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Opportunity for a potentially destructive RP (Ghostbusting) (Dead)


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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No, I'm trying to seriously destroy things. Instead, I've been looking at possibly running a game using the rules. (Semi-official *free* source there...) And well... Proton packs aren't exactly precision devices...

Anyway, the game, if it runs, will be set in a fictitious town in the Rocky Mountain area, probably somewhere in Colorado. The player characters will be new hires at a Ghostbusters franchise location in the town, under a more experience 'Buster. And of course, there's going to be a few haunted locations around town, including a fancy hotel. Because that's almost required.

If I get enough posted interest, I'll throw up some more details about the town, and a template/format for character posting.

EDIT: Derp, forgot to mention: Rules are d6-based Dice Pools, with a special Ghost Die (That's the nasty one, by the way. 1d6-1 to handle electronically, zero is the ghost). I've gotten information that will let me handle that electronically, without the actual die. Also, forum or chat based will be determined by scheduling of available players. And what can be best used.
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Re: Opportunity for a potentially destructive RP (Ghostbusting)

The old-school West End Games version? SWEET. I'm interested. Don't know when I'll find the damned time... but definitely interested.
Re: Opportunity for a potentially destructive RP (Ghostbusting)

I am... Interested.
Re: Opportunity for a potentially destructive RP (Ghostbusting)

Okay, a few more details worked out now. Namely, a few major NPCs and notes about the location and starting conditions for the story stuffs:

Michael Serin (NPC) is going to be the Franchise Owner. He's also going to be the On-Site Commander at first, which basically means he'll be tagging along on runs to argue with the client over payment (Boring stuff) while the characters get to do the fun stuff, like accidentally destroying property with the Proton Streams.

There will be another, currently unnamed, experienced 'Buster NPC who will be handling equipment maintenance and such. He'll be on limited field duty while recovering from a previous event elsewhere.

Also planned are an NPC to handle the reception and administrative type stuff (Boring things) as well as the local pain-in-the-ne... Uh, I mean Oversight Commission agent.

As for the location: As previously stated, there's going to be some manner of fancy hotel with snooty staff. Because reasons. Also included in the town will be some historical buildings with Old West-ish history, an abandoned and run-down asylum of questionable history, and perhaps a few other notable locations for ghostly activities, because there needs to be some ghosts around to bust.

The actual "Headquarters" location for the characters will be just outside of town. The characters will be starting out as new hires for the expanding location, so expect the first stuff to be training exercises. (It'll help get people on the same page with the rolls, if nothing else.)

Now with character format:

Do you feel a burning need to help humanity in some fashion? Do you have a notable deficiency in excitement in your life?
Are you finding it hard to be scared at things? Are you interested in new scenery?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, particularly the second and third ones, apply now for a chance to join the newest, growing addition to the Ghostbusters International franchise, located in Emison, Colorado! *Limited relocation expense assistance is available.*

Potential applicants should fill out the follow form, and send it to the above listed franchise location:

Full Legal Name:
Physical Gender*:
Short Physical Description and/or Photo:

*This is primarily for equipment strap configuration comfort.

Please rate yourself on the following 1-5 scales, and list one (1) area of expertise within the following categories:


Which of the following categories best describes your motivating reason for applying with the franchise holder:

Dating Edge* / Cold Science / Celebrity / Serving Humanity / Wealth

Please attach any additional pertenent and/or notable information, such as major medical or psychological conditions separately.

Other Information:

*Please note that while some franchise personnel have reported improved success in dating, particularly one-night stands, your mileage may vary.

GM Note: Only the non-italic text is important for the character posting. Also, total attribute points should not exceed 12. Maximum of 5 in one Trait, minimum of 1. Please review pages 3-5 of the Training Manual pdf for ideas on Talents to pick.
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Re: Opportunity for a potentially destructive RP (Ghostbusting) (Now with Character F

Will we be using the supplements as well?
Re: Opportunity for a potentially destructive RP (Ghostbusting) (Now with Character F

EDIT THE DERP: Okay, supplement issue sussed out. The two books marked supplementary on the linked page are just pre-mades, so unnecessary. However, Ghost Toasties *does* include a one-page quick reference deal for character gen, so that could be useful for players.
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Re: Opportunity for a potentially destructive RP (Ghostbusting) (Now with Character F

Full Legal Name: Gabriel Curze
Aliases: none at the moment
Physical Gender: Male
Short Physical Description and/or Photo: Young man in his twenties, slim and not very muscular. Wears glasses with thin metal rims, has quite bad eyesight without them. Blonde, short hair. Blue eyes.

Please rate yourself on the following 1-5 scales, and list one (1) area of expertise within the following categories:

Brains: 4 (Pyrotechnics)
Muscle: 2 (Scarfing Food)
Moves: 3 (Sneak)
Cool: 3 (Appear Innocent)

Which of the following categories best describes your motivating reason for applying with the franchise holder:

Dating Edge / Cold Science / Celebrity / Serving Humanity / Wealth

Other Information: Likes heavy metal, eats a lot. Likes to watch stuff burn, though usually responsible about that and follows safety procedures, if there are any to follow. Bit of a recluse, doesn't handle alcohol too well.
Re: Opportunity for a potentially destructive RP (Ghostbusting) (Now with Character F

Character is approved.

I'd like to see at least two more characters, but I'm not holding my breath on that. As a note, if it remains just two expressions of interest by tomorrow, I'll probably just declare this dead.
Re: Opportunity for a potentially destructive RP (Ghostbusting) (Now with Character F

What the hell, I'll try to make a character tomorrow. Let's see what happens.