tuggered out from it wasn't a nasty side-effect that didn't happen to me, aye?"
She reached over, pat-patting Grace's back in an encouraging manner. The noble-girl also noticed that Aldira seemed to be paying close attention to her eating. Perhaps, considering her scarred past for a moment a silly thought of the alchemist drugging her food might cross her mind.. but she'd feel no different, physically or mentally. It seemed like Aldira was just generally concerned for her well being and wanted to see Grace eat up.
That suspicion was confirmed as soon as Grace finished, or took a break with Aldira shaking her head, picking up the tip of a carrot, generously drizzling her dressing over it and guiding it to Grace's lips with a determined. "Come on, you could use another bite or two. We got a bit of a walk ahead. Say aaah. That's good." She'd poke insistantly, then simply grin playfully when Grace obliged and let herself be fed, pushing the carrot past the girls lips.. and perhaps again, Grace had flashbacks of something being pushed past her lips, but in this case, all that happened was Aldiras fingers being withdrawn with a smile and the flavourful sensation of that yummy dressing flowing down her throat, almost begging for another taste if she wasn't stuffed already.. "Hah. A slave!" Aldira smirked, pointing at Grace suddenly, her expression serious for a moment. "You're a slave to my delicious cooking skills, luv!" She enthused with an even wider grin and tipped an imaginery chefs hat. "Don't ask! It's all a trade secret.. but alchemy, cooking. It's not that different you know." She patted her chest, in playful pride, only briefly glancing over to take in Grace's reaction.. push.. and comfort. You couldn't go wrong with slave-training basics.. and that Grace didn't even know she was being trained. It had Aldira focusing to contain her arousal, for a brief moment.
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"Y-yah, as long as someone doesn't touch the wrong string in the web, life can be pretty e-easy as a noble.” Grace fumbled her words as she tried to distract herself from her embarrassment, but it wasn't quite working, especially with Aldira coming closer to her naked self. Normally Grace wasn't too bothered by another women seeing her bathing, but she had only just met Aldira yesterday, and these strange emotions she felt were so unexpected and chaotic, that Grace felt her enter body heating up under Aldira’s gaze! “I w-wasn’t mad! I, um… am not used to being nude with another women so easily… it took a while to be used to my own maids.” Grace outright lied about not being used to having another women see her nude, hoping to hide her feelings behind it. It hurt a little to lie in the face of Aldira’s worry.

“Sl-slept with there dog?” She had heard of some women fancying animals over humans, but to hear it may have actually happened in here caused her to blush a slightly deeper red. Although she didn't seem disturbed by the thought. To Aldira, it seemed like she either hid it well, or possibly thought about it herself!

“I-I think the search would definitely die down a lot, t-though I don't think it would stop. There's someone who wouldn't want to just let me get away…” her head hung down after she finished speaking. The empathy she felt from Aldira was enough for Grace to speak the truth, though she was a little scared it would discourage Aldira from helping her. Though Aldira’s next words helped to calm her nerves, and gave Grace a insight to her own past. “Thanks, Aldira. It means alot to hear that out loud.” She gave Aldira her own genuine hug before letting go.

“Thanks…” Grace had to look away as she accepted Aldira’s praise. She still couldn't believe that she had asked for Aldira’s help with shaving! What was going on with her? She was exposing all of herself to her! At least she seemed to be taking this seriously and was focusing on just helping her shave! She carefully soaped up her pubic area, before cupping her sex! Grace couldn't stop her heart from going crazy as Aldira’s palm touched her flower! Aldira lifted the blade, and in just an easy motion, Grace was completely shaven once again. She looked at herself and it didn't look like any hair was missed at all! “D-do you really mean that? I s-should be able to do it on my own now.” Does Aldira actually think someone would be lucky to have her fall in love with her? Bad luck seemed to follow her around everywhere, with Aldira being the only good luck she had found in a long time.

Right… she was only like a little sister… Grace couldn't tell why she felt disappointment at that thought, but she just shook her head to clear all the strange thoughts.
”I’ll be done before breakfast is ready. I don't have much with me.”

Grace didn't stop or call out to Aldira as she left to go make breakfast, rather she tried to come up with a reason why she had a crush on a women she barely knew. She couldn't deny she had a crush on Aldira after what had just happened. At first she thought about if it was just physical attraction after all,she was beautiful in her own way, but then her mind wandered and thought about how nice she was treated, how Aldira cared about her even of they only met the day before. Grace never really felt such care for her after she was claimed by her former master. That has to be why she told herself. Finding her excuse for her feelings, Grace’s emotions calmed as she started to unpack her minor affections she managed to take with her. Grace had secretly felt a little suspicious ever since she had realized the sudden feelings she had, but Aldira’s treatment made her feel those emotions were more genuine.

Grace unpacked her assorted personal items, like a few modest jewelry pieces, extra clothing, and a few small items that had personal value. Among some of the jewelry pieces, one ring depicted the sigil of her former clan, a golden rising phoenix, on a field red. The phoenixes eyes were tiny little ruby's , with some other assorted colored gems lining the crest. It was easily the most valuable looking piece she had, and the most identifiable thing she had, but for some reason she couldn't throw it away, like it symbolized her old connections with her immediate family that she left behind. Sighing, Grace hid the particular piece in some of her extra clothing. As she did that Aldira’s call of breakfast rang out. “Coming!” Grace replied, heading out and going towards the source of the call.

There was a simple wooden table with some actual food on it compared to what Grace had to scavenge after she ran out herself. Everything looked good at this point, and Grace was hungry.
“It's good enough for me! I didn't get the chance to eat last night, so I'm starving! And don’t worry, I’ll prove myself to be helpful to you.” Grace said as she accepted the chair form Aldira. Sitting down, Grace looked at the dressing after Aldira pointed out that she made it herself. It was brown in color, but it still smelled pretty good. “Really? Let me try it!” Grace picked up the bowl of dressing and poured a small amount over a small part of the salad to just get a taste of it. Tasting it, the dressing plus the salad tasted really good, although it did bring a familiar taste with it. Not able to pinpoint the taste, Grace says, “Its good! Thanks a lot Aldira for fixing me breakfast!”

