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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

It seemed like the dryads possessed a different sort of magic: making Drago forget all about his injured wing. Moving back to the others, Atair flanked the harpy on his injured side, not wanting it to accidentally get jostled while they were admiring the fae's handiwork. And the look on Keti's face, too, just the amazement that was plain to see. It made him feel guilty for trying to hurry them along, especially when they weren't entirely certain things with Udete were even going to pan out. Then again, if they delayed too long, the trail might wind up harder to follow.

Turning, he caught Violet's gaze, nodding in the direction of the other siren, indicating he'd collect Drago with a gesture in the harpy's direction. It would be a matter of first subtly trying to get them to move on and then something a little more insistent should the two of them prove reluctant to the idea of moving on.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Letting out a hiss, Meaghan bared her fangs, reaching beneath her and slowly withdrawing the elf's fingers.

"I think something a little more substantial before the feast proper is in order," she said, letting her tongue slowly slide up the elf's neck, fangs brushing over his skin teasing at the bite marks from earlier.

Hand still beneath her, her thighs holding her just above his hips, she grasped his length gently. As her fingers slid up his member she let out a small hiss of desire, her breath washing over the wet patches on his neck.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

The elf let out a soft sigh, relaxing as she curled her fingers around his length, although his fingers did not cease or slow in their movements. "Whatever you wish~" he practically purred, putty in her hands. The scent of blood was still strong upon his neck, his own dark and rich and flavour, likely one of the main reasons for his current occupation.

"Mmmm... I do need a good sucking~" he murmured.


"Same place... it's always kept..?" she offered, puzzled and clearly a little concerned as Soren moved back into his study. He found the journal easily enough, it was where he'd keep it in a room like this... where he always left it.

Flipping through the pages, he began to skim through them, trying to find the oracle from his nightmare, but before he'd even gotten that far back he began to notice inconsistencies. Or perhaps it was only deja vu. He'd skim over some words and for a moment was sure he'd just read them on another page, but when he checked back he was mistaken, which would be fine on its own, but so far it'd happened three times and he still hadn't found any mention of an oracle.


Saphael embraced him once again, holding him fiercely close. "It's okay, Ar. It's going to be okay," she whispered to him soothingly, although the pain in her voice had no less receeded. "You're having another episode, but... but we can get through this."

After a moment, she took a deep breath. "These attacks are why you hung up your... duties..." she explained, with a definite and not entirely approving emphasis on the word 'duties'. "I don't know what happened out there, but your mind starts to play tricks on you. Sometimes you don't remember the Peace, sometimes you... sometimes you don't even remember me..."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Ar listened, stunned in the arms of the woman who obviously loved him deeply. "Who took over... Episode or not its important, and I have to speak to the Consul, find out what happened..." His mind was still reeling but he was slowly beginning to relax, trying to focus on Saphael and her voice and touch. Pulling back he looks deep into her eyes, searchingly, longingly.

Something still pulled at the back of his mind, an itch that needed to be scratched, did he have war shock? something had apparently happened to him that was so troubling that his mind hid it from him, twisted his memories to block out the pain. If such was the case then he wouldn't let it hinder him or hurt Saphael any longer, he'd have to confront it properly, try and come to grips or he'd never be able to enjoy the peace he had apparently fought hard to win. Pushing thoughts back in his mind for now, since bothering the Consul before a meeting was tantamount to heresy, even for a Hand of Malak.

Pulling Saphael roughly into a kiss, he held her tight before breaking away again, entranced by the beauty of the women before him, his hands running very gently through the feathers of her wings, his confusion settling for now as he fell back into the embrace of a lie far sweeter then he had dreamed possible...
Re: OOC Thread

Apologies to the festival thread, I'm just stuck for ideas at the moment. I want more to my post than just Atair getting directions and that's really all I got right now. I'll give this some proper thought at work tomorrow and hopefully come up with an idea as to where I can take it.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Soren began to grow increasingly frustrated with the inconsistencies. Picking out two of the pages he was having issues with he handed it to Lorelia, "I'm starting to get a headache, I think. Would you please read to me those two pages? It seems they say the same thing about my students days, and they shouldn't. One should be talking about how my brothers felt when I graduated and the other should cover my mother's reaction at me becoming a professor."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Meaghan let out a low moan as she guided the Elf inside of her, feeling his length fill her. Her free hand ran across his back, lowering down to his waist as she slid down his member.

"So can I," she purred over his neck, before gently sinking her fangs into his flesh, feeling another gush of rich blood flow over her lips. Her eyes fluttered closed the sensations sending a shudder of lust up her spine.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Without much difficulty, Atair was able to get directions to where he could find someone to treat Drago's wing, both town watch and city officials were out in numbers on the main streets to ensure the festival continued smoothly and remained under control.

Moving through the streets themselves to get to the closest aid station proved more difficult, traffic was thick and there were plenty of distracting displays, stalls and performances which helped to increase congestion, not to mention grabbing the attention of the more interested members of the group.

