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Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)


Apr 12, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Pheonix
Gender: Starting: Male
Species: Bio-magical Hybrid
Physical Age: 19
Surface Scan: Pheonix is the result in experiments of mixing pure magic with biological flesh. As a result, he has a fairly human body: lean, six feet/two meters tall. He has pale white skin, and his hair is a mix of shades of red and orange. Not so human, however, is the fact that he exudes a pattern of light around his body resulting in his arms, back, and hair being covered with ethereal red and orange feathers along with downy feathers covering the rest of him. These feathers have the effect of making Pheonix almost appear as though he is on fire at first glance. Stretching from his back are wings similar to the feathers in that they are partially translucent and can't be touched without the aid of magic. These wings, however, do grant him the ability to fly in areas of average or greater mana concentration. As they can only be touched by magic, the wings and feathers do not hinder non-magical weapons at all, although they are hit and damaged by magical attacks.
Resonance Scan: Constantly having his thoughts flow between the flesh and blood synapses of his brain and the ethereal construct of his magical flesh results a great deal of stress within Pheonix's mind. As a result, fractures occur often, although they do heal on their own. These fractures cause Pheonix to have a wildly erratic personality able to go from serious and foreboding at one moment to bat-shit crazy the next.


Pheonix may never have felt something so comfortable in his life as he settles into the egg and watches the doors and ceiling fold back down to encase him. Even his mana-fueled wings and feathers feel vaguely settled. How odd!

The 'Ovipar' logo and slogan flash against the sleek terminal a short arm's reach away, and then a quick survey appears to slip into its place. A simple touch and scale flash when the man brings his fingers close to the terminal.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Anthros and Werecreatures: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Hermaphrodites: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Milking: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Gore or Violence: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Sentient): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Non-Sentient): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Transformations (gender, or monster-like changes): Y/N

((You want I should include the death = gender changes for this guy? ;3))
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Squaw, more forms... Quah, well, let's do this quick. Pheonix mutter's quickly punching buttons.

Humans: Y 2
Anthros and Werecreatures: Y 3
Hermaphrodites: Y 5
Female/Female: Y 4
M/M: N
H/M//H/f:Y 4
Pregnancy: Y 1
Milking: Y 2
Birthing: Y 1
Non Consent Sex: Y 4
Slavery: Y 1
Gore or Violence: N
Monsters (Sentient): Y 3
Monsters (Non-Sentient): Y 3
Transformations (gender, or monster-like changes): Y

((Sure, that's an innate quality he doesn't know he has yet))[/QUOTE]
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Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Pheonix watches as the terminal scans his preferences before a new series flashes before him -- he's getting close now, thank goodness!

'Begin game by choosing a selection. Press (?) for more information' gently blinks beneath the selection.

Remote Island (?)
Wizard's Bestiary (?)
Changewind Plains (? XD I'm stealing your idea, heh.)
Underground Complex (?)
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Quaw, more options. Cah, the island sounds boring... I don't feel like being some sort of pet... Keh, the plains sound more unusual Pheonix mutters, tapping on the control panel.

Remote Island (?)
Wizard's Bestiary (?)
Changewind Plains (?)
Underground Complex (?)

(That idea was simply adapted from a book I read. I rather like the author, but I don't know if any of his books are still in print. I had to get most through ebay.)
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Pheonix is treated to what seems like total darkness as even his feathers are muted while the egg prepares to transfer him to his destination...

...and in a few moments, he feels a slight change of pressure, and, as if in the blink of an eye, finds himself standing at the top of a rise of tall grass. From here he as a great vantage point: rolling plains stretch out for miles, though a smudge on the horizon might indicate mountains of some sort. He can't see any villages from here, though there are trails of smoke coming... one nearer by, to the south, two further away in the north and northwest. A great river cuts through a sort of valley some distance away, winding around the rise he's standing on. To his unique vision, it carries the faint waft of mana...
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Quaw? I didn't know they were able to recreate the feel of raw mana. Pheonix says. He normally doesn't like water that much, but if there was mana coming from it, it might be fun. I wonder how much mana they can simulate. He says before stretching his wings and giving a few experimental flaps. If he can get enough lift, he will try flying towards the river. Otherwise, well, there was a closer trail of smoke, and Pheonix doesn't feel like walking very far.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Just as Pheonix manages to find himself lifting off, he gets the briefest glimpse of something arrowing out of the sky, before he's snatched and plowed back into the grass. Through the haze of shock and surprise, he notes a woman with intricate barring patterns of silver and black across her skin and tightly braided-back hair, as well as a pair of huge, fully feathered wings mantling over him.

