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Piracy Resailed - IC

Luna was watching the spectacle, but the crowd around her was equally horny. With 99% of the crowd being male, and !% of the crowd being Luna, it didn't take long before Luna felt someone touching her bottom. Gently at first, but more eager if he left him go on.

"Oh, you are horny too, goat girl?" The man behind her whispered with the slimy voice of a true pervert.

"Don't be jealous...we can take care of you..." he continued, as his hands started fondling her breasts...

Luna would also notice that literally all the nearby men had huge tents in their pants...who knows what would happen if she failed to resist...maybe they....maybe....
Luna jumped in place as she felt a large and rough feeling hand land on her ass, gently squeezing her ass at first, then starting to get rough as Luna barely put up any resistance, sighing in pleasure as the man did so.

The man was already calling her names in his disgusting tone that brought shivers of anticipation through the 'goat slut'! "I-I'm not..." She interrupted herself with a moan as the perverted man started to fondle her breasts and promised to take care of her. Him and everyone near by. Literally everyone around her had a huge tent in their pants!

(DC 12 (7+5) Will Save = 11 (7+4) FAIL) Luna cant will herself to not accept the offer!

"I-I guess it wouldn't hurt to relieve my self... and anyone else who wants some help..." She purred in a sultry tone, getting excited for a good gangbang. It had been too long since the crew had one as big as this one could get. Knowing herself she was probably going to get stuck fucking for the rest of the day, but she couldn't resist the offer after what she had just watched!
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With the commotion going on ahead at the dock, Peep tilted his curious head, then slowly hopped over, eyeing the sultry tiefling girl with quickly growing, curious interest, half opening his mouth to show a hint of red tongue, and nudging his green head up against one of the dock-workers.. Who made the mistake of annoyedly shoving Peep aside, delaying the frogs advance into the crowd long enough to find himself stumbling and splashing into the ocean besides, the amphibian eyes settling on Luna with curious interest, seeming to scan her voluptous, now far less dressed body in close up detail with far above normal animal intelligence...
"Hohoho....I can smell a slutty pussy when I see one...don't worry, I have experience with goats...none ever complained...hohoho" the man with the slimy voice bragged.

And then he removed her panties with one swift motion, turning her around. Luna would realize...that the man had already his cock out, oozing precum!

"Wait, is there an other slut here?" a man to the left noticed.

"Damn...is this a scam?" an other looked around for pickpockets. But then he realized he had nothing to get stolen anyway.

"Hey...you have to share!" a burly man argued by the side.

"I found her first...so I get to fuck her first! Hohoho!" the pervert declared, shoving his cock into Luna's pussy! Good thing she was wet already...

"Dibs on her mouth!" someone cried from the crowd. "Put her on the barrel over here..." someone rolled an open barrel over "that way we can all fuck her"

(If Peep manages to jump in the open barrel in time, he will be able to molest Luna while she is getting fucked!)

"Why don't we fuck those two bitches too?" Someone else argued. "It isn't like they are any less sluts!"
Tag: Luna, primarly

Peep easily managed to hop-sneak into that barrel, grinning smugly and conspiratiorially before the bitch.. errr.. Luna, found herself .. placed upon it, the lewd frog at first enjoying the show and then, curiously lassping at the helpless piratess slit!

Ylira was distracted dealing with the dock official as Marnia first sampled the dildo and then headed off to help the poor, heated doggie. She didn't notice Luna watching the dock and once the pompous official moved away Ylria followed after Marnia. She wasn't entire shocked at the quickly developing lewd situation knowing Marnia's exuberant and submissive nature. Ylira herself felt a sudden sense of warmth and juicing herself as she watched the horny doggie girl and the blue lamp slave suckle, rub and touch each other. When Marnia slips the impressive and arousing dildo into the doggie girl's pussy Ylria can only moan herself. Still, as fun as it all was this wasn't their mission... yet... later they could indulge in some serious sexiness but first they had to find a crew.