“Wolf’s should be no problem, I could probably help gather herbs if the animals do act docile enough. Oh, I like it, much better than what I scavenged together the past few days on the roads. Well my last proper meal would probably be 4 days ago, the other days I just ate berries and whatever game I could catch. I have no problem testing the potion again. Even if it does knock me out again, if I sleep like I did last night, I’ll get some good sleep!”
As Grace talked, she started to drizzle a large majority of the dressing onto the salad, after all it would be wasteful to not use it all up, not to mention disrespectful to not use up what her host fixed for her! Even though she was digging in, Grace caught Aldira staring intently at her. A thought popped up in her mind, did she drug the food?! She froze for a second, before dismissing the idea. She didn’t want to believe the thought, nor did she have reason to believe it either. She was probably just making sure she got enough food to eat, after all she did pass out last night from exhaustion. Finishing up almost all the food on the table! Probably still not satisfied, Aldira grabbed a carrot and poured some dressing over it before offering it to Grace’s lips. Grace blushed, and opened her lips, obediently saying ahh. Aldira’s playful smile and actions made that blush turn a deeper red! “Y-yum!” Maybe she could learn how to make such a delicious dressing from Aldira? Just as she was about to give her thanks once more for the meal, and start to help clean up, Aldira said something that made Grace’s entire body freeze. A slave, she said! “I-I-I…” Grace panicked, feeling ashamed, yet terrified at the same time that Aldira might look down on her for her past. How did she know!? All this happened in a flash, before Aldira could continue. Grace visibly deflated as Aldira continued, relief flooding her. “I-I could eat your cooking for the rest of my days!” Grace tried hiding her previous reaction behind a smile.
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"Oh don't be so nervous, it's fine." Aldira had encouraged, then raised an eyebrow. "Why yes.. oh that might be suprising to you I guess... lots of common folks sleep with their pets. There's less space, keeps you warm in the winter." Aldira mused, purposefully misleadingly innocent, Grace's emberassment likely making her overlook the certain smirk Aldira had when the noble clarified that she wouldn't be searched for.. a lot.

Aldira then had left the noble, only to welcome her later at the breakfast table, leaning back and tipping her chin. "Berries? Geesh. Well, guess I'll get some meat for dinner." She said with an encouraging smile as she observed Grace clearly enjoying her special cooking. Then, she got to watch the girls reaction to being called a slave.. it was quite.. satisfying.
"Eh eh. If you keep eating like this I should ask for rent though." She smirked, then added.. "Hooh, you are a little pale, perhaps you ate too fast, luv?" She hopped up, stepping besides Grace and pat-patting her tummy, making full use of the slight exposure of skin Grace's dress offered, without ever being too.. direct. As much as she wanted to, it was far more important getting Grace to associated being comforted with Aldiras touch.

"Nono, no protesting. I could see you turn a little pale, too much of my delicious dressing I bet, just give me a moment ok?" She nodded, rubbing along Graces abdomen in slow, encouraging motions. "Close your eyes.. inhale deeply..exhale. this is totally normal, I guess,.. if you only eat berries for a while, and then suddenly eat a large meal your body can get a bit unbalanced." She explained. Obviously this wasn't the case, but not accepting this way out would mean Grace would have to tell the nice alchemist a far more emberassing truth. And for the second time today, Grace would find herself hold comfortingly and steady in Aldiras arms, the close warmth of the alchemists body up against her, Aldiras scent, some heavy yet subtle perfume, perhaps to mask the more biting alchemical scents.
"Alright, then! Time for you to clear up the dishes, I'll pack." Aldira said in a tone that was a little more commanding now, leaning back a bit quicker than she had wanted to.. before Grace could discover something hot and throbbing poking at her evern through the long alchemists dress.

Aldira pointed Grace to a simple kitchen that had a suprising amount of un-kitchen like vials and alchemical instruments on half a table, a washing basin ready for a quick, simple cleaning of the salads, a pot, seemingly having been used for mixing the dressing already standing on top of it. Though, leaning over it Grace got a good whiff of the yummy scent. Well, Aldira had left, if she wanted to have another taste... But that was silly, she wasn't a little girl licking out pots, was she?.. even.. if that .. smelled so nice.

It didn't take long for Aldira to pack up a large backpack, holding onto the straps as they made their way out of the shop onto a cloudy mid-morning day in the little village. Few people were on the streets and those that were avoided getting in Aldiras way, though a few greeted her with distanced respectfulness. The alchemist paid them little mind and unless Grace attempted to engage anyone they'd soon pass the wooden village wall and unto the road that Grace had priorly traveled up, though Aldira barely went a few hundred metres before moving into the undergrowth.

The way ahead seemed to lead into a classical, mixed forest, leafes luckily protecting the couple from a little rain, which caused Aldira to cuss under her breath. "Wet plants won't dry for bloody ever. Oh well. Not in the mood to turn back now." There was a distant sound of running water in the distance and soon, a clearing, with dark-green colored ferns growing in the shadow of trees. "Alright, as I said, this area is pretty much harmless, luv, just stand guard and watch that nothing comes at us from the direction of the pond. Long story short, it was sacred to some pagan witch-cult, worshipping a forest spirit or whatnot, forbidden to go there.. I am a woman of science and care little about that, exspecially as quite a rare herb, wolfsblood, grows there.. but thats something to worry about for another day." Suprisingly, the harvest was.. quite uneventful. Aldira chatted on, but was mostly business like, explaining the apperance of a few basic plants, explaining how to harvest them in a way that wouldn't harm the plant too much, clearly wanting Grace to go fetch simple ferns like this on her own. "Yes, these ferns actually grow in my own garden too but, ever heard of catnip? They work like that, but for dogs.. quite the nuisance, I had my garden plundered by the neighbours dog more than once.. Anyway, we could get you a backpack, luv. If thats no trouble. Anyway. That ought to be enough to keep me busy. Easy job for you, no problems, it seems. I need more, so we can do this again tomorrow, and I really need some wolfsblood but.. oh well." She looked at the sky.. by now it was about noon. "I got to open the shop soon, let's head back."

