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I don't play DnD.... so I'm lost there.

Well, in the D&D measuring system, a typical soldier is a level 1 npc class warrior. A career soldier might be a level 1 fighter, and eventually you might get up to a level 7 as the extremely experienced war hero.

Just realize that the monster profiles for gods and demon princes places them around levels 17-19.

Yet in the typical D&D 3.5 game, we have characters of level 5+ easily... Me thinks there's something skewed with 'that' measuring system.

We have characters 5+ because low level characters are boring to play.

Exactly. But that's the thing, D&D is hardly an accurate measurement stick, as you have slavers and such at level 6-7 walking around. ((One memorable slavemaster was a level 10 sorcerer who screwed a level 6 psion over via Otto's irresistable dance)). Mind if I suggest we find another guideline? Because if I were to be farfetched with my "level" gauging, an orcish shaman, say... level 6, could effectively be powerful enough to nuke the fortress from the earth by himself.

Eh, probably the safest way to assume things is that if you have a certain level of skill, there are a few orcs with the same level of skill. At the same time, if your backstory says nothing about combat prowess, the orcs will likely be more skilled in combat than you. From the lore it seems that most orc warriors have at least an amount of basic training, and most are probably experienced.

A character such as Fanta's Samira would likely be slaughtered:
  • Samira doesn't seem to have done much with her flamberge sense her father taught her how to use it, so she is likely extremely rusty.
  • She has no training with knives.
  • All of her recent experiences have been thievery and not combat, so all orcs she encounters are likely going to be more experienced in fighting than she is.

That's because spellcasting in DnD is flawed to begin with, the power of the spells is way too high compared to the abilities of the other classes. At earlier levels it isn't so bad, because their weaknesses are easier to exploit when they don't have as many defensive spells to use. At higher levels, usually above ten, there's really no reason to play anything else, unless you're making an entire character to maximize a single ability.

That's because spellcasting in DnD is flawed to begin with, the power of the spells is way too high compared to the abilities of the other classes. At earlier levels it isn't so bad, because their weaknesses are easier to exploit when they don't have as many defensive spells to use. At higher levels, usually above ten, there's really no reason to play anything else, unless you're making an entire character to maximize a single ability.

Actually, it still works out if the gm you're playing with doesn't allow you to sit down and sleep for 8 hours after every fight. That's when players start running out of spells.

Even at the wizards-approved 4 encounters per rest, magic-users don't usually run out if played right. They take more planning and preparation to play well, but they blow everything else out of the water. Out of the five most powerful classes in the game, including all the extra books and magazines, druid, wizard, and cleric are the top three, in that order.

Well, Sin's made it clear that she's not basing her system on D&D, so while using it for a guideline might be helpful, it's not necessary. However, having a certain "check and balance" for spellcasting might be good. Requiring time to cast the spells (though having one or two "minor effect" quick-casts might not be out of the realm of possibility); having a source you need to draw from and if that source is not available, then the spell will take longer/not work; saying that you can cast only X number of spells before you're too exhausted to think...those might make things a little less, I think Sin said "mary sue-ish." Given that we've come into this with no discernable "level," it's probable to consider the fact that the spellcasters have a decent array of arcane magics at their disposal. What probably should be considered is limitations on that. What's stopping them from nuking the orcs from orbit and putting an end to this now? Either a generally accepted checks and balance might need to be put into place or people are just going to have to make certain that they don't god-mod and if they do, they're going to have to accept the consequences when the guiding force in the story (aka Sin) puts the kaibosh on it.

Apologies about the lack of updates on my part, I've been away, as happens often enough without internet access. Though it seems you folks have kept this going.

No worries. Life happens. Didn't do much about Alysha in my posts, since I figured they'd keep her being wounded under wraps as much as possible so as not to cause havoc. And if people want to ignore me and Deagan, that's fine by me *grins*

Hehe, I'm still laughing at the reaction's I got:

Medic- He's strapped down for his own good, and the ice is helping.

Deagon- Bah, lemme go and get this ice off me.

Rohn- Okie dokie!

Ako'or- Maybe you should listen to the medic?

All- Fuck off!


Hehehe, I wouldn't have been so surprised. The Drow was actin' like a dickhead. So I guess it wasn't so much his suggestion, as it was the person everyone was telling to fawk off. :p

Fair enough, and that is the entire point, after all. Fun fun!
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