Glancing around as she stood at the edge of the crowd Ylria was intensely aware of the intense lust radiating from all of the men as they watched Marnia and the doggie girl fucking in broad daylight. Ylria admired Marnia's style but this would have to end before it became a riot. Already one slut was being bent backward over a barrel and fucked. Of course the horny Peep had slipped into the barrel and from the way the slut was jerking she guess that the frog was supping on his favorite meal of girl cum. Some of the men were looking at Ylria with lust as well and the scantily clad rogue decided that she needed to do something about before things became a sexy, general orgy.

At least Ylria was held the Marnia's lamp and could command the lust filled lamp slave. Ylria pushed herself through the crowd of men, gasping a bit as she was fondled rather aggressively but keeping herself focused on the task at hand. Ylria arrived on the scene just as the doggie girl swore herself a member of their crew. That certainly would work. "Good job Marnia, you managed to seduce a new crew for the ship and fuck her at the same time. That is just the way to welcome her to our ship. Now though it's time to go and find a couple more crew and our supplies. You can bring your pet with you as I'd like to get to know her as well."

Now to deal with the lusty, menacing crowd of men who were pressing around the three women with rape and worse in their eyes and fucking in their hard cocks. "Gentlemen, gentlemen! I hope you've enjoyed the show. My two companions and I will be performing tonight over..." she glanced around and saw a nearby tavern... "Over there tonight. Now that you've tasted the sexiness come by and sample the full meal!"
21667 As Marnia continued draining the hot fluids clarity began to return to Sayyida at last. She had pledged herself to another while in the clutches of passion. "This is why you can never trust free pets..." She grumbled. Well she felt shame at betraying her old crew and captain, somehow she could feel no guilt over it. What's more she was a good dog and couldn't go back on her word to mistress. "Mistress Marnia, you drained enough hot fluids. Sayyida feels much better." That was when Sayyida caught a glance of Luna in the crowd. The cute Tiefling had been one of the only people Sayyida could call friend rather than master of that crew. Rather than a look of disgust at Sayyida's betrayal, she seemed to be enjoying it.

"Please let doggie down mistress." Once she had, Sayyida started walking towards Luna, only for the crowed she had gathered to turn there attention to the lustful demon girl. Stopped in her tracks Sayyida watched as the men began rapping Luna. It was not dissimilar to what the two girl would do to service their crew, only these men where not Luna's crew. Luna's body wasn't theirs. She stooped to the ground to pick up her sword and scabbard that she had dropped when Marnia first pet her, though she left her panties on the ground.

Intimidate: 18 = 19-1

When the kitty of her new crew addressed the crowd Sayyida slipped behind her. The fluff on her tail fully bushed out, she slipped into a low growl with her hand gripping the sword still in its scabbard. She met the gaze of the men who where mounted on Luna with a look of 'Get off her, if you value your man hood'. Her intimidation factor was slightly undercut by being naked from the waist down.
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Lewd Crowd DM
Tag: Sayi, Ylria, Luna

Intimidated by the angry dog-girl, the men back off,.. those that didn't get their lewd way in more than just a little disappointed, and shooting daggers at the canine. Although the promise of future-performances seemed to soothe most of the people, and Ylria's feline offer was much more well recieved, the dockworkers whispering about the cute monstergirls about.

This leaves Luna 'rescued' ontop of the barrel, with only one daring enoug to still have a go at her, as a long, lewd anurian tongue wiggles out of barrel-hole and slurp-licks along Luna's now freed sex, wiggling about curiously, all warm and wet with frog-saliva.. before plunging into her, wiggling and beginning to slowly, delicously fuck the squirming Luna, unless she was rescued, seeming utterly uncaring about threats or other distractions thrown at him so far, a satisfied, guttural croak emanating from within the barrel.. whilest Luna found that tongue invading and wiggling deeper and deeper into her!
21674 Tag: Marnia, Rovana
Sayyida met the glares of the men with her own, making sure they could see her canines. It seemed that the kitten's diplomacy appeased the crowd, allowing Sayyida to relax. The fluff of her tail eased back, she even rested her sword at her side. With her obviously lowered guard, one man in the crowd grouped her bottom as he passed. She growled and snapped at the man without hurting him. She was no longer in the mood to service these men. They would have their time with her tonight after all. Next Sayyida turned her attention to Luna who was still being assaulted by Peep. She could only smile and offer lowly, "Sorry Luna... Hope you forgive Sayyida for being bad."