She nodded, and thus, the two did just that, heading back through the, it seemed not all that dangerous forest, and back onto the street, with Grace perhaps feeling a little useless after the whole time nothing had happened to validate her being there.. Those feelings would however be met with hesitant regret as she heard a growling.

Three rather angry looking wild-dogs crept up on them slowly, each a mutt with similiar fur-markings, panting and.. wait.. that wasn't actually -anger- they were displaying.
Among other things, each of the wild dogs displayed an angry, wet looking red shaft, with Aldira sighing, and backing up behind Grace worriedly. "D.. damn. This is bad.." If Aldira saw Grace going for her weapon, she would stay the womans hand. "Wait wait wait. Those might be lost from farms.. I.. I don't know, but they are not monsters or even wild beasts, perhaps we can.. move away slowly? I'd rather you not harm them!" Between the insistance of Aldira and Grace's lack of actual battle experience however, one of the mutts had already rushed forward, growling, a paw scratching at Aldiras clothing, the other burrying his nose.. right between her legs, sniffing around, with a drip of its precum dripping on the ground, its smell intense.. masculine and disgusting, wafting up despite the distance..
"P.. please protect me.. let's get back to the village, quickly, ok Luv?" Aldira worriedly mused. "They propably just want the herbs, damn mutts can't resist the smell but if we just give it up the whole trip would've been for nothing, what can we do?" She mused, looking at Grace for answers, encouraging her to take action, hiding behind her with a subtle step. Of course, while Aldira encouraged Grace to protect her, she made sure that Grace didn't run or even back off quickly, she even subtly positioned Grace in a way that would give the dog perfect access. And, if Grace trusted in Aldira enough to let herself be lead subtly, she would soon feel a long, warm, wet lick, right over were her trousers hid her sex. "Back off from her you mangy dog! Sh.. she's not a bitch!" Aldira shouted, doing a good job of acting worried, though she couldn't help but lean in and emphatize the word bitch. She hoped Grace was too .. distracted by circumstances to pick up on this on a more than subconcious basis.
“It’s common for people to do that?” Grace gasped, though when she thought about it, if the common were truly as poor as she thought them to be, maybe some of them would resort to sleeping with their pets… I wonder what's is is like… Did I just think that!? Stupid body! Although grace was embarrassed by the idea, the damage had already been done. It had been a long, long time since she had gone this long without release, and in turn, Grace was subconsciously going through withdrawal.


“Mhhh, if dinner is going to be as good as this, I can't help but look forward to it.” Grace complemented Aldira’s cooking once again. “Instead of rent, I’m sure you could make a lot more money opening a restaurant or at least selling your cooking.” Grace was truly happy to eat Aldira’s cooking. She felt like Aldira had specifically made it just for her, and it made it feel special, something to cherish. Even as she spoke, Grace forgot her manners and continued to eat the salads and dressing. She didn't feel anything wrong, but Aldira approached saying she looked pale, and started to pat her lower belly. “A-Aldira I-I feel ok.” Having grown up in a Noble house, physical contact was usually reserved for those who you were close with, yet Aldira seemed like a touchy person, and Grace didn't want to insult her by telling her off. If she was to stay her to hide like she hoped she would be able to, it might just be better to grow used to Aldira’s antics.

Her thoughts only took a few seconds, and Aldira had already easily rejected her protest, instead rubbing her belly in slow motions, unintentionally sending a shiver of pleasure through Grace from the slow and sensual motions. “F-fine, if you really do think it will help.” Aldira probably knew more about the human body than she would ever know, and if she thought something was wrong it was probably best to satisfy her. Plus she might be able to satisfy Aldira’s curiosity. Entertaining Aldira, Grace closed her eyes and took deep and rhythmic breaths, just as Aldira described. Grace twitched slightly in surprise from the sudden embrace, her heartbeat speeding up once more from being in Aldira’s arms. If Aldira keeps on holding me, she might notice my heart freaking out, but that feeling of safety was there again… She smells good. She couldn't decide if she wanted Aldira to let go so she could hide what she felt, or if she wanted to be held in her embrace for as long as possible. The hug ended too soon for the part of Grace that sought safety in this new world she found herself in. O-ok! I’ll get the dishes!” She kept her back to Aldira, hiding a blush, unknowing of Aldira’s bulge.

Taking the dishes to the kitchen, Grace saw all sorts of alchemical vials and instruments on a table. Hmm, so Alchemy must really relate to cooking if she keeps all that in the kitchen. There was also a wash bin to clean the dishes, with a slightly dirty bowl next to it. Looking in, it had some of Aldira’s dressing in it. It must be the bowl she whipped it up in. Even after just filling herself up with pleasantly of the yummy stuff, the scent still called to her. Aldira had already left, a-and she was really happy I liked it, i-it wouldn't be bad if I just had another taste, right? B-but that's such a childish thing to do… mhhh, I can smell it still… Ah screw it. Grace dipped two fingers in, scrapping up a big wad of the sticky dressing before bringing her fingers to her mouth, and licking each one clean of the leftover dressing! Indulging herself, Grace finished washing the dishes shortly after.

Grace was just finishing washing the dishes as Aldira showed back up in the kitchen with her backpack. Ready to leave with her sword on her hip, the duo walked out of the shop and onto the streets of the small sleepy village. It was early enough still that there were only a few people out and about. Some have her a few glances, but others just ignores her as well, too busy on getting their errands over with. Staying silent, they soon went onto the same road Grace came to the village from. Traveling only a shortage down the road, Aldira soon lead them off and into the underbrush.

