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Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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In the vastness of space there are many planets. Some, like this one, are very similar to Earth and are inhabited by humans, long ago transported off of Earth by either the Gou'ald or seeded there by the Ancients themselves.

Planet Side:

The clean-up to the Sentinel War was well under way. With the Sentinels dead and the majority of their followers now free from their influence, it was almost a cake walk. At least until the Bentari had shown up. Seemed that without the Sentinels to guide them, they'd gone totally berserk and begun attacking anyone and everything, including their former allies in the Draque and Enoly.

Narlina's hive had arrived less than an hour ago after getting a distress call from the planet. Upon arriving, they'd soon discovered thousands of the Bentari swarming across the planet, and over twenty of their ships in orbit, constantly sending more troops. They had of course launched darts and sent troops of their own to the surface, where now the battle raged on.

Planet Orbit Side:

The battle raged on majorly here, the Bentari warships locked in battle with a single Wraith Hive ship, and two Alveran Cruisers. Those who had seen the ships before would know them by name. Both the Daina Eil'Mori and the Kara stood their ground, refusing to give an inch to the marauding Bentari ships.

Both Alveran ships had taken damage, and been rammed by fighters that simply could not be stopped at speeds of over 10,000 KPH. While the larger ships were about finished, the battle was far from over as both ships, unbeknownst to them, had been boarded.

In the halls of the Kara, a single woman moved in the halls, making her way to the fighter bay.

((Time for everyone to decide where their character is now. On the surface, joining the orbital attack, or if they have just picked it up and are now moving to investigate. Happy Hunting!))
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

As the steady beat of footsteps traveled down the hall a creature stirred. Not fully concious and in a twilight type space the mind raced. He was a hunter, living in hell for to long he became pure instinct. Yet somepart of him wanted to go out and interact with his species. Clouded and confused he tries to flee as a almost unnotticable black mist passes by the woman.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

In space, a blue sphere began to form far behind the Wraith Hive. As it began to glow brighter and brighter, a gold and blue ship shot out, the blue sphere disappearing as it arrived "I apologize for the delay, Mrs. Narlina. I was busy cleaning up a zerg colony back home." a voice echoes in Narlina's head as the newcomer to the fight begins to launch a small fleet of fighter craft, moving at approximately the same speed as the Bentari fighters were. If the Bentari were to open fire on the ship with any weapons, they would see a strange blue shield flicker and disperse the energy as if it were nothng. Inside the large ship was utter silence as an alien figure dressed in a black cape and black head wrap moved his strange hands about a command console, opening seperate video communications channels to both Narlina's Hive and the Kara.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Two enormous cruisers blast out of a slipspace portal near the allies. Each one begins pouring forth fighters, led by a large, nasty looking red gunship. The cruisers begins hammering the Bentari ships with laser fire, while a transmission is broadcast to the other ships.

"Graevus here, is there any left for us?"

"There'd fucking well better b- Son of bitch, that's the way you want to do it?"

The second transmission cuts off as the red fighter enters combat.
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Affirmative Graevus, plenty of the bastards left. Still twelve ships left, but we're picking up signatures that might be more incoming, twelve light years out."

Siphon's image had snapped onto their viewscreens, and now he was cut off by a shower of sparks as several shots hit his ship at once. A moment later he returned fire, twin blue beams cutting through the offending ship in a heart beat.

"Make that eleven."

"Not to worry Ixack, you've not missed awful much. I'm currently on the surface, we've got a ton of them down here."

Trained as Vanessa was, she did not miss the sudden mist go by her. At first she opened her mouth to yell at an Ingrali for startling her, then realized it was too mist like to be one of them. Weapon drawn, she pursued the mist, not bothering to call Siphon as she could feel the ship rocking from hits taken still.

She pursued it around a corner where she suddenly lost track of it. Cursing softly under her breath, she finally was forced to give up. She'd have to call Siphon using the comm panel a section back and inform him they might have been boarded by something, and begrudgingly turned around.

As soon as she opened the door to the next section though, she realized she was in trouble. A hulking Bentari stood behind it, and it reacted a hair faster than the assassin did.

Vanessa found herself lifted off of her feet, and slammed into the wall five or six times, nearly blacking out as her head was repeatedly struck. Her weapon discharged, but was well off the mark, and then she was on her back, slammed into the floor as the beast began to strangle her. She tried to shoot it, but it's other arm pinned her gun hand to the floor, rendering her unable to fight back against her soon to be murderer.

