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Overquest campaign


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
Several years in the past
Tag: Everyone


"Beautifuls, I got a new mission for you." You still remember Williams charming if slightly leacherous grin. He made no secret about the reason why exactly he had become acting guildmaster of this town and always seemed to welcome the presence of comely females. "I know you aren't that experienced working together, but it shouldn't be a big deal.
A young wizard, calling himself 'The great Overlord' has been causing some problems. After he took out one agent sent after him, turned him into a girl, then used the brainwashed agent to break into one of our vaults and steal a staff I've decided to sent a whole group. He's a wizard, so just take him out before he can finish any dangerous spells, lets get this megalonmaniac locked up before he can become a serious problem girls."

You remember William handing you a file. Perhaps you carefully studied it, perhaps you didn't bother. Perhaps you were actually swooning over William.. many girls did. He was actually among the elite 10 of heroes, at number 9, though many say if he honed his skill and stopped flirting with girls he'd be closer to 5 or 6 quickly. There isn't any ranking for 'heroic newcomers' like you, though if there were, you'd be in the higher hundreds, still William is always respectful.. in a slightly perverted way. You remember seeing a blonde slap him and send him flying, but you also heard tales about him slaying a large dragon. For now, you had a mission to complete, about this overlord:


Jack Carter, a half-elf human wizard and student of enchantment magic, dropped out from the mages college after several disciplinary issues. He is noted for having quite the talent but lacking the patience to see it through. After a severe penalty for trying to charm a teacher he decided to leave, having last been noted as posessing spells of the second grade, with a potential of having unlocked the third by now. A loner who never fit in, he now seems to have gone mad, planning to 'rule the world' in what would be comical..

If he hadn't stolen a rare artifact. The orb of Arkana the Iron Maiden, a lesser artifact with transmuting and enchanting powers, it is feared that if 'Overlord Jack' learns to fully control this item in due time he'd become a possible threat for even elite heroes. The staff is noted for a variety of transmutive powers but was deemed too dangerous, corrupting and uncontrollable to fully explore all of its powers.

It was exeptionally easy to track down your target as he seemed to like a flamboyant showing, however, you quickly realized that he was not to be underestimated, his hideout, a small tower, holding several magical traps that could have overcome a lesser adventurer group. Luckily you all had some experience already and through skill or maybe pure luck you pushed through, forcing the would be overlord to flee and freeing the women he had enslaved as his servants, agreeing to never again speak about the room that made your bodies so hot you just had to touch yourselfs, an enchantment you almost succumbed to. You looted his tower, rested and recovered and prepared to hunt him down again, to finally bring him to justice, now that he ran out of dangerous traps to hide behind.

Tracking the evildoer down again he was talking (Knowledge arcana 10 or more):
About a focus of arcane power where several leylines of natural arcane energies saturated the surroundings, allowing him to fully release the poewrs of the artifact
some gibberish about leylines and a nexus, the usual villainous bla bla about how he was too smart to be defeated and better than you.. before suddenly ramming the staff into the ground. You remember the staffs crystal beginning to glow brightly..

And that, that was when everything went weird.

In one moment, Jack was gone and so was the magic of this place.. infact, your foe must have cast a powerful spell, because most of the magic of the area drained away slowly and the walls of the dungeon around you crumbled.

Not only that, but your surroundings seemed to have changed, as you step outside the place is overgrown and, where once there was nothing but fields and a distant village, you are now near the border of a small city. The city seems well kept, with a strong defensive wall around it and a large stone statue guarding, looming over the entrance:

The Statue has something dark about it (Will DC 13 or: ) But that just adds to its charm making it a powerful sight to scare off any foes.

It seems you have been teleported, possibly quite a distance. It's a different time of the day, a different ruin and your surroundings have changed. It seems that little upstart mage got away once more, best to figure out where you are and inform The Heroes Guild there should be an outpost, if not a small guildhall in a town this size.
You think you see a guard standing at the towns entrance, though they don't look like serious trouble, you should consider how to proceed now, after recovering from the sudden shift in your surroundings.