Grace hadn't taken much notice of the forest as she made her way past it the other day, but now that she was in it, it had an enchanting feeling to it. The wild greens all around her were much, much different than the city parks that Grace had been to before. It had a wild charm compared to the structured feeling of the city's. “Well somethings better than nothing.” Grace tried to comfort Aldira after she cursed. The couple continued on, with the sounds of water rushing becoming louder and louder, till they reached the clearing it was coming from. “A cult worked here? I’ve heard tales that some of them are basically barbarians with how they treat others.” Grace threw some weary glances towards the pond that Aldira pointed out. She did not worship any of the gods, after all none of them came to help her, but pagan cults were something to be weary of, from what she was told at least. Other than the mention of a cult, there was no incident at all during the harvest. Aldira taught Grace some of the very basics of the herbs they found and how to harvest them. “There is actually something that can drive dogs crazy just like catnip does to cats? That's gotta be annoying with the wild dogs around. Oh yes, a backpack would be good. Let me help you carry stuff instead of you just bringing everything yourself.” Although she was a bodyguard, when there was no action, Grace would rather help Aldira with whatever she could to keep busy. “Off we go then!”

Gathering everything, the two of them set off, heading back through the forest to the road they left. Grace felt a little useless during this visit to the forest, only making her want to learn some more about herbs so she could help Aldira in the future. As she was lost in her thoughts, a growl ripped through the forest!

Three angry looking wild dogs appeared in front of the girls. They were panting, looking like they wanted to… that wasn't anger, was it… Grace thought as one dog shifted in place, an angry red, wet dog dick poked out from beneath it.

“T-this is bad. I-I think they are looking for something to fuck.” Grace turned red and tried to back up as well, but Aldira was right behind her, and she had nowhere left to backup with her there! Feeling like she couldn't run, Grace reached for her weapon, but faltered when Aldira told her not to hurt them. I-it made sense, but did they really have the luxury to not defend themselves? Grace was trying to figure out what to do when one of the dogs rushed the two girls. Panicked, Grace braced herself for an impact, but it didn't come. Instead Grace Panicked once again as she realized two of the dogs had gone for Aldira! “G-get off her!” Grace scolded, while worrying for Aldira. “C-can I just rough them up a little and scare an off?” Grace asked for permission, and if Aldira still worried for the dogs themselves, she would avoid violence. Her attention on Aldira, Grace was caught unaware as she could feel a warm tongue lap at her sex even through her pants! She let out a small surprised moan. Y-yah, I'm not your bitch! Grace thought, as she pushed the mutts gave away from her crotch.

Grace had a thought that made her turn scarlet. “A-aldira, d-do you think they will go away if I can just satisfy them with my hand?” Grace couldn't look at Aldira as she asked, too afraid of what Aldira might think of her after such a question. If by some miracle, Aldira wasn't disgusted by such an idea, Grace would tentatively reach down and try stroking the dog’s rod to see if she could get it to stop attacking her...
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"Ney luv, glad you enjoyed it but I'm a good cook because of my alchemy, not the other way around." Aldira had mused about her cooking, perhaps leaving Grace to wonder about the alchemists skills. Though she noted something that the sheltered noble must have misunderstood..something she could use. "Aye.. as noble you wouldn't know much about it, but many men die in wars, when hunting in the wild.. so the women satisfy themselfs with their strong, family dogs. Theres nothing wrong about that." Inwardly, Aldira almost moaned out.. if Grace fell for that, this would be easier than expected. "Of course, nobles don't do this, unless they wish to become low bitches."

Something warm and satisfying later on settled in place as Grace nurtured an unknown addiction to the alchemists special, main ingredient in the dressing, though the escaped noble did not know this at the time.
"Aye, a barbaric cult you could say perhaps. Others called them druids, worshipping beasts. A reason you see so many watch-dogs around the city and farms closeby actually, it's said they keep the wild wolves out. No one knows if this cult was any real, I personally think it nonsense, but they did attract a large wolfpack, you see." Aldira had explained, hacking away at leaves.
The pond was barely in sight from the forest clearing and, well.. without the alchemists explanations it would have looked like a simple pond. Peaceful even. There'd be no telling without getting closer, of which the alchemist seemingly had no intentions.
"Yeah, frankly I hired you as bodyguard luv, but you might as well serve as pack-mule." Aldira teased now, getting up the bag of plants, though she'd be proven wrong on their way back..

