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Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Ooh, can I push for having the removal of chain attacks stopping when I miss as well? I guess they should have some manner of mana cost so that they are not abusable but just turning into a machine gun flinging arrows all about the battlefield.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Combos will no longer break on a miss, they will finish out the pre-determined number of hits in the chain. Be advised though you may still only land one hit if the rolls dictate a miss, and any misses in a chain will lead to a second chance at a counter attack being used against you.

As for the Ranger Elemental thing, I do have a plan for that later down the line, so for now I am leaving it as is.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Another change:

Looking back at some of the damages, I realized that there may be some under powered higher level skills. With that said, I am looking at buffing some of them, so stay tuned for a more complete update.

Changes Thus Far:

Buffed Warrior Skills Aerial Snare and Springing Slice to deal 700 and 750 damage on their damage dealing parts respectively. Buffed and CHANGED both Shove and Wrathful wave for Warriors. Skills now deal 500 and 650 damage respectively with no follow-up attack AND cause loss of turn for the target foe(s). Wrathful Wave has a 5 turn cool down, and hits every foe in the field of play, however it won't knock down boss type monsters, so they won't lose a turn, but they will take the damage. Stay tuned for more potential buffs.

Damage 'boosts' gained from levels now apply to ALL skills except those dealing Holy or Shadow Damages.
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Oh, did the Amazon Goddess disappear? Been a while since she showed up. Might need a cameo appearance soon lol.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

No, you just haven't been lucky enough to trigger her. Only a 10% chance each round for her to show up.

Also, final list of changes to character skills:

Amazon/Ranger: Magic Arrow Does 300 Damage now. Aether Arrow deals 500 damage now.

Ritualist: Surge of Power now deals 800 damage.

Sorceress: Dark Apocalypse now does 2000 damage.

Spiritmaster: Spiritual Time Bomb now deals 150 damage. Elemental Bombardment now deals 1000 damage.

Buffed Warrior Skills Aerial Snare and Springing Slice to deal 700 and 750 damage on their damage dealing parts respectively. Buffed and CHANGED both Shove and Wrathful wave for Warriors. Skills now deal 500 and 650 damage respectively with no follow-up attack AND cause loss of turn for the target foe(s). Wrathful Wave has a 5 turn cool down, and hits every foe in the field of play, however it won't knock down boss type monsters, so they won't lose a turn, but they will take the damage.

Damage 'boosts' gained from levels now apply to ALL skills except those dealing Holy or Shadow Damages.

All other Classes and Skills remain the same.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I am back from the New Years break! Before I get to updating threads, some news:

1: After re-reading a few threads and such, I have decided that Class Specific Skills such as the Warrior's Sexual Rush WILL be allowed to affect some Boss Monsters. There will be a few exceptions to that, which I will now list:

Bosses not affected:

Andariel (Catacombs Boss), Lilith (Sexual Corruption Chambers Boss, though she isn't alone), Kabraxis (Great Marsh Boss, not alone), Flesh Dancer (Demonic Tunnels Boss, not alone), Phantom Doppelganger (Entryway to Hell Boss), Lillandra (River of Flame Boss) and Thembrihkal (Final Boss, for obvious reasons!).

2: Magical Chair Damaging: This will ONLY apply to Andariel, Lilith and Lillandra's fights, as all other magical chair attacks CAN be stopped by the interrupt skills. Each Magical Chair construct has 4,000 HP and can be destroyed to free your companion faster than you could ever free her just by attacking the boss. 4,000 HP sounds like a lot, but the chairs are stationary, and therefore your attacks can't miss! You will always land hits on them, so if your companion is magical chair bound, unload your hardest hitters into that chair!

3: I am working on a few enemy additions, some of which MIGHT come into PoP 1 as later act enemies that I'll add to a 'rare spawn table', which is already in the works. The 'rare spawn table' consists of two distinctly different phases. Phase 1 is that when the rare spawn triggers, you could see an enemy that's out of place, for Example a Succubus in the Blood Moor, where they normally can't be found. Phase 2 is for even more rare types of enemies, like our new ones, which appear very infrequently regardless of where you are. More information to come on this later, but suffice it to say that some of the source inspirations come from the Violated Hero and Monster Girl games, just to name a couple.