At your current location you find a magic dampened zone for some reason, the magic of this place has drained away and spellcasting is more strenous. Any spells duration is shortened by 1 round. Metamagic only functions in 50% of cases.
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Re: Overquest campaign

Yenna had been working on a song to commemorate the room that all the girls had agreed never to speak of again - the one where they all became super horny and wanting to touch each other intimately - when she and the group of femme fatales had confronted the wizard and his staff at the nexus of power.

She had meant to ask him about the trap, and where he'd gotten all of those nifty, albeit lecherous enchantments, when he had gone into his villainous spiel. It had bored her, so she'd played a little bit of her sitar in order to at least give the wizard some background music to make his seem a bit more intimidating.

The staff he was carrying though... that had had real power. Because whatever spell had come out of that thing, it'd changed everything around them. Now they were standing in the same place, but overgrown and apparently aged forward for years... decades... possibly even centuries.

Yan-Yenna considered the fact that everyone she ever knew might be dead.

She quickly got over that. She didn't know many "Primes" as she referred to those not from the outer planes. Sure, she was still only a human and had probably been born on a prime plane, but she'd grown up as an infant on the chaotic and howling realm of madness known as Pandemonium, as part of an outsider circus and market that was protected against the howling winds of insanity by eldritch runes and mysterious magics. Those who dwelt there were beyond time in some respects, and she couldn't imagine that the Slaad known as the Tea Maker would be gone, nor the Githzerai madame who had taught her the twin professions of bard and bed companion. She'd see both of those two again, if she herself lived long enough. She was certain of that.

There were, however, some primes that she had become familiar with recently, and they stood with her now, as confused as Yenna was, and perhaps more worried.

She eyed the statue.

[Will save: 10+6 = 16]

There was an obvious darkness about it. Something sinister, like the creatures who lived in the shadows of the circus tent on Pandemonium. You had to mind the darkness. If you weren't careful, it'd get you. And then you'd be gone, just like that.

She kept a wary distance from the statue and instead preoccupied herself with her sitar, checking its strings and its tune, then strumming a bit on it to keep herself and her companions settled.

"There now my ducklings," she began, her pretty voice like caramel, "Is everyone well? No feathers too fluttered? Seems our wizard prey tapped that pretty staff of his too hard, for we've been through some spell I'd wager. What do you say, Seklah? Shall we ask that guard over there what's going on?"
Re: Overquest campaign

TimeyWimey Shenanigans
Tag: All

Sekla had never been too impressed with William's charms. She respected his abilities, and certainly he did a fair bit to aid the cause of heroism. She'd worked with several adventurers on a fair few plots in the past. On the other hand, his constant womanizing wasn't the most endearing to her. But that was him, and his business. She just wished it wasn't directed at her sometimes.

Ultimately it made little difference in the end, because the work was doing plenty to support her cause. Handling dangerous threats by finding alternative answers to kill them all when she could, and acting as a softer hand to tasks rather than simply killing everyone who opposed her. The tendency of heroes to get so wrapped up in arbitrary sides instead of remembering that the best answer was one where they could come together if possible was... Concerning. She hoped her comrades exercised restraint until they were forced to act otherwise.

Moving through the tower, they faced few living foes, merely traps and tricks. Seklah had to rely on many of her allies for dealing with these, but she could at least detect the magical ones with her own spells, and tried to keep an eye out for such. Each soul they freed from bondage made her happy indeed.

Of course, there was one trap, where her large cock went to full mast, unable to be concealed under her dress any longer, forced to touch and grope herself. It was only thanks to Yenna's music that she could get loose. Everyone was as embarrassed as she was in the end, though it took awhile for her to stop thinking of the lewd scene she had been a part of. She needed to show better restraint on her urges, darn it.

(Take 10 on Know Arcana) The villain was confronted soon enough, a mage with the artifact in hand. Unfortunately he might have had some experience with similar arts as Yenna, as they all stood and watched as he suddenly unleashed the staff.

The very area began to crumble and drain, and Sekla cursed and tried to hurry her party out before it collapsed upon them. But soon they found themselves out somewhere strange. Had they been teleported? Crossed dimensions as Yenna had once. It was hard to say at this time, as the area seemed to devour magic.

A city stood before them, with a statue looming above them with a dark dreary look to it.

( 7 Will)

The statue reminded her of some of the monuments of her people's generals, standing tall and proud, looming over their conquests, to remind them who they belonged to. It was abhorrent, yet she couldn't help but find it speak to her a little.