Turning her back to Luna, Sayyida final retrieved her panties. She approached Marnia, nuzzling up to her like the good puppy she was. "Mistress Marnia, Sayi needs to speak with captain Rovana. New crew friend can get supplies well we talk to her. Please take doggie to see her... It very important." While she pleaded she continued to lightly rub her head on Marnia's shoulder, hoping to get pats for being a good girl.
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"You bad? What are you talking about?" Marnia petted Sayyida's head once more, smiling at her.

"I guess she is your friend? You did well to protect her....even if herself looks like she wants everyone in this city to fuck her!" she explained.

"While she may be a sex starved slut, this gives them no right to fuck her....for free! See, my friend Ylria already arranged a huge fucking for us later! Of course we also want to get fucked... but we are pirates, we can't do that for free!"

"Hey everyone! If you want to fuck us later, you will have to give rum to our captain! The one who gives her the most rum will fuck us more! Good luck!"
Marnia declared.

Of course, she wasn't lying at all. First they would give them the rum, and then they would fuck them as reward, and then they could steal their rum, like proper pirates!

"Ah.....you are called Luna? I guess left you out of the deal...hmmm....but if you want to join our crew you could also get gang-raped tonight?" she offered, while trying to figure out the connection between Sayi and Luna. Maybe Sayi was the dog of a goat shepherd, and Luna was one of the goats she protected? That had to be it!

"I-I said Im no goat." Luna moaned out as she was called degrading names once again by the slimy pervert. Just as she finished her weak rebuttal, the man somehow swiped her panties from her! "Hey d-dont be rough." Luna said as the man pushed her around and bent her over, his cock already out, rock hard, and leaking precum! "Oooooh, fuck!" The perverts cock slammed into her, and it wasnt long before someone brought a barrel over and she was laid out on top of it for an easier fuck!

Still very aroused from just watching Sayi being fucked with the dildo, Luna moaned like a slut with each thrust of the pervert, yet only a few thrusts in and she felt something else , something more. It felt like a wet tongue was licking her slit while she was also being fucked! Her hips immediately bucked at the pleasure of being fucked and licked out at the same time!

She could hear some yelling at the men to back away from her. It was her friend Sayi! Although she had been saved from being in a gangbang for the rest of the night, Luna still had a bit of an arousal problem, especially with something's tongue still licking at her slit! As she sat up atop her barrel to look over at Sayi, that tongue suddenly grew much longer and actually started to tongue fuck her! A mini spray a love juices erupted as the unexpected intrusion happened! Legs growing weak, and with an opportunity to relive her self still, Luna sat atop her barrel enjoying the hard tonguing she was receiving "I...I don't...blame you Sayi... Cant say I wouldn't join them... as well after that" Luna kept pausing as she held in her moans.

Then the blue genie Marnia approached as well. "I-Im fine right now, t-thank you f-for... t-t-the offer!" It seemed like Luna was actually cumming on the frogs tongue as she was speaking to Marnia! Luna managed to use her arms to push herself off the barrel to get away from anymore orgasms that she might receive, landing on her ass. "I-I need to go, I'll see you later!" She very shackily at first got up, and started to walk away as fast as she could, gaining speed as her legs grew stable. It might seem to the others that she suddenly had a surge of embarrassment, but she started to panic that she might be forced to submit just like Sayi was.
21691 Taken a little back by Marnia's questioning her about her being a bad girl, she realized she might have said a bit too much. She bit her lip, trying to remain silent well Marnia addressed the crowd and then Luna. She stayed close to Marnia enjoying the head pats that where so freely given. However, her eyes remained fixed on Luna. The men had dispersed, but she was still receiving a delightful looking tongue job from the crews pet frog. Warmth began to spread out from Sayi's pussy, but she controlled herself as best she could.