4: As time permits me to do so, I will be working on some extra back story stuff for the Planet of Pleasure series, starting of course with game 1. Some of this stuff will be something the characters will discover, some will be more for everyone to read and enjoy, explaining how some of the bosses, and shrine bosses became what they are today. These will be decently sized stories detailing their struggles to survive, and their ultimate failure to escape or resist being turned into what they became. I'm thinking I will create a new thread under the RP Section specifically dedicated to that kind of writing/information when I have a few to post, updating it as I have things finished until there are no more PoP 1 enemies to work with.

Now, for a quick bite to eat of food, and then UPDATES!
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

When I have enough free time I will post the new enemy stats in the Beastiary.

Also, it appears I have neglected to use a VITAL part to the Adrenaline Boost for PC's. My apologies for not auto-critical hitting any attacks that landed while your characters were under it's effect. I will endeavor to make certain I do that from now on.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I hope than someday a lucky player gets infected with parasite and aphrodisiac dart before face an Iron Miaden and a good quick bunch of foes :3
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Haha, never know, it could happen!

Also, I might be adding a few more enemies in the coming days or weeks. Likely putting in the Aliens from the Alien movies, with a few twists obviously to make them work here. Figure since we have the Face Huggers, may as well bring in their adult forms too. Likely to be Queens and regular enemies, some might be futas, some might make you a futa. Some might be males as well.

Stay tuned for more info.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

This still open for new people? And if so is there any class in particular that might want to get some spotlight?
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Yes, I'm still taking people, and that is completely up to you what class. I'd suggest looking over each class (I believe all the information is up to date but I will confirm that either tomorrow if I have time, or Wednesday when I am home), to see which one seems to be what you'd like.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Gonna whip up and amazon/ranger then! Thanks :3
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

My apologies to everyone, this has been a very crazy week, but there is good news in all of it!

First, yes, I AM going to be updating this (most likely tomorrow or Friday at some stage), so keep the faith my friends!

Second, part of the reason this week has been so crazy is because last Tuesday I had a road test, and passed, earning my license! So I've been busy getting things set up for insurance so I can drive legally, and attempting to find some kind of job to get me on my way to better things.

So fear not everyone, I will return soon!
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Congrats on your victory and now enslavement to car dealers!
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

OK, so some quick updates on works in progress for you all, or changes.

After careful consideration, I've decided to tone down the Chantress skill 'Sexual Frustration'. It is no longer a 100% trigger, but now a 25% chance. This balances out giving it usefulness, while not making it the most OP class specific skill in the game. Further tweaks may come down the line if I see it unbalancing with other classes in any way, so stay tuned.

There will be some new changes coming soon to the mechanics of the game, as soon as I can hash out the right system. Amongst the changes planned are as follows:

1: Instituting a cap on the number of one use items that can be carried by an NPC or PC at a time. This is directly related to the second planned change, so see below. No number has been decided yet, so feel free to mention ideas.

2: Adding the chance for one use items to be dropped as loot from defeated enemies. This will give some more in the way of useful loot that can be found.

3: Scaling Loot System: This is a two fold system that I am currently working on which should, in theory, allow for both faster posting, and progression through the game. The way this will works is as follows.

3A: I plan to create a new, dynamic loot table that will take into account the possibility that some items have reached their cap limit, therefore removing them from the drop table and making it a single roll, rather than re-rolling until something you can get drops.

3B: Some enemies MIGHT be 100% chances to drop a Map Piece in the near future, though I haven't decided yet on which ones that will be. I'm considering shrine bosses as well as the Super Rare enemies as likely targets for this change.

3C: Greater chances of map pieces dropping in normal fights based on how difficult the fight was. The harder the fight was (longer by posts/rounds), the greater the chance a map piece will be rewarded out of it. This is still in it's infancy stage, as I need to come up with appropriate numbers for rounds to trigger each tier of chance.

Again, feel free to add any suggestions. The goal with these modifications is to both balance the game, and, hopefully, increase both the post amounts per week/day, as well as speed the game up some so we're not stuck on PoP 1 forever, and can branch off into the planned add-ons.