Her weapon discharged three more times before she began to black out, lack of oxygen beginning to set in.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"That is good. When we are finished up here, I will attempt to send reinforcements." Ixack replies to Narlina, his ship buzzing with activity, the combat drones engaging and neutralizing the Bentari attack craft "Siphon! My drones will keep their individual fighters occupied. Focus on their main ships. If all else fails, I have a trick up my sleeve that can handle them." he thinks to Siphon, his hands still darting about his command console as the ship begins to turn hard to starboard, some of the attack drones returning for quick repairs and then darting back out again to join the fray. Through the video display, they would see Ixack's head and neck remaining perfectly still as he commanded the drones mentally "Siphon, I need any information you have on our opponents weapon and propulsion system. If I can coordinate my drones properly, I may be able to disable an enemy ship without destroying it. Would that be satisfactory?"
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

The wepons discharge caused him to focus on the fight. Seeing the woman struggle against the attacker a faded inage of a woman passed through his mind. The smile, the laugh, the voice. He roared in anger fully waking up now. The mist formed behind the crature takeing the shape of a rather large human being. Takeing two steps forward he brought one arm under the creature's free hand mussles flexed and bones started to break. The human's other hand slid out a black tanto and aimed it at its neck. "Now let her go." With a swift thrust he pierced the creatures windpipe and continued through the spine.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Yeah, that would let us study their technology. Try to aim for the aft sections of the ship near the engines and pierce the hull. If we can take out their life support systems we can leave the ship intact."

The creature never really had a chance to defend against the sudden attack. It began to move, then quickly died as it bled out in seconds. A red light on it's head went out, likely meaning it had expired.

The woman gasped for air for several moments, before looking up to the newcomer.

"Thanks ... but who ... are you?" And how did you get on board?"
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Confirmed. I'll sent a detachment of drones the handle one of their ships. Just try not to shoot down my drones by accident." Ixack says, in an almost mocking tone of voice, looking away from the scene for a moment, then back "Please ask the hive to provide support fire with their fighters as well. If we can take their shields down, I'll melt right through their hull." Ixack says, several of his attack drones peeling away from the main assault force, and diverting to one relatively unharmed Bentari ship.

Their speed would prove enough to throw the Bentari aim off, but they weren't nearly as fast as Wraith darts. They would quite literally swarm around the aft end of the ship, firing into the enemy shields in order to take them down in that section. The plasma weaponry didn't do much damage on it's own, but in a swarm like this, it added up quite nicely against most forms of shields, overpowering it by stressing it on multiple areas. If the Bentari were smart enough to notice, Ixack's carrier itself was not attacking. In fact, it looked as if it was unarmed save for the swarm of drones.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)


While the majority of her friends were busy fighting the good fight and ridding the space of the Bentari cruisers, Sho, on the other hand, was in the thick of things on the planet's surface. Or rather, she was the eye of the storm and the Bentari that were assaulting the natives found themselves facing the full force of one very pissed off wind witch. In addition to keeping herself airborne and mobile, since blaster fire wasn't exactly detered by wind like bullets were, funnels ripped down from the clouds above, tearing through troops before disipating and finding other large clusters or any vehicles to work on tearing apart and turning to scrap in the process. Needless to say, the atmosphere probably looks very interesting from space.

((There, to make up for not being here initially, I'll be somewhere else *grins*))
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Before responding to the woman he dabs his fingers in the blood of the alien and snifs it, muttering something to himself. Wipeing the blood of his fingers on the creature he looks at the woman.

He nods glad to see she is alright. "My name is Nova and how i got here i don't know. Where exactly is here?"

Offering a hand up to the woman he looks around for more creatures.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)


A few moments later the hive launched yet another wave of darts, all of them congregating on a single Bentari ship. Before long, under the assault of the darts and the main hive's batteries, their shields had completely collapsed.

If the Bentari noticed Ixacks ship, they didn't show it, instead focusing on the actual attackers.

Narlina shot a brief thumbs up towards Sho, even though it was unlikely she could see it from that high up. The few Bentari who managed to get a bead on Sho though quickly found themselves raked by Wraith weapons fire, and one made the mistake of getting a little too close to the Queen herself, and lost his head for his trouble. While the wraith weren't quite as strong as the Bentari, they were strong enough to kill one.

The woman shot the newcomer a curious look, before accepting the hand. After all, he'd killed the Bentari, so at the very least she supposed she could trust him for now.

"I'm Vanessa, your on board an Alveran ship called the Kara, in the middle of one huge ass space fight. Ah shit, more of them."

Coming down the corridor were four of the hulking Bentari, and this time they weren't running into the thick, they were shooting weapons that fired green globs of energy at the two.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Forming a barrier of ice to shield from the attacks nova withdraws his black katana. "If you have somewhere to be go ill take care of these guys."

As the ice dematerilizes and melts Nova charges in ducking and weaving through the wepons fire. A explosing rocks the ship causing him to shift into a energy blast. His clothing burns away as his hip is hit. letting out a roar he enters melee combat with the drones.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

As the shields went down around the Bentari ship, Ixack's drones immediately broke away from their current target and began their assault, plasma weaponry burning through the armor in the aft section of the ship.


