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Out of Time (TentX)

Re: Out of Time (TentX)

Lily lucks out and happens upon a small nightclub tucked into a dark alley corner that caters to Darkborne, "The Darke Side". Inside she finds darks of all types partying even as danger lurks outside.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

Huh. Looks like a lively place, and full of other half monsters too, meaning I don't have to worry about being mobbed. she thinks as she walks up to the bar and has a seat waiting for the bartender to take her order.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"A succubus eh? We don't get many of those these day. What do you want miss?" The large minotaur bartender walks over and leans on the counter.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"let me have a glass of the best red wine you have please," she saids tossing the bartender a handful of gold coins, "it reminds me of blood. Oh, I was also wondering if you knew anything about all the rumors of Dracula's return that all spreading all over the place; and about the castle being built?"
I figure that if anyone would have a good ear for the things of the supernatural it would be other darkborne she thought.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

The club goes dead silent as soon as Dracula is mention, a nearby werewolf sniffs Lily. "Hey...I know that smell....you one of those murdeous celts who worship that madman!" Lily can feel dozens of eyes glaring at her.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"No." she saids deadpan and deathly serious, "My family has, but I'm not like them. I don't serve anyone or anything but myself and my own wishes and desires." even as she feels hundreds of eyes piercing daggers straight into her. "I was just wanting to see if anybody knew anything about it. I have no desire to be anyone's servant."
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

The bartender waves everyone to go back to their business and leans forward. "Drac has someone around here, someone nasty, all I know is that people, human and dark have been disappearing in the forests near Delphi. If you wanna go snooping I suggest you watch your back kid."
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"Don't worry. I'm not stupid enough to go chasing after him in the level I'm at now. But thanks for the advice all the same." she saids as she finishes off the last of her wine before heading out of the club into the cool night air. Delphi, huh? I guess it's as good a place to start as any other...... And with that she heads out into the woods, trying to avoid running into any villagers who might get startled by her appearance and give her any unwanted trouble.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"Don't worry. I'm not stupid enough to go chasing after him in the level I'm at now. But thanks for the advice all the same." she saids as she finishes off the last of her wine before heading out of the club into the cool night air. Delphi, huh? I guess it's as good a place to start as any other...... And with that she heads out into the woods, trying to avoid running into any villagers who might get startled by her appearance and give her any unwanted trouble.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

Lily sneaks out of Athens without any trouble and makes it all the way to to the forest of Delphi scott free. Things quickly go south however when at the edge of the woods she runs into what seems to be a cross beween a minotaur and a dairy cow. "None may enter the lair of Arachne.....leave insolent tresspasser!"
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"Oh yeah, milk utters? Why don't you try to make?" She saids before blowing a kiss to the cow creature, casting charm at it.

(I know shorter then my usual fare, but im trying to get warmed up :p
Cast charm)
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

(14 Charm succeeds but she grants your request)

The woman's face gets a blush to it before she frowns and backhands Lily knocking her over. "You will pay for that insult winged whore..."

Lily takes only 4 damage thanks to charm landing.
HP:41 MP:6
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

Lily is sent reeling over backwards from the minotaur's blow. "OW! THAT HURT YOU BIG UGLY HEFFER!" she shouts out as she kips back up and unleashes an assault of wind blades towards the cow beast before lunging at it attempting to latch onto its neck hoping to suck it dry.

windcutter followed by vampire bite.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

(3 and a 1 *winces* this is going to hurt)

The cow woman rolls away from the blades that fly at her and lands a punch into Lily's gut, when Lily recovers and lunges at her she gets caught by the throat. "You only get to suck on me when I say so...." She violently throws Lily into the ground hard enough to cause dirt to fly up.

Lily takes 10 damage in total. (that would have been devastating without the charm effect still working)

HP:31 MP:4
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

Having the wind knocked out of her, Lily slowly and staggeringly gets back up on her wobbly legs, winded but nonetheless willing to fight; irritated and frustrated at the cow womans stubborneness. "ALRIGHT! NOW I'M MAD, FERDINAND!" she shouts as she unleashes another torrent of wind blades at the cow like creature and once again tries to suck her blood from her.

Windcutter and Vampire bite, one more time!
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

The wind blades shoot by the cow and Lily takes another blow, this time her bite works though and she sinks her teeth into the cow but not for long before she feels two hands grab her and then slam her into the ground.

(Only successfully held on for one turn)
In total Lily takes 3 damage factoring in the healing from the bite.
HP:29 MP:2
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

Lily is getting hot now as the cow demon refuses to give in and expire peacefully and quietly, and getting sick of being thrown around like a rag doll. "DO YOU NOT KNOW WHEN TO DIE!?" She screams as she throws another assault of wind blades at the cow creature, hoping to lure it into the direction she wants and get a good grip on her, attempting to drain the beast again.

(Yep same combo before, not letting up, COME ON TWENTIES! )
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

Lily finally slashes the woman with her wind which distracts her long enough to latch on and begin draining the cow. She holds on for dear life as she thrashes and screams until the cow slams her back against a tree finally dislodging her. "Damn...whore..." She staggers around snorting.

(Lily held on for 5 TURNS!)
Lily completely heals but takes 4 damage from being dislodged, charm ends.

HP:41 MP:0
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

damn. out of mp. And I dont have a lot of strength. I'm just going to hope I've drained her enough to where if I manage to bite her again it'll take her down. Remind me to grab some weapons sometime.)

Going all out ready to put this foe down for good and continue on her quest Lily decides to throw everything she has into one last attempt to drain the cow woman and get her out of her hair once and for all. "That was a good meal, now its time to top it off with a little drink!" She saids as once again tries to latch on to her foe.

One more (hopefully final) Vampire Bite!
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

(Vamp bite is a special skill, it takes mp :p )

Lily prepares her nails and leaps at the woman, a quick slash across the throat and she falls to the ground motionless

(still was weak enough to down her with a swipe though)