To Luna's assurance that she was forgiven, Sayyida gently nodded. The thought of Luna joining Rovana's crew was exciting. They could still be friends, and take turns pleasuring their mistress, or getting pet by her. They would have more freedom as Rovana's crew and Marnia's pets than they would as the sexpets of their old crew, surely. A curious thought flashed into Sayi's mind. Luna with a collar around her neck, on all four getting loving pets from her mistress while lewdly licking her mistress's pussy. The strange part of the thought was that Sayyida was the mistress. Such a thought was not possible, Sayi was no mistress, but an obedient bitch. So Sayyida banished the thought.

By the time that Sayyida came out of her thoughts, Luna was already stumbling away. It was for the best. "Should we talk to Rovana now Mistress? Sayi just wants to be a good girl." She asked Marnia.

Tag: Luna, Marnia, Sayi

Ylria relaxed a bit as the crowd of men seemed to settle down a bit. At least it seemed like the prospect however arousing of a mass rape and gang bang of all three girls had evaporated. She glanced over and saw the horned girl pull herself off of Peep's tongue and attempt to unsteadily pull herself off the horny frog. Ylria was well familiar with Peep's tongue and sighed a bit as she remembered being fucked last night with it and his strangely shaped cock. "Marnia, go take our good doggie to see the captain. I'll catch back up with you after talking to our other potential recruit."

Turning Ylria darted after Luna and grabbed her by the upper arm. "Hey, don't go so fast. We don't bite." She chuckled as Peep stuck his head out of the barrel. "Well, he'll slurp you nicely but that's not so bad." She let go of Luna's arm if the horned girl didn't struggle or if she violently objected. "Why don't you consider joining our crew. Don't worry about... what happened here. We've all been where you were and will again."
"Hmm...very well. I guess I have to ask the Captain if we can keep her.." Marnia mused

"Of course I the captain will not say no to such a good puppy like you! So you don't need to worry!" she assured her.

"Hmm....I don't have a leash, so...hmmm...not that you would bite someone, but...well I guess I will have to carry you." she concluded, sweeping Sayi and doing a princess carry, with the exception that Sayi's head was close to her nipple.

"You can drink some more if you wish...don't worry, I have plenty!" she offered, going towards their ship.

"Hey Captain! I found a good doggie! Can we keep her? Please?! Pretty please?!" Marnia pleaded, as she brought Sayi to the ship.
While Luna was stumbling away from the trio behind her, a strong gust of wind swept through the area with enough strength to lift the bottom of Luna's robes, flashing her still bare and love juice leaking pussy! The pervert from before had gotten away with a nice souvenir in the form of Luna's panties! She had to go through town without panties on under her robes!

Before she even made it very far she heard rapid footsteps coming towards her from behind. She turned to look right as Ylria reached her and grabbed her upper arm. 'Damn shes fast' she thought to herself as the cat girl cracked a joke. "Oh, thank you for the offer, and you don't need to worry about me, I just couldnt control myself after seeing what your blue friend did to sweet Sayyida." She let out a slightly perverted grin at the memory. She castes a glance towards the genie and Sayi, watching them get further and further away

"So, uh... My name is Luna Oldblood. Nice to meet you...?" She held out a hand, waiting for the doggy and her mistress to get further away.

After Ylria's introduction, Luna suddenly released her hand and pointed behind Ylria! "Hey! Isnt that the pervert who stole my panties?" (Bluff = 27)

Even if Ylria succeeds in seeing through the bluff, Luna starts to quietly mumble incomprehensibly for about 3 seconds and does a single gesture with her non pointing hand to cast Charm Person! (Will Save DC = 19.)

