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Open Hand (RPS Card Game Concept)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 22, 2010
Reputation score
This is a concept for a Rock-Paper-Scissors deckbuilding game I'm working on, most likely to resolve combat in RPs. Fluff-wise, it can be used with unarmed or armed combat, but mainly I'm using the former here as a baseline.


-Each player starts with a hand of 5 cards and 100 HP.
-Players take their turns simultaneously. Each round, they each place one card face down during the Preparation Phase and then flip them over during the Combat Phase, where effects are resolved.
-Red cards beat Green cards, Green cards beat Blue cards, and Blue cards beat Red cards unless otherwise stated on the card itself.
-If both of the same color is played, nothing happens unless otherwise specified (as with a Breaker)
-If a player has no cards to play during a Combat Phase while the other does, then they automatically lose and suffer the penalties of whatever the attacking card does.
-If both players are out of cards during the end of a round, they draw up to 5 cards again from their respective decks.
-If both players are out of cards in their decks during the end of a round, they reshuffle their discard piles and draw up to 5 again from their respective decks.

-For every successful hit past the first, an extra 10 damage is dealt. After that, an extra 20 damage is dealt, and so on. So the second successful hit will deal +10 damage, the third successful hit will deal +20 damage, the fourth successful hit will deal +30 damage, and so on, in addition to whatever the card itself does--unless otherwise specified.

Stances / Styles:
-These tend to be static modifiers for certain characters. More can be unlocked via progression.
-Everyone starts with these basic styles:
+Sturdy: Start with an additional +40 HP as long as this stance is selected.
+Fast: Deal an additional +10 damage with each successful combo hit past the first. 2-hits deal +20, 3-hits deal +30, 4-hits deal +40, etc.
+Strong: Each successful attack deals an extra +5 damage.

-Maximum 3 of any one card.
-Deck size should be 20 cards.
-Players have slots numbered 1-20, and place the names of the cards they receive in each slot. GM determines what cards they draw randomly and PM it to them.
-All PCs and NPCs have access to the ‘core 20’ cards. Others can be hidden.

Core 20 Cards:
1.) Red Attack
If played against a Green card, deal 20 damage to the opponent.
2.) Green Attack
If played against a Blue card, deal 20 damage to the opponent.
3.) Blue Attack
If played against a Red card, deal 20 damage to the opponent.
4.) Red Counter
If played against a Green card, deal 40 damage to the opponent, or 60 against a Green Jab. If played against a Red card, you lose instead of tie.
5.) Green Counter
If played against a Blue card, deal 40 damage to the opponent, or 60 against a Blue Jab. If played against a Green card, you lose instead of tie.
6.) Blue Counter
If played against a Red card, deal 40 damage to the opponent, or 60 against a Red Jab. If played against a Blue card, you lose instead of tie.
7.) Red Slam
If played against a Green card, deal 30 damage to the opponent and draw a card. If you lose, you take an additional 10 damage.
8.) Green Slam
If played against a Blue card, deal 30 damage to the opponent and draw a card. If you lose, you take an additional 10 damage.
9.) Blue Slam
If played against a Red card, deal 30 damage to the opponent and draw a card. If you lose, you take an additional 10 damage.
10.) Red Disabler
If played against a Green card, opponent discards 1 card at random. Deal 10 damage to that opponent.
11.) Green Disabler
If played against a Blue card, opponent discards 1 card at random. Deal 10 damage to that opponent.
12.) Blue Disabler
If played against a Red card, opponent discards 1 card at random. Deal 10 damage to that opponent.
13.) Red Jab
If played against a Green card, deal 10 damage to the opponent. Receive no damage from Blue cards played against this (besides Blue Counters). You still 'lose' versus Blue cards.
14.) Green Jab
If played against a Blue card, deal 10 damage to the opponent. Receive no damage from Red cards played against this (besides Red Counters). You still 'lose' versus Red cards.
15.) Blue Jab
If played against a Red card, deal 10 damage to the opponent. Receive no damage from Green cards played against this (besides Green Counters). You still 'lose' versus Blue cards.
16.) Red Throw
If played against a Green card, place the top 3 cards of opponent’s deck into their discard pile. Against a Red card you still apply the effects, but it is considered a tie.
17.) Green Throw
If played against a Blue card, place the top 3 cards of opponent’s deck into their discard pile. Against a Green card you still apply the effects, but it is considered a tie.
18.) Blue Throw
If played against a Red card, place the top 3 cards of opponent’s deck into their discard pile. Against a Blue card you still apply the effects, but it is considered a tie.
19.) Feint
Deals no damage, but will add +20 damage to the next attack if successful. Loses only to Jabs of any color, which also cancel its effect. Maximum 2 per deck.
20.) Trick Shot
Deals 5 damage to an opponent. Does not lose to any colored cards. Maximum 1 per deck.
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Re: Open Hand (RPS Card Game Concept)


Re: Open Hand (RPS Card Game Concept)

Pickup Setting:
In a remote province of Honrai, 800 AR, a corrupt lord has turned slavery into the norm, enforced by his club of elites who profit off of it. This lord is a fan of the unarmed martial arts, and employs particularly skilled fighters as his bodyguards. However, mock bouts between his employees can only entertain him so much, and he thirsts to see newer and more exotic styles put to the test against one another. So he has organized a tournament where the victor is given a large monetary sum and a 'favor' from the lord. In this land of slaves, they can buy the freedom of whoever they please--themselves included, if they happen to be enslaved. Alternatively, they can choose to enslave a freeman who is not among the lord's family or elite.