When Yenna spoke, Sekla nodded, musing a bit. "I think you're better at charming people, Yenna. I don't know this area or it's customs. We should try to learn more of the area, but try to avoid trouble. Last thing we need is to get jailed for breaking a law we're unaware of. And with a statue like that, this might be hobgoblin territory too. I doubt I need to explain that my people aren't... the heroic type by culture. Let's proceed cautiously. After we're sure all our companions are okay."

Sekla turned and looked to everyone else. "You are all okay right? No one got hit by a falling rock?"
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: Yenna and Sekla

Kiyomi found William to be pleasant enough company and his abilities often prove to be immensely helpful, if not out right essential at times in their past adventures, and while she had enjoyed a few games of strip poker in the past and found him rather striking- his constant flirting and womanizing eventually grew tiresome and old; not to mention she had become somewhat miffed when he had managed to catch onto her marked cards and loaded dice and choosing not to play with her anymore. She was just more into women then, or those with both genitals. So she would merely just brush his flirting off anymore.

When they had encountered the honriness trap in the mage's tower, while she was touching herself like the other members, she found herself interestingly more interested in Sekla's cock and large balls, having a strong urge to fondle and tickle them; driving the sexy little hobgoblin to a maddening climax. But (un)fortunately Yenna had managed to dispel the trap with her music, she would have to remember to try get the hobgoblin alone somewhere sometime... But either way, it was time to get back to the job...
They would eventually find themselves confronting their target, where he was preparing to unleash some sort of shenanigans with the artifact, babbling laidlines, and a sextus... Or at least she thought. She wasn't a dunce but this was CLEARLY not her field. Either way before either of them knew it, he unleashed some kind of weird energy dome as time would seem to stand still. Once it was all over they found themselves standing in ruins outside of a large city where they had once been in a tower...

As the group would come to the edge of the city outside of the gates they would be presented with an imposing looking statue, Kiyomi didn't really know what it was but there was just something... OFF, about the statue. As Yenna and Sekla would discuss thier course of action Kiyomi would chirp in, "If you're needing a charmer, then look no further than you friendly, local fluff butt sorcerer. We Kitsune are naturally predisposed and inclined for making friends and charming people~" She would say as one her tails would idly brush up against Sekla's cock teasing her a bit...
Re: Overquest campaign

Introduction - Happy Slave Orelia in the Town
Tag: Everyone + Flower Fields + Minnie the Futa
Character Picture in Spoiler


Another wonderful day in the town! The birds are chirping and singing! The stores are opening! And her bed jiggled as her lover for the night whispered about strawberries before flipping over. She giggled softly as she pushed herself up languidly out of the bed. "Good morning sleepyhead!" As she rubbed her lover's wonderfully thick cock! "MMmm sleepyhead? Pooh. Already worn out?" As she poked the flaccid length, fingers dancing across the cockhead, hoping for some reaction.


Stepping out of the inn, she waved at her fellow citizens! Some of them already starting their daily praising to the overlord. Covered in water and very foamy soap suds they washed his town center statue! "Morning!" "Morning!" "Yay! Soapy soapy!" Some of them were even more enthusastic as Orelia giggled, seeing three girls all grinding their ass against one of the guards.

The guard's face filled with frustration along with that wonderful tenting in hir pants. "Heheheh!" She giggled happily. Exchanging greetings with those she passed by. Usually a deep hug and a kiss with trailing saliva or sometimes just a nice boob shake. For those close, it took a few minutes to properly greet them and Orelia stumbled off with a happy smile and her cunt exposed to the air, freshly finger-fucked.


Today she is going to go look for some wildflowers. Thinking that and doing that are two separate things. "fuua fuua... Minnie~" She gasped, her favorite guardwoman, a lithe built shemale who is pounding her hard against the outside walls. Her bunny outfit tugged open and askewed as her massive tits slapped against the wall. The quick rutting out on the townwalls lasted a few more minutes before Minnie dumped a load on her ass. "Ahhh ahhh. . . mmm more when back?" She purred out to Minnie, feeling that hard slap on her ass, as clear as day.