(If the casting is successful then Ylria suddenly sees Luna as one of her best friends in the entire world, and she trusts her as one! She perceives Luna's words and actions in the most favorable way.)
"Hey, can you do me a favor? I have alot of stuff in my house that I need help with to pack so I can join the crew! I promise it wont take long at all, no need to let the others know. We will be there and back in a snap!"
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Ylria smiled at the woman and extended her hand in greeting. "Hi, I'm Ylria." She jumped when the woman yelled and pointed causing Ylria to whirl and look around. As she turned the pirate girl missed the subtle casting and stiffened for a moment. "Oh, I'd be glad to help you out with packing. I always want to do whatever I can for my friends." Suddenly friendly and amorous Ylria slipped her hand around Luna's waist. "You must be exhausted from... well... the frog is pretty demanding." As she spoke Ylria's hand slipped down and cupped Luna's bare butt cheek.

OOC: Failed both tests by a LOT
21715 Sayyida watched as Ylria ran off after Luna. She wanted to warn her friend.... but instead she snuggled up to Marnia. She was sure things would work out for her friend one way or the other. Right now all she could think about was being Mistress's good doggie.

"Thank you for taking Sayi in mistress." She offered. While she was scared of meeting Rovana she was sure that Mistress would protect her. What's more she needed to make sure that her message was delivered directly.

Suddenly she was swept off her feet. The mention of a leash made her happy. It was normal for a doggie to have a collar and for their master to hold their leash. All her last master gave her was an earring and a brain that told her to be a good bitch. Good bitches protected there mistress! "Sayi only bite bad people, ones who want to hurt mistress!" She explained, but with Marnia's tits now in her face, she quickly fell silent. Even before offered she kissed the closest nipple, she teased it lightly with her tongue before starting her second meal of mistresses creamy milk.


Sayyida continued to suckle until they approached the captains cabin after which point she turned her head to look at Rovana as they entered. Still feeling unwilling to get out of Mistress's hold she added her introduction, "Sayi's name is Sayyida. Was a bad girl, but Mistress Marnia said Sayi would be a good doggie if she joined your crew. Can fight bad people with fangs and sword, knows how to use body for pleasuring men and woman, and;" She wriggled free of the safty of Marnia's grasp. Her tail was tucked between her legs as she slowly approached Rovana. She reached up to her ear removing a large steel hoop earring. On it was pressed the insignia of Captain Ventus Ci'adderci. She placed the earring on desk/floor near Rovana, prostrating herself a safe distance back. "Sayyida has information for Captain Rovana."
Luna couldn't help but let a girlish smile bloom as she watched her majestic spell work perfectly. Luna giggled as Ylria embraced her waist and quickly moved her hand down to her bare bottom to give it a nice squeeze. She looked up into Ylria's eyes, bit her lower lip for a second, then said, "You know what? Maybe we don't need to be back so soon." She gave Ylria's cheek a quick kiss before unraveling herself from her embrace and taking her hand. "Come on! Ill show you the quickest way to the house. I don't know about you but I cant wait to continue there!"

Luna lead Ylria by the hand through all of the side streets and shortcuts that she knew of so that they would arrive at the house as soon as possible. Eventually they even left the gates of town, heading off into a nearby small forest. "Don't worry, we're almost there. The house we are staying in is just inside of the forest perimeter." She squeezed Ylria's hand in anticipation and reassurance, even though the cat-girl already fully trusted her. "Oh! Guess I forgot to tell you. Another friend of Sayi and myself is staying in the house, but don't worry. You can trust him as well!" As she finished speaking, a mediocre looking house could be seen in a clearing ahead. It looked brand new, but quickly put together.

With her free hand, Luna fumbled around in her pockets until she pulled out a key just as they arrived at the door. Opening it, Luna pulled Ylira inside and almost intermediately lightly pushed her against a wall and proceeded to aggressively kiss the cat girl! She even used her tongue to wrestle with Ylria's, french kissing her! Just as suddenly as it began, Luna pulled back, her face flushed red and panting in arousal. She turned towards a stairwell, and hollered "Jec! I've brought a friend!"