"Hey, stranger," she says, pressing down against him and grinning darkly. "Where do you think you're going?"
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

His head shaking for a second as he mentally tosses away his shock, Pheonix replies, Well, I was planning on flying over to the river before you dropped by. He mentioned with the intentional pun before reaching up a finger and bopping her nose. And you? Aside from tackling me in your rush to be with me, did you have anything planned. He teases the aggressive woman. In the mean time he brings his wings up to hers and, barring any inherent magic in her body blocking them, tries to envelop the woman in an ethereal embrace.

(Clothes status on myself and the woman?)
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Pheonix takes the woman in, noting that she's wearing a simple breast-band which does little to hide her great cleavage, currently pressed against him. A loin-cloth currently covers anything else of interest...

She shivers as his wings pass through her very physical ones, grinning more widely. "Oh, you must be new here, mustn't you?" She gives a noise something like a peregrine's cry, despite her relatively human appearance -- some kind of laugh, or maybe a threatening cry... probably some of both. "I've got a lot planned for you." She begins tugging at his pants, which he realizes are just like those he was wearing on entering the egg to begin with.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Quaw, I might be 'new' here. Still, I think I can guess what's on your mind. Am I right in thinking it involves this? Pheonix asks, letting a hand drift only a hair's width away from one of the woman's nipples, ethereal down feathers passing through the woman to see if he can get a reaction that way. His other hand drifts up along the small of the womans back before curling in between her wings to softly message at the flight muscles there.

As she tugs at his pants, they slowly slide down revealing Pheonix's slowly swelling cock. You may have to work it a bit if you want it fully hard. He says with a grin
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

The woman's eyes drifted part-ways closed as she enjoyed his proactive behavior. "Oh good, I like the kind who knows what they like," she shivered again, grinning widely as her hands curled around his cock. "Oh, I want it hard," she told him, fingers working up and down his length, teasing him more than anything just now. "Course, you're going to have to catch up to me, so I'm going to have to work you hard to get there."

She shoved off of him, moving to straddle him and taking the hand that had been playing with her nipples and guiding it down to her loin-cloth... though as he strip of softened leather was pushed aside, he was greeted by the sight of a fully erect cock, seeming somewhat out of place on the buxom shape of the woman!

(Pheonix gains 1/5 AP)
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Kah, so you have a bit extra to play with. Pheonix says before taking his hand and running a single finger up to underside of the cock, his physical touch playing along the outside and his feathers the inside. Still teasing at the woman, Pheonix brings out a second finger and changes to stroke either side of the woman's cock with his the tips of his two fingers held in a 'v' shape. His other hand, now abandoning it's post on the woman's back, slides down along her spine, flesh barely held away from the skin as the ethereal feathers caress her. Slowly the hand makes its way down to her ass, cupping one check gently before trailing back up the side of her body, aiming for her a breasts. Once there Pheonix begins to slowly trace an inward spiral with his downy feathers around one breast before reaching the nipple to do a stroke with the tip of his finger.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

The woman... or whatever she might be, makes another high-pitched noise, though this is quieter, as if mixed with a sigh. "You do know what you're doing," she gasps, hips tilting as his fingers run along her erection. He can feel goosebumps ripple along her flesh as his hands move across her back and side, and see a pinkish flush crawling across her pale face. "Mmm! Maybe I'll keep you, this is nice..."

Her own hand, which had still been teasing at him, curls a little more tightly into firmer strokes. She leans forward, breasts planted on his chest again, to kiss him passionately. "Not often I see someone as flat-chested as you; you're practically a man, aren't you?" she asks, very pleased with herself. Pulling her hand away from his cock to keep him pinned back, she arches her hips so that her cunt is pressed against his erection, its glistening petals wetting him as she grinds back. Her cock presses between them, currently ignored for the moment in favor of her sex.