With a giggle, she hopped like an adorable big titted bunny bimbo and went out into the fields with her flower basket. She saw the old bad place ruins where it is said that some no-good evil bad demon villains tried to defeat their amazing overlord but instead, by the skin of his left nutsack, he is able to trap them into the earth, burying them alive. (Perception Check: 20 + 6 = 26) She saw some new girls! She didn't know new girls were arriving today at the village. That only happened when the Overlord is pleased with production or an outtanding performance or some other magnificient deed!
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna Tea Leaf
Outside the town
Tag: All

Yenna narrowed her eyes and raised a hand over her brow to spy the bouncy-titted girl in the bunny ears heading their way. It seemed as if the girl had spotted them. Her appearance was disheveled, and her outfit begged some questions.

Pleasant ones, Yenna hoped. If there was an establishment in this town where girls like her dressed, it meant that Yenna could make some good coin, one way or another.

Strumming on her sitar, she nodded to her hobgoblin and kitsune companions.

"Let's go then, I spy a saucy strumpet sallying out of yon town gate. She's got a friendly face, I've a feeling we can learn more from her than we could the town guard."

So saying, Yenna set off, strolling down the road towards Orelia. When she reached her, she smiled, waved, and then steadily strummed a tune as she spoke.

"Hail there, traveler! Good morrow to you! Could you tell us where we are? And ah... when we are? We are a bit lost, you see, in time and space. I am Yan Yenna Tea Leaf, Bard of Pandemonium, The Softest Sweet Song and the Stinging Note, wanderer of planes both prime and not, entertainer, warrior, poet, and for a kindly word and generous donation, a companion of no small skill. And these are my lovely companions, Sekla, the Breaker of Chains, the Snapper of Bonds, the Dominant Kisser of Lips, and Mistress of the Mystic Arts - AND - this is Kiyomi, the Charmer o' Nine Tails, Sorceress of Suggestions, Butt of Fluffiness and player of pranks most amusing and ultimately forgivable."

Her sitar playing came to a stop and in the quiet she smiled beautifully.

"And who might YOU be, my buxom lass?"
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Re: Overquest campaign

Outside of town
Tag: All

Sekla coughed, turning redder as the fluffy tail pressed against her groin, making her twitch a bit under her dress.

"Ah, this isn't the time for this sort of thing Kiyomi, I need to be thinking straight.," she mumbles embarrassedly, even as her thoughts went back to the trap again, before she shook her head, "I'm sure both of you working together can get any answers we need."

Course, something strange emerged. A... Bunny girl? Or was that just a costume? Who would wander outside dressed like that though? It hardly seemed like a safe thing to do.

Yenna seemed ready to go make friends, Sekla following along and observing. The interplanar entertainer seemed to be quick to play them up though. Sekla wasn't sure if she wanted her name spread around so easily, but it was a little late now.

"Hi.," she smiled, hoping her race didn't cause... Issues. Again. It was hard to get companions who could look past that. She was fortunate with these two, though it seemed like Kiyomi was interested in more than just being friends. Oh lord it was going to be like the kobold tribe all over again. One of her happiest victories in a nonviolent solution, made awkward by just how... Popular she had gotten amidst the tribe before she had to leave. Sekla figured she should visit and see how things were going again soon.
Re: Overquest campaign

City Gates
Tag: Sekla and Orelia

Kiyomi would gently flick Sekla in the forehead in a playful manner before winking and sticking her tongue out at her, "Spoil sport~ But it looks as if we have someone stepping out to greet out us, so I'll have to put our little play time on hold, Sekla~ Judging by her dress, this place isn't too heavy on dress code; either that or a gambling hub. Maybe if I'm lucky I can find a few easy marks and suckers to con out of some extra spending money~" She said as the group would make their way towards the city gates where the bunny girl was appearing. "Why h-e-l-l-o t-h-e-r-e, Lil miss cotton tail~ We're... 'new' to these parts. A group of fun loving travelers, who just happened to make their way to your lovely city. Would you care to give some out of towners some company? Maybe a little tour?~ Give us the low down 411 as it were? We promise to make it worth your while~" She would finish as she would circle the bunny girl seductively, brushing up against her at certain points before swishing her fluffy tails in her face and winking at the new arrival.

