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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Which proved fortunate as some form of grenade came flying in, exploding against said shield.

More Draque continued pouring in, trying to simply over flood their position.

In orbit, Siphon was getting uneasy with the formation that the enemy ships were moving into. Something wasn't right, he could feel it in his bones.

There! Five ships were missing, with no debris field. A quick sweep told him a different story though. The five were still in one piece, just not in that formation. No, they were on a suicide collision course with the surface, and moving fast enough there was no real chance to intercept them.

((Will that shield of his block out transport beams?))
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Sho was grateful for Veda's shielding but worried at the beating that the woman was taking, even if her armor seemed to be holding up well enough. Toryn's sudden presence startled her for a second but that paled in comparison to the feeling of the grenades rumbling outside of the shield.

All right, boys. You wanna play hardball? Let's dance.

Outside of the shield, the wind picked up enough to make it howl, the tiny grains now stiriking with enough force to cause scalpel-like cuts and actually sand any exposed skin raw, the deterent from earlier turning even more deadly. A few dust devils kicked up as well, making natural vision borderline impossible. These smaller storms started to make way for something bigger, converging where the greatest concentration of ground forces happened to be, growing even further in intensity until the winds were, quite literally, throwing the enemy aside or sucking them upward to be tossed around.

((Figure, too, being suddenly pulled away while concentrating thus on her powers might be a bit of a system shock for her, too.))
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

((Running this with Siphon's permission.))

Above, several of the frigates jumped, apparently attempting to sacrifice themselves by dropping back out in front of the Draque ships, and taking the ramming instead of the planet's surface.

Unfortunately, the jumps didn't quite land where expected, and the frigates reverted inside the Draque vessels, possibly producing a similar result to the desired one.

The remaining drone ships intensified their attacks, attempting to preventing further attempts to ram the planet.

On the surface, Toryn fired some sort of missile from his armor's forearm. It missed the Draque it was aimed at...Although a strange greenish gas began pouring out of the damaged wall it hit. "Oh shit! Siphon, if you can get the landed ships, do it. We gotta evac now. I think I just ruptured a plasma coolant line, and that's gonna be bad news if we get caught by it." He began frantically entering a command into the wristcomp on his armor.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

The jump succeeded partially as the Draque vessels simply weren't built to survive another ship reforming inside of them, and each exploded in a very potent fireball.

The remaining Draque ships peeled back slightly, then stood their ground, refusing to give an inch, but not gaining one either.

Siphon heard the chatter from Toryn, and turned white. Plasma coolant could kill a human in a matter if seconds if it came in contact with skin, and most shields didn't block it out.

"Copy, I've got the ships, move your asses where you can drop the shield and prepare for transport!"

True to his word, the ships already had been beamed to the 302 bays of his ship.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Veda continued firing from within Toryn's shield when it went up, but stopped when he punctured the plasma line. "I'll take up the rear, Toryn, cover Sho, she can't get anywhere near that. We'll fall back towards the cryochamber, and try to get off-planet from there. Let's go." She said, waiting for everyone else to move before going last, firing shots at any of the Draque that she can hit without risking a shot going to the billowing cloud of plasma.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Oh shit" was never something you really wanted to hear during a firefight. The rumbling above and the unstable flooring were bad enough but listening to Toryn's words were enough to make Sho's winds falter for a moment. She wouldn't be able to keep up their intensity and run at the same time, but that didn't mean she couldn't help keep the Draque back.

"Don't have to tell me twice! Let's go!"

She moved along with her companions, running as fast as she was able back toward the chamber where they'd found the blonde. Behind them, her winds flew backwards, forming a tunnel in an attempt to make it difficult for any Draque to chase after them. Of course, anything fired into the wind wouldn't be stopped but it would at least give them range and hopefully keep them from having steady shots.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

The Draque didn't immediately follow them, allowing them to retreat.

The moment the shield was dropped by Toryn, Siphon would chance lowering his own shields and transport the group directly aboard his own ship before raising shields again.

As fast as he was, they still took a glancing shot, one section near the port 302 bay breaching open.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Ixack had been carrying his prisoner for quite some time when he had been transported up, trying to think what had happened, looking over at the prisoner draped on his left shoulder "Mister Siphon, I believe we have some information to acquire." Ixack broadcasts to Siphon.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Veda blinked as she was transported, dropping her weapon arm to her side and strode to a viewport without saying a word, skull still under her arm like some macabre trophy.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Siphon regarded their prisoner for a moment then nodded.

"We'll get him set up in the cell block, you should know where that is by now. The rest of these ships need to be dealt with so ... time to overload the damn gravity emitter. Again."

He sat in his chair, even as Aya blinked.

"Gravity emitter?"

She got her answer a moment later when Siphon fired the gravity well into the remaining fleet forces, crushing them like tiny insects.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Ixack merely nodded to Siphon, then exited and headed for the cell block were he to be uninterrupted.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Not wholly expecting the sudden transportation found Sho stumbling a little as they went from running to not having to. She rights herself and turns to look at the group, obviously all here and looking unharmed. She turns to watch as the Draque ships are suddenly crumpled like aluminum.

"That seems excessive," she remarks. "And quite effective." She turns around to grin at him. "Too bad you broke something to do it."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Siphon half shrugs.

"One of these days I'll fix it so it doesn't do that. At least we didn't lose main power this time, unlike when we first tested it. Hmm, strange, not picking up any life readings from the surface."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Well, we're all present and accounted for, right? Maybe the Draque buggered out, too, since they knew they were going to blow the place sky high." She glances out at the ruins of the ships. "Then again, that's assuming they had someplace to go..."