(Pheonix 2/5AP
Goshawk Gal 1/4AP)
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

That'd be because I am one. Pheonix replies before reengaging the kiss, kiss tongue darting into the girls mouth, swirling around her tongue, and darting back out before going again. His left hand's path of exploration blocked now that the woman's chest was pressed to his, Pheonix lets the hand slide around to the woman's back before tracing it's way down her spine to her ass. There, it begins to playfully trace the woman's back door with one finger, the feathers stroking the opening as the finger stays just out of contact. His right hand, now trapped between the two, takes a more leading roll and begins to glide up and down the length of the woman's cock. Fingers now curled around it and feathers teasing beneath the skin.

Slowly, gently Pheonix positions his cock and begins to slide it between the woman's nether lips. Spreading them as it moves into her velvety folds.

Meanwhile, Pheonix brings his wings further in, letting the long feathers waft across the woman's back as the two lie together.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

The woman let free a moan as Pheonix began to play with her in earnest. The combination of his playing with her cock and feeling him slipping into her, along with that strangely shivery feathery touch was enough to make her lose her fierce edge... that is, until she began nipping at his lower lip, her fingernails pressing hard against his flesh. "Oh... good," she moaned again, hips rocking backwards so that she was taking his length in right up to to his hips. She wriggled her ass, enjoying the way his fingers were playing with her. "More of that! You're not even fighting me, this is novel~!"

(Pheonix 2/5AP
Goshawk Gal 2/4AP)
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Why would I? This is more fun Pheonix says, emphasizing the last word as he lets a finger slip in through the woman's backdoor. The finger starts tracing around the inside of the woman before gently pressing down to add more pressure between Pheonix's cock and the woman's velvety folds. The other hand continues its play with the woman's cock, tightening as it strokes to given more friction and heighten the woman's pleasure.

Eventually, Pheonix begins to raise his hips in time with the woman's rocking to help drive his cock deeper and harder into the her. Now he starts to let his tongue slip out to the woman's mouth and slip in and out in time with his cock's thrusting.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

"Mm... mmm!" The pale, delicately patterned woman looked like she was going to snap back a witty reply, but the way that he was working her was magnificent. She did her best not to collapse on his chest as her body jolted with every thrust; Pheonix had her all but squirming. Something about the way that she moved, the way she pushed herself back desperately over his cock and gave little, urgent moans every time their hips met told him that she was getting close to climax... Her wings twitched, unsure of whether to spread wide or fold tightly back, almost in time with the way her hands clenched near his shoulders.

(Pheonix 3/5AP
Goshawk Gal 3/4AP)
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Pheonix starts to let his wings waft outwards through the woman's as though to encourage her to spread them widely. Meanwhile, he begins to let more of his feathered fingers slip in through her back door, all playing about inside of her before they, too, press against the wall of flesh seperating the woman's ass and vagina, helping to tighten her so that both participants could feel more friction. Feeling the woman close to peaking, Pheonix starts thrusting faster into her trying to combine depth and speed to send the woman over the edge.

During this, Pheonix bends upwards slightly to catch the woman's lips with his, as his other hand continues stroking the woman's other sex.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

The woman's wings spread wide, the long primary feathers drooping to the grass as she gave urgent little cries of desire. She kissed him right back, though it was clear that she was distracted, having trouble fighting the urge to come.

Pheonix could all but feel her cock twitching in his grasp as her cunt spasmed around his member, and her entire body seemed to go taut and quiet. Breaking his kiss, she all but screamed as she finally climaxed, wet and messily and joyfully loud. Apparently her cock worked as advertised, given the mess that had formed between their two torsos.

Gasping, struggling to pull away from him, the woman crawled onto the grass and collapsed on her side, groaning all the way.

(Pheonix 3/5AP
Goshawk Gal 4/4AP

Pheonix gains an extra AP, so enemies will need to fill 6/6 AP before he gives into a fight... though I may have to work out a different system if he's this willing to begin with. >:3)
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Heh, I guess I'll have to find you later, babe. If you want to find me again, I'll be heading down to the river to wash off at least. Maybe I'll see you around. Pheonix says, kissing the back of the woman's neck and giving her a playful slap on the rear with one finger ending up sliding into her as he does that before spreading his wings and taking off. Glancing around the area so that he might have a chance of coming back later, Pheonix does a small circle in the air before heading towards the river.

(Edit: But if I fight like this, we have more fun writing. :p)