((Use one of my Magical Tail Charm Person uses to influence Orelia.))
Re: Overquest campaign

Orelia Bisbark, Bunny Girl
Nice spot outside of Town
Tag: Everyone
Character Picture in Spoiler


"Helllooooooo!! Are you new girls coming to the town? Oh! Be careful of the ruins over there! Bad things have been sealed in them yep yep!" As she bounced on the balls of her feet, making her breasts jiggle and bounce, hopping hypnotically up and down. (Not actually hypnotising.)

Seeing the first one to get closer, she cocked her head, bunny ears with red satin glinting in sunlight, as she looked at curiously. "Oooh pretty sounds! Haven't heard of a new music player in months coming to townie! Heheh! You are at!" She grinned, crouching in place before leaping highly up in the air, legs cocked behind her, arms thrown wide open "The BEST TOWN anywhere in the Overlords domain!" As she fell back to the ground, posing. Her arms pressing underneath her breasts, bulging them against her outfit and towards their faces. "We have the best bunny bimbos in all the lands and the most masterful guard girls that can pound for hours! Except Minnie. Minnie is the quickshot of the guards~ She gave me a present as I left town today! Heheh!"

Twirling in her spot as she went from presenting her tits to shaking her rear at them. "I am Orelia! Best Bunny Girl in town! I make sure all the other bunny girls are the tippiest toppiest of the shapes and never ever never ever never lose to getting broken by dicks! Yep yep! Dunno what year it is. I'm not a time keeper. They are all in the big clock towers making sure to polish all the knobbs of the time pieces."

With those answers given she finally paid attention to the next girl coming up to her. An. . . "OOHOHO!? Does that mean were having another breeding festival overhere!? A hobgoblin gal??" As Orelia (tried to) POUNCE(D) on Sekla. Trying to grab the hobgoblin girl and hug her! Pressing her massive mammeries up against the hobby girl's own body.

(EDITED: Showing different reaction and words since succeeded in hugging Sekla) "Hello Fluffy Butt! ???" She tilted her head at feeling something. She swatted whatever it is away. (Will Save: 20 (12 + 8)) "411? Make it worth my while? AH-HA! You must be a stranger to the overlord. Are you being escorted by the singing one and the breeding one?" As she looked at Kiyomi with a happy grin.

(Old Variant found in spoiler)
(If Failing to Hug Sekla) "Oh pooh. Oh well! Hello Fluffy Butt! ???" She tilted her head at feeling something. She swatted whatever it is away. (Will Save: 20 (12 + 8)) "411? Make it worth my while? AH-HA! You must be a stranger to the overlord. Are you being escorted by the singing one and the breeding one?" As she looked at Kiyomi with a happy grin.

(Stupidity to 11.)

(EDITED: Fixed some mistakes and taking account of Sekla getting hugged.)
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Re: Overquest campaign

Town Outskirts
Tag: All

Sekla stared, and tried to think of kickball as the bunny girl bounced over and bounced... Everywhere. Kickball!

The answers to the question caught her attention though. Overlord? Breeding bunnies and guards? Goodness, the town was a giant sex slave breeding center! No, no bad! Kickball! Not hot! No! Stop thinking about people in collars!

Sekla shook her head, which meant she missed the sudden pounce and hug as she;s squished against, Sekla giving a meep. Gods, why was every woman all over her suddenly? Did that magic do something to give her pheromones or some sort of magical lure or something?! Or had hobgoblins gone from despised to fetish fuel suddenly?

"Erm. Miss Orelia, I appreciate your... Enthusiasm. How long has this town been like this? And which continent are we on? We got a little lost actually, and we're trying to figure out if we're on the right track."
Re: Overquest campaign

"The best... bunny bimbos?" Yenna repeated with some muted surprise and confusion in her tone.

"So, you are a working girl I take it? And proud of your assets too, naturally. Though you make it seem like the whole town revolves around this sort of thing, what with the breeding season and erm, active guard lifestyles. Not judging you, just that it's a bit odd for primes to live that way."

She looked towards Sekla, giggling as the hobgoblin was engulfed by Olevia's massive bunny boobs.

