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Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

After applying a bit of force, :Delphie manages to open the curved hatch door on the large pipe. Much to the party's surprise, the inside of the pipe was fleshy and reddish-pink. The entire inside of the pipe was easily comparable to that of the inside of a human's intestines. It was a tight squeeze both up and down the squishy inside of the pipe, and nothing seemed to be flowing through it at the time. As Rasp examined the doors, he discovered that they were all locked and had no windows. The drones were close to nearing the corner; They need to act fast.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

As soon as Delphie had the hatch open, Rasp stopped his examination of the doors, the effort proving fruitless in any case. He stopped just before climbing in, examining the fleshy substance for a second. it smelt... wrong, somehow. No time for second guessing, however, so he climbed in and down far enough to let the other two in above him, then dug himself as far into the walls as he could, relying on just pressure at the moment, but digging in with the claws on his hands and feet at the first sign of anything going awry. Once everyone had clambered in, he spoke again. "Close the hatch, quickly..." He muttured.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Niah slid into the pipe closely behind Rasp, climbing up slightly to give Delphie room to push in and close the door behind them all.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

After squeezing into the odd pipe Delphi puts a finger to her lips and stays perfectly still. there was no real telling how long it would take for the drones to pass but waiting was a skill in and of itself and although muffled by the fleshy interior of the pipe, the loud buzzing of the sentries was still quite distinguishable...
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Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

As the party shut themselves the fleshy tube, they found themselves unable to hear outside the pipe. As they remained propped up in the pipe, they found the walls getting more and more slick with a mucousy fluid. The longer they remained still in the tube, the more they slipped down it. They'd have no problem shimmying up the tube despite the mucous membrane coating the sides.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi did her best to stay still in the pipe, but her hands were slipping, some slimy coating was starting to slicken up the meaty walls of the pipe and she was starting to slide down. She was still pretty confident she could move up, and that WAS where the target was, but it was unwise to move without the team... "Guys, I know you wanted to stay still but~ Up or Down, if we wait too long I'm pretty sure this strange pipe will choose for us" The usually happy assassin sounded a little worried and fidgeted in the pipe...
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

"I could dig in and keep us here, but the damage may draw attention." Rasp informed them from the lowest of the three positions. "My vote goes to Up."
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

"Up it is," Niah said, using her hands and feet to pull herself up the tube, feeling the slick mucous sliding over her mostly exposed flesh. She grimaced in disgust, but continued upwards, not letting it concern her overly much.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Deliah was only too happy to move up the slick tube, not minding the slick coating at all, just happy to be moving
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

The party didn't slide far down the intestine-like tube before they decided to ascend up the pipe. As they climbed, their senses of smell were clouded by the fleshy smell of the tube they were climbing. Every 15-30 meters, a massive surge of dark-colored sludge torrented down the pipe, covering the entire party in the thick, foul-smelling goop. Despite the force of the sludge surging down ontop them, the sludge helped them stick to the walls better.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Rasp climbed steadily, his larger form making it harder to maneuver, but also giving him more grip on the fleshy walls of the tube they were in. At every interval when the sludge came down, he would stop and cover his weapons with his body, preventing as much of the gunk as possible from getting on them, worried specifically about the pistol, where it may gum up the inner workings.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi just keeps on moving, the job came first, the contract was more important, and despite the disgusting sludge sliding down the pipe Delphi was happy to moving in the right direction, still though, it was going to take forever to get the nasty shit out of her hair...
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Scrunching up her nose, Niah continued to climb, thankful for the closed chamber on her rifle that would make cleaning it a matter of purely wiping the outside clean.

Still, despite the ease of the climb, the smell was horrendous and she'd would be more than happy to the hell out of this tube.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

After hours of ascending the pipe, they eventually notice a faint outline in the fleshy lining of the pipe of an exit hatch. Also, they notice that the higher they climb, the fouler the stench becomes.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi looks down at her companions and quietly makes known the location of the hatch, "What do you think? Out of the pipe?"
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

"Please." Rasp answers wryly from the bottom of the group. The stench was bad, but even more unbearable for him.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

"Just open the damn thing," Niah said, feeling the foul sludge sliding down her back and over her arms. She couldn't help but shudder at the sensation as she paused to wait for the hatch to be opened.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi carefully opened the hatch and looked outside, looking for anything that may pose a danger to her or her companions...
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

:Delphie opens the door to see a large pipe coridor lined entirely with thick wires.

Lazy post is lazy.
Re: Party of Flesh and Scale (Shrike7, Sinfulwolf, Courage Wolf)

Delphi's tone becomes serious as her face hardens, "Clear, 5 second intervals" she whispers moving out into the corridor quietly. The other two would give a 5 count each before moving out, that way should something go immediately wrong not everyone would be caught. Moving low and near the wall Delphi keeps her eyes and ears open for any sign of alert or danger...