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Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Might as well, she doesn't seem to be going anywhere soon." Caitlin says with a light laugh. "Lead the way then, I"l be right behind you."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Sho was about to make a comment about sitting the other woman down for a movie night when she made the remark about the pods.

"We've got what?" Siphon! Get your ass to the bridge, now! Life pods on that ship are failing and we've got five minutes to make that stop!

There was no way they were going to be able to fly over in that short of a time, so she was already heading for the rings. If this were an Ancient ship, they should have a receiving area, if what she knew of the cultures was right. Or maybe it was beaming for the Ancients. Either way, she paced about in a circle until the others arrived.

((I'm presuming this is one of the 'beam tech on the bridge' style ships, not 'in the belly of the beast' ones.))
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Nova explored the ship first before going to the elevator. Mid way through his exploration the sudden acceleration made him reconsider as he made his way back to the elevator. Accending to the bridge he was forced to the back of the by the sudden deceleration. Stepping onto the bridge he could sense the urgency,

"Where do you need me and whats goin on?" He requested from Sho.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Siphon opened his mouth to reply to Caitlin when Sho's warning came through.

WHAT?!? Crembah Nelok Travan Shah!

Siphon picked up his pace quickly, speaking to Caitlin.

"Looks like you may be VERY useful after all. Sho just informed m via our link that the ship has active stasis pods, which means there may be more survivors aboard. This just went from salvage mission to rescue operation."

The Alveran then suddenly had an idea.

"Get ready to beam."

Sho, tell Vanessa to lock on to Caitlin and my signatures, as well as your own, and Nova's if he's willing to go, we're going to direct beam to their ship using the matter beam.

Vanessa was the one to reply to Nova.

"We have a drifting Ancient Warship, Tria class, minimal power and stasis pods on board that are failing. Could very well be more survivors, similar to the woman we recovered earlier in her predicament. That's the current situation."

((Ancient's used the rings, so the Tria class ship only has rings. However, Alveran ships use both types, so they can transport from anywhere, to anywhere. IE: We could go right to their bridge from ours, but not from theirs to ours since they don't have rings on their bridge.))
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

I so love it when he swears like that...

"Ness, Siphon says to lock the beam on him, Caitlin, me and Shade," she stuttered for a second, "Nova, if he's going, and send us over there. And wish us luck."

((Glad you're the one keeping the ships straight.))
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Nova nods his head and places one hand on the hilt of his katana in a casual non threatening grip.

"Ready when you are."

(Sorry bout the delay guys. Life is kicking my ass right now.)
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

((Making New Thread for this.))
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

With the departure of the others, the special forces were now scouting the area, looking for enemy survivors. Sighting a village nearby, they begin making their way towards it.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Upon reaching the village, these forces would discover a single man in robes seemingly preaching to a mass gathered near the center of said village. If they listened long enough, they would hear him finally end his sermon with a phrase that would raise a few eyebrows.

"Blessed are those who follow the path of origin. Hallowed, are the Ori."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Torben signals for his men to halt just at the edge of the village, still cloaked.

"Torben here. Unknown individual sighted in village. Looks out of place, possibly foreign or of higher standing. Appears to be preaching to the residents. Transmitting live feed from helmet camera."

"We're recieving you. Just keep watching him for now."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

It wasn't long before they would catch some conversation, the villagers asking to know more about the Ori and this man's as of yet unseen, and unheard of gods.

As things went along, Torben and his men might get the impression this was some form of missionary sent to spread the word of his god, although something seemed out of place. It wasn't until one of the elderly women came out with burn marks on her face and the prior healed her that it would click.

The man was some form of offshoot of either Ancient or Alveran, he clearly had the healing ability that Siphon had. Torben probably had heard of it via intelligence, or allies, or even by having met him. Regardless, there was no denying that this man was potentially very powerful.

After several more 'miracles' were performed, he bid the villagers a farewell, promising to return in three days to gather their reply of acceptance or not. With this done, he began walking towards the stargate, passing within a few dozen meters of Torben's group.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"That's interesting. Alright, follow him. Keep out of sight. If he's heading for the Stargate, get the address he enters. Find out where he's going."

Torben sends a signal to his squad, and they begin following the man. They move slowly and silently, keeping their distance.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Sure enough, the prior headed straight for the stargate. What Torben and his men witnessed though was nothing short of strange.

It was well known that without a proper power supply, one couldn't dial outside of the local galaxy. However, the prior proceeded to dial an eight symbol address, one connecting to outside the galaxy, and then quietly stepped through, the gate shutting down behind him.

If they cross referenced the gate address, they'd find it didn't match anything on record at all, it was a galaxy that had never been explored it seemed.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Address acquired."

"Alright, we're sending a dropship to pick you up."

Back on the Razor's Edge, Corax looks over the gate address captured in Torben's helmet camera.

"Hmm. 8 symbols... that doesn't seem right. Well, Siphon would know more. Now to find out just where the hell he buggered off to."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

It was about that time that Corax would receive a hail from Talok and his ship, low priority.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"This is Corax. We're recieving you. Go ahead."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Talok's voice filled the room as he spoke.

"I am to inform you Siphon has headed to the coordinates I am about to send to you. They found a damaged Ancient Warship with some power still, Siphon believed he could salvage it and learn something from it. They were supposed to check in once they got there, which they would have by now. They are yet to do so. It's probably nothing, however I was left specific instructions to monitor the man who came through the Stargate earlier."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"We've done a little monitoring of our own. I'm sending you the video recording from Torben's helmet, and the gate address he entered when he left. Something about it doesn't seem right."

"We're recieving the coordinates. If we're done here, I think we'll head out there and see what Siphon's up to."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Talok's reply came swiftly.

"Understood, transmission received. I'll analyze the gate symbols and see if I can trace it, but for now yes I think we're pretty well done here. Doesn't seem like that person intends on coming back quickly, so it's a wait and see game now. I hate those games, but oh well. Good Luck, and I'll contact you when I have finished the analysis."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"We'll see you later then."

Men and equipment are beamed back and forth between the Edge and the two cruisers for a minute, Graevus and Vulkan among them. All three ships then shift into slipspace jumps, with the cruisers heading off to rejoin the fleet and the Edge on it's way to the Ancient ship.