"Well of course the dogs want to fuck fertile bitches, it's just normal, but I mean.. you are a noble and.. I'm not a lowly bitch either" Aldira said, panicking slightly and, with Grace's back turned to her it was easy to hide the subtle smile on the alchemists lips.
"Wait, you can't hurt the poor dogs.. not unless they hurt you!.. I mean.. to defend me it might be necessary.." Came the alchemists uncertain command. "W.. what are you saying.. satisfy them with your hands? But you are a noble, not a lowly bitch. If you willingly pleasure a dog you'll become a worthless bitch in the eyes of society.. ugh.. then again.. perhaps worth a try.. ugh.. fine do it. We can't risk killing the poor dogs, and they might attack us otherwise.. if you are ready to make that sacrifice.." Aldira gulped and blushed as two of the dogs growled, albeit in a more.. satisfied manner when Grace stroked along their canine shafts. One suddenly bit her arm, but not in a painful way, more holding her in place.. apparently it enjoyed the sensation.. though a third wild dog was still left, panting and, while at first looking at Aldira, circling back to Grace curiously.
"Oh geeesh.. I guess.. they think you're their bitch now.. no way back.." Aldira commented, staring at Grace, casting down her eyes as if disgusted for a long moment, two of the dogs panting in wild lust as their red, hot shafts pushed up against Grace's hands, wet and slimey.. but the third was still left, growling angrily, impatiently and now looking up at Grace, licking her lips. Finally, however, Aldira looked back up at Grace, having needed a long moment to shift her expression of primal lusts with those scents in the air to one of worried compassion. "Oh G.. grace.. I'm so sorry.. I think the third one is still horny, you'll have to.. use your mouth.." Aldira sighed and approached, carefully, petting both the wild dog and Grace, leading its red, stinking cock to Grace's mouth intentionally before pulling out a potion with a darker smirk.
"Here.. drink this.. it'll loosen you up so it wont hurt. Trust me, please.. here it comes.. open wide.."
This was a crucial moment, Aldira knew. Grace was close to snapping and realizing what was going on, but she had to continue playing her role, playing the gentle, encouraging stranger that understood Grace, before the potion took effect. "Grace.. it's ok.. I wont tell anyone, I promise. If no one finds out about this you can pleasure them and not become a filthy bitch in front of everyone.." She encouraged, as three red shafts pumped into Graces hands and one into her mouth, silencing potential protests, Aldira embraced her, as she had embraced her in the night, in the bath, after the meal, making her feel comforted, calming her struggle. "I'm here with you ok..." The alchemist encouraged, counting down the time for the potion to take effect and make Grace more suggestible.. "Even if you are so disgusting. A disgusting dog-fucker..." She pretend-withdrew for a moment, then held Grace all the tighter. "Nono. I will stay with you, ok? Even if you become a bitch... no. That's wrong. You are a noble, not a bitch.. just.. just don't think about it, ok luv? Don't think about the disgusting, filthy feeling of those veiny dog-shafts in your hand, ignore the filthy stinking dog-cock fucking your mouth. It'll soon be over, they are just horny wild dogs... just don't worry about it, ok.. don't think about how disgusting you must look, pleasing them like their bitch." And indeed, the dogs Grace had been jerking off howled quickly shot forth a load of hot, stinking doggie-cum upon her hands and clothes, the claws of the one fucking her mouth digging into her back, before he too shot its hot, pungent yet oddly arousing cum into her mouth. A 'True friend' would have used that moment to dislodge Grace. Aldira, however, gently guided the wolf deeper into Graces mouth, adjusted the way her hands held to the base of the hot doggie pricks, whispering into her ear.: "But you are not a bitch, aren't you? You are a strong noble, my friend. You are not sucking more and more on that veiny doggie prick as it closes up your mouth and keeps pumping into you.. breathe through your nose Grace, your throat is filling up with dog-cum.. yes. you are a strong noble. I believe in you. You are not jerking up those knots harder and harder, right now, are you?" She continued, her voice swimming right into Grace's mind through the will-weakening potion. "You don't even think about how disgusting that cum still spraying onto you makes you stink like a dog-fucker, right?" She continued on. "You have to fight it.. but it smells so strong.. don't aim your hands like this, no, it'll shoot under your bra and mess up your titties.." She subtly adjusted Graces hand for the next splurt of doggie cock, as the one fucking her mouth suddenly turned over.
"They keep cumming, but its almost over... just don't cum yourself.. if you cum yourself a part of you might get addicted to this. You can't let that happen. I'm here with you, I give you strength, ok.. I'd give you so much strength, even if you were a perverted bitch. But you aren't, because you are not about to cum right now.. here.. I'll hold you steady, luv." One of Grace's hands cupped Aldiras pussy, unashamed, petting it slowly, gently. "There.. all warm and calm.. not about to gush out in love of dog-cock.. you're stronger than that.. wait.. whats this warm vibration.. no are you cumming.. don't.. you can fight it. If you cum now with all this doggie-jizz over you and a dog-cock still pumping into your stomach... you can fight it!" Aldira smirked.. and suddenly pinched Grace's clit hard, her voice growing rough, throaty, demanding. If Grace had been in any condition to pay attention she'd notice all of the dogs snapping to attention as well.. "You are stronger than this! You are not a dog-slut. You want to cum so badly but you can't. Obey my voice.. calm down. Resist those burning instincts."
Aldira commanded, then, coincidentially with the wolves withdrawing, released Grace, leaning close and embracing her. "Good girl. not cumming. Not a slave to your instincts. Do as I tell you. You are a noble, not a bitch. Even if you want to be a bitch so bad, want to fuck dogs so bad. I'll keep you safe. Trust me."
She encouraged. She didn't want a beast that wildly followed her instincts. No. she wanted something much better. She waited for Grace to recover halfway and the potion to wear of, nodding. Then, aldira suddenly shouldered Grace, carrying her along, the three dogs following until the alchemist shot them a brief glance as Aldira supported grace on their way back to the village..

"Well you... defended me from the wild dogs.. in a rather slutty way but.. I mean.. sorry.. don't worry about that, ok? Don't think about how you were a bitch, because you didn't truly give in and no one saw. I'll tell no one." Aldira cooed, whispering poisoned words itno Grace's ear.. by now the poor nobles body had to have been more than a little heated up by all that had happened to her, .. and how easy was it to NOT think about something when told about it repeatedly. "Geesh.. those dogs gave you some good scratches and bites.. well, as per our contract, I'll give you a healing potion to help with that, don't you worry." Grace's 'Injuries' were quite minor, and of course, Aldira knew that, but, as she lead her poor bodyguard back to the alchemists hut, intentionally not giving her time to clean up or even get the taste of doggie-cum out of her mouth the alchemist insisted the opposite: "Are you ok now? .... I don't think any lesser despite of the filthy thingy you just did ok, you did protect me from the wild dogs.. thank you. Come.. let's get you home and cleaned you up, you don't want to smell like a disgusting bitch, do you? No complaints, you poor thing look all flustered! Lots of women are just filthy dog-fuckers, but you're a noble, you're better than that, aren't you? I bet you wont waste another second thinking about those disgusting beasts and what they might have done to you without me there!" Grace mused, knowing a slaves most dangerous enemy was their own imagination..