(PS: Charm lasts for 5 hours or until its broken by any threatening actions by Luna or her allies)
(I imagine his voice being soft with a slight squeak to the sound e, and moderately high pitched for a male)
JecPortrait.jpg Jec the Voyeur Mouse, Tag: Mission, Luna & Ylria, Mood: Excited, Team: #GoonSquad, Location: Traphouse 2nd Floor

Hearing someone entering the first floor by the front door, Jec was rather confused. 'Who would be coming in that way? Luna and Sayi both know we always use the back ladder, well, at least I can peak down on whoever it is, and keep them in if needed.' The alchemist had been expecting Sayi soon anyhow, as it was almost time for a shift change, putting him on dock duty. Such a boring task, but at least he would be able to think over the dream he had. What a weird dream it was, claiming Rovana as the killer of his friend. Fat chance, she wasn't a Pirate lord at the time, and Jec was reasonably certain a Pirate lord had burnt down that shop.

Adjusting his glasses, he moves over to the grating in the floor to look in on his new guests, when he hears Luna's voice. 'This is getting weirder and weirder, what is that girl up to?' He thinks to himself as Luna's voice calls up: "Jec! I've brought a friend!" Ahh, that explains it. After all, Luna quite enjoyed the company of many companions, and you didn't really want to show someone you picked up off the street your elaborate death traps. Looking down he saw a gorgeous cat-like humanoid being dragged along behind the beautiful Luna. This situation was what Jec lived for, he was excited to watch as Luna and this cat lady would get to it, oh it would be so delicious, and he could feel himself hardening a little. "Luna, do you need ups-tairs, or are you ss-taying down today?" He called down, getting the rope ladder ready, in case she wanted to give him front row seats instead of overhead. "Also whomever you are, if you are a friend of Luna's you are a friend of mine, welcome, it iss a pleathure to meet you, what iss your name deary?"
Captain Rovana, The Red Dawn, Tag: Marnia, Sylvi

Marnia and Sylvi ascend the Gankplank and then make their way to the large captain's quarters, right behind the ships Wheel upstairs. The door was half ajar, so they just let themselves in.. to find Rovana staring at a Portrait on the wall. Marnia had seen hit before, although Rovana had stoically refused to speak about it.
Right now, Rovana was touching the Portrait, with an almost tender expression...
"... when you will hold me again, my beloved.
And the one thing I can wait for even less, is to suck your big, black...
who dares sneak up on me!"
Rovana spun around, her sword raised within an instand, water dripping off of the serrated, broken edge.. and then she hesitated, spotting Marnia and lowering her blade.

"Oh, it's you.. bloody knock...
Also.. well, bloody hell, that was quick, I ought to tell you to look for the other half of me sword sometimes."
Rovana considered, nodding to Marnia in what was best described as suprised approval.

Then, she tilted her head and peered at Sayi, tilting her head and -most definitly- checking Sayi out, grinning lustfully..

And then, she saw the insignia... and her expression soured.

"Oh not fucking him.. He's the worst..."
Rovana sighed, exasperatedly.

"The lords sent -him- after me? Why not Dreadmaw, at least Dreadmaw would just kill me.
She sighed, her voice taking on a moking tone.:

"Ohoho! I shall not kill you, Rovana! But as soon as the sun stands at it's apex, the light of this magnifying lense will burn through the ropes that hold up this hammer which will then crash down and destroy this giant hourglass -which also counts the time to your demise-, the sand within smothering you alive, but before that, the Tuskmarian fire ants within this sand, starved for two days.

And just give me a -fucking- gun I'll bloody shoot meself.."
Rovana complained.
"The bastards only redeeming quality is that his bloody traps always are so elaborate you have ample time to plot your escape, but on the Code, he is -so- annoying." Rovana belabored. It was save to say she had had run ins with this pirate-captain.