"Maybe when you're done greeting our hobgoblin mage, you can take us on a tour? We wouldn't want to do something culturally unacceptable and make the guards angry, right?"
Re: Overquest campaign

"Erm.... No. We're just... travellers~ And I wouldn't worry about those old ruins. We didn't find anything but dust and rubble~" Kiyomi would say before batting her paw playfully at the bunny girl, "But anyways! Who cares about some musty, smelly, dusty, boring old ruins!? As Yenna said, we would surely super mega big time appreciate it if you could... initiate some clueless out of towners like us into things about your lovely city here~ Wed sure hate to get pounded for something silly like accidentally insulting someone or such. Knowledge is power as they say. You know let us know what not to do or say; best places to eat; casinos with the best suck- er, I mean, customers. Places to sleep. The important stuff." She said rubbing up to the bunny girl affectionately. "I'll let you fwoof my tails~" she said snuggling up to her own fluff.

((Diplomacy check: 18+2=20))
Re: Overquest campaign

Orelia Bisbark, Bunny Girl
Nice spot outside of Town
Tag: Everyone
Character Picture in Spoiler


(Pervy Words: You suddenly realize that you completely forgot what day it is and only now remember! You're supposed to go for your weekly obediance reinforcement right now. Perhaps your new friends want to come too, if they're all confused and stuff? )

Hugging and rubbing against the hobgoblin woman, her breasts feeling the warm breath inside of her cleavage. "MMmmmmmm!!! You are nicer then other hobbys! You aren't slamming me against the ground and rutting already~ Are you. . . new at this?" Her voice catching with a very throaty purr at the end, salivating at the thought of Sekla being. . . virginal.

"Yup yep! Best bunny bimbos!" She bobbed her breasts at Yenna, rubbing adn bouncing them all up against Sekla. Her heavy mammeries feeling soft and bouyant. Rubbing and squeezing against Sekla's own. "Oh foo! Don't worry~ You three will get along nicely with everyone else in town~" As she tilted her head thinking.

"Hobgoblin mage? Oh!! OOHHH! Oh! I don't know what that is! But it sounds exciting!!" Squealing excitedly as she released Sekla and twirled away bouncing around in excitement!

The pawing fluff butt approaching her~ "Hmmmmmm? Casinos? Why'd you ever want to go in those? Their filled with only bimbos that lack the goods! Fwoof? Really?" Eyes sparkling- Suddenly freezing in place. FREEZING BADLY.

"OH no! Oh no oh no oh no!! I forgot to do something when I woke up this morning! . . . Mmmmm yeah! It can wait a bit longer." As she remembered her potted plant that she needed to water. "If you want a tour of the town just follow me! We'll go to the bestest place first and then to the casino. Through I warn you! All the folks in there want your tits and booty but not for fun funs but for actually taking them and making smaller, tinier, wimpier." She nodded her head.

With that said, she hopped, walked and skipped back to town. "Follow meeee! Orelia Bunny Bimbo tour guide! First up is meeting Minnie at her guardpost and the big giant meanie Bobbie on the other side! Be careful around Bobbie, she likes punching people while she poke'ems with her shaft!"
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Coming closer to the cityguard she reveals herself to be a gorgeous blonde, introduced as Minnie. As you close in she eyes all but Orelia with curious interest, then raises her hand with a fist outstretched, greeting you with a moderatly enthusiastic, well practiced: "Glory to the Overlord." as you close in.

Re: Overquest campaign

Orelia Bisbark, Bunny Girl
GuardGate with Minnie!
Tag: Everyone
Character Picture in Spoiler


Orelia squealed loudly! Raising her hand with great enthuasism, fist outstretched! Her own far more ditzy in comparison to Minnie's. She waited to hear from the other three!
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: Orelia and Minne

"Huh? Make them smaller? You mean with magic or... physically, like torture or some shit? Are there really people into that sort of garbage here? What the fuck kind of casino is it!? And... what's with the titty envy? Though mine really aren't HEWG to be honest.." She put in as the group would head towards the city, "And you haven't heard of a mage? Do you people... not practice magic or... what? This is starting to sound kind of weird, to be honest." As she would watch on observing the interaction between Minnie and Orelia she would them do a salute praising some overlord guy, probably the ruler of the area. She would try to mimic Minnie more than Orelia, trying to sell the idea of her being respectful and not draw attention to her or the others unnecessarily. In this situation that could be a very bad thing after all...

"Heil to the Overlord." She would attempt to replicate the salute and sound like everyone else in the city.

