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Orphan of Fate (Alpacalypse)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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To say Ella was unlucky was probably the grandest understatement made in all of Pekol. She didn't like explaining her past to any others, and despite the several villages and few other towns she had stayed in, she had never stayed in one place for too long, never really making friends. Of the few she did tell her story to, it often went unheard - most villagers had their own problems to deal with; and these 'Descendants', something she hadn't heard before, were either completely disinterested in her story; or if they were the more floozy ones, like that scraggly-haired blonde one, they were more interested in how and why people would lay stones into the ground.

So she mainly kept to herself; Luna's blessing helped with that, as many just... looked over her, leaving Ella mostly to herself. She stayed in her Yurt, only venturing out when others needed her help. With all the Descendants who were leaving to go on adventures, it seemed like she wouldn't be needed. She slipped back towards her hut, happy to be left around... until she ran across the one person in this village who always seemed to notice her:


Kainda smiles brightly, tugging on her loose clothes that barely covered her body; there were rumors she went hunting out in the nude, but they only seemed to be that: Just rumors.
"Think you're going somewhere, Ella?" The sharp-eyed Huntress asked.

[Current Position: 0,0]
Re: Orphan of Fate (Alpacalypse)

"Good, a day to myself. I can-" Ella started at the sudden intrusion into her thoughts as a melodic voice broke into her daydream. "O-oh, Kainda. H-hello," she replied cautiously. The red-eyed girl had grown accustomed to people ignoring her over the years, so the near-constant attention from the dark-skinned huntress was entirely new, and unpleasant.

"Going somewhere? No, I was-" she began to speak, then quickly stopped. If she said she was just going back home, the nosy near-nudist would probably insist on coming along. What could she say to prevent an unwanted escort? And why was this woman so interested in her affairs, anyway? "A-actually, I was WHAT IS THAT THING!?" She pointed behind Kainda as she cried out in mock terror, before turning and bolting for the edge of the village, calling upon her divine heritage to shroud herself from others as she did.

Perform ye olde "Look over there!" routine, running in any direction (no preference from me which direction she runs), cast shroud upon self.
Re: Orphan of Fate (Alpacalypse)

The Huntress' eyes go wide, the huntress grabbing onto her spear as she began to shift her body... only to break out into a grin, slamming the stone-tipped weapon into the ground."I'm not falling for that again," Kainda shakes her head, looking at the Descendant with a gleam in her eyes.

"Since you're so eager to get out of the village, why not come on a little hunting trip with me, hmm?" She leans in, resting on her spear as she looks up at Ella, "Help me hunt down some food so we all don't starve? I mean... I'm not really giving you a choice, after all."
Re: Orphan of Fate (Alpacalypse)

"Damn," the red-eyed half-elf muttered to herself. Ella had been just about to pivot and run when the green-haired nuisance dashed her hopes for a day alone. "Oh come ONNNN, Kainda," she whined plaintively. "Why don't you just go hunting by yourself? I'm sure you'll do better on your own than with me tagging along."

Assuming ((most likely correctly)) that whining won't move Kainda's merciless heart, Ella will resort to...resigned whining. "Ugh, FIIIIINE, lead the way, oh glorious huntress," the last bit said with more than a hint of sarcasm. She didn't know what Kainda had meant by "not really giving you a choice," but Ella was fairly certain that, yeah, she definitely had a choice...just not a very good one.
Re: Orphan of Fate (Alpacalypse)

"Me? Lead? Oh, great!" The human says, pulling her spear tip from the ground, "I get to drag a Descendant around like she's a little Krute Pup!" Giggling, the Huntress starts towards the village perimeter - but before the thought even crosses Ella's mind to take off in the other direction, the Huntress spins around, pointing at her menacingly.

"Hey! Don't you even think about running away! You walk right next to me!" She says, wagging her finger, before grabbing onto Ella and pulling her so they could walk side-by-side.

[Choose a direction to go; if you don't I'll decide randomly.]
Re: Orphan of Fate (Alpacalypse)

"I-I wasn't even thinking of running," Ella protested mid-stride, before turning and rejoining Kainda. "And yes, you should lead, because it's *your* idea to go hunting in the first place," the half-elf huffed, folding her arms.

After further arguments, the white-haired girl would throw her arms up exasperatedly in the air, proclaiming "fine, fine! You win, I'll lead. Follow me," then proceeding to the southeast.

((Going southeast, not sure if anyone else has gone this way, don't much care, there's a lot of people going every which way....))
Re: Orphan of Fate (Alpacalypse)

"I always win," Kainda says with a grin, before following after Ella, humming along the way. Even as they descended into the thick forest around them, Ella found the Huntress' attitude to be rather infectious... even if she didn't want to be out and about today.

Walking along a commonly traveled hunting path, Kainda pointed out the various spots she had spent the night while getting food for the village. One was a small cavern that Kainda had never gone into; she was apparently afraid of 'those places'; another was a rather thick tree, which probably would have taken three or four people to put their arms around completely. As they came around a bend, however, something really caught Ella's eye: A giant pillar of stone, right in the middle of the path. Kainda walked around it, but Ella could feel there was something more to this... There had to be.

[You've found a giant rock! Too bad you don't have any pickaxes.]

[Current Position: -1, -1]