Far behind the Siphon's fleet, space begins to boil and rupture as a white hole appears in space, a massive whale-like ship shooting out and quickly coming to a halt. Most of the ships would pick it up immediately, if their sensors were the least bit good. The massive ship looms behind the fleet, as if it does not even notice the combat.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Along the outer edge of the system, another tear in space opens and disgorges another ship, this one a little over a kilometer long and mostly overgrown with some sort of brownish organic compound. It drifts lazily for a few seconds, then changes course and heads towards the conflict. Scans of the vessel reveal a single humanoid lifesign, and near thirty individual signs similar to the organism covering the ship. There were a few scattered power signatures, but no apparent means of propulsion.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Ixack's ship was turning to con centrate on the fight when both strange vessels emerged, thinking nothing of it as his drones continued chewing into the armor of the target Bentari ship.


Upon the newcomers arrival, the whale-like ship began to show signs of interest, shifting it's positioning and then heading on an intercept course for the newcomer. If anyone were in fact living on board, they would recieve a message. "Unidentified vessel. You are carrying an infection we have sworn to fight. Withdraw from this area immediately, or you will be fired upon." is heard over the on-board radio. The voice itself sounded very old, yet very wise. If the newcomer were to scan the ship, they would see that it's weapons were fully charged and prepared for combat.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

The unidentified ship stopped almost immediately, but it took a moment longer to broadcast a response. There sounded like a bit of shifting, then an older woman's voice came over clearly. This is Caitlin Hall, on the Forward Unto Dawn, and you are mistaken. The bioforms you are no doubt scanning are ship components, and are in no way infectious. I mean no quarrel with you, unless you are the cause of the emergency transmission I picked up.

The entire time, scans of her ship revealed no change. If it had shields, they weren't activated, and all weapons were still powered down.
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

The mystery ship began to slow down, it's weapons powering down as it slowed. To Caitlin, a video channel opened up. Portrayed on the screen was a strange alien creature, sporting a mohawk and silver fur covering most of his face. When he spoke, his voice seemed different from the man who had spoken earlier. It was gruff, and carried a sort of commanding presence "Whoever you are. You had better not be carrying any of the Flood. For if you are, you will find your ship torn asunder." the creature says, the voice from before in the background, very weak, but Caitlin might be able to make out the voice from earlier calling this alien 'Tartarus'.
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Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Vanessa only nodded in wordless reply to Shade, ducking behind a corridor wall to call Siphon for back up. She wasn't sure this man could take on four of the Bentari alone.

Reaching the terminal she called up to Siphon, who snarled loudly at the mention of having been boarded by the Bentari.

On the bridge, Siphon sent a warning out to all allied ships in the vicinity.

"Heads up folks, avoid the ripple! Die you Bentari scum bags!"

As he fired the weapon, he did not realize he also had the ships intercom online as well.

Outside of the ship, any ship who had working sensors would suddenly register a massive distortion in space, followed by the instant obliteration of ALL the Bentari ships, minus the one they were taking for research.

To said sensors, it appeared as if a black hole had come into being, destroyed a number of ships, and then vanished. They would also register what ship had fired it too.

Before leaving the bridge, Siphon shot a warning to Talok to let him know he might have been boarded as well, then left after sealing the bridge so only he could access it.

Two of the Bentari warriors surged forward into melee range, even as four more came around the corner. The two took swings at Nova, attempting to decapitate him with brute force.

Both of the new ships found their brief quarrel, which seemed to be cooling down, cut off as a sudden ripple in space indicated another vessel approaching. A large hyper-space window opened up and a vessel about the size of the larger ship, and half more came through the tear in sub-space. It's shields were up instantly, but weapons were not yet armed. It was then both ships received a hail.

"I am Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Race, hailing both vessels immediately to my fore. Identify yourselves and your business in this region of space. You are clearly not Bentari, the instigators of the battle currently raging near the planet, therefore I shall allow you the chance to speak without fear of offensive action. However, you should be advised that this planet is under the protection of the Asgard, and any hostile actions taken against them will constitute as an act of war, and be dealt with appropriately."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Hmm, more brutish than I expected, given the graceful lines of your ship. Caitlin pondered out loud, not reciprocating the video feed. I can assure you, I carry none of your 'flood' on my ship, the organism is one of my own design and make, if you must know. I call him Bob. she explained, her tone approaching irritated as the ship began moving again. Now, I am going to help whoever sent that distress call, if you'll excuse me.

She left the comm channel open as her ship started picking up speed, and started scanning the battle she appeared to be waltzing right into. That was when the gravity weapon went off, causing her to gasp. Such immediate loss of life...

The new ship appeared and made it's broadcast, causing yet another sigh. Everyone in space seemed so sure of themselves, made her wonder why they haven't all killed each other off from all the useless posturing. This is Caitlin Hall, of the Forward Unto Dawn. I'm here investigating the distress call that was sent out, assumedly in response to those Bentari you mentioned. She broadcast right back, still keeping off the video feeds.
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