Let the begin!

Character Name, Description or Picture, and Brief History (1-2 paragraphs)
Deck List (number slots 1-20 and put a card in each)
Chosen Style (Sturdy, Strong or Fast)

The way 1v1 will work with a GM is that your card selections for each round will be PM'd to the GM, who will then post the results.
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Re: Open Hand (RPS Card Game Concept)

Chika Kimura

Style: Fast (Deal an additional +10 damage with each successful combo.)

1) Red Attack
2) Red Attack
3) Red Attack
4) Green Attack
5) Green Attack
6) Blue Attack
7) Blue Attack
8) Red Counterattack
9) Green Counterattack
10) Blue Counterattack
11) Red Breaker
12) Red Breaker
13) Blue Breaker
14) Green Breaker
15) Red Jab
16) Red Jab
17) Red Jab
18) Feint
19) Feint
20) Trick Shot

Heir to a school in her homeland which has fallen out of favour after her master's disgrace, Chika is seeking to redeem herself and the teachings she spent years mastering through action. She travels, seeking greater challenges to prove herself, but it still perhaps too naive to the ways of the world. She was tricked, walking willingly into this tournament while not quite understanding the truth behind it until it was too late—and now she isn't likely to be allowed to back out.
Re: Open Hand (RPS Card Game Concept)

Song Mei

Style: Strong (Deal +5 damage each hit)

1.) Red Attack
2.) Green Attack
3.) Blue Attack
4.) Red Attack
5.) Green Attack
6.) Blue Attack
7.) Red Breaker
8.) Green Breaker
9.) Blue Breaker
10.) Green Taunt
11.) Red Jab
12.) Red Jab
13.) Green Jab
14.) Green Jab
15.) Blue Jab
16.) Blue Jab
17.) Feint
18.) Feint
19.) Feint
20.) Trick Shot


Mei is the only child of a heroic guard captain who fell in battle recently. Without a son to pass on his techniques to, Mei's father taught her the ways of his strong-style martial arts, as well as the ability to wield the staff and long-spear.

Song Mei must support her ailing mother, and sees the possibility of winning this tournament and its monetary prizes as a way of achieving security for herself and her mother. Sadly, as she is attractive, the collateral for her entry to the tournament is her freedom and her body.
Re: Open Hand (RPS Card Game Concept)

Mei and Chika walked out into the arena, standing across from each other. A raucous, cheering crowd of commoners can quite easily be heard in the crescent arrangement of seats to one side. To the other, the lord and his elite solemnly watch with noted curiosity. The stakes are high, for the loser is made a slave of one of the lord's elite, or perhaps the lord himself, while the winner moves on for a chance to change their lives completely.

Round 1:
Mei used Green Taunt, Chika used Red Attack. Mei takes 10 damage and is down to 90 HP.
Round 2:
Mei used Feint, Chika used Green Counterattack. Nothing happens.
Round 3:
Mei used Blue Breaker, Chika used Green Attack. Mei takes 10 damage and is down to 80 HP.
Round 4:
Mei used Blue Attack, Chika used Red Breaker. Chika takes 15 damage and is down to to 85 HP.
Round 5:
Mei used Green Jab, Chika used Red Jab. Nothing happens.
Round 6:
Mei used Blue Jab, Chika used Blue Attack. Nothing happens.
Round 7:
Mei used Green Jab, Chika used Blue Counterattack. Chika takes 10 damage and is down to 75 HP.
Round 8:
Mei used Red Attack, Chika used Red Attack. Nothing happens.
Round 9:
Mei used Red Attack, Chika used Blue Breaker. Chika takes 15 damage and is down to 60.
Round 10
Mei used Feint, Chika used Green Breaker. Nothing happens.
Round 11
Mei used Trick Shot, Chika used Red Attack. Chika takes 10 damage and is down to 50.
Round 12
Mei used Feint, Chika used Blue Attack. Nothing happens.
Round 13
Mei used Blue Attack, Chika used Trick Shot. Mei takes 5 damage and is down to 75.
Round 14
Mei used Red Jab, Chika used Red Counterattack. Chika takes 10 damage and is down to 40.
Round 15
Mei used Green Attack, Chika used Red Breaker. Chika takes 15 damage and is down to 25.
Round 16
Mei used Red Breaker, Chika used Feint. Nothing happens.
Round 17
Mei used Red Jab, Chika used Blue Breaker. Chika takes 10 damage and is down to 5.
Round 18
Mei used Green Breaker, Chika used Red Jab. Mei takes 5 damage and is down to 70.
Round 19
Mei used Blue Jab, Chika used Red Jab. Nothing happens.
Round 20
Mei used Green Attack, Chika used Red Jab. Mei takes 5 damage and is down to 65.
Round 21
Mei used Red Jab, Chika used Green Attack. Chika takes 10 damage and is defeated.

Well, learned a lot from that one. Mostly that it took a lot longer than expected, so damage values will likely be doubled so as to make Breakers and Counterattacks actually worth it. Combos need to be able to complete without needing every single thing to hit, so instead of being color-based, there will likely be a 'combo damage bonus' for multiple successful attacks that land.
So things to do with it:
-Overhaul combo system
-Adjust style system
-Double the damage of all attacks, so as to make risky moves like Breakers and Counters worth it
-Nerf Feint and either reduce its allowed number of copies or give it color
Thanks for the help!
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