At last, they reached the square where the aid station lay waiting, but it remained out of reach on the far side. Before them a small group of minstrels were gathered around a tree playing a merry jog, while a crowd of festival goers danced merrily to the tune, filling everywhere there was to stand within the square and then some as they spilled out into the surrounding streets slightly. To complicate things further, already the rather unusual looking group was gaining attention from nearby people looking for dance partners, for all of them stood out in a crowd, most in a pleasing way...
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

As Meaghan slid down around him, the elf let out a soft groan, his hands curling around her rear and squeezing it as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth against her, shifting himself within her.

As her teeth sunk into his neck however, he relaxed once more, succumbing to her embrace totally. As he seemed capable of as she drank were regular sighs and low groans and the occasional slight shift of his lips, anything more was too difficult in his state of ecstasy.


Lorelia was looking puzzled and a little worried as she entered the room, moreso when Soren thrust the journal at her. "Your journal...? I don't understand..."

However, before they got much further the sound of an explosion nearby broke the moment. Lorelia's eyes went wide and she bolted from the room. "That close? It has to be the Limeti!" Her voice was filled with worry as she grabbed her toolbelt, frantically heading towards the door.


Saphael returned the kiss fiercely, almost desperately as she clung to him, trying to hold onto him momentarily as he pulled back from her. She stood before him in all her golden radiance, hair falling about her shoulders to cover her otherwise bare breasts; the 'episode' had left her no time to preserve her modesty, although within their sanctuary the oracles had little need to cover themselves in concealing robes like they did below and she in particular had even less to hide from Ar.

"Are you feeling better now?" she asked him softly.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Ar had calmed down somewhat. There were still things he had to check, but they could wait for a little while. "I... I think so, still a little shaken. I need to find out what happened. Sorry for scaring you..." Although he would have liked nothing more then to fall into her arms and waste some time in bliss these recent revelations had killed the chance for any such mood to take real hold. Moving back towards his ceremonial armour, he carefully went over every piece before carefully putting it back in its cabinet. He wouldn't wear that suit, it rubbed him the wrong way, his gut told him not to and episodes or not that was one set of instincts he wouldn't ignore.

Thinking hard about what his next move should be Ar began to search for something a little more subtle, his old black robes would be prefect, but if that wasn't possible then a simple robe or even a tunic and breeches would suffice. After that he had some time to go find the head of his own order, they should be here coordinating the others but there was never any way to tell. Still, he was loath to be away from Saphael. "Would you like to come with me while I try and figure some things out? I'd appreciate the company."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Soren threw up his hands in disgust. He tucked the journal in his belt to be read later. He slithered after Lorelia, curious as to what had her panicking. Something else he didn't remember. This was becoming increasingly frustrating as he still had no idea what was going on, only that something was terribly wrong with this place.
Re: Character Sheets

Getting this started, not sure how much I'll actually be able to fill out as yet, heh.

Character Name:

Player Name: Shrike7

Race: Elf

High Concept: Freerunning Survivor

Trouble: Take a Number and Get in Line

Stress (Use O for open and / for filled):

Physical: O O O O

Mental: O O

Social: O O O

Consequences (list as Mild/Moderate/Severe/Extreme then P/M/S then Aspect, only add as used):






Aspect 1. - Poetry in Motion.

Aspect 2. - Self Taught.

Aspect 3. - Home is Where the Heart is.

Aspect 4. - Insomniac.

Aspect 5. -

Other Aspects:


Skill Cap: Great (+4)

Average (+1) Slots Used: 4
Average Skills:

Fair Slots (+2) Used: 3
Fair Skills:

Good Slots (+3) Used: 2
Good Skills:

Great Slots (+4) Used: 1
Great Skills:

Stunts and Powers (list ability, with cost in parentheses following, then a description of. Section each off with a bullet or -.):

Athletics - Acrobat (1): Gain +1 on Athletics when using it to survive a fall. Also, gain +1 to attempts to dodge ranged attacks (throwing and guns), so long as you describe it colourfully.

Fists - Martial Artist (1): As a result of advanced training, you are able to recognize many styles of martial arts, using Fists as a knowledge and perception skill focused on unarmed fighting. This enables you to make assessments and declarations related to fighting styles and fighting culture
using your Fists skill. This stunt may be used as a prerequisite for other Fists stunts.

Fists - Armed Arts (1): Requires Martial Artist. You are practiced with a small number of weapons as part of your martial arts training. Pick two weapons which logically fit in with your training (Knife and Sap/club/blunt thing). You may use the Fists skill instead of Weapons when wielding these implements.

Base Refresh: 6+2=8

Refresh Adjustment: -3

Adjusted Refresh: 5

Current Fate Points: 5/5
Last edited:
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Powers above," Atair mutters under his breath, especially as the universe itself seems to be conspiring to keep Drago from getting healed. Given that they didn't need all of them at the aid station, so long as Drago could get himself there, perhaps with himself or Violet running interference for the harpy, then the other two could placate the crowd for the time being.

"If you've any pride about not looking wounded," he tells the harpy, "suck it up. If you're clutching your wing, hopefully no one will grab onto you."