Aldira dragged Grace back into the still closed shop, where she dumped her back of herbs and asked.. with again a subtle commanding tone.. "Alright.. you propably want to undress out of those filthy clothes, right.. oh don't worry, the shop is still closed and I saw you naked anyway earlier, it's warm in here so you could be naked all the time, if you wanted, as long as the shop is closed of course, hehe." She patted Grace's back. "Go ahead, undress, you can wash your clothes soon and we can't have you running around like wild dog-cum, can we? I'll mix you a light healing potion and then you get something to wear meanwhile, alright? You have a change of clothes? If not I can find you some of my old things I bet.."

Not allowing Grace to come to word, the Alchemist already left, rushing into her work-chamber.
Her shaft was throbbingly hard. Grace was not the only one that was being denied release and Aldira felt herself nearing her limit.. but she had to keep up the apperance of a harmless shop owner.. well, for the most part. She pulled down a simple healing potion from her stash, then hesitated, fishing and leaning into the back.. just a few drops of an aphrodisiac, she wanted to take it slow.. adjust Grace, not break her. Broken slaves were no fun, those that fell, ever deeper, until they plunged on their own volition were the best. She would not break Grace.. she would gently take her apart, and rebuild her as what she desired!

It took Aldira only a few moments to return, handing Grace a healing potion and three gold coins,.. enough for a simple dress, a bit of food, tools.. but nothing serious. If Grace was naked when Aldira arrived there was a gentle embrace and a 'sorry for all the mess earlier' to help guide Grace further. If she was changing into clothes there was a lack of touch, and a scoling 'should have waited for me to check on your wounds, luv!' followed by a gently encouraged but insistant undressing of the once enslaved noble.

Aldira presented the potion for Grace to drink, nodding and observing its healing effects, slight scratches and bitemarks on the nobles arm disappearing quickly, not like they had been serious injuries either.. this was just one more chance for Grace to feel helpless, yet cared for, under Aldiras gaze. "Looking better.. a.. creative idea for dealing with the dogs.. a strange coincidence, but, considering I only need one more batch of these plants to be set for a while, hopefully it wont repeat. three gold for you to spent as you wish, 2 is for rent and potion and... eh. Spent your time as you see fit." Aldira explained.. if she could, while Grace was still naked and the aphrodising part of the potion made the nobles body slowly heat up in Aldiras present.. attributing its alchemically induced lust to Aldira..

"Weird.. that didn't heal.." Aldira reached out, gripping one of Grace's arms. "An old scar.. looks as if someone restrained you.. chains?" Aldira sighed, pulling Grace close in a suprisingly strong, forceful embrace, one arm holding her shoulder, the other going down to hold her bottomcheek.. erotic, but intentionally ambigious, no squeezing or molesting, just letting the poor Grace marinate in feelings of longing for submission. "I promise, nothing here will hurt you, well.. if you do as I say." Aldira let that hang in the air, intentionally dominant once more, before defusing the situation.. "You wont get in trouble with anyone, I mean. I'll forget all about what happened to you. You should change clothes, wash yout clothes .. oh and I want you to go to the butchers lady, get us some meat for dinner... she is a bitch to her bulldog, by the way, so if you want a discount make sure to address him first, then her." Aldira winked. "The rest of the day, until dinner you ca..." Aldira got interrupted by a banging on the shop door, accompanied by her cursing, nodding only briefly to the still naked Grace and rushing forward to the door, unlocking it with a clicking noise.

There was an angry conversation, of which Grace could hear a few pieces of angry conversation, by the sound of it it was a man and Aldira arguing. The man was hard to understand, Aldira, closer and inside the shop, not so much..:

".... my ass! She .... threatened to kick me out!" "The potion works as intended, but it requires you to train-" "Intended? ... as.... My!...... whatever I want of her!" "That's not how it works. If you mistreat an animal, it wont do as you say, will it?" "....Kidding me? For .... gold..-"

Grace could listen on or start on her chores.. her clothes and getting some meat from.. wherever the butcher was.. or she could curiously listen in further. Of course, if she tried to get in closer without putting on clothes that would be.. rather awkward.
“You must have mastered a good portion of your craft for your skills to translate over to cooking so.” Just how good of an alchemist was she truly though? Grace did not completely believe Aldira’s explanation, instead asking, “Are you sure it isn't just something that it only happens in the frontier?” Grace didn't know much about the common man’s life, but the thought that women even near the kingdom’s bigger city’s would resort to such a thing. Though Grace could understand the need for release… her own was building, and thinking about any kind of sex was not helping in anyway! “L-lowly b-bitches, huh?” Would that be worse than being a slave. Was she just considering...!? What had gotten into her recently?


For some unknown reason, Grace felt a warmth and satisfaction when she licked her fingers, tempting her to have another taste, but it wasn't very strong as of now, and was easily passed off as good cooking and forgotten.

“Ah! A cult that worshiped beasts, maybe they had something to do with women seeking beasts for comfort.” Having the influence to do that, and being able to call a wolf pack made that cult seem all the more dangerous. Hopefully they moved on, or have disbanded. Or better yet, they were just never an actual thing like Aldira believed. Grace couldn't really help with gathering, and instead found herself looking over to the pond. If Aldira hadn't said anything about the pond’s history, it would have just been another peaceful pond in the forest to Grace. It was weird how the world could be like that. Finishing up gathering, Grace just giggled at Aldira’s teasing, thankfully she had a chance to prove that she could protect Aldira, even if she did it in a way she never thought she would have to.