Oh, and one final note: I'm working on some new enemies, including one that I think will be a very welcome addition to the game, and cause nightmares if/when your characters ever manage to sleep again. More to come on that at a later date.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

All good to me, Lorelai is eager to blow a chunk out of Thrembrikul and use it to make a decorative scarf for N'gaasha.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

So a list of changes for PoP that will be implemented as of NOW, although some of these changes won't be actually seen just yet.

1: Players, and NPC's, can carry a maximum of EIGHT (8) One Use Items on them at any given time. I don't think this number will ever be reached, but it seemed a fair number when factoring in possible solo runs for extended periods of time.

2: One Use Items may now drop as a reward after defeating any enemy.

3: Map Pieces are now easier to acquire. I have altered the loot table to heavily favor a Map Piece dropping the more items you have acquired and maxed your carry space for. In addition, Shrine Bosses will now drop a Map Piece 100% of the time, making Shrine Battles a bit more worth the risk, even for a seemingly worthless buff. Note that item 3C in my previous post has NOT been met. I am waiting to see how this new system plays out before making any further alterations.

4: Adding an experimental new skill that Tentanari had originally mentioned to me, that I never did get around to implementing.

Over-Drive Skill: Gained when a character reaches Level 5, this skill allows them to DOUBLE the BASE DAMAGE of any skill they wish to use, guarantees a hit AND, provided the skill wasn't shadow damage dealing or otherwise stating it can't, have a chance to critical hit as well. The skill may only be used once on a shrine boss, twice on a true boss, and not at all on
normal enemies, aka trash mobs. 5 turns must elapse before this skill may be used again in a True Boss Fight, and will additionally DOUBLE the cool down of the skill it was used on. If the skill did not have a cool down to begin with, it will enter a 5 turn cool down for that one, or two times depending on the type of fight. In addition, all damage dealt with this
skill will be IMMUNITY IGNORING.

5: New Enemy Attacks as of Act 2. Beginning with Act 2, Succubi and Tentacle Equipped Monsters will be getting additional attacks that may be used at any time along with their old attacks. The list is as follows:

All Succubi enemies will be given multiple new attacks to use, and have a chance of using them along with their old attacks.

The attacks are as follows:

Womb Fuck - Any orgasm suffered while this attack is going on will automatically impregnate the Succubus.

Pussy Suck - Effectivly acts like both a Pussy Ride AND a Blowjob on the same organ at the same time.

Pussy Suck + Womb Fuck - See the other attacks. A Hybrid of both.

True Womb Fuck - Supreme Succubus ONLY - Insta Impregnation and Orgasm causing skill. Has a 50 Turn Cool Down shared with ALL Supreme Succubi in the battle when successful.

All women are very weak against these attacks, and will take +10 normal pleasure if they get raped by one of them. This weakness does not stack with any others, and overrides them.

Tentacled Enemy Changes: All creatures with Tentacles (Male, Female and Traps) will have the ability to use special 'mouth' tentacles to suck the dicks of any women who are a futa at the time. This will create a dual rape situation where the victim will suffer +10 normal pleasure (IE: 40 instead of 30, with the chance to become 80 if critical pleasure). These attacks will always be used if their target is a futa for any reason.

6: Additional Enemies: I have added 2 enemies to this game, with at least two more as WIP's, though they likely won't be showing up until one of the Sequel's. The two new enemies are based off the Xenomorphs from the Alien movies. We have a Male, and a Female who will try to ride you inside her alien pussy.

Additional Info:

As time progresses, I will be writing stories that will detail how some of the bosses came to be where they are, as well as possibly a handful of short stories on the NPC's in the game, and either the fate of their groups, or their own (as in the case of Cassidy and Cassandra). Stay tuned for more information on that.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

So I am likely going to try starting this up again come this weekend. For right now, I am going to be accepting ONLY former players back, and no new ones at this time. Ideally, I'd like to continue with the characters you all had to begin with, though if you want a fresh start with a new character I'll allow that.

I'll compile a list over the week as to who is back in, and what they want, and then either Friday or Saturday I will update threads, or create new ones as needed. So, who's ready to go again?

In addition, there may end up being some new additions in the forseeable future to the game, so stay tuned for more information on that.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Im fine with continue with the same character
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Lorelai's crusade continues! I will find my giant! None shall get between us!