((Bluff check: 15+4=19))
Re: Overquest campaign

Town outskirts, then the Gate
Tag: All

Sekla coughed a bit, shivering as she was ground against over and over. Ah geez, how'd she end up like this. It wasn't she disliked sex, but this was rather embarrassing. They didn't even know each other!

The bunny girl was quite flighty and eventually detached. "I'm not a virgin, but I'm not typical of most Hobgoblins. My species has very dim views of arcane arts. Elf magic they call it. They use alchemy instead. And I don't clam people against the ground... Uh... Unless they want me to. Usually." Sekla blushed even harder at that.

She wasn't sure she liked that her powers were being spread around so casually, but it was a bit late now. And Orelia didn't quite seem like the sharpest knife in the mess kit. That could be a double edged sword though.

Either way, Sekla followed along to the entrance of town, where the guard did a salute and declaration. Well, there was no reason to act otherwise and cause a fuss. Though Kiyomi clearly wasn't paying full attention to how it was done. What did Heil mean?

"Glory to the Overlord.," said Sekla, mimicking the action the guard took. She'd leave the chatting up to the more gregarious members of her party if she could.
Re: Overquest campaign

Unknown little town
Tag: All

The guard seemed satisfied with the simple introduction and as you are with a local she gives you a questioning look but seems intend to let you pass without trouble.

Pass into what, without a closer examination looks like a normal, well off town. On closer examination you spot that this town seems to be exclusively inhabitated by gorgeous females. You are entering at a sort of small marketplace with roads leading to the left into a residential area, ahead towards a town hall and to the right towards a park which Orelia would know as recreational area.

Your new friends don't seem super enthusiastic about worshipping the overlord do they? Perhaps they are sick or tired. Thats the only reason you can come up with..

Perception 20:
A closer glance reveals that most of the shops around have jewelry, skimpy clothing, sweet cakes and candy and.. sex toys. What kind of place is this?

Perception 25+:
A sharp eye spots a few likenesses of the statue throning over the citygate as you glance into the city. You see this face in a cake, as jewelry and several likenesses of it in the sex stores..
Outskirts of town/inside town
Tag: Guard and party members

Yenna quickly cottoned on to the notion of blending in. As the saying in the Lower Planes often went: 'When in Azzagrat, do as the demons do!'

"Glory to the Overlord!" Yenna said, putting her fist out straight, then withdrawing it and immediately strumming on her sitar, making an impromptu song up as she walked with the group through the town gates, smiling with a wink at the guardswoman along the way.

"Oh glory to the overlord~ Keen he be like the edge of a sword~ Handsome is he; his people glad~ 'Cos bunny bimbos are the fad!~ What more could any bloke desire~ Than a comely lass by the fire?~ Here we all are, blonde and brunette~ and our overlord, makes us all wet~"

She tipped her head to the passersby, still amazed that there wasn't yet a man in sight, nor even a child or ugly person. She nudged Sekla while Kiyomi was momentarily distracting the bunny girl and whispered low so that only the hobgoblin could hear.

"I know I come from a rather sexually open background, but even I find this a bit much. Don't you? This overlord silliness could land us all in hot water if we're not careful. Should we make a break for it? Or shall I continue to play lewd songs as cover?"
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

( 16 Perception so not enough)

Sekla looked around, a little confused. All women? Where were the males? She said this was a breeder town, so she'd have expected to see a lot more men. But there wasn't one in sight! Maybe they were all herms like herself, but she didn't think there were that many of them amidst humans... Though maybe hobgoblin genes had gotten so interwoven into humanity that the gender oddities had just permanently been woven in? Without studying it, she had no idea.

No children either, which was odd for a breeder place. Maybe they were kept in another area, away from all of this lewdness. It'd make some sense.

Yenna seemed to be playing an impromptu ditty, but she caught Sekla's ear as she whispered to her.

"It's pretty out there. It's atypical even for my species. While I only have so much exposure to my own people, they were a lot more disciplined and harsh. This all seems atypical. I don't think the Overlord is a hobgoblin. Maybe someone who hired them. Either way, we've nowhere to make a break to for the moment. We need information, and supplies if we're going to figure anything out.," whispers Sekla back to Yenna.