“R-right! We can't let them fuck us!” They were above doing such a thing, even if one of them may have her fantasies. Aldira’s own panic didn't help Grace’s, as she asked for permission to scare the dogs away, but she was quickly chastised by Aldira to only do so in self defense! “B-but I can't hurt them, a-and I-I won't allow them to fuck me! I-I-I’ll still do it just so they will leave us alone, just don't tell anyone! I don't want to be seen as a bitch, not again.” Grace practically whined that last part out. Grace’s hands were small and soft thanks to her previous noble lifestyle, but now those noble hands were wrapped around a doggy dick, stroking it in an attempt to satisfy the dog. Grace used her other hand to gain the attention of one of the dogs harassing Aldira, stroking it's cock in the same way she did with the dog which went after her! The dogs growled, sounding a little satisfied with how Grace was stroking their cocks, with one even biting Grace's arm to keep her from moving it away! She could see the third and last one looking impatient, growling and pacing, with its cock twitching in need. “I-Im not their bitch, t-t-this is a one time thing you stupid mutts!” Grace denied, as each time she thought about being the dog’s bitch, memories of being a slave welled up. A pang of pain went through Grace when she noticed Aldira’s expression. She started to consider just scaring them off once again. The doggy dicks in her soft hands were quickly becoming very wet with slimy, hot precum, coating Grace's own hands with the precum as they started thrusting into her grasp! It didn't take long for the third dog to approach her. It started to lick Grace's pursed lips, wanting something from her that she wasn't ready to do! “N-noooo!” Grace mumbled as she tried to move her lips away from the dogs attentions. Grace happens to look straight over at Aldira, right as she lifted her head. She no longer looked disgusted, but rather worried for Grace. The change in expression left a wave of relief go through Grace, even with the three mutts going after her. Did she really care that much about what Aldira thought of her? I-I don't want her to be disgusted with me again!

“A-are you sure I have to do it with my mouth? Can't I just wait and then use my hands as well?" Grace almost begged, as if Aldira could even change the situation. She knew it was a better alternative to being fucked, a-and she couldn’t let Aldira do it, or else she did all this for nothing, b-but to have a lowly dog’s dick in her mouth… Not wanting her sacrifice to go to waste, and with the help of Aldira’s encouraging petting, Grace drank the potion she was offered. It was a bit suspicious of Aldira to have a potion that would help take a cock in her mouth, but that was for later. “R-right, just don't tell anyone. P-people wont think that I’m a bitch!” The revelation that this secret would stay between the two of them certainly helped calm Grace’s reluctance. She had a great fear of going back to being a slave, and having people think her a bitch to wild dogs was almost as bad. Right as soon as she finished speaking, the third dog suddenly thrusted it cock into Grace’s mouth. She went rigid in surprise, with her eyes open wide in surprise. All three dogs were now thrusting their hot, slimy dicks, two in Grace’s hands, and the third thrusting his into Grace’s throat. Although Grace was previously scared and worried, once Aldira’s hands wrapped around her, and reassured her that she was with her, even if she was a dog fucker, it felt like she started to sink into her thoughts. Or maybe it would be better to call it an out of body experience. Either way, Grace only felt what was happening to her body, while her thoughts swamped her like a tidal wave, sweeping her off her feet and submerging her into them.

She could feel Aldira’s embrace weaken slightly, and Grace felt a sting of fear in her heart, before Aldira once again put strength into her arms. Aldira was still there, she was still with her even as she became… became a bitch. N-not a bitch! She was supposed to be a noble! B-but that wasn’t true, she never truly was one of them... she just lived their lifestyle. U-uhhhh, their dicks are so veiny, so warm, so… so dirty! They were disgusting, yet here she was, letting two of the gross dicks fuck her hands, while the third slimy, smelly one filled her mouth with it’s taste. She didn’t want to think about it, but it was just too overwhelming, her mind was practically burning what was happening into her memories! Just let it be over soon! Unfortunately, for many reasons, the dogs she had been pleasuring with her hands tensed, before shooting out their loads, showering Grace’s clothes, and coating her hands in their cum! Claws dug into her back as the one in her mouth similarly tensed and swelled. The amount of hot cum that flooded Grace’s mouth and sense of smell was enough that it threatened to drown her if she didnt start to swallow it all down! Ahhh, i-it’s so smelly, b-but why am I getting wet!? She could feel the dog’s dick go even deeper into her throat instead of leaving it, eliciting a moan from Grace’s filled lips. At the same time she thought she could feel Aldira’s hands on her own, guiding them to the base of the doggy dicks. N-no, she wouldn’t do that, I-I did it on my own… Grace’s arousal and her trust in Aldira lead her to deny what she felt. It was the kind of blind trust you would put in a close relative or someone who had saved your life and now you owed them. S-she shouldn't be sucking the dick anymore, she was raised as a noble, not as a bitch to wild, dirty dogs! Grace moaned loudly again as the dog’s cock thrusted in her mouth, moving deeper into her mouth than before, in and out. It felt so dirty, yet it was like a forbidden fruit after the dog had flooded her mouth and her throat with its cum. She had to breath through her nose after. The escaped slave part of her felt afraid, humiliated, and like she had no control. But that was only a new part of Grace, she still had years of slavery branded into her. With desires she had long lost control of, and with Aldira’s words that became Grace’s own thoughts, her hands moved, massaging and making the first two dogs hard once again!