He still does his best to keep the group on the edge of the revelers, conveying his idea as well as he can to the others without being too obvious about it. As he's currently walking near-abreast with Drago, he'll flash potential partners a nod or a smile, then follow it up with an apologetic looking pout and some sort of pantomime or indication he needs to stick with the harpy "at least for now, but maybe in a little bit."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago harrumphs as he clutches his injured wing with his good one, trying his best to look injured and as moody as possible. Then again, that last part wasn't too difficult. "Just need to get a sling for it. Can't stand being on the ground." he says in as low a voice as possible to Atair as he weaves and ducks his way through the crowd, shooting angry or pained looks at anyone who tries to pick him up as a dance partner.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

The Vampyre pressed herself tight against the blood doll, feeling the heat of his skin against her own as she drank deep. Her hips slowly rocked back and forth, her hands trailing back up along his spine and pulling tight on his body.

Her nails left dark lines on his fair skin as she slowly pulled her fangs from his flesh, tongue slowly sliding over the blood gushing from the bite, staining her lips and chin a dark scarlet, the excess sliding down their tightly pressed bodies and over the swell of her breasts.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet, for her part, remained fairly somber, the impression that the sight of the battle had left on her and Drago's injury staying central in her mind. As such, she barely noticed the dancers at first, but hearing Atair speak to Drago causes her to jump back into the moment. It was then that she noticed the dancers up ahead, and she frowned darkly. Wrapping her black wings around herself in a makeshift cloak, Violet stuck close to Atair and continued to glower darkly at anyone getting to close. She really wasn't in the mood to dance at the moment, and she knew how to set her body so that that message came across clearly to anyone with working eyes.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti REALLY didn't want to leave the two dancing dryads, and had to almost bodily tear himself away from watching them, and when he finally did he noticed the others had almost left him behind. He would have to remember to come back later to talk to the two. Well, insomuch as he could talk to anyone, anyway.

While they fought through the crowds to get to a place where Drago could get some help with his wing, he'd dug out his map again, wandering with his head stuck in it same as when he'd first bumped into Atair and the others, trying to figure out where that square was, for later. When they finally got to the square with the aid station, though, he looked up.

The music was nice... but, all the dancers were in the way, and a fast song like the one they were playing meant Drago was sure to be bumped into even if they could get through.

Maybe they could play a slow song? With all the things going on, he still hadn't been able to earn any money for lunch or dinner yet... maybe he could make a little here?

But... maybe not. Putting his map away, he tapped Atair on the shoulder and pointing to make sure the "aid station" was the tent he thought it was (it wasn't; apparently the tent he was pointing at sold some kind of lemon-flavored drink), he flapped a few times and took to the air, flying over the crowd - a few flowers falling from his wings into the crowd below. While he flew, he pulled out his slate - almost accidentally dropping it as well, but thankfully not - and wrote on it, for when he landed.

When he reached the aid station, he touched down and showed them the message, trying to point out Drago on the other side of the square.

Excuse me! My harpy friend had his
wing sprained
Can you help him through the crowd?
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Still trying to get Drago through the crowd, Atair glanced back as he felt Keti tap him on the shoulder. Given where the siren was gesturing, he figured out what she was asking and pointed her in the right direction before she took off. Pity Drago simply couldn't do the same. For the most part, he'd keep working on getting the harpy on through, especially with Violet glowering at anyone that dared get close to them. Bit of a shame, that, since there were potential partners she might be scaring off, but he had to keep his mind on his priorities. With any luck, Keti could hopefully get one of the healer's to come to them, or at least meet them halfway.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

As Meaghan pulled away, the elf began to move with renewed vigor, the paralysing pleasure of the embrace receding. He thrust upwards as his arms tightened around her once more, the cool demeanour he'd kept earlier replaced by primal lust.


Soren followed after Lorelia as she led him from the house to a building a few doors down. As he glanced around the street, he recognised this neighbourhood, it was one of the more prestigious areas inhabited almost entirely by the city's top scholars and engineers. Lorelia slid towards a building with smoke pouring from it's roof, although a lack of chimney suggested that this was not the normal state of affairs.

As Soren passed through the door after her, he found himself in a dark stone hallway, the torches either side light with unnatural dark fire as a loud humming noise reverberated up from beneath, the sudden change of scene from what he was expecting was enough for him to whirl back to see how he'd managed to rush into here without noticing but as he looked back, the door was gone. Confused and annoyed, he turned back to the front to find himself in a moderate sized warehouse; a machine took up much of the floorspace and was producing the smoke, with a small crew of concerned looking lamias around it as Lorelia rushed to take charge.

The door was once again behind him, leading out into the neighborhood.


Saphael gave a slight frown as Ar began to search for clothing, finding only the standard white robes of the oracles as well as some fairly simple and serviceable tunic and breeches. After a moment's hesitation, she too moved to dress, pulling on a few light garments worn under a robe, before a robe itself.

"Of course I'll accompany you, whatever would I do without my protector by my side," she teased him fondly as she offered him her hand.
Re: OOC Thread

Sick. Brain no work right. Forgive me if posts for the next week are a bit... garbled.