Because she could only breathe through her nose, the scent of dog fun filled her senses. It still covered her, with a few rouge stray sprays of cum on her face. A-ahhh~ I smell like cum, dog cum! S-stop it, stupid. I need to stop, but they are about to cum again… if they fun now, they are going to mark my tits with their cum! They are just going to keep coming because of me! Grace was losing control, her will was weakened, Aldira’s sweet whispers poisoning her, and her old nature was rearing its ugly head, and it was enjoying this far too much. She was only able to keep the illusion that she was in control thanks to Aldira. Even if she was a dirty dog fucker, Aldira would be there for her. S-she just couldn't cum from this, not in front of Aldira! But her loins had grown wet already, her thoughts of how she was pleasuring lowly dogs fueling her desires. Her folds quivered just from Aldira’s touch, growing even wetter from her hands movements. R-right, just dont cum, dont cum! Ahhnn~ But… dogs are violating me, covering me in their cum, and it feels too good. She was getting closer, no matter how she fought herself. A small part of her even wondered why she was fighting the need, but it was silenced soon enough. Suddenly Grace felt a shock of pleasure as her clit was ruthlessly pinched, she was just about to surrender to the impending orgasam, and let out a cry, but some commanding force stopped her body. Stopping her right at the edge, even if she was so deliciously close she wasn’t allowed over it! She let out a moan full of need and frustration, caring for nothing but crossing the cliff. Only with Aldira’s powerful command affecting her mind was Grace denied her release. With the dogs retreating as well, Grace’s release was further denied, leaving her panting into Aldira’s embrace, moaning slightly every once in a while as she cuddled into Aldira, hugging her close as the potion began to slowly wear off. Aldira’s last words still ringing in her mind as her own thoughts. She wasn't a slave to her instincts, she was a good girl for not cuming, no matter how much she wanted to, nor how much she wanted more of the dogs, all she had to do was do what Aldira told her to and she would be safe. Safe to give in to her need, because Aldira would protect her, protect her from persecution of being a bitch, from her family, from the world…

“Aldira…” Grace mumbled into the other women as she nodded off, her thoughts stuck on her savior in her weakness. She felt herself being carried, a piggyback ride. Her head constantly was nodding up and down next to Aldira’s own head, easily letting Aldira whisper more poison to the vulnerable girl. She did it! She had defended Aldira, even if she sacrificed herself to the dog’s lust, as long as she didn't let them fuck her, it was fine. No one would know how she was a bitch, as long as Aldira was there, all was fine. “Hehe, Aldira, I did it…” She tiredly said into Aldira’s neck as she snuggled her, still unaware her thoughts were not her own. She seemed real clingy in her sleepiness. Her scratches stung but Grace’s influenced mind trusted Aldira would fix that. The potion’s effects slowly started to wear off, and she “woke up” as she was still being carried. “Thank you Aldira, for your promise and for being so good to me.” They soon arrived back at the shop, and Aldira and gave her own thanks and worries for Grace
. “Mhhh, I’m fine now, t-though do you really not think anything bad of me after that?” She fidgeted in place as she asked. Grace had told herself many times that Aldira wouldn’t think any less of her after what she had done, but she wanted to truly confirm it to be true, obviously caring about what Aldira thought of her. After her experience with the dogs, Grace now truly began to believe that women slept with their dogs when their husbands couldn’t satisfy them, setting her imagination wild. Aldira’s little mental pushes only helped to further taint Grace’s fantasies. Oh what would it be like to truly give herself to a beast instead of another human? B-but of course those were only fantasies, she would never do that, right? She would have no choice in the matter though if Aldira hadn’t been there though… She imagined being pushed and held down by beasts, being fucked for her inability to stop them. Her previous excitement seemed to return as she unconsciously swayed her hips back in forth in frustration.

While Grace day dreamed, Aldira unloaded her bog of herbs before turning to Grace. Her bluntness and permission for Grace to be naked in her home let loose a raging blush on Grace once more. She hoped it was a sign that Aldira might actually be interested in her, rather than just like a sibling. The crush that had started out as just something implanted into her by Aldira’s honied whispers was slowly becoming more genuine. She was being lead around by the nose by Aldira’s use of her potions to grind away at Grace’s resistance to her.
“A-ah, I have a change of clothes. I'll be in my room!” Grace said briefly as Aldira hurried into her workshop. Now left alone, Grace retreats to her room to undress. She peeled off her sweaty, cum covered clothing, leaving them in a pile near the wash bin. Instead of dressing right away, Grace took a wet rag to wash off the dog cum in her hair, hands, and on her face. While she was finishing scrubbing away the dried cum, Aldira reappeared with potion in hand. Unknowing if she should cover herself still or just accept it as she had already been seen naked, Grace kinda just froze once again with a scarlet blush upon her face. Aldira took advantage of her hesitation, and hugged her once again, apologizing for earlier. Grace wrapped her arms around Aldira and hugged back, her breasts slightly pushing into the women. “I-it’s what yah hired me for, t-though it was still a little scary.” Taking the offered potion, Grace downed it like she did the others. It worked its magic, healing scratches and bite marks alike. Aldira’s caring yet examining gaze made Grace feel helpless. It was new to her and yet she had no reason to cover up at this point, the women was just making sure her potion was working after all.

“I-it was all I could think of that didn't hurt them or you and drove them off.” She admitted shyly, her body heating up under Aldira’s gaze. She shifted in place, still feeling the effects of the edging, with the new heat rising as well, her nibbles standing at attention and hardening. She wanted to hide her body’s reaction, but Aldira seemed to notice something and grabbed for her wrists. Oh no, she figured it out. It was her first thought before she almost had a panic attack, if not for Aldira’s sudden forceful hug. Here sizable breasts were now pressed against Aldira’s own. She wanted to hide but the care Grace felt stopped her. The dominant words she spoke caused her to shiver slightly in anticipation, a reaction to the submissive nature that was built over years of slavery. “Right, and thank you for the gold.” Briefly said as Aldria made to answer the door. The snippets of the conversation that Grace could hear definitely sounded interesting, but she needed to get dressed, and one of Aldira’s constraints was that she didn't ask questions about customers. It would be a betrayal of all the care and trust Aldira had given her to break her rules and listen in, better to get dressed and prepare to head out to where ever the butcher was. Hmmm, Aldira was about to say more, and she didn't know what she wanted from the butchers even. I guess I'll wait till she's done and ask then. And that's what Grace did, she waited, dressed, yet still slightly horny. If Aldira took too long with the customer, with nothing to distract her, a hand roamed between her thighs, slightly rubbing her crotch to alleviate the need she was feeling building. She bit her bottom lip to keep quiet as she rubbed, trying just enough to listen if she could still hear voices so she wouldn't